
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

" The Tale of a Schiminey" by Benjamin M

Schiminey was by no means a normal goblin. He did his work in the caverns, sharpening the daggers, and curdling the soup, like that of the other goblins, but there was something different about him. Schiminey like many other goblins shared a burning desire for wealth. The seven deadly sins for humans was set only two about 1 for the goblin race: greed. Although Schiminey would not be noticed among his own people for being different, he was indeed unique when compared to the other goblins. The main characteristic that made him unique was his uncommon desire for adventure. While tightening the chains of a prisoner, or harvesting mushrooms from within those deep and treacherous tunnels, he would often ponder and collect his thoughts. “If I am to be like the other goblins simply living my life down here in the caverns then how will I acquire my enormous wealth?  If I am only to leave the caverns to raid the towns of the goods, then how will I acquire my enormous wealth? If all of the gold is to be shared among the goblins, then it is not mine. Not my enormous wealth.”
            Schiminey did not care much for the other goblins. They were loud and obnoxious, and stank of rancid meat, and unlike Schiminey they did not see the bigger picture. The picture filled with gold, and fresh bread, and the beautiful castle walls with his 27 servants. These were the intricacies of a true dreamer. One day Schiminey was walking through the deeps, feeding the leftover slop to the prisoners, mainly humans but some other races, when suddenly he thought of fantastic idea. He walked over to a skinny bearded man that sat with his head over his knees, his long grayish hairs dangling to the grimey stone floors. “Hey you!” Schiminey whispered loudly to the man, spit accidentally spewing from his mouth. The main slowly looked up, his blue eyes glimmered in the light created from the worms slithering upon the walls. “How’d you like to get outta here?”
            The mans expression did not change but he began to speak in a deep hissing tone. “You monsters killed my family. How am I supposed to trust you?” Schiminey’s enraged goblin smile, and short sharp teeth shone. “You can’t, but you’re going to die anyway so you might as well.” The man slowly stood up, his shackles ringing as they bumped into one another. “Alright get me out of here then!” he yelled. Schiminey threw down the bucket, and slop spilled across the floor. He reached for the key ring that was connected to the cloth belt of his waist, and pulled forward the correct key. The key fit into the hole and the tumblers clicked. Other prisoners seeing the act began to yell and beg. “Right here! Get me out!..Get me out!” Schiminey looked over to the others and smiled. “Sorry, but I can only take one for this to be believable”
            Schiminey unhooked the man from the wall that he was connected to, and motioned for him to follow. The other prisoners moaned, and groaned as the two walked down and out of the the lower tunnel. The mans bonds jangled as he limped at an unreasonable pace. “Alright Human.” Schiminey began “I need to get out of this place to acquire my wealth, however most of the races are not too fond of goblins. If I promise to get you out, you need to promise and help me out.”
            “Whatever you say.” the man responded. They headed from the deeps, into the forge, and through the twisted tunnels passing by the bioluminescent algae until they finally entered the great hall. Hundreds of goblins were working tirelessly here in an attempt to appease the goblin queen. The massively gigantic, colossal, and obese goblin queen was about the size of 20 horses put together. Though most of the goblins simply fed on mushrooms, and sometimes various meats, the tastes of the goblin queen were quite diverse when compared with the other goblins. She ate cheese, and potatoes, pies and tomatoes, but was especially fond of meat. She ate cows, and sheep, and sometimes pigs feet, but her favorite meat was human.
            She sat upon her throne, in the middle of the great hall, eating all day and night, in order to have the energy to give birth. The goblin queen was the only female of her species. Female goblins were only born once every hundred years. She spawned around three goblins a day, and these goblins were most often set to work in the mines.
            The other goblins scoffed, and snarled as Schiminey and the man walked down the great bridge in order to meet with the goblin queen. She was guarded by Beetle, and Deedle two unusually large and strong goblins, that stood at about 6 feet tall each. “Speak your business!” Deedle said while he pounded his staff upon the ground. “I wish to speak with the goblin queen!” Schiminey replied. The goblin queen preoccupied at the moment, tearing the leg off of a goat then looked down at Schiminey. “What do you want?” she said, sticking the festering piece of meat into her mouth, and chewing the bones whole. “I wish to be given permission to exit the caverns! This prisoner has been giving us trouble!” Schiminey said, yelling to make sure he was heard over the disgusting sound of spit mixing with bone and meat.
            The goblin queen stopped everything she was doing and looked down at Schiminey and the man. “Mmm… Human!” she licked her chops. “There is no need for you take him out of the caverns my child. I will simply eat him!” the goblin queen said in a delighted tone, throwing the goat across the great hall, and knocking a worker down in the process. She began to reach for the man, when Schiminey, jumped in front of him. “M’lady, I bid you not eat this human. He has consumed a great poison that will be unleashed into these halls If he is not taken out.” the goblin queen screamed. “Ahhh!” she said flailing her arms. “Beetle, take this wretched being out of the caverns at once!” Beetle pounded his staff to the ground. “Yes M’lady!” he said grabbing onto the man. Schiminey was forced to intervene once again. “I am sorry M’lady, but I am the one who saw the man concocting the poison… If I am not the one to take him out of the caverns, then the curse that he has set into our city will remain.” the goblin queen, being no smarter than any other goblin began to flail her arms again. “Do it then!” she yelled. She reached into one of her fat flaps, and pulled out a small piece of metal that would grant Schiminey temporary access to leave the caverns.
Schiminey bowed. “Thank you M’lady!” he said. Schiminey waved at the man to follow him, and they both found their way out of the cavern, unopposed.


  1. I really enjoyed your story as I'm a fan of fiction. I was drawn in immediately by your descriptions of each character (the goblin queen being my favorite) and the savageness of the piece. It was a nice escape from reality into the world of where goblins exist. One thing I think you could work on however is how you transition from narration into the character dialogue. Other than that, wonderful job!

  2. This was a extremely entertaining piece. I was able to imagine the world where Schiminey lived and the sights and sounds around it ( especially of the Goblin queen eating the meat and bones mixed with spit). You can see and feel the grotesque, plump goblin queen as she ate. Definitely brought the piece to life. The lack of introduction to the character dialogue was a bit confusing, but, overall, a great piece.

  3. Your story and the peek into goblin life was truly and an amazing and entertaining one! I very much loved how the story seemed to have come to life, making me feel as if I was there experiencing the story first hand! Great use of imagery there, yet I feel like there could've been a bit more character development, especially for the human because he seemed to have just been there and not play much of a role as he could've. However, it was still an outstanding piece!

  4. This was an amazing and excellent story. You gave so much imagery that I feli that I was there and could see Schiminey I wish you would have made it a bit longer because im sad it has to be over. Great work Benjamin.

  5. Interesting story. The plot feels like a vessel for the bizarre universe the story takes place in. The sheer absurdity of the setting is very reminiscent of something like a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. I would definitely read a longer story set in the same universe just to see some concepts explored in more detail. I'd love to read more about the goblins' social structure!

  6. I love how you gave a little background to the world outside of the goblins and how you were able to let readers know that goblins weren't the only ones to exist, that there were multiple races out there of different species. Every word you wrote made your story POP! The story felt so alive and exuberant. The amount of detailed imagery you used brought so much life into each of the characters! Great job Ben!! XD

  7. Excellent and vivid writing. As a huge fan of fantasy, this captured my imagination. What if for some unforseen reason, no female queen was born? What if the man really did have a curse? It was a fun story, and I'm curious to see what the goblin and the man decide to do next.

  8. I enjoyed this very much. I love reading fiction so this story was really entertaining and I found myself very interested and wanting more. I would very much like to read the rest of this story!

  9. Wow, this was really good! I love the amount of detail you put into each chatacter description. This seems like such a fun little world you've created, I'd love to see this developed into a full blown thing. Keep up the great work!
    -Carianne Lefebvre

  10. I enjoyed this read because it brought an all new take on the classic goblin. Usually, stories that have them would just use them as a side species or unimportant character, but you chose to go in depth into one as the main character, which I haven't seen before.

  11. I really enjoyed this post. It's such a unique story, to me at least, the fateful day of a goblin who can not be satisfied with his current menial life.

  12. I loved your unique story. I'm normally not a fan of fictional stories, but I found myself wanting to know more about Schiminey. Good job, Benjamin!

  13. Wowww Ben, hahaha. You really made Schimney come to life with this story. It made me feel nostalgic after reading it. Your narrative on this Goblin and his Tale has exceeded my expectations. I was drawn in, I chuckled and I got to know some of the characters throughout this story even though it was so short. You evoked emotion and held my interest with your wonderful literary and fictional skills. Great job Ben, I loved it.


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