
Monday, December 18, 2017

"Happiness" by Krystal C

        I believe in finding happiness. Happiness is the state of being happy; whether i’m at home with my family or exploring the world with my friends. Happiness is something that I have to find within myself no matter what the situation is. Life is too short to be dwelling on the bad parts of life. I'm not saying that I don't have bad days, or that I don't go through tough times, everybody does, and I know I will have plenty more in the future too; but I believe there should never be a day or an event that can ruin anyone’s happiness for the rest of one's life. Even in the toughest times I constantly try to find some sort of happiness within the little things. Currently my great grandma is turning 87 this year and she has dementia, she is kind of going downhill pretty fast and I’m trying to spend every last moment with her, even her good and bad days. Because I’m taking all the time I have left with her and making it the best. She has lived a long life but there are those who haven’t and you honestly don’t know when it can be taken from you. You can die today and regret all the moments you wasted on being sad or mad instead of just letting it go and moving on. It’s frustrates me when I see my friends or other people yearning on bad things or letting rumors, drama and heartbreak get to them because only few understand that this is only temporary and we have 6 more months of our youth. I believe everyone is here for a reason and if you have the opportunity to live your life then do it and make the best out of it! Happiness isn't just a mood, it's more than that. It can be what brings me joy; from eating my favorite food to seeing my favorite artists live. I literally hate working so much and that’s my biggest struggle to bring the joy out of because people are so rude and smelly and ignorant but I found ways in which I can enjoy it and be thankful that I even have a job and have the opportunity to be doing the things I do at my age.
I understand there are those who can’t agree with me on this, you have your own belief or religion or faith so believe whatever you want. As of right now I am finding my true happiness through my senior year with my best friends and my mom. This is my last year with new friends and those who i've grown up with and after I will be going to the Air Force for 4 years. I'm starting to realize it doesn't matter what I do as long as it makes me happy. I’ve begun to leave everything negative in the past because there is no more time to lament on things. I want to enjoy myself to the fullest. Being positive and looking on the brighter side of things plays a huge role in the outcome of my senior year, and life in general. Apart from that I hope EVERYONE lives their best life and learns from their experiences, to appreciate the good and the bad, and never take anything for granted.


  1. After reading this post and looking back at all the things I have been through personally, gave me a lot of hope. I agree with you when you said "...but I believe there should never be a day or an event that can ruin anyone's happiness for the rest of one's life." Great Work Krystal!

  2. I really enjoyed your post! I often find myself dwelling in my sadness and shutting people out when I should be letting them in to help me focus on the positive things in life. Its true, you can find happiness in even the saddest of situations but we just need to work a little to find it. Thank you for sharing this and boosting my happiness as well. It has been a hard senior year but with your words of encouragement I know we can all finish strong.

  3. I agree with you 100% about the idea of happiness. You chose wise ways to show your meaning of happiness and many people would be inspired by reading this. Overall, great blog post!

  4. I really enjoyed reading this, 2017 was a very hard year for me. I've struggled with a lot of things especially being happy. But now that it's a new year I really need to focus on being happy. Thank you for writing this I truly appreciate it.

  5. I enjoyed your interpretation on happiness and joy. Your writing style is easy to read and allows your message to be powerful. That we don't live long to be angry or spiteful in life and you put your own experience to prove it. Reading this gave me a sense of reality to be more joyful in my life and appreciate the people close to me.

    -Joseph Madere Period 1

  6. Thank you for sharing your idea of what happiness is and inspiring many to look at life from this perspective! It is definitely important to live it to the fullest and I thank you for reminding me. You articulated your thoughts really well!Amazing job.

  7. I totally agree with this 100%! People should not take anything for granted and cherish every moment and look on the positive side, so when look back, they only see the good and not feel any regret. Terrific job! Erick Gutierrez per.4

  8. Happiness is something that has become a struggle in our current society, but in fact should be a natural part of life. Happiness should be spread person to person and exist in everyones heart and mind. Your piece clearly highlights the need for happiness in life and that’s what makes it great.

  9. I really likes this post about what it means to be happy and how one an achieve that happiness. I specifically liked the parts where you said to not worry about your regrets and instead focus on the positives. That's something I have always tried to do, and you put it into words well. Good job!

  10. I find this post very insightful and frankly addresses the true meaning of happiness that many people tend to complicate. I like how you included the little things that make you happy to show that even the simplest things can bring someone happiness. Your unique writing style shows your passion and real life experiences with this topic, which adds to the influence it would have on readers. I honestly feel inspired to continue to focus on my own happiness. Thank you for this!!

  11. Reading this post gave me a lot of encouragement! I strongly agree with your point of view behind happiness. Staying positive can be a persons best bet throughout hardships, and even in general. This post is a very thought provoking post that will uplift those feeling down.

  12. Great take on life and great insight into the mind of someone who always strives to have a positive outlook on life. A lot to learn from this shared mindset.

  13. This post really opened up my eyes and i literally could not have read something that i needed to read more than this right now. I am at an utter an complete loss of words right now Krystal. You have outdone yourself this time, you really have. You wrote about something that I think needs to be addressed in the real world and I wouldnt not be surprised if this became a speech in real life. Thank You for opening up my eyes to me and teaching me something Krystal. This was truly a good job.

  14. This was such a beautiful post! You’re definition of happiness is so pure. The way you incorporated your own issues into it made it seem more realistic like we all go through things but let’s harp on the positive not negative. Great job! -Sabrina Wilkerson per.1

  15. WOW! Great job Krystal! I love how you perceive life and certain situations around you. I also like how you addressed the true meaning of happiness. I also agree with the point you made that people focus on negatives too much and tend to overlook the positive things in life. I believe that everyone has happiness they just don't realize it. Once again, this was wonderful!

  16. This was a well- written piece. It gives us another perspective of what happiness really is and it highlights how we should live in the moment and not take things for granted. Great job!
    - Eliana Rodriguez

  17. Wow Krystal, I completely agree with your blog entry and your perspective on life an trying to stay happy. I appreciate the personal details and stories you included, great job!

  18. Thank you for such a great post. I was moved because I too sometimes catch myself pushing people out of my life and embracing myself with my sorrow and I understand how unhealthy that is. I am glad to have read this and I hope others can have more positive thoughts.

  19. Personally, I love the way you interpret happiness and also how you make it a goal of yours to seek daily happiness. It's very strong of you to write about anything personal, but it's even better to see how you turn a sad situation into a life lesson. Your writing is great and truly gives insight as to why it is important to live each day as if it were your last and HOW to be a little bit happier each day that goes by.
    -Valerie Cortez

  20. Because I’ve known you for like, ever... I truly admire your genuine capability of being able to use any experience in your life and being able to share it with other people. Your purpose behind this piece is actually something every teenager should go by, life is way to short to grief over things that don’t matter in the long run. This was a truly great blog and there’s lots to learn from your overall optimistic mindset.

  21. There many different kinds of ways to pursue happiness, and the way you explain it and your own personal experiences and beliefs are very true to what the real happiness may be.

    Jeremiah Credo

  22. I love how you show what happiness means to you. And I agree that life is short and should enjoy the little things. Reading this really opened my eyes a bit thank you for sharing.

  23. I absolutely loved how you made this piece personal by talking about your grandmother, it made your story more powerful. After reading this, I started to see the world the way you described, with more happiness. We are almost ready to graduate and I think you were right, we need to make these last few months great!

  24. I really enjoyed this piece mainly because you did a wonderful job describing the feelings of happiness. I am also very glad that you emphasize that you only need yourself to be happy and to always find the "good" in a situation.

  25. Krystal, I really love how you showed us how it is important to not dwell on the bad aspects of our life. You displayed to us it's imperative that we appreciate all the great things that happen to us on a daily basis. Personally, I believe everything happens for a reason, and even if its bad, there has got to be a purpose for it. I thoroughly enjoyed your post and loved how you related it to your personal life. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful post on your perspective on the feeling of happiness.

  26. I really love your perspective on happiness and how you always search for it through everything. I appreciated how you said that you hate working yet you find ways to stay positive; this is evidence that you try to stay positive even when the situation isn't ideal. This was really well written, and I enjoyed reading it!

  27. Great Job Krystal! I found your piece very relatable because everyone has their ups and downs in life but its more important to focus on the good and keep moving forward. I liked how you related your story to your own personal experiences in life and I find your way of viewing life very motivational and positive. Good luck in the Air Force!

  28. I really love the way you explain happiness krystal and how you define it through your own words. And how you turned that situation into a lesson that betters you. This is great work

  29. Yes, this rings true for all of us. Too often, we worry about tests and grades and AP exams, on a daily basis in fact. We don't stop to just experience the world for what it is because we are too occupied with securing a satisfactory future. Specifically, we must be happy and grateful.

  30. Thank you so much for speaking your mind about happiness! I feel like there are many times where I take things in my life for granted without realizing how important it is. Especially when it comes to my own happiness, there are things that I (along with others) shouldn't sacrifice it for. Like you said, we should enjoy every single happy moment in life because of how short it is. I won't forget to cherish the people around me and I'll try to make the best out of everything. Thank you for your insight!

  31. Krystal, I like the mature approach you took in realizing that happiness is something under your own control and not living in the past. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us and allowing us to have better lives. Good work.

  32. This was extremely well written. This really opened my eyes on how I should always try to be happy and see the best of every situation. I really enjoyed how you discussed about trying to find happiness in every situation. This is something I could relate to because I also try to do this.
    -Steve Martinez P.1


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