
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"Luck vs Destiny" by Cassidy B

    Luck and destiny are two concepts that go hand in hand as to how people view their situations. It seems as though I was often stuck in between the belief that things happened out of “luck” or that things were “destined” to happen. To me, luck is something that helps us make sense of our failures as just “bad luck”, or when we are successful against all odds it’s considered “good luck”. “We may also feel lucky when we survive a poor decision or a road accident. Without our intervention, things happen to us and around us, and we explain the near misses and actual harm as being due to fortune, to good or bad luck.” A near perfect example of luck is gambling. Whether you win or lose when gambling, it’s considered to be good or bad luck because it happened by chance. Luck can be broken down into a few categories, one being superstition. Good luck as a superstition can be a hopeful action such as blowing out birthday candles or making a wish on a shooting star. As for bad luck as a superstition, things such as opening an umbrella under a roof, going up to the 13th floor of a building, or coming across a black cat may be considered bad. I’ve come to the conclusion that people have a destined future, not a future full of luck. I view destiny as someone’s fate that is inevitable to happen. Destiny essentially makes us who we are, the kind of person we are meant to be, and what we are meant to do in life. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a “higher power” predetermining our lives or that we are like puppets controlled by strings. There are still choices that we make that lead us to our destinies. For example, destiny is numerous obstacles and winding roads. Whichever “red light” you run through or “turn” or “stop” you take on this trip called life, is controlled by you and how you deal with the obstructions placed in your way. “Destiny means being a human and experiencing life and all the things that go along with it. We fall in and out of love, get bad haircuts, start new careers in life, crash the family car and don’t tell our parents. We all have ups and downs in life, whether we know our destiny of not.” Never get to caught up and focus too much on wondering about what your destiny is or what will happen. You’ve just got to go along with each experience that life throws at your face, or gently places in your hands. You must take the hardships that you endure, take them in by the spoonful, learn from them, and flourish. Don’t ever question what your destiny is and be too afraid of taking chances or missing out on opportunities. Don’t ever fret about the path you’re on or about fulfilling your destiny. Have trust in the routes paved out for you.

Works Cited
The Four Faces of Luck." The Four Faces of Luck. N.p., n.d. Web.
"What Does Destiny Mean?" Psychic Readings Guide. N.p., 29 Apr. 2017. Web.
"What Is Luck?" N.p., n.d. Web.


  1. I love how you explained luck and destiny in your own terms and in the views of other people. I enjoyed reading about the topic and your use of real life examples allowed for us to better understand it.

  2. Cassidy I think you are totally right on how luck and destiny are two different concepts that some people kinda have intertwined. I love the examples you gave on destiny and i was in full agreedment all the way. Great job Cass.

  3. This is a great post on a common thing we say without giving too much thought. I've always believed that "luck favors the brave," which kind of ties in to what you said about how we use luck to make sense of things. I liked what you said about not caring too much about destiny, and I really agree with that. Overall, good post.

  4. Well done explaining your opinion on this topic. I agree with the idea that we are destined for different things and that luck is a mere superstition. Your detailed explanations of luck with specific diction such as the word superstition itself helped me to understand completely what you are conveying. Your use of examples and the quotation on destiny gave me insight to the difference between luck and destiny. Overall, it was a well-done piece and I enjoyed it a lot.
    -Amber Duran

  5. I am in love with this post! It was wonderful how you posed interest in all point of views and went in depth. Your reasoning behind the explanation had evidence and examples to back up your statements. Also your post gives amazing advice!!

  6. Your perspective on the concept of luck and destiny is very intriguing! I liked your use of examples for both subjects because it really put your theories into context which made me understand the side you're coming from. Very knowledgeable piece!

  7. Great essay, I appreciated the in depth definition of what it means to either believe in destiny or luck and how us as human beings tend to view luck and destiny as different sides of the same coin. Your presentation of the definition and examples for it show your depth of understanding about the topic. The only improvement I would recommend to your essay would have been a final few lines directly comparing the two ideas, instead of just leaving them individually defined. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed your essay and the thoughtful care you gave to its research. - Gavin Gnaster

  8. I love your examples there not only funny but relatable. I agree with your perspective and theories on this topic.

  9. Cassidy I really loved this! You really love how you really explained destiny and luck. While you explained your own definition, you offered examples to back up what you defined.

  10. This piece was written absolutely beautifully Cassidy! You had such great commentary and as a reader I am starting to question my views on luck and destiny

    Eddie Avila
    Period 1

  11. Well done Cassidy! I thought that discussing destiny and luck was unique and different. The topic was informational as well and made me rethink about how I look at destiny and luck.

    Mia Tolliver
    Period 1

  12. Great job on your blog entry! It definitely changed my viewings of luck and destiny. You made good argument points and provided great examples of why you defined both the way you did.

  13. This was a good Descriptive little short essay on how luck and destiny are different. There are Many great examples in your topics and great explanations as well. And i love how you have works cited at the bottom so people can look for themselves if they are curious. overall, Great Job Cassidy

  14. One of my favorite blogs so far, it reallys opens your mind to such an interesting concept ,with great information to back up in what you believe in, great job!

  15. This is a great piece. It is well written and I like how you differentiated between good and bad luck. I love the use of using the red lights and stop signs to symbolize obstructions in our paths. Great use of examples and I commend you for doing research too so you can explain more in depth how destiny versus luck is seen by people.

  16. This a great piece. I love the use of stop signs and red lights to symbolize the obstructions in life. I also like how you provided research to explain how destiny and luck play a role in people's lives. Explaining the difference between good and bad luck was also great!

  17. Cassidy, Wow. Your piece absolutely helped me today; on a day of worrying about the future and hopes to find luck on my way. It makes me realize to just stop, think, and breathe. Life is like a one road to the unknown, that I need to coast and see where it takes me. I agree to that destiny will make us who we are as well. Thank you for your amazing piece! You did a wonderful job and I love it! Love your references as well!

  18. Great blog Cassidy! Enjoyed every single piece of this. You honestly gave me a different mindset with luck and destiny and helped me a lot with my personal problems. Thank you so much for this amazing piece. You did a great job! :)

  19. Well done, I really enjoyed reading this piece. It really made me differentiate luck and destiny now. I believe you used great diction and the example you used of the stop signs and the lights to represent the differences were amazing.- bonnie rivera period 5

  20. Wow Cassidy! Other than being an excellent writer, your blog on luck and destiny is a great piece of advice. Adding your own advice and experience really made the blog more relatable. I never paid much attention to the different concepts of luck and destiny,but the way you broke each topic down and gave categories for each concept is helpful and an eye opening. Great job!

  21. Cassidy, I could not agree more with your perception of luck vs destiny.Your use of real life examples and choice of diction made this piece so easy to understand and relate to. I love the way you included both your opinions and other people's. It was a very interesting piece to read. Great job Cass!

  22. Cassidy I absolutely adored this post because this is something that a lot of people need to hear through all the tough times in life. I mean life can be so cruel sometimes, and it's hard to accept that fact. But your blog post really embodies that whole idea of life being unfair and makes it into something that we should be grateful to have. Thank you for sharing this because it definitely taught me to be appreciative of what happens in my life and to not question why it happens.

  23. Cass! I love the topic of "luck vs. destiny" and I really admire how you got your point across by using examples. I had never actually thought about the difference between luck and destiny, but reading your work gave me time to somewhat apply your definitions of both to my own life.

  24. I love and agree with your perception of "luck vs. destiny". It is so true that your life is what you make of it. It isnt a game like the board game but a series of challenges that determine the upcoming events by how you handle life. Postive people maintain a positive life because with each challenge they have a optimistic solution. Thank you for this enlightment it was great Cass!- Sabrina Wilkerson

  25. Great piece on the idea concerning luck and destiny. I'm sure for most, the idea concerning the two has been a source of thought before in their lives. The various examples given help back up your thoughts and you even tied up your ideas very well at the end by giving advice through the point made throughout your piece. Overall, very nice and uplifting piece.
    -Eric Kim / Period 4

  26. I love this topic because it's two key words in life , us humans always go by. Either it's from luck or destiny and the way you interpret both is amazing work and this writing was amazing that you've written good work !
    Breanna carrillo
    Period 5

  27. Honestly this is one of my favorite blogs. Thanks you for showing me the difference. Throughout life, everyone has their own view on luck and destiny and it could be hard decide which one I felt was true. Thank you especially for giving me an example of both. I feel like I can now tell the difference when something really goods happens in life or even if something bad because I know it I can work through the obstetrical.

    -Austyn Coleman
    Period 1

  28. Cassidy I love the topic you wrote about! It really changed my perspective on how I view luck and destiny. You did a good job using real life examples to make your perspective clear.

  29. The topic of destiny v.s luck has been long debated and i agree with your belief in destiny. Your explanation of destiny has overall strengthened my belief that their is destiny over luck within life. Life isn't a game of "luck" it takes skill, trial and error, and is based on the choices we make that depend weather we live a great life or if we hardly live at all.

  30. Wow Cassidy, this was an extremely interesting topic! I personally loved to see how you perceived luck and destiny; I completely agree with your definitions. Your use of gambling and superstitions as examples for luck were really smart. Finally, I also agree that we should just "go with the flow" and trust the routes that are paved for us. Once again great job!!!

  31. Cassidy, I thought you presented a very intriguing post about something that all individuals experience; the belief in destiny or luck. What made this post so intriguing was your presentation of your own perspective on destiny and luck. Your view on the topic was very logical and was backed by some convincing evidence.

  32. Cass! I love this so much. I love the way the definitions of luck and destiny were described in your own words. Your story really opened my eyes and somewhat changed the way I perceive luck and destiny. I loved that you included your experience with luck and destiny. Good job Cass!

  33. Cassidy, I thought your piece was simply amazing. I never thought about luck and destiny. I just thought life happens because it happens. I liked how your stated your points, but at the same time provided life examples on why it is true. Great job! -Erick Gutierrez per.4

  34. I enjoyed this piece immensely because at its roots, it's so true. Our destinies are cause & effect relationships in the experience of humanity. Your perspective on the subject of luck and destiny make the piece all the more honest and interesting.

  35. starting off the title of your article pulled me in right away ! that's so true luck and destiny do mirror each other, but you explained the difference between them really well. & I Love the little twist of motivation at the end!

  36. I really enjoyed your discussion if luck vs destiny. I share a similar viewpoint with you on this topic. I really liked your use of gambling as an example for luck, it was a very creative insight. Your view was a very interesting read.
    -Ravreet Kang

  37. I really enjoyed the topic you wrote about! I agree with your explanation that destiny has a bigger role in our lives than luck does. I feel that destiny affects our whole lives while luck only affects a single incident occurring in our everyday lives. I also really enjoyed the advice you gave at the end that you should never get too caught up in what life throws your way but instead live every moment to the fullest.
    -Jalynne Reyerse
    Period 2

  38. Cassidy, you perfectly compared and contrasted luck and destiny by using real life examples may of us have experienced. This is very accurate how you see these two ideas, and you did a great job getting your point across.

  39. I cant tell you how many debates and long hours I've spent debating this topics with my friends, and you have put it perfectly and accurately into words that i might need to use in my defense for future arguments haha. you were articulate and precise in your wording. God do i love the fact you added a work cited so i have receipts and evidence for my arguments. this was a unique blog post that i personally am in love with because this topic is a great discussion and its very rarely discussed for most. you've broadened my perspective and opened my eyes to a better way of looking at things that I've always had but never knew how to put it into words. Thank you for putting my day dreams and thoughts into perfect words that i lacked Cassidy.
    -Tiana Wheatley

  40. This was such a great topic that you chose, i have never thought of the difference between luck and destiny. I really enjoyed reading your point of view because its different and hearing your personal experiences make it easy to understand where you are coming from it was so interesting.

  41. This was an amazing post on such an interesting topic! I loved how you used many examples to allow your audience to have a clear image in their mind about what you mean to say so there is no confusion and it shows that you know both sides well (luck and destiny) and that your personal opinion is educated (the proof is in the works cited you provided as well) and supported with evidence. I appreciated your comparison of driving through red lights or stopping at stop signs to people making decisions that ultimately affect their destiny. This vividly convinces the reader that people are in control of their own destinies because, like when you drive, any good or bad decision you make can affect your fate for the worse or better. Great job!
    -Elizabeth Rivera

  42. I've always heard arguments about luck and destiny but have never been able to decide which is real, if any, or possibly both. I now have a strong belief that destiny controls our life and is inevitable, just how you explained in your writing. Great use of examples and evidence to make a clear perspective for the reader.

  43. Personally, I always considered luck and destiny as being basically the same thing: luck and destiny working hand in hand to affect what happens in everyone's lives. Like, destiny is what happens seemingly out of the blue (things are destined to happen), but our good luck or bad luck on a daily basis can change it (good or bad judgement/decisions). But your explanation made me understand luck and destiny on a deeper level and how it works in my life. I liked how your examples were from things that could happen in my daily life. And I especially liked your own pieces of advice you included in the end. I will be sure to use them as I gomforward in my own life.

  44. Such a very good in-depth perspective on luck and destiny. In my opinion, I don't believe in destiny or luck. But, in some parts of your arguments I can see where you are coming from. I think that when people say its luck or destiny, it's either an excuse or just a way of tricking your mind into thinking that things are going your way. However, I believe that we as human beings should carve our own path instead of relying on "luck" or "destiny". I don't think its a bad thing to be hopeful, as you said, but to rather be mindful of the future that we are making for ourselves.

  45. This was just beautiful. I never believed in the concept of "luck" and you were able to put it into words that expressed its invalidity in a way I couldn't formulate. The message you put forth with this topic is great for anyone unsure of what they're doing right now and it made me feel at peace with myself and how my life is at the moment, as everyone should. The way you presented destiny and your idea that we still choose regardless if it's decided is interesting.

  46. This is a very mind-opening view on luck vs destiny. In my life, I have always viewed destiny as an outcome of luck- or even something that plays on the results of good or bad luck situation. But after reading this, its neato to be able to view them as two separate things. Your advice towards the end of your writing about being patient with the situations life brings is beautiful. And I completely agree, because what we go through and how we react to different situations is what make us who we are and gives us room to grow. This distinction between luck and destiny has made an everlasting impression on me, thank you. (-: -Imani Crenshaw

  47. I enjoyed your ability to state your opinion without saying/insinuating that all other beliefs are wrong and incorrect. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this piece because it made me question what I believe and how/why i believe that way. I especially liked how you covered everyday occurrences such as bad hair cuts. The qoutes were also exceptionally well executed. Keep up the good work.

  48. This post was enjoyable start to finish because it was expressed in a way where the reader could connect to your experiences and visualize themselves in your perspective on luck or destiny. The way you portrayed destiny was amazing in the sense that it is an experience contributing to each individual rather than luck, which is a superstition. I agree also that it is important to live the life given to us and accept our luck or destiny; but it is a key factor to understand the meanings of both that end up shaping us.

  49. I like your opinion on luck vs. destiny because your reasoning is very solid and relatable. I, however, do not agree with your concept of destiny. I view fate, luck, and destiny as in the same bracket. They are all different ways, with slightly different meanings, of saying some type of power is leading our lives. I realize that you have stated that your view of destiny has nothing to do with a higher power, but destiny, like fate and luck, are not real. They're concepts and are super animated versions of something real, like chance. I really do agree, although, with your connection between chance and destiny. I like that your opinion ties them directly to each other.

  50. Cassidy, I loved your blog post and how you went into depth of the difference between luck and destiny in your own ways. Destiny is something that happens inevitably and I totally agree it's you. You also did a great job in explaining and following it up with examples.

  51. Your take and interpretation of Luck and Destiny was very intriguing and through and throughout I found myself really agreeing with much if not most of what you said. The examples you chose to incorporate fit perfectly. Overall excellent job!!

  52. I really liked the way you you interpreted Lucky and Destiny. I agree with you when you said that destiny means being human and going through different experiences. You definitely can't go through life thinking that everything happening to you is because of luck. I also liked how you started with the little superstitions we think of to ones that relate to life like gambling.

  53. I love your opinion you seem to have really thought this out and to have a very interesting interpretation on being both lucky and destined for something. I agree a lot to both sides of your arguments and overall really enjoyed this post, great job!

    Sara Perez
    Period 5

  54. I really enjoyed your introduction, you explained what luck and destiny were in great depth! I also loved your choice of words and the examples you gave throughout your blog! Your whole description throughout the whole blog was truly outstanding! -Diego Carrillo P.2


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