
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"How to Get Organized For College" by Sabrina W

That time of the year has come upon us. College Apps have opened, Fafsa is almost due, our stress level rises through the roof when you glance at your never ending to do list. This my friends is called Senior Year and it came faster than anything our freshman selves would have ever imagined. Getting into college is obviously the goal but what do we do when we get to our dream school and are faced with...adulthood? We get organized! I am here to provide a number of tips to help you prepare for that next chapter in your book of life that we are all so excited for. 

Some Supplies you’ll need to get organized include..
Wall Dry Erase Calendar
Bins for transporting/organizing dorm room
Phase One: Senior Year- This is your preparation period for the big move in day. Step 1: Identify what needs to be done: Make a master To Do list of all the things that
need to be done for college only!
2: Divide the work into chunks to prevent you and your parents from becoming
overwhelmed. I suggest getting a large dry erase calendar like the one below and hang it on the wall some place where your whole family can see. Write down every deadline, due date, or thing to work on on that calendar.
Step 3: After submitting your applications, ENJOY YOUR YEAR. Although college is important this is one year of your life you’ll always remember so please enjoy and cherish every moment.
Step 4: CELEBRATE once you’ve been accepted !!!
Phase Two: The Summer before College
1: Get a planner and actually use it: Paper or digital (Google Calendar) ,separate
from wall calendar ,to add all registration dates and orientation dates especially for those that are interested in summer classes. Now that you have your planner this is your time to develop new study habits ,such as no procrastination, for your college study life.
Step 2 : The best part...GO SHOPPING: Now is the time to start buying cute dorm items such as refrigerator, microwave,a keurig and school supplies.
Phase Three: After Orientation/Registration
1: Meet your roommate(s) before hand if possible. Exchange phone numbers and
just start chatting about your interests and who knows that person may turn out to be in your wedding! Also make sure to plan your dorm set-up accordingly so you don’t all buy things and then end up with three refrigerators.
Step 2: Look ahead at your classes. As soon as you get your schedule start looking through your books to be ultimately prepared for the first day of college.
Phase Four: Move in Day
1: Have a checklist of all the things to pack and crucially not forget. Bins are your
friends! Use bins under your bed or in the wardrobe to keep all clothes.
2: Arrive early to have first bed dibs, don’t be afraid to speak up if your room isn't
up to par.
3: Participate in all activities! Bond with your floor mates and especially your
Resident Assistant for this is the person that you go to when you need anything in their dorm.
Phase Five: Have Fun
is what all those years of schooling has prepared us for so make the most out of the
year. Please Remember- Make connections, learn as much as possible, and Enjoy! It has been a great four years, Have an awesome life y’all. Eagle Pride.


  1. Great job Sabrina! This is a very helpful list for college since most people have no idea where to start. I liked how you included organization supplies to prepare for college applications and important dates as well.

    ~Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  2. Great job. This was very informative and I will make sure I use these tips. As a senior it is hard to get organized and stop procrastinating. I think you executed the phases and step very well. -Avalon Freeman Period 2

  3. Excellent job. I definitely got informed and made me start thinking about what to do. Great organizational skills and made it seem non-stressful. The steps are all very informative and well written - Bonnie Rivera period 5

  4. Absolutely loved this post! Senior year can be very stressful,and being able to look at the phases in which direction I should start helps a bunch! I will be sure to use these tips because it was very informative,organized,and greatly thought out.- Courtney Dubra Period 4

  5. This seems like a well done checklist. I liked how you not only included the the more official things such as sending applications and getting a planner, you also included the social aspect of getting prepared for college such as getting to know the Resident Assistant. Erl Lee

  6. This was a very informative step by step how-to. There are a few steps in there that I've even forget. I will am definitely looking forward to Phase 5.

  7. With being a senior this really fits into our real life situations. I loved how you added something as small as a planner because, even though its small and not a lot of people talk about it, it's still a big part of being organized. Nice detail. I also loved how you added the fun, good job :) very helpful

  8. Man just reading this and thinking that college is just right around the corner just might be one of the scariest thoughts. I never believed people when they said time flies but looking back I swear I was just a freshman yesterday. Thanks for the information now its time to get prepared!

  9. Thank you so much for writing this! I have been so stressed and caught up in college stuff that I haven't had time to think clearly through how to plan everything out. Your step-by-step guide was easy to follow and so simple to do. I like how you provided a list of what we need and exactly how to use them. This was very informative and I definitely will be taking parts of it and use it as a guide. Thank you!

  10. Thank you for posting this! I know myself and others will find it very helpful especially during such a hectic time like senior year. Just by reading your post, I became less stressed out about the dreadful process of transitioning to college that lies ahead of me and I now have a very informative guide I can always come back to when I feel that stress creeping up on me again.

  11. this was super helpful sabs! I am definitely going to get a dry-erase calendar. Great job adding tips and tricks and also adding funny commentary. This was a great "how-to."

    Eddie Avila
    Period 1

  12. Great topic! This input can be very useful regarding that a vast amount of us is thinking about attending college. Providing different phases into the list can help mellow anxiety on where we can begin the year.

  13. This made me feel nervous, high school will soon be over and real life will begin. I love how you used step-by-step analysis of how how getting organized for college. College is important and I cant wait to see all the colleges we got accepted into! This was a really great process and I appreciate it.

  14. This was an amazing topic! I was super nervous for college and didn't even know where to start! I loved how provided step by step information on the process of getting ready for college!. This was truly helpful!

    Kaitlyn Rueda
    Period 6

  15. This helped a lot. I like the idea of having a dry erase calendar. I think that will really help with deadlines. Thank you letting me know how to prepare
    -alyssa cosby per1

  16. This is a good piece. It is super helpful and insightful. These five phases I will definitely remember. This advice piece made me excited for college.

  17. Thank you so much for this Sabrina! This is a really stressful time for me right now and with these steps I feel much better to know I'm on the right path. This is super helpful and now I'm excited for college.I will be definitely coming back to this blog.

  18. i love that you went step by step and put detail. I even like phase three i hope my roommate is in my wedding someday as well. I will definitely follow all of these steps for a successful life through college.

  19. This is the perfect how-to guide. I think that we can all relate to this one way or another. You putting the steps just really puts it in perspective all that we need to do to be prepared for college. Although being organized is easier said than done, I am looking forward to using this in the near future. Thanks!

  20. I love your piece, Sabrina! You hit the bullseye with all of your steps in the process. It had a humorous and cheerful tone, and I could totally picture you with your planner when I was reading this. I agree that it is very important to communicate with your roommates about who has what and what you need. Great job!

  21. Okay, reading this made me realize how truly unprepared I am for college. It also made me realize why your the ASB senior class project manager LOL. I will always admire how you are twelve steps ahead of everything and love that you even had a desire to write about orginization. Your personality shows through this. Truthfully admirable.

  22. Honestly reading this is exactly what I needed or I think everyone needed this. This was a great step by step list of senior year to do list. It's crazy too think how fast time has gone and to think I got to do these steps pretty soon now stresses me out! But I enjoyed and got stressed reading this but it was nice work you did
    Breanna carrillo
    Period 5

  23. Wow I really like this set up. The way you broke down the different steps to become more prepared for college seem like they can be real helpful. I see now that there are a lot of things i need to do to get ready and it always seemed like I had enough time to do so but not anymore. As I prepare for going into college I will defiantly use information and steps for here to help make it as easy as possible.

    -Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  24. This is so helpful Sabrina! I am gonna use your tips for college. You did a great job writing a step by step analysis, it shows that you really thought about this thoroughly.

  25. Thank you so much, Sabrina! From first-hand experience, I know you are definitely are extremely organized! I will definitely be using this “how to” for college. Being a senior is very stressful, and people do tend to forget things. However, thank to your “how to,” organizational skills will come a lot easier, along with a fun rest of senior year!

  26. I really enjoyed reading this college how-to because it is informative, but easy to read and understand. I like your encouraging and positive tone in the piece and it really made me excited to college. With college coming so soon, I'm going to need a list like this for me to succeed and stay on track. Thanks Sabrina!
    -Joseph Madere Period 1

  27. This is the best weight taken off of my shoulder ! Other than being extremely helpful, you really made an effort to make your analysis comforting. Many people aren't ready for this huge leap, including me, but your analysis made me realize to take a breath and just follow the steps confidently. Thank you for the effort and description you put into each step. Thank you Sabrina!

  28. I really liked this piece. In my opinion, the step that I liked the most was doing everything little by little instead in a day so you never feel overwhelmed and will have a peace of mind. Great job Sabrina! -Erick Gutierrez per.4

  29. Throughout high school, I have been in avid and have been preparing how to fill out applications and going over what I need to do in order to get into college. However, this how-to guide made me realize what I need to do when I actually get to college and finally move in. I really like how you broke down different aspects, such as being organized and preparing for the dorm. I found this piece very useful and enjoyable, thanks for the tips!

  30. After reading your step by step instructions on how to get ready for college made me realize that wow we are almost at phaze 2, also after reading this if showed me that you seemed very prepared / ready to take on the 5 phases of getting into college. Good Luck

  31. Sabrina, just by reading your piece I can tell how organized and prepared you must be. As high schoolers it is hard to stay on top of our tasks and to not procrastinate. These phases and steps are very well thought out and they made me begin to think about what I need to do as the end of senior year approaches in order to be well prepared for my freshmen year of college. Great job!

  32. Alejandro QuintanillaSeptember 18, 2017 at 6:07 PM

    I really liked the step by step instructions and how they are tailored to a teenage audience and one can easily relate to the stresses mentioned in the piece. The advice for once you are accepted is especially helpful as a person who is clueless about college.

  33. I really enjoyed reading your to do list for college preparation, mainly because it helped me a bit because like many people i didn't know how to start i preparing for college. Good job, i believe that this list will help a lot of students. ~ Adrian Arteaga

  34. I love how you wrote something that can help with the stress before college. It is very well written and thought out giving a lot of information to be successful, thank you!

  35. Sabrina, your analysis was exceptionally great considering how most people, even me, stress out on what we have to do in order to get ready for college. It's almost scary to think that phase 2 is literally around the corner, thank you for making this analysis because it has demonstrated what I need to do to be prepared for college. This was very well thought out and it shows how well prepared you are for the next chapter in your life.
    -Eliana Rodriguez

  36. Great piece of writing, it was so informative and descriptive that I enjoyed it very much so. I really liked the idea that you put together such a nice informative piece that is very important to our contemporaries. This is very useful, many of us are about to enter a phase in our lives where things are going to become more difficult, and providing help in any way to organize ourselves to be more efficient is so crucial. You definitely provided something constructive, and we very much appreciate it !

  37. Good job Sabrina! I feel that pretty much every person who is going or considering to go opened up your piece cause theirs many things we still don't know about college. We're already seniors and college is around the corner. I feel like I speak for many of us when I say that we're not fully prepared to go to college and adapt to the new lifestyle yet. Your piece was very helpful to me personally and it was fun to read!

  38. This post really helped me realize how much I have too do before college. This is a great tutorial that i will definitely be utilizing. Organizing the writing in to phases helped me to be able to plan for all of them. Definitely a great piece!

  39. Very well written Sabrina and very informational as well, I really enjoyed reading your entry. I found it very helpful and the step by step process was simple to understand and follow. I think the class can relate well to this entry because you used a topic relevant to the high school journey and specified points that aren't commonly discussed.

  40. I found this piece very informational and helpful as a checklist to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything I'm already planning to do in the future. Some steps could be expanded upon, but overall, good job! (I also found the microwave listed as a cute dorm item to be really funny but probably true)

  41. Hey Sabrina, I really loved your piece. This piece was very well detailed that some of them I did not know about. I thank you for that. I have now finalize my college check off list.

    -Jerico Franco

  42. Hey Sabrina, I really loved your piece. This piece was very well detailed that some of them I did not know about. I thank you for that. I have now finalize my college check off list.

    -Jerico Franco


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