
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"How To Get Over a Breakup" by Brianna I

            It’s happened to the best of us. It’s something in life that’s pretty much inevitable. Many of us have or most likely will experience a breakup. Dealing with a breakup is not always easy. However, maybe this step-by-step guide will help you out.
Tools: All you really need is yourself. You must be strong and show him/her that you are capable of being on your own and that you do not need them.
Step 1: Assess the situation. In your head, go through the breakup and bring to light any possible event that could have caused the breakup. Were you guys separated by distance? When did you feel like everything was first starting to go wrong? This step is important because when you think about each piece of the breakup separately, it starts to become clearer as to how or why it happened.
Step 2: Separation. Cut them off completely. Throw all of their gifts, letters, pictures, etc. away. Delete their contact off of your phone. Unfollow them on social media. Do everything possible to make sure you never hear their name again. This step is necessary in order to move on because you force yourself to get rid of the things that will remind you of them.
Step 3: Move on. It’s as simple as that. They do not want to be with you anymore. Their chapter in your story has ended and it’s time to focus on other things. This step is important because in order to get over a breakup, you have to distract yourself.
Step 4: Realization. Realize that this list was up until this point useless. That this list is impractical and that there is no easy way to get over a breakup. Yes, you’re allowed to cry. Cry all you want. Even when people tell you not to, cry until you feel as if you have run out of tears, then cry some more. Eat your favorite tub of ice cream at night alone while watching cheesy romance movies. Hang out with friends who understand you. The ones that will let you cry on their shoulder and that are just there for you even if they say nothing because sometimes that’s all you need. A silent hug from a friend is more effective than a friend who tells you to just move on and forget about them or one that tells you cliché life expressions about life being too short or other fish in the sea. They think they are helping but they aren’t. When they tell you that, you realize that life is too short and that there are 7 billion people in the world, but you don’t want another fish. You want that fish. The only fish that mattered. The fish that knew how to make you smile when you were sad and knew how to laugh with you when you were happy. The fish that swam faster and better than all of the other fish. The one that you’d do anything for even if they broke you.
            So yes, you’re allowed to feel sad. You’re allowed to stay in bed all day, crying. You’re allowed to think about and hate the idea of someone else in their arms, someone else wearing their jacket, someone else staying up late with them talking about their “forever’s” and “I love you’s”. You’re allowed to listen to sad music and read sad poetry. You’re allowed to look at old pictures of them and old text messages from them. You’re allowed to keep their stuffed animals on your bed and their letters and jewelry on your nightstand. You’re allowed to get all of this out of your system because this is the only way to move on. You have to realize that this takes time and it isn’t the same for everyone. This breakup could affect you for weeks, months, years even. Let it. Don’t try to stop the sadness from happening because that will only make things worse. Don’t bottle everything up inside because you’re only hurting yourself more. Like most things in life, it just takes time.
            ​One day, you will wake up and you will feel better. Like something has been lifted off of your chest. You’ll start to realize that there were times that you were happy without them. You’ll realize that you can move on and that with time the right person will come. You’ll realize that you deserve the world and more. But for now, you’ll be content with just living. An unknown author once said, “Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good, enjoy it because it won’t last forever. And if things are going bad, don’t worry. It can’t last forever either.”
            ​I’ve taken the broken pieces of my heart and built myself a castle out of them. I’ve cried sometimes at 3 in the morning seemingly for no reason, but knowing it was because of him. I was so focused on what I wanted that I didn’t realize what I deserved. Everyone deserves happiness and right now my happiness stems from my friends and family who love and support me. The ones that deserve me at my best because they’ve seen me at my worst. So yes, it seemed like my life was over and it still feels that way. But life is all about change and so far I’m content with my life. I don’t regret anything that’s happened nor would I change it. He’ll always be my favorite what if and I wish him the absolute best. He was an amazing chapter in my story, but we must go our separate ways.


  1. I absolutely loved your blog post, Brianna! I am more than positive that your advice will be much appreciated and used by others going through a rough patch. Things are temporary, just like people, feelings, break ups, etc. You explained it perfectly! Each broken heart gives you a new lesson to learn from and builds you as a person. Easier said than done, but things will get better. I was more than happy to read that your friends and family love and support you, seeing everything you are and not letting you be anything less. You are beautiful person just like everyone else. Keep on trucking and powering through both the good and rough times!

  2. You managed to make a relatively simple formula to help people get through a relatively hard situation. I love how you incorporated your own experiences abut presented them in a clear categorized way, its not all meshed together in a rant like passage. I find doing that helped make your point very clear.

  3. I was extremely apprehensive reading the first few steps of this. I was laughing at how simple you made it seem. Then you got to the real stuff that made me stop laughing and silently nod because every part of what you said is true. You've obviously been through this and it's comforting to see someone just come out and say it's not as easy as everyone thinks it is. Heartbreak is always romanticized by those who are not currently experiencing it. Great job.

  4. I really loved this blog post because you managed to find a way to relate to other people and their experiences in relationships. Even more, you were so specific in finding ways to comfort yourself over a breakup which I really appreciated because most people are so generic in ways to get over a past relationship. Thank you for taking the time to share your method in learning to get over your Ex because it is most definitely not an easy task.

  5. Hi Brianna I loved this. A lot of heart breaks go on now a day and this is very relevant which is a good thing. I loved how you were every open with everything and your own experience. I also loved how you worded and said things. It made me feel like you completely understand me and you're right there getting through it with me. So thank you for your lovely how to essay.

  6. Hey Brianna, thanks for sharing this. Although I can not personally relate to the specifics of a such a break up, as I have not been in many relationships throughout my life, the straightforward and artfully crafted way in which you wrote this helped me to understand a small fraction of the heartache. I imagine a breakup like this would be like losing part of yourself. People can tell you that it will pass in time, but there will forever be a part of you missing. Friends help to close that missing part, but it is still there, and you realize that suppressing the feelings will only make the hole bigger. Though this is only around 1,000 words, you helped me to understand this. Brianna, you are a beautiful person inside and out,and any guy would be lucky to be with you. Hopefully one day that missing part of you can be mended. Anyway, that you for writing this wonderful how to, that is certainly much more than a how to.

  7. Wow. The change in tone within this "how to" was incredible. This goes to show just how strong you are as an individual, especially because you had the guts to even post about something as personal as your feelings. I admire that you saw this boy as "a chapter" in your story because you still have the rest of your life to find that perfect fish in the sea for you. I relate to the part when you stated that it takes time to heal because just like everyone else, I've been hurt before, and it DID get better in time. I'm so proud of you for finding content within your family and friends in your time of hurt. I will always remember this beautifully written piece when I need hope to bring myself up, and I hope others will turn to this as well. <3

  8. I loved this piece because you really captivated the harsh reality of breakups. Step 4 captured my attention the most as you depicted the real truth that people should know when it comes to this situation. I am glad to hear that for you everything has worked out fine in the end. This advice post is impressive!

  9. I absolutely loved this post!!! These were all simple steps but are hard to achieve for most people. I love how you put your experience in the how-to let people know were not alone.

  10. The overall premise of the seemingly easy and light-hearted "how-to" is something to raise eyebrows, but in a good way! The idea of overcoming a breakup seems so simple and easy, but in fact has much more depth to it than one would think, and you perfectly represented that in this. Your post skims the surface of the idea, but then blossoms into a deep and meaningful message. Thank you for posting this wonderful piece of writing!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I'm amazed at your advice. It's truly wonderful and shows how much fortitude is needed to get through a relationship. You acknowledged all faults and don't sugarcoat a thing yet make the reader feel welcome. People often don't realize they are not alone in this sense and that strong emotions are completely normal. The confidence of the 2nd and 3rd step are wonderfully encouraging and the transition to a completely honest reality hit it home. Step 4 was the gold and you really succeeded in closing the rhetorical distance by immersing yourself with the reader. GREAT JOB

  13. wow! I can relate to this so much. This really did make me think. I like on how you picked a topic that everyone has gone through and showed them that you really can get over it and it takes time.
    Alyssa Cosby per.1

  14. I have never been in a romantic relationship, but I have read my fair share (and then some) of romance novels and was always shocked at how some of them romanticized a break up and how you eat ice cream with your girlfriends and hate boys forever or some other cliche, and for .2 seconds I thought you were gonna do they same thing... based on the title, but I was wrong. (Oh you thought I was gonna be a cliche about break ups... don't EVER judge a book by its cover!) You managed to capture what I feel, as an outsider, a break up essentially is, another chapter of your life coming to an end. I especially love how that concept can be applied to both boys and girls, because boys can get their hearts broken too. It also took guts to share a bit of your experience (it made me tear up a bit).
    - Anais Moran (period 5)

  15. Wow, the way you used the list as a hook to the real purpose of the story is genius! It definitely may seem easy on the outside looking in to really forget about the "not so positive" experiences in our life", especially relationships turned south, but in reality, it is definitely something many struugle with.

  16. This piece is very well articulated and truly captivating throughout!The way that you first started, outlining the steps as if they are easy tasks, and then shifted to the difficult reality those of us must face was incredibly insightful and an effective way to maintain the audience's attention throughout . Furthermore, bringing in your personal experience and triumph at the end of the passage truly sums it all up, giving the heartbroken readers hope. This was an lighter take on an experience that can be life altering to many.

  17. I absolutely loved your blog! I know how much this blog meant to you and I'm really proud of you for putting yourself out there like this. I enjoyed how you made it a "How To" type, because it is true there are steps to take in order to get over a breakup. I related to this blog completely, especially the part when you talked about how it takes time. Good job!

    Samantha Ehrlich Per. 1

  18. I really liked how you used the list as a hook to lead the reader to the real purpose of the poem. On the outside, it seems like it would be easy to just forget the not so positive experiences in life, such as relationships turned south, but in reality, many people struggle with this today. This post must be read by people going through this.

  19. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! I personally have never been in a romantic relationship, but I will definitely use this when I am dealing with a breakup. You were just so specific and detailed with your own way of coping and I know a lot of people will benefit from your personal experience. Also, I liked how you didn't sugarcoat your experience and directly say that it's all okay, when in reality it isn't. \

    Again, thank you for sharing this, and I'm sorry you had to experience this breakup. I'm sorry that whoever broke your heart did what they did, but just remember the cliche phrase that "there are better fish out there."

  20. I love this piece! Brianna, you captured the aftermath of break-ups perfectly. Most people really sugar coat healing but you captured it very realistically! I love the development throughout the steps, each one bringing the heartbroken closer to full emotional recovery. I know if I was currently going through a rough patch like this, this piece would inspire me to better myself. I hope this was out of your imagination and not your reality!

  21. I'm so impressed and I think this is the most relatable post I've read yet! I enjoyed it so much because you managed to capture all the feelings of a break up and managed to make a dark situation a bit lighter and really put things back into perspective. I also loved how you were able to tie in the opinions of others and explain that all you really need is yourself and your own personal way of coping with things is the best way honestly despite all of the "advice" people try to give.

  22. I simply enjoyed the use of the list in the beginning and just completely turned the tables by step 4. I love how you went from what others try to tell you to do after a break-up to what people don't tell you. I felt all the emotion poured into this blog post and even felt the pain you went through. Thank you for putting allowing us to realize that things will always get better when times get tough.

  23. I absolutely loved this blog because you make it easy to get over a breakup. Also I liked how you expressed your past breakup and how you got over it as well. You exposing yourself on how you went through your on process of a breakup shows how strong you are and how much you have grown since then.

  24. This was such a compelling post to read. You took the "how to" prompt and twisted it to your liking. You shut down all those who believe there is a clear cut way to get over a relationship, because there is not. I could feel so emotion throughout this piece, and it was such a strong and fierce tone. Thank you for sharing this with others! - Jennifer Kirksey

  25. This entry has taken my breath away. I loved how at first you were talking about what to do to get over a break up to it will be okay if it's taking awhile to. It definitely does takes time to get over a breakup, so thank you for allowing the individuals who relate to a break up to have something to lean back on as support.
    Kristine Caspe period 5

  26. Wow, I love how you wrote this from beginning to end! Reading your post brought back so many emotions from my recent break up experience and ultimately left me with hope. Thank you for providing me, and so many others I'm sure, with great advice. You courageously laid out your own personal emotions and that created a sense of connection within your readers. I'm proud of you for that! Overall I definitely enjoyed reading this beautiful "how to". Thank you.

    -Sammie Sandoval

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. As someone who never has been in a relationship (despite wanting one just a little bit), I was surprised to experience the plethora of emotions I felt while reading your post. The way you wrote this was in such a way as if you motioned the reader over, with them thinking they knew exactly what they were about to read, and took an unexpected turn. This turn turned out to be very effective in passing along emotion, and I'm touched by the imagery and metaphors you used.

  29. wow! This is so well written and I really loved the way you started to use all of the typical things people say and then change it and go into your own view of moving on. I think this piece is so relatable to so many people and I think you did a great job at really showing the way you felt people should be moving on. Overall, I think this piece was great!

  30. Hey Brianna, I loved how you were so specific and detailed throughout this piece. Not only you explained how to get to get over a breakup but also you related it to your past experience. I would definitely recommend this to my friends and also use this for myself as well.

    -Jerico Franco

  31. I loved this post! Reading your post, I felt as though you perfectly described what a break up feels like through the raw emotion of your writing. It's always important to remember that although it may feel like everything is horrible right now, there will come a time when you find yourself not thinking about the other person at all and realizing you always deserved better! Speaking from experience, I can guarantee you the perfect person will come into your life,who understands, supports, and loves you unconditionally. Your blog post will give hope to and inspire others who are going through a break up.

  32. I really love this! The figurative language you used really helped tie the whole piece together. You put your own experience in at that is so raw and so so lovely. I think it is important for us to realize the end of a relationship is not really the end, in fact it is the opposite,it is the start of you-without them. Although scary you can really learn about yourself and that is the part that makes breakups somewhat beautiful. Nice job!

  33. First off, thank you so much for choosing a breakup as your topic and for being brave enough to post it. You created a sense of hope for anyone going through what they may think is the worst times in their lives. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and your post brought light to that. I loved that you make people realize that things will get better with time and that from this experience they will ultimately become a stronger and more confident person.

  34. Great job of creating an insightful, interesting and captivating passage about an experience that can be so hard to overcome for many. The way that you started out essentially going through the motions, or the steps, then shifting the tone to a much deeper explanation of this painful experience truly showed the insight you brought to aid the audience. Summing it all up with your personal experience and how you overcame such a hard time truly tied in the focus of the article, in helping the audience.

  35. Brianna, this is one of the best pieces relating to a breakup that I have ever read. I appreciate your ability to transform a simple "how to" into a masterpiece with personal experiences and honesty. The emotion in this is genuine and it makes the piece very easy to relate to. I definitely agree with you that it is okay to be sad but that it is important to realize that you are your own person and can live without an ex. Also, I liked that you mentioned that getting over a breakup is different for everyone; it was a nice touch!

  36. This piece was so inspiring and eye catching! I loved the way that you laid this out to be a "How-To" to simplify the subject that so many people harp over. You are so strong and brave for writing about this issue that people never want to acknowledge due to pride, embarrassment, or fear. I loved the way that you included empowering yourself as the main idea because in the end you are your true best friend! Great Job! - Sabrina Wilkerson

  37. I relate to this in a personal level this was a great piece you wrote. Also the fact, that you applied it into step by step format is very unique. To add, the deep thought you utilized into the steps was probably a hard process to think out and write but this is a wonderful piece! 10/10
    Period 5 breanna carrillo

  38. Lauren Elizabeth WrightSeptember 17, 2017 at 12:20 PM

    Overall, this was really well written. I thought the way you completely changed the tone after the first three steps was extremely effective. You did a great job of getting all your ideas across.

  39. Amazing job Brianna! This “how to” definitely contained a very influential and powerful message. I loved how you managed to take a hard situation you’ve endured and be able to convey that into a universal statement. My favorite part of this “how to” was Step 4, because it heavily contrasts from the first 3 steps, also providing some comic relief. Your perception of how to get over a breakup really reflects how strong of a person you are. Thank you for this motivating piece!

  40. I really enjoyed how you were able to connect to such a wide audience as most of us have experienced a breakup. Also, I enjoyed the transition you made in step 4 as you switched from completely cutting them off of your life to making it a point that it is ok to remember the past experiences that you had with your ex and how you were able to personally connect to the piece. Ultimately, I enjoyed how you were very mature with the situation and think it is a step that we should all take with a break up as we should all wish our ex the best as we move on without them into the next chapters in our life.

  41. This was so amazing! At first, the steps you wrote in getting over a breakup seemed reasonable and something that everyone has to go through. But when you retracted what you said and described how breaking up isn't as simple as a 1-2-3 list, I got chills. I felt the realness and intense emotions from your writing- almost as if it was my situation. Your words are an inspiration to people going through a breakup, and just letting people know that it's okay to cry and that time heals all wounds is something we all need to hear. One part that hit my heart the most was when you said "I’ve taken the broken pieces of my heart and built myself a castle out of them." That is so incredibly inspirational and such an amazing phrase- that even through heartbreak and what seems to be inescapable sadness, we can build ourselves up and grow to become a stronger person. I will forever keep that saying in my head, especially when I feel like the world is against me. Thank you so much for writing about breakups, it really helps in ways I can't even describe.

    Alyssa Santos
    Period 1

  42. WOW Brianna, you just have shared something that most likely all of the teenagers went through. We all have this story but not all of us have this gut share and put it out their with such a positive vibe. In prospective of psychological way, it is absolutely ok to go through all this, crying, screaming, hiding and all. But the most important part is to pick ourselves up, and i am pretty sure we all learn how to do that by making those mistake. Sometimes it is ok to make some mistakes, sometimes it is ok to pick up the wrong person. Because there is always reason behind everything. Lastly, thank you so much Brianna, for writing this because i am pretty sure your blog will make change to someone and somewhere.
    -Taslima Ahamed

  43. At first, I was reading this thinking to myself that there are no steps to handle a break up. As i read more I am glad you changed it and it made me feel like I was the one getting over a break up. Also, I loved that you incorporated your own personal experience with a break up. Doing that made me realize how much of a strong individual you are.

  44. This blog post is really relatable in that everyone has gone through or eventually will go through a break up. Your feelings of sadness, reminiscing, and overall just missing that person are all to real. Often times we find ourselves doing things to try and get over that person when in reality what truly helps and heals is time, time spent alone to realize what you really want in order to be happy and time spent with others that make you happy..

  45. I'm sure I can speak for myself as well as many others reading this, but thank you so much for posting this. You took something that can be so harsh and turned it into an enlightening experience. You made one of probably the hardest things to do in life seem so easy and this just shows how brilliant and strong of a person you are. You have definitely inspired and encouraged so many people reading this and gave others something to turn to in times of need.

  46. Even though I've never experienced a break up, this piece showed me what to do if I ever were to. I've seen my friends undergo break ups and I really wished I would have been able to give this advice to them. I really enjoyed reading this piece and enjoyed that you included your own experience. Great job Brianna!

  47. This was just so great! I love how in the beginning steps you made it seem like getting over a breakup was short and simple how some make it out to be, but then go on to say its not and it can be a short or long process to go through. So many people can take so much from this and the fact that you put your own personal experience into this made it a 100 times better. I'm so glad you posted this for the blog. I love it so much!

  48. I can feel the personal touch this has, and the power this has. As I read, it felt as though as you were writing you became more and more passionate about what you were writing, and even yourself. I've never been in a romantic relationship, but through this piece I can start to understand what its like, the heatbreak, anger, the frustration, but more importantly the happiness and safety that were so great as to cause such an emotional response to its end. This writing has so many layers, I could analyze it all day, but for now I shall say, Bravo.

  49. This piece is super relatable to practically everyone reading this. It really hit close to come with me, I just feel as if you gave a really good insight to everyone that has experienced a breakup and didn't know that to do and this just helps people with this future problem.

  50. Wow, that was really incredible what you were able to bring out for this piece of writing. The simplistic idea of a step by step guide really puts into focus this idea of handling the complex emotions of a heartbreak, and you were able to do this so well ! Your own experience gives so much cedibilty and raw emotions to the piece that it actually moved me. You were able to connect with us emotionally and we were all for it, great piece !

  51. Wow, what an amazing piece you were able to give to us. The simplistic idea of a step by step guide really helps us focus on the complex emotions we feel when we go through something like a break up, and you did it so well ! You wrote a piece that resonates with the reader, and giving some of your own experience really gave readers raw & powerful emotions to feel. Great piece enjoyed it a lot !

  52. Wow. I am amazed at how well written this piece was. I enjoyed how you made a break up seem like such an easy thing to endure, as they do in movies. Your reality hitting last step is the harsh truth that many go through. It was a well written piece that many readers, including myself, can relate to. I admire how brave you are to openly post your feelings. You are a strong individual and I promise, you will get to that high point in your life again, when you are not worrying about a boy. (:
    - Taylor Vasquez

  53. I loved this post because it criticized the unhelpful posts about getting over a breakup quickly and was brutally honest in admitting that getting over a breakup takes times. Knowing that the writer experienced a breakup as well allows the reader to feel more trustworthy of the advice because the person they're seeking this advice from has lived through it themselves. It also made the process of a breakup easier to handle because of this line, "You have to realize that this takes time and it isn’t the same for everyone." This reassures the reader that they shouldn't be insecure in how long or how ugly their recovery is because everyone is different. This comforts them and communicates that they shouldn't be ashamed of how they handle a breakup because no two healing persons should ever be compared.
    My heart goes out to you.
    -Elizabeth Rivera

  54. This is such a great how-to-guide. After reading through what you wrote, I feel as if I too did the same things and felt the same way. With this I can see how I'm not the only one that feels this way about breakups like these ones. This is very inspiring to me because I too recently went through the same thing so this makes me feel very at ease and emotional. Thank you for writing such a great piece!

    Jeremiah Credo
    Period 1

  55. Fantastic writing! You really poured yourself out into this piece, you can really feel how you felt writing this, and it takes a strong writer to show their vulnerability in a piece. Most teenagers have gone through heartbreak, or what seems to be heartbreak at the least. Your work is relatable to most of the people who would be reading it, and the amount of detail and feeling you put into it will allow whoever needs to read this to feel what you felt, and even vent their feelings by reading your piece. I also really appreciated the extended fish metaphor, giving the fish a deeper meaning than just holding the place of other eligible single people. I really enjoyed your piece, and even though the assignment is completed for you, hope to see more of your writing in the near future.
    - Ty Koslowski, Period 1

  56. Brianna this was absolutely amazing, as someone who has yet to have someone special or a breakup, i still couldn't help but get dragged in to your piece. The transition from reasonably steps to experience and reality was flawless.

  57. I applaud you for taking the time to use something that you have been through or seen before to help the rest of the world. I know there are plenty of people that could use this and you kept it real even if it was something someone may not want to hear. Amazing job.

  58. I absolutely loved this, it incorporated so many emotions and was very well written over all. The flow was it carried was amazing and started off slow and cliche and then in Step 4 really escalated to show though what it is you really wanted to get across. You shared a beautiful message and not to mention selected such a well fitted quote by the unknown author.

  59. This is probably the first written piece of work that has actually spoken to me. I was blown away at how you started off with complete cliches that I have heard time and time again, but step 4 when you turned your entire list on itself was so perfect. This list showed breathtaking and heartbreaking truth, great job!

    Sara Perez
    Period 5


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