
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"Belle's Biggest Mistake" by Alaijah

     I have a lover and we have been together for what it feels like centuries. He’s as handsome as could be, but then one day he left me. I'm not sure where he went does he even miss me? Beauty made him want to be a model. So what if he was a bit selfish? He still loved me. I haven’t seen him since the day he left me. Now I can't seem to find anybody who is worthy of me. This one man fell for me but he was a snob. Gastan was his name, to me he looked like a tree. He always spoke nonsense of my father and I. “Belle your father is crazy!” he told me. My father wasn't crazy he just loved me. He loved me so much he went in the woods to search for a way to pay our debts. A few days passed and he too had left me. His body was found in the woods all chewed up. I just knew that I would  forever be lonely. The day after he died a letter came in the mail  it said,”Belle, my love, I can't live without you any longer. I am currently living in the woods, come and find me and I will explain everything. “
  • Love yours truly, B

I decided it was about time to find my long lost lover. I left my house in search for my only family. In the woods I found this huge castle behind the trees. Maybe the owner has seen my one and only love. I knocked excitedly waiting for a response. No one answered as I waited anxiously. Call me crazy but I was so determined to find my soul mate that I walked straight into the castle. The castle was dark and a few lights were lit, a musty gust of wind lingered the air . The next thing I knew, a huge beast attacked me from behind and startled me.  Little did I know that I would soon fall in love with this beast. Days passed by and I was a prisoner in this place called his home. He reminded me of my long lost lover. I know, I know you're probably thinking he left you leave him be. I tried you see, that's why I fell in love with the Beast. But he, he could never love me- right? Looking at his long lashes when he blinked made me sad because I knew that he could never love me. His personality made me smile and made me feel confident about myself. I had fallen in love with the Beast, but I couldn't help but think about my previous lover and how he left me. I told myself repeatedly that the Beast understood me like no other, but I just couldn't tell anybody about this warming feeling in my heart.

     So one day I left the Beast and started my own family. Two years later I decided to visit the Beast. I called for the Beast but he didn't answer me. I searched everywhere in the castle, but couldn't find anything. Had the Beast left me? I searched the room that he forbidden me to see.
Maybe that's where he was playing hide and go seek. A letter was left next to a dead rose.
I picked it up and this is what it said,” Belle if  you are reading this I have died in misery.
I died because no one ever told me they loved me. I was your lover who left you because of my disease, I have Hypertrichosis which makes me grow unwanted hair all over my body. A witch cast a spell of me because of my selfishness. I hid from you because of the way I looked ----But obviously you thought you were too good for me. I will always love you but we can never be together because I am a  freak----right? Is that why you couldn't love me? Is that why you left me? You kept of talking about your long lost lover Belle, but all along you were looking at him. I bet you feel stupid, huh!? How do you think I feel? So I have one more thing to say before you finish reading. There's a twist to the witch's curse, your first born child will go through the same misery as me. On his or hers 16th birthday he or she will become the Beast. Sorry Belle, but this is how it has to be. If you would have said you loved me then we could have been a family. Anyways Belle I love you and never forget about me.
-yours forever, B


  1. I love how you tied this to the original Disney movie but put your own spin on it. It took a lot of creativity to change the story and I really admire your work. I enjoyed reading this piece.

  2. Plot twist! Great spin off to the original. I love how you continued to build the suspense throughout the piece which kept me on my toes. Few grammar errors, but other than that it's wonderful!

  3. This story was super creative and so good! I think the twist you put on the typical version was very interesting and suspenciful! Overall it was a great piece and I admire ur creativity!

  4. This piece had me wanting to read more. I really appreciated you "re-creating" the original. It had great detail and imagery! Great Job Alaijah!

    Eddie Avila
    Period 1

  5. I liked the twist to the original fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast. In the end with the letter from the Beast to Belle about her child's curse. It reminded me of Sleeping Beauty. They both got cursed on their 16th birthday. It was also a curse that was thrown upon them due to their parents selfishness. I liked how you changed Belles personality to mimic Gestons and Beast to mimic the original Belles.

  6. I really enjoyed this piece and how you literally flipped the well known Beauty and The Beast upside down. It was beautiful and it had me begging for more. I have one question to ask. Did the Beast kill Belle's father? And did Belle leave the Beast for Gastan as an act of "Karma" because the Beast killed her father?

    Kaitlyn Rueda
    Period 6

  7. Beauty and the beast is one of my favorite disney movies and man oh man was this different, I completely loved this it was different and something i had not expected. It was a great alternate ending to this once beautiful love story to wicked nightmare. Definitely an idea I had never once explored for myself but am happy to say i've read it and experienced this twist.

  8. I truly enjoyed it and it made me wanting to read more. I loved the plot twist you added in there and how you used the same background of Beauty and the Beast so most people already knew about but you were able to add creativity into the story.

  9. I truly enjoyed reading this and I loved he plot twist that was added. It took a lot of creativity to change up an original story like Beauty and the Beast.

  10. wow. i really loved how you took the twist on beauty and the beast. i also liked how the curse continued on to belle's child and maybe to the next generation? i almost teared up when belle left beast because she misunderstood that he didn't feel the same. i was hoping for the cliche ending, " and they lived happily ever after." overall, i loved this short story.

  11. I enjoyed reading this piece and seeing your twist to the story. I wish there was more of this Beauty and the Beast version for me to read more about.


  12. I am such a Disney fanatic and this short piece was so amazing! To say the least, even the title was intriguing. I loved the dark twist and expansion of Beauty and The Beast. Even the different perception of the characters wa worth reading. This story really demonstrated your creativity and originality. You have definitely brought forth justice to the original Beauty and The Beast!

  13. I enjoyed how you put your own spin on the original Disney tale, Beauty and the Beast. In the beginning, it felt like it was a mystery by the foreshadowing that a split between two lovers had suddenly occurred and that there's a hunt to find each other. I enjoyed the dark tone, completely opposite from the Disney tale. The tone definitely influenced the pettiness towards the end. I was expecting a happy ending to only find out the curse will live on. I loved it. Good job.

  14. This was a really awesome twist off of the original Beauty and the Beast! I liked the plot twist at the end, and I really admire how it's similar to the Disney story yet different enough to where it has me wanting more.

  15. A wonderful twist to a classic story. At first I wasn't sure what the story was about, but as I continued to read I recognized the story from where it had originated from. I must say your take on "Beauty and the Beast" is one of my favorites when it comes to a plot twist. Very different from those Disney movies and a wonderful lesson to learn from.

    - Justin Presto Per.1

  16. The classic tale of the beauty and the beast is brought back to life by this piece. This piece evokes strong emotions of longing and love and certainly is relatable to anyone's everyday life. Great piece that really leaves a mark on the reader.

  17. I really enjoyed how you took the original tale of Beauty and the Beast and put your own spin to it. Your creativity level was above and beyond, and I especially enjoyed how you didn't end it like every other Disney story which is a "happy ending" the witch's curse added a huge twist to it and I thought it was great!
    -Eliana Rodriguez

  18. First of all, I love Beauty and the Beast. I also love how you're connecting this to the original story. Your theme of love really hits where it hurts and the twist was even better!

  19. I am thoroughly impressed by this piece. I love the twist of the classic fairytale with the more grungier effect. It kept me on my toes and I really like how you added the twist at the end. Very good!

  20. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie. I loved how you were able to properly foreshadow yet still leave it suspenseful. This story had me wanting to read more and more, super enjoyable piece.
    - Taylor Vasquez

  21. What?? Total plot twist !!! This is crazy good. Its amazing that you were able to look at an already existing story and see it for what its not, rather than what it already is- if that makes sense. You were able to take the happy ending, and create an alternative ending for this and thats simply incredible. Props to you and your creative mind. I was almost disappointed it had to come to an end. I'd love to read more!! -Imani Crenshaw

  22. Seeing how Beauty and the Beast is the most recent Disney movie, its wonderful ending is still fresh in my mind, but reading your altered version has completely thrown that out my head and makes me think what if? The plot twist made a complete 180 in a story that is so well known and gives a new perspective on what could've happened. Incredible! Thank you!

  23. The suspense and the harshful end created a heart wench in which I have not felt before since my watch of Clannad. I love the idea of the story having letters where the Beast has written for Belle and how he insisted on waiting for Belle. Your wittiness and creativity is all presented here. Good job.

  24. This was definitely a twist to one of my all time favorite Disney movie. I love the idea that the beast was once her long lost lover and he kept it that way even in the form of the beast. The suspense and tragedy of this story really was interesting.
    -Sara Hernandez Per.6


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