
Monday, December 18, 2017

“FEAR” by Ernesto C

            What is fear?
Is it a person?
An object?
An emotion?
Can it drive you insane?
Does it drive you to do drastic actions?
The scariest thing is that fear can be anything that you wish it to be
A father looking frantically for his son
A child laying in bed clutching his teddy bear in fear of the darkness surrounding him
A criminal about to get captured with a hostage, a firearm, and rapid thoughts
Each, a story behind their thoughts and actions they made
            A father looking frantically for his son
His body movements say he will kill anyone who has his boy
But his eyes are filled with fear, with thoughts he will never see his precious baby again
His mouth opens in despair while he is looking down on what seems the miles and miles of endless hordes of people
Screams and Screams of the little boys name is heard throughout the mall
People stop what they're doing and look to see what's going on but don't help
While the father is pushing through the gigantic crowd looking at the ground for his little boy
The mother has nearly lost hope of ever finding him and tears roll down her face
For the two it feels like it's been hours since he has disappeared
Her screams turn into yells into calls and into whispers
Her unbreakable spirit has finally shattered
While the father is looking in every corner and store getting more pushy and frightened as he looks with no results
The mother is shaking, but sitting and waiting at the last she saw her baby, hoping he will come back
The father's eyes are filled with joy as he spots his son
He is trying to reach the top of the gumball machine to put his quarter in the slot, with hopes to get his favorite color
He scoops his child up, yelling at him to never walk away from him again and then embracing him
As the child is complaining that he never got his gum because the quarter dropped on the ground
He hands his wife their little boy and her face lights up and she cries once more
Not out of fear but out of enjoyment that he found their son
                        In the dark winter night somewhere in the world
Some child's night light went out
He is now wide eyed and sitting up because he doesn't see the yellow light through his eyelids
He clutches his teddy bear in fear of the darkness, afraid of what can be lurking in the dark hours
He wants to go to his parents room but hears them snoring through their locked closed door
And he regrets going back into their room after they clearly said
 “If you go in our room again we will lock the door, and were not kidding this time.”
He whispers to his bear “ It's going to be okay teddy, you're going to protect me right?
As it stares blankly back at him, as he makes a little voice in his head answering back
“ Of course I will buddy” and they both go back to staring into the darkness
Backing up to the wall where no evil creature can come up behind him and take him away
He is looking towards the closet and door making sure nothing comes out of it
His overactive imagination his playing tricks on him
As he sees weirdly shaped arms and heads and he is truly frightened clutching to his bear for dear life
But after a few ten minutes staying up in fear, he doesn't notice he is knocked out, sleeping heavily
Blood rushing through his fingers and head
He can't think anymore he is just overloaded with fear and thousands of decisions at once
The major thought that is in his head is
“Why did i do this? My life was great and my family is going to be disappointed and hurt too”
Sirens are going off outside, with some officer telling him what to do, and inside is chaos
He is holding a hostage and is getting trigger fingers
He knows there is no escape that their going to catch him and put him in prison for life
His head is pounding and he can't think
And the news will say failed attempted bank robbery with eight hostages
This pounding can't make him make a clear decision it's overpowering him
Why does it hurt so much as he asks and the world is turning around him
Too much noise, Too many thoughts, so little time
He knows that the police is coming around back to kill him or to injure him and lock him up forever
Too much noise, Too many thoughts, so little time
He fears he has made his final mistake, and knows what he must do
Silence, as the hostages are in tears as the man has committed suicide
Fear can be anything at all
A person
An object
An emotion
It can make you insane
And it can make you do drastic action
This is why
There is nothing to fear but fear itself


  1. Breanna Carrillo
    Period 5
    I loved how you emphasized the meaning of fear throughout this whole reading, and showing the meaning of fear and also giving examples of moments when you will have fear. Loved reading this bit by bit, great job!

  2. The idea of fear is very interesting, like how you portray it in your poem. Like you say at the end "there is nothing to fear but fear itself". Most of the time it is just our own nightmare that we create in our imagination that ends up being our so called "fear". I like your twist to it. Very well written.

    Jeremiah Credo

  3. This was a great piece I love how you gave different examples of each type of fear, and tied them all together with the rhetorical questions that you answer later in your piece. I hope that your fears of doing badly are squashed because you preformed very good on your piece.

  4. Good Lord, this is... intense. Upon reading the first lines, I immediately assumed this piece was some kind of self reflection, but it quickly spiraled into something so much more than that. This is not a single story, but three stories and humanistic reflection all wrapped up in one. It is so creative, yet didactic (credit to Pygmalion teaching me a new word) and absolutely engaging as well as thought-provoking. The approach that was taken is something entirely new and unique to me, and it was carried out so professionally, almost poetically, with each one of these short stories packing such vivid and intense emotions, and all of these emotions attribute back to this bigger and grandeur idea that you trying to convey—I love it. This is an expertly crafted piece that exceeded my expectations, and offers so much psychology and philosophical insight that any reader can feel fulfilled and enlightened after reading your submission. I love it, keep up this masterful work my friend.

  5. After reading this I have a whole different understanding of fear. Great job with really going into depth on the idea of fear! Great job!

  6. This piece was so riveting and intense. Your attention to detail and scenarios that you put the characters through was absolutely astounding. This piece is perhaps my favorite one I have read yet, the emotion of fear in to intense and real in this story that you can almost taste it. Great job!
    Sara Perez

  7. This piece was so riveting and intense. Your attention to detail and scenarios that you put the characters through was absolutely astounding. This piece is perhaps my favorite one I have read yet, the emotion of fear in to intense and real in this story that you can almost taste it. Great job!
    Sara Perez


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