
Monday, December 18, 2017

"Make your own french crepes!" by Jacqueline C

I’m sure you have all tried French Crepes before. If you haven’t then you are missing out! Every year during christmas, my family sets up a stand to sell crepes in our village in Mexico. During those days, many families set up stands and sell what they desire. There is music and dancing and many games for the children. Many people look forward to our crepe stand each year and so do we! We also make these delicious, sweet treats here at home year-round. So stop paying for overpriced Crepes at the mall and make them yourself at home:
  • ●  One cup of all purpose flour
  • ●  One teaspoon of white sugar
  • ●  A pinch of salt
  • ●  Two eggs
  • ●  Two cups of milk
  • ●  Two tablespoons of melted butter
  • ●  Cooking Spray
    Suggested Topping(s) : Nutella
  • ●  Lechera
  • ●  Cream Cheese
  • ●  Strawberries
  • ●  Bananas
  • ●  Powdered Sugar
  • ●  Sifter
  • ●  Frying pan (large or small depending on how big you want the crepes)
  • ●  Large Bowl
  • ●  Ladle
  • ●  Spatula
  1. Mix all wet ingredients (this doesn’t include the cooking spray) together in a large bowl.
  2. Sift in all dry ingredients and mix together. This step is important to prevent clumps.
  3. Heat up the frying pan on the stove on Medium-Low.
  4. Spray pan with cooking spray. Without this step, you will struggle to flip your crepe.
  5. Poor a ladleful of the mixture you just made onto the pan and quickly rotate the pan in
    circular motions to spread the mixture.
  6. After 30 seconds, carefully flip the crepe with a spatula.
  7. Wait another 30 seconds then remove the crepe from the pan onto a plate.
  8. Add toppings of your choice then fold your crepe and serve!
This recipe is one of my favorites because it is very easy and fun to make. My personal favorite toppings are strawberries and Nutella. The sweetness from the chocolate and the fresh tart taste from the strawberries make the perfect combination in my opinion. Go creative with the toppings you choose, or feel free to add a few changes to the crepe recipe itself. For example, you can make breakfast crepes by topping it with ham, cheese, sour cream, or sausage. The possibilities are endless. For more fluffy crepes, add another egg. If your crepe keeps falling apart, add some more flour. And don’t forget to spray the pan with cooking spray oftenly. Keep in mind, you will need practice and not every crepe will turn out perfect. Enjoy!


  1. Oh my gosh, I love crepes! Thank you so much for this recipe--- who knew homemade crepes were so easy? I'd avoided making them myself since I'm terrible in the kitchen, but your recipe is straightforward and simple.

  2. I have always struggled when it came to making crepes and this post is very informational and gives easy directions to make them. Can't wait to try them out!

  3. I have only had crepes once, but I loved it. Now, I can make the crepes. This is very detailed. I like how you gave us readers a little story about how you would sell crepes.

  4. I was very excited to read this because I love crepes so much! I have one every once in a while but I never thought that I could make my own at home. You made the recipe super easy to understand so I appreciate that very much!

  5. Your recipe was very easy to follow and I can't wait to try it out myself. You made crepes seem very simple to make and even gave several options for different toppings depending on whether it's breakfast or just a snack. I enjoyed your story about going to sell the crepes in Mexico. great recipe!

  6. This is amazing I love crepes, it's always a pain having to pay for over priced crepes and this is amazing. I cant wait to make some at home!!!

  7. I've never had crepes but I've been wanting to try them for so long! With this recipe, I can try them at home and not have to go out and buy one. You made this very easy to read and follow. I also like the personal touch you added to this piece through the introduction and the suggestions you gave in the conclusion. Great job!

  8. I absolutely love this how to because I've always wanted to make crepes myself. You made the crepes seem very easy to make by how much detail you included. Good job on your recipe!
    Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  9. This was a very simple and informative recipe. I love how you added your own little side notes to give it a personal touch. I love crepes but never have energy to make them I always thought they were tougher than I was making them out to be. Your instructions made it very clear.
    Avalon Freeman
    Pd. 2

  10. This was a very simple and informative recipe. I love how you added your own little side notes to give it a personal touch. I love crepes but never have energy to make them I always thought they were tougher than I was making them out to be. Your instructions made it very clear.
    Avalon Freeman
    Pd. 2

  11. This was a very simple and informative recipe. I love how you added your own little side notes to give it a personal touch. I love crepes but never have energy to make them I always thought they were tougher than I was making them out to be. Your instructions made it very clear.
    Avalon Freeman
    Pd. 2

  12. Crepes are one of my absolute favs!!! Your tradition that you incorporated added great depth to your recipe and made me want to attempt this fun task at home. Your recipe was simple, but also made it easy to make it into your own. Awesome choice if DESSERT!

  13. Your recipe was very simple and seems easy to do. Crepes have always been one my favorite dishes so hopefully now I'll be able to make them using your recipe. Great job on your blog entry. - Adrian Arteaga Period 1

  14. I love crepes, but I never knew exactly how to make them. With this recipe, I can make them from the comfort of my own home and not have to pay for the overpriced crepes at the mall. Also, I enjoyed reading about the personal connection that you have with this dessert as it brings you together with your family. Thanks again for the recipe!

  15. I love Crepes! I wish I can make them, but this may be a little to advanced for me to make. So instead I will stick to my Paris Cafe, but I still love reading the directions!

  16. I have never had a crepe before, but your recipe seems very simple and easy to follow so I now have a reason to try one! I loved that you included your tradition into it and I can't wait to make it into my own! Great job!

  17. This brought me back to the days that I would watch my grandma makes crepes in the kitchen. Thank you for writing this because I found it very informative and it brought back happy memories to me!

  18. You know i have never personally had a crepe in my life. Your instructions and recipe on how to create one seems simple enough and sounds great for me to give a shot! Very Nice.

  19. I LOVE crepes and thanks to your easy to follow recipe I can stop going to Crepes de Paris at Victoria Gardens and start making them on my own. I love how you talked about your personal connection and how easy it was to understand all of your steps. Thank you for sharing!

  20. I might make some crepes right now, after reading this. I liked how you gave a background, where your family sets up a stand to sell crepes in Mexico.

  21. I've never had a crepe before, but I want to use your recipe to try it! I really like your story in the beginning; that sounds so fun and I love how you shared a recipe that is so personal to you. If I made this, I think I would use the Nutella and strawberry toppings like you suggested since that sounds really good. Great job, I think this was awesome!

  22. While I have made crepes before I found it joyful to compare the recipe I used to yours. Also, I like how you included may different toppings people can add to help them enjoy it in their own way!

  23. You know, I actually have always wanted to try and make my own crepes, especially because of my French heritage, but I’ve never had the time to do so, as making crepes seemed like it would be very challenging. However, with your recipe, I feel now as if I can make my own French crepes anytime I want! Your recipe is so detailed yet very easy to understand, and by adding that little intro about your family makes this all seem so personal. I love it!
    -Carianne Lefebvre

  24. I had one crepe in my life and it was the best thing ever! Also, this recipe was simple and it seems easy to make! I can't wait to try this recipe with my family!
    -Stephanie Valdovinos

  25. It seems like you know what you are talking about when it comes to crepes. I have never had one before, and I may use this recipe for my first time, thanks for sharing with us I am looking forward to trying it out.

  26. I love this piece so much because it has a personal connection with me, coming from a household of cooking, it reminds me of families eating together, and enjoying eachothers company. So, being able to make a very descriptive and informative tutorial that can allow anybody or any family to be able to enjoy such a nice cultural meal like you did so very well here, is fantastic and great !

  27. I absolutely love crepes. They are amazing. I have always bought them and I have never thought of making my own however thanks to this amazing how to I might try it.
    -Steve Martinez P.1

  28. I’ve never tried crepes, but I’ve recently started baking, so now I’m very eager to try your recipe. The directions are clear and easy to comprehend for any beginner. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. I will let you know how the crepes turned out when I make them!

  29. I really love the personal touch and heritage you added in, which makes this recipe even more special. I appreciate the organization of the supplies and ingredients list and the well explained instructions. Overall it was engaging and easy to follow. I'll have to try this at home with my family!

  30. I definitely thought crepes would be much harder to make but with this recipe you shared I will most definitely try to make them. Thank you for sharing this well detailed recipe! Great job!


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