
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

"How To Make Salsa de Chile Serrano" by Martin C

Thank you all for reading my tutorial on how to make salsa de chile serrano. Before I begin, I would like to explain more on why I chose the topic. A couple of weeks ago, I was hungry late at night, without any snacks in my pantry except for plain old tortilla chips. Therefore, I looked in my refrigerator to see what I could eat them with and found the ingredients to whip up some salsa. Utilizing this recipe, you too can make a very tasty dip for your tortilla chips and you may even end up finding a new favorite snack.
What you’ll need:
  • -  Tomatoes (3 recommended)
  • -  Serrano Peppers (5 recommended)
  • -  Cilantro (about 1 cup)
  • -  Onion (1⁄4 cup, optional)
  • -  Salt (1 teaspoon)
  • -  Black Pepper (1⁄2 teaspoon)
  • -  Tortilla Chips
  • -  Lime (3-4 tablespoons)
  1. It is always essential to begin by washing your vegetables with water.
  2. Now it is time to throw your serrano peppers and tomatoes onto the stove until
    thoroughly cooked (until you notice that the skin of the tomatoes and serrano peppers
    have darkened in color).
  3. If possible, use a molcajete to grind the tomatoes and serrano peppers together, which is
    the most commonly used method. However, if you do not have a molcajete, you can
blend the tomatoes and serrano peppers together as an alternative. Do this step until you
achieve the consistency that you want for your salsa.
  1. Cut up your cilantro and add it to the salsa.
  2. If you choose to, cut up a little bit of onion to add to the mixture. (Optional)
  3. Add your lime, and begin to season lightly with salt and black pepper.
  4. Enjoy your freshly made salsa with tortilla chips!
Also, I would like to caution you that this type of salsa can be slightly spicy to some people, but very tolerable as it is not overly hot. Furthermore, this recipe is very simple to the point that anyone can make it. Therefore, if you enjoy your dip with a hint of spice, this simple recipe will be very suitable to your liking. I encourage you all to make this salsa whenever you need a dip for your tortilla chips at home, or for any occasion, such as simply watching football. To conclude, it is always fun tasting the food that you hand produce and I hope that you will give this recipe a try, as the taste of freshly made salsa is much better than the taste of store bought salsa.


  1. This is a very to the point tutorial, which I actually really like. You formatted it so that the steps are very clear and easy to follow (almost foolproof). I like the sort of prologue where you introduce why you chose this as your topic. It's very well written!!

  2. I love the idea that this is a very simple recipe and anyone can do. Also that it doesn't take much time if you want a quick but tasty snack. The recipe is very thorough and well explained GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!

  3. I really appreciate you telling us why you picked this topic. It gives us a little insight to who are. I also loved how your worded things and your tone during this how-to. It is very uplifting, fun, and happy. Another thing that caught my eye is how you put some optional things people can do. This is so amazingly written. It was also very diverse and anyone can do it. Thank you!

  4. Martin, I loved your post! My mom is always making different types of salsa so I'll make sure to show her this recipe so we can try making it together! De nuevo, gracias por tu receta! :) -Kayla Rangel

  5. Thank you for these wonderful steps, I truly love Salsa and this is adding a new way to eat more. I love the way the steps weren't complicated at all and got straight to the point. You really explained the details of every step and I liked that. I look forward to making Salsa!

  6. I love this "how to" tutorial. It's an easy recipe that anyone can try. You gave precise instructions to follow with the tutorial being clearly worded.

  7. Reading this tutorial really makes me want to eat salsa. This was great because this tutorial was very unique and at the same time, had simple steps. Thanks for the recipe!

  8. I really enjoy salsa and chips, and Martin you did a great job with explaining each step. This "how-to" is super easy to follow and is informative as well. The fact that you told us why you chose this topic tells us a little bit about yourself and its always great to know those things. Good Job!

  9. I loved this tutorial my mother and I love to make salsa so I will definitely be trying this.

  10. Thanks for this tutorial Martin. When I would go to my friend's house his mom would make all kinds of salsa but I don't think she's ever made this one. The way you explained it makes it seems like something I can make in my own free time and I always enjoy trying new things so thank you for this.
    -Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  11. As a Mexican, salsa is something that I put on a lot of the food that I eat. I found this tutorial very helpful and interesting because it is always fun to learn new ways to make something that you enjoy so that you can possibly make it more enjoyable. Your step by step format helped to break down all of the steps to make salsa and at the same time made it look so easy to make.

    Maya Berdeja

  12. This is a great tutorial. My family really love to make salsa. With this simple tutorial, we're going to be eating Salsa everyday from now on haha. Again, great tutorial. -Eric Duong

  13. Martin, this tutorial was great. I really like it because it look so complicated to make and salsa and also that you formatted the steps so clearly. Also the your introduction and conclusion made it seem really fun to make salsa and i plan using your tutorial if i ever want to make some salsa.

  14. I like how simple but effective this tutorial is. I am not a huge fan of tortilla chips so I usually don't eat salsa, but I feel like I should try this sometime with my friends and family so we can all enjoy it.

  15. I love how simple this tutorial was! I have been wanting to make salsa for a while, since these instructions were so clear, I'll try making my own salsa!

    Stephanie Valdovinos

  16. I love anything that deals with food and my family and I are always eating chips and salsa but we are to lazy to make our own. This recipe seems simple enough that I think we can handle recreating it. I like how you had an optional ingredient and a preface to your recipe. You also had a caution that I felt was genuine. Thank you for sharing.
    Avalon Freeman pd.2

  17. Ahhhh Salsa, i like how in the simple the recipe is t make! Definitively will make some salsa using your recipe. I also like how specific the steps are so i know when to put what in the mix.

  18. This made me so hungry! I am a tortilla chip and salsa-loving girl, and I really enjoy this recipe. It is simple, to the point, and can be altered easily to fit one's liking. I hope to make this one day and share it with others as well. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe!

  19. I always found most salsa recipes to be very complex with many ingredients but I also found out that some of the best salsa recipes are the most simple ones. I can tell your recipe is going to taste fantastic so you already know I'm gonna try this recipe out with some tacos next weekend. Thank you for sharing your recipe.

  20. In general, you would think that salsa is hard to make, however after reading this amazing instructional guide, I can't even believe that I havent been making Salsa everyday for the past 17 years of my life!!! You used easy to follow step by step instructions and this was truly a splendid recipe I will be using in a few minutes. Thanks!

  21. Thank you for this awesome tutorial Martin!! It was very easy to follow through the steps you gave us! I am looking forward to making more salsa! -Diego Carrillo

  22. I like how simple and to the point your directions were. I for one can't cook to save my life, even though making salsa isn't really cooking, I'm sure I'll find a way to burn it. These directions though, make me feel like maybe I could take a swing at it. If I fail miserably, I'll just leave it for my grandma to make.

  23. One of the biggest problems people often have when making how-to guides is often with formatting and concision, but I think you did a great job in avoiding these problems with your piece of work. As for the recipe, my family will soon be the judges!

  24. Im definitely going to try this salsa one day! The tutorial makes it seem to be easy to make and delicious!

    DeAndre Siringoringo P.1

  25. Thanks for explaining the recipe for salsa. I've never tried this kind before and you explain how to make it would good detail and easy at the same time. I will defiantly be making this salsa as soon as possible.
    -Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  26. Salsa and chips = good times. Definitely making this in the near future. I like the fact that you mentioned washing the vegetables because no one ever seems to mention that. Your instructions were clear and simple and the warning at the end extremely appropriate.

  27. Martin, I loved how you explained on how you came up with this entry. Your steps were descriptive enough, that I want to make some salsa right now. The use of diction is spot on.
    -Jerico Franco
    -Period 6


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