
Sunday, October 8, 2017

"The Reason For Existing" by Allie R

“Loving can heal, loving can mend your soul
And it's the only thing that I know, know
I swear it will get easier,
Remember that with every piece of you
Hm, and it's the only thing we take with us when we die” - Ed Sheeran , Photograph, X

“...When we leave this world we give up all our possessions and our memories. Love is the only thing we take with us. It is all we carry from one life to the next.” -Lang Leav, Stardust

It’s kinda of a funny thing if you truly think about it, all stories are centered around love. After all, books have been the one constant thing that guides humanity.  These authors we attach onto for strength are just as confused in their own lives as we are.  Although the writing of of an author can change so much during their real life.  We hope that they have some explanation for this four letter word that no one can truly describe.  It makes you think that all people are only trying to is fall in love and find a way to describe it. Love is the main conclusion, for every story, every theory that tries to explain what people are and why we exist.
 As children some of the first stories we are read to us are about love of a princes and princess. We create fort castles with fire breathing dragons to protect them, and knight to defeat said dragons. It's not a scary word for an emotion, it's a magically word. It is something we want, but don't know why. So, we create games with no serious plots that we run around playing. Like “family” or “pretend to be a puppy” (Anonymous kid) . Although we don't realize what we are really talking about when we say this four letter word we still use it.
 When we are teens we start to understand that love is something that we could soon be experiencing and it's terrifying.  We don’t see it as magic anymore we start to see is as the center of our existence.  We will soon or are feeling the good and bad that comes with this four letter word. It changes us in unspeakable ways. Shapes the rest of our lives. Its also not just love with a couple anymore. It's love from a friend, a sibling, a parent, a pet, or even the love of doing something. Because love comes in all forms.
Love also makes teens realize the fear of death. Because what's the point in existing if all we do is die? What if we die without love? What if at our funeral no one is there? All we start to want is for someone to be there. To acknowledge our existence and the only way we can conceive of that happening is if we love. So naturally we fear being without love and being in love. It's so terrifying because if we do fall in love what happens if we fall out of it? What happens if the other person stops loving you? This is the start of trying to understand this four letter word.
 As an adult we face it. This thing we have been hearing about our whole lives. We have to let another person into our heat even if it's terrifying.  We have to coungour our fears though. People have to go after what they love so they can really make a difference in the world. We have to become the hero in our own childhood story. So we accept the love thing and try to live for it. 
Then we have to live out the rest of our lives. After accepting this four letter word we let it run who we are. Love is a word we created for something that can’t be seen because it's inside of all of us. This unseeable thing that humans will never be able to fully explain no matter how many years our race exist. Because this four letter word describes the reason for humans to exist . Without love the human race would of died thousands of years ago. If people lose love we lose our reason for living. It is a force that is taken lightly as a child, porder as a teen and feared by adults. All humans live out their own love stories with beginnings, middles and endings.


  1. Beginning to tell what love is as children and adapting it to when we become adults is fascinating. Many parts were relatable such as how we all want someone and seeing love drive our lives in a way. It is scary to accept at times but we do it regardless because it's hard to let some things go no matter the pain it may have or can potentially cause. I loved reading about this and the way you presented it was interesting because you showed how it's all throughout our lives.

  2. Reading how we view love and the idea of death as an adolescent and how most adults now view the topic also makes me realize that I remember being a child and dreaming of what a first love would feel like, and the idea of letting something or someone go is hard - but it didn't phase me as a child. Reading this piece was eyeopening, and you did a wonderful job of relating it to your potential audience.

  3. I like how this piece described how love comes to be a central part of a human life at any stage. This love includes not only romantic love, but love for friends, family, and more. I never associated love with fear of death, but by reading this piece I saw the connection between love for others and love of living with fear of being left and forgotten. Overall, an excellent piece with only a few spelling and grammatical errors.

  4. the best adjective I could think of to represent how I feel about this writing is.. RELATABLE. It is completely relatable and thats what caused me to be so engaged in the piece. great job!!! the whole time while I was reading, I was thinking of certain events in my own life that related.

  5. Love certainly is involved everywhere you look, it seems to be present especially in music I found. Viewing Love as the reason for carrying on each day is quite a unique insight, Ive never heard or realized before, I think your take on Existence was splendid, great work!

  6. This post may have thrown me into an existential crisis. Love and death are two things that never really bothered me separately, but now that you've connected the both of the concepts, I'm freaking out. You made some insightful and unique observations and I hope you feel satisfied knowing that you completely spooked me. I'm not sure if I can read romance novels anymore.

  7. The way you connected love and death is amazing! This piece really changed my views on how love and death are related.

  8. The way you explained love and how it's the reason for our existence gave me a new perspective on love. By describing our feelings and interpretation of love as we age allowed me to interpret this piece better by relating personal events to the ones described. Overall this was a beautiful and insightful piece describing the reason for our existence.

  9. I enjoy your take on love as a reoccurring theme throughout our lives. From our birth to our death it's there and your analogies and anecdotes surely bring that to the forefront of our minds. Although I personally disagree that without love we inevitably die, the essence of your piece creates a fairly strong argument against me supported by an even stronger array of imagery.
    Gavin Gnaster

  10. I like how you included a popular song and a quote from a poem for two demographics, listeners and readers, to appeal to everyone. I appreciate how the argument that love is the central reason for existence is supported by real life things, like fear of no one coming to your funeral, because it makes the reader think about their position on love and consider your viewpoint. Great job!
    -Elizabeth Rivera

  11. I love the way you explained love. Your questions on the subject we all know as love were very insightful. Love definitely seems to be a subject that is evident everywhere. Great job.
    - Eric Kim (Period 4)

  12. Being a pretty big Ed Sheeran fan, this piece instantly captivated me. Whenever I think of love, I always thought of romantic love and how broken I am to not really believe in it anymore. But reading this piece and realizing that love is the reason for human existence, it gives me hope that love can come in all forms and that without love what is the point of anything. I loved how you started with the idea of love as a kid and developed it throughout the stages of life. Overall, this was amazingly written!

  13. Reading through your story and then reading through the comments, I can see "love" is a word that is so prominent amongst us. Your use of questions has the reader involved in your story. The questions you have asked throughout your stories are questions I've had asked myself. No one can truly answer it but you've brought up good points. It's interesting how you connected love with death. Death is inevitable and I believe love is, too. No one can really die without love, because there's always going to be someone for each one of us. Well done!

  14. I think this piece really made me think about love more. A lot of people do wonder what the purpose of life is, and you answered it with four letters: Love. Defining love as the purpose of our lives provokes so many more deep questions about that elusive emotion than we are able to answer. I liked that you conveyed the different love we experience at different ages and how they affect us. Although our visions of love change over the years and by person, the feeling itself remains the same for everyone, and I think that is why this piece was really enjoyable to me.
    Carly Soos Period 5

  15. Knowing that we all learn from what we are taught, read, and see brings a realization in. You showed us just that with this amazing piece about how we learn from the start to the very end.

  16. I like how this piece shows that love is relatable with almost everything in life. From loving another human, to loving a sport or a pet. It also made me more aware of how love can affect individuals in a very similar way and that it isn't always a lovey dovey romantic love.

  17. Awwww, Allie I love it! After reading your piece, that statement becomes somewhat ironic. There is so much discussion that can be held in regards to this emotion, seeing that it's philosophical, psychological, biological, sociological; love is one of humanities' greatest wonders. These inquisitive and analytical thoughts you are having are shared by so many which makes this particular subject very relatable, additionally I find a great deal of fascination and joy hearing your perceptions and observations. It makes the audience reflect and ponder, which takes a great deal of skill to accomplish. It's truly a splendid piece and I 'love' it. Keep up the great work Allie

  18. I loved this piece Allie because not only do you start with two quotes which clearly set a point on what you're about to talk about, but it is also relatable. I can see people reading this and say " oh i remember when i did that as a child" or "yeah that is true". overall you did great!

  19. I really enjoyed this piece that you wrote because it was easy for me to relate to what you were talking about. It made me sit and think about what love truly means to me but the sentence " So naturally we fear being without love and being in love. It's so terrifying because if we do fall in love what happens if we fall out of it? What happens if the other person stops loving you?" explains my way of thinking perfectly. Overall, I really enjoyed how you stated that our perception of love changes as we grow older.

  20. Good job Allie! I really liked how you give the aspects of love and its different meanings as we age in life. The idea of not knowing one's purpose in life is something we can all relate to. Love is what carries an individual to move forward and is something that everyone either has or will experience sometime throughout their lifetime. You were able to explain this very complicated subject of life in a simple way which made this piece easy to understand and relate to.

  21. First of all, I loved the reference to the Ed Sheeran song because it totally relates to the rest of your piece. I find it captivating how you described the role of love in our lives, especially how it develops from childhood to adulthood. In the stage we're in now as teenagers, I think a lot of us can relate to how you interpreted the way we view love. It becomes a huge part of our life that can really make or break a day, and overall just change the way we think about life in general. I really enjoyed your writing!!

  22. First of all, I admire how this piece starts off with quotes that people can connect to. I love how you took a human characteristic that's taken as given and added another layer of meaning to it. This was very well written, great job!
    -Ravreet Kang

  23. I liked how you explained the different stages of love to the audience. Like how kids revolved around fairytales and how teens got a better understanding of what it truly meant as they got closer to adulthood. This is so sweet! Also, nice Ed Sheeran quote! Amazing job, Allie!

    Kaitlyn Rueda


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