
Saturday, March 11, 2017

"Let Go" by Sophia J

     As we are nearing the end of our senior year, I am remembering the times where we all felt
insane amounts of stress. At this point, we can look back and be relieved that those times are
over, but I remember the feelings of anxiety that would flood through my body anytime I got a
new AP score or when I started filling out college applications. I remember one day in particular.
It was the day the AP test scores would be sent out to everyone. I was up extra early that day
talking to my boyfriend Vivek on the phone at 6am about my AP scores, going to college, and
overall just what the future holds. Vivek was trying to assure me that everything was going to be
okay and to just stay positive, but all I wanted to hear were my scores. Eventually they came in
and mine turned out to be the lowest out of my entire bio class. I sat and cried for a while until I
actually looked at the situation. Ever since I was a freshman, all I wanted was to get a great
GPA, get accepted into a top school, and be successful. The only things on my mind were to get
a great SAT score and high grades in all my honors and AP classes, but all I had done was drag
myself into a deep hole and I spent my entire junior year depressed. I set very unrealistic
expectations for myself and when I didn’t achieve them, I became upset and let my emotions
get the best of me. There are times in life where you may not fulfill the goals you set for yourself
but the way you handle it determines your future. One of the worst things I did in high school
was compare myself to everyone who was close to me in regards to academics, personality,
and lifestyles choices. By comparing myself to others, I began to put myself down for not being
like everyone else therefore hurting me in the process. Almost one year later as we are all
undergoing this college process and anticipating college admission letters from many of our
dream schools, the only advice I can give to you all is to let life take its course. You will get into
the school you were meant to go to and everything will be ok. Don't take a rejection from a
school and use that as an inward reflection of who you are. I’m sure that we all have our dream
schools, and some of us are not going to get into those schools and that is fine. The rest of the
world survives no matter what school they end up going to! It is up to YOU to work hard
wherever you go and take the best education from the classes you choose to attend.
There may be times where you worked hard and other times where you slacked off, but that's
okay because it's all done now; you learned from it and it is time to move on. Be the best
version of yourself anywhere you go, and work towards your goals everyday. All throughout high
school I’ve seen my fellow peers work extremely hard just to get accepted into college and the
only conversations we have had were about school and the countless hours they spent doing
extracurricular activities. Those things are definitely important, but are you truly happy? With two
months left until graduation, our high school experience is almost over. I hope you all make the
most of your time here and carry these experiences with you to college.Academics are definitely
a huge part of our lives and is needed in order for us to succeed but we all need to take time to
breathe and enjoy life as well. Don't be discouraged because you didn't get an A on an exam, or
that you didn't end up getting summa cum Laude out of our whole senior class. And once you
get into college just remember that now you're competing against thousands of students from all
different parts of the world and they all have their own goals and dreams. There's absolutely no
room for comparison because you are your own person with your own individual capabilities. So
I'm not saying don't strive to be on top, but keep in mind that failure comes along with it. But I
can gladly say that a year ago I was nowhere close to the person I am today and I've never
been happier. I have an amazing boyfriend, family and friends who support me so much and I
know all that I've gone through is part of the process. Maybe you haven't experienced failure
yet, but keep in mind that everything in life doesn't come easy. You may think you have it all
figured out, but you'll be surprised to see how much will change in four years. So keep an open
mind, strive to be the best you can be, and just be happy because at the end of the day no
matter what college you attended, or what job you have, you're still amazing and capable of
anything you put your mind to.


  1. I can relate to your piece to a personal level as I been through that as well. Well, I still am. I still have that feeling of wanting to be the best I can, but sometimes it all going downhill from there. Similar to how you set your expectations and never achieving them. But you learn from your mistakes, so that's a good thing right? Overall, a fantastic job!

  2. Great job, Sophia! I think this is something all of us can relate to. We all strive to be the best possible versions of ourselves, but sometimes we need to slow down and have a little fun. This was a great reminder that our happiness should always come first.

  3. This was a beautiful blog Sophia! Not only is it very relatable, but it came straight from your heart and your personal life. You showed how you're making a comeback after hitting a low point in your life and I'm so glad your views on school, setting goals, etc. have changed because it will truly change your mindset for the better. You're growing as a person and I couldn't be any more proud of you for that!

  4. Great Job Sophia! This piece is really inspiring. I am actually struggling with comparing myself to other people so thank you for reminding me that in the long run comparison of ourselves to to others is damaging to ourselves and our well-being. I will continue to be positive to myself and smile everyday thanks to you!

  5. This whole piece is truly uplifting and so wonderfully written! I like how you went on to explain your story first and then transitioned to inspire and encourage the reader. Many students constantly stress about college, life after high school, and the future in general. This is so important and vital for students to read especially in the last part of the school year. Well done!

  6. Sophia, I loved your piece because it is so encouraging and addresses a common problem that many people have of comparing themselves to others. You made me realize that us as students can't control life, and we also need to make sure that we have time to relax and most importantly have fun!

  7. I loved this piece because it is so relatable, probably for almost everyone in the senior class. Also, your writing is very uplifting and encouraging, it reminds me to not compare myself to other and be happy with myself. The positivity makes this piece very enjoyable and worth the read, Great Job!

  8. This is such an amazing piece Sophia. It's relatable on so many levels. I remember being told that high school is either going to be the best or the worst four years of your life. I spent my time making unrealistic expectations and ended up being disappointed as well. I really like how you put a positive spin on your situation. Just like you, I believe that its important to be happy no matter situation life throws at you. Great job!

  9. I really enjoyed the message of this piece, it helped me realize that effort is all that is needed even if you don't reach the level you wanted to.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This is such a raw, uncoated piece! I loved how they were solely your experiences, direct emotions, and your true outlook on your struggles. Especially being surrounded by individuals with a greater intellectual psyche, it's easy for one to focus outward, when we truly need to look inwardand question if we truly are happy, as you conveyed. Awesome job!

  12. Sophia, this was beautiful. You wrote such an encouraging and uplifting piece by illustrating negative experiences first, making it even more impactful. I love that this piece is so genuine and positive, which reflects its author. You did a great job!

  13. You expressed a significant message that all students should be aware of in a way that is relatable, impactful, and optimistic - there is more to life than success in school. I liked how you described your experience with the AP exam results since it was one that showed how you grew and your opinion regarding academics changed. Overall, I believe that students are driven by unrealistic expectations, and this piece helps enforce the fact that academics do not define your quality as a person.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Thank you for writing this, I really appreciate how you didn't water anything down and told us how you feel. I can relate to this 100 percent, I don't want to get too personal here but during the last three years I felt as if I never really had my own self identity, set of achievements, and that everyone else is better than me. In simple terms I thought that I was a loser and I also spent my entire junior year depressed and angry, that was a pretty toxic feeling but this year I realized that high school is drop of water in the ocean compared to the world, nothing is perfect in life and we shouldn't always compare ourselves to others. I really hate how in high school we're forced to believe the notion that doing excessive extra circulars makes us somebody, in reality many of the things people do are only for popularity and not out of real sincerity. We also need to understand that literally nobody in the future will care if we were class president, prom king, top ten of our class, etc. I'm not trying to demean anybody as I think it's awesome if they were able to do those things in high school, but high school does not define the rest of your life. Many people right now are delusional and somewhat arrogant about what schools they're planning to attend, but reality will eventually set in that it doesn't matter where you go, but rather where you end up. However, I am thankful to God that I can say that this year I finally found my passions in life like film making and computer science and that I'm no longer bitter or self-destructive no more, I feel like I'm a different person compared to junior year. I see college as a new chapter in life and a new canvas, something that we can all use to improve ourselves and help us to reach our goals in life. Everyday we have the opportunity to change, even in these last two months of high school we can all reinvent ourselves for the better. Thank you again for posting this, this is one of those blog posts I can actually relate to. Great job and I wish you the best of luck in all of your future ambitions!

  16. This was such a positive piece! I really enjoyed reading reading about your journey with your AP and honors classes and your eventual growth into a mature young lady. Your message in the end was much needed and really tied your piece together. Great job!

  17. Yes Sophia!! *snap snap* This was a great motivational piece that you wrote. I have put myself down for some of my failures and this is just what I needed to hear. We all need some motivation sometimes and I really appreciate the fact that you wrote this and directed it towards the audience to create an informative tone and provide us with essential life lessons.

  18. This is a beautiful piece Sophia, it's really inspirational and I can definitely relate to this. I am a perfectionist and I expect everything to be perfect and when it's not I get really frustrated. But you're right that's not realistic and this is super motivational and an important overall lesson for life in general

  19. This piece was very moving! I love how positive you came to be after coming from a low place in life and I love how you try your best to motivate others and cheer them on. This piece is especially important for us right now as we are all going on to another part of our lives and we tend to worry. However, we should learn to have a positive outlook and just strive to be our happiest. I absolutely loved this piece and you did an amazing job!

  20. In comparison, I don't think that you are alone. I believe that many of us worry too much about the future and that we don't focus on the present. I always thought about my parents' happiness thinking that if I don't into this UC, my other family members will shame my parents for not raising me right. And so, I tried to work/study hard, straining and stressing myself, neglecting my health. When I read your article, I wondered whether the things that I am doing are worth it, sacrificing my health and happiness. However, you opened my eyes, seeing that if I work towards my own happiness, others will soon learn to appreciate what I'd do.

  21. Sophia, I really enjoyed reading your piece, not only was it relatable but it was also inspiring. I can personally relate because it wasn't until senior year when I learned to stop stressing over little things, and it has helped me go on through life way easier. It was inspiring because you were able to portray your feelings in such a detailed way where I felt as if I was feeling them with you. The message at the end was a really good closing statement that tied this up perfectly. Great job!

  22. I can totally relate to your story on so many levels. School has always put me in a position where I find myself comparing to others around me. I like how you changed on how you reacted towards your failures and I believe that life always come with failures. Failing is a part of being successful and it's true we are all independent from others accomplishments and failures. Good read thanks for sharing!

  23. This was amazingly eye opening and uplifting. I relate to everything you've mentioned; especially the stress over AP scores and college applications. This piece really had an impact on me and gave me comfort in the way that my life has turned out and the future of it all. Your inspiring diction throughout the story really emphasized the message you wanted to instill in people. Thank you for giving one of the greatest advice I could hear throughout my senior year!

  24. This piece is so real, I relate so much with being stressed and questioning myself if what I'm doing is going to pay off or lead to something other then what I hope. I'm glad you wrote this, it let me allow myself to calm down and realize whatever happens is meant to happen and that's life.

  25. Sophia thank you so much for writing this piece at this point in our school year. As seniors, our High School journey is nearing the end and I think we all needed some encouraging words to relieve our stress. Reading this piece took me back to last year when we struggled and struggled in AP Bio together. I remember we would panic and stress out, and both of us thought we would never get into college or never eventually have the careers we've always dreamed of. But, the way you poured out your true feelings about our school experience really reassured me, and i'm sure everyone else reading this, that we are all going to be okay! I love how you stated that no matter where we end up and what failures we face on the way, our drive and hard work is what will determine our future because it is absolutely true. No matter where any of us start, working hard enough can get us all where we want to be. Amazing job on this though provoking piece!

  26. This piece is so relatable since we're all seniors. We're all stressing over the future and the unknown and this piece really puts that into perspective. We should all take the time to destress and not worry over every little thing. Overall Great Job!

  27. Your story is definitely relatable. We are all seniors right now so I think we have experienced the same thing and have stressed about what happeneds with life after high school. I can tell you really took the time to write something meaningful that is also able to comfort us seniors in this confusing yet exciting transitional period of our lives.

  28. I personally really like this story, it really emphasizes the importance of self happiness. Many people put there academics first than there happiness which is very harmful. More people has to be aware of there mental health before anything happens. Thank you for such a lovely story and I'm happy that you're happy with the way your life is going.

  29. This piece is written really well and I can relate, as well as the senior class, a lot to your story. I loved the way you try to inspire and motivate the reader after you told your story. We all know that we try to be the best of ourselves and set goals that are very high and when not accomplished, our emotions get into us and begin to hate ourselves. We should change that, and put our happiness first above all things.

  30. Wow Sophia you have written a very empowering and emotional piece of writing that is definitely relatable and confidence inspiring to everyone. Your use of personal experience and convincing diction rally drives home your inspiring message. Great Job!

  31. This is something everyone can relate to. I love how you set this story. I remember you going through these situations and its great to know that you have overcame this situation! It was personal but also helpful and that's something I really liked! I wish you the best future! :)

  32. I appreciate your bravery and your ability to be honest. Senior year is extremely confusing and stressful and I'm glad you found the positives from it.

  33. OMG Sofia this was absoutley beautiful, I was so happy when reading this I honestly loved every word and all your diction and imagery. I can seriously relate!!

  34. This piece was truly so inspirational to me! I feel like this topic is one where every student can relate to, however not know the actions to take in the situation. You stayed very grounded and realistic when talking to your audience in terms of setting realistic goals that you could actually meet, and not being too sad and overwhelmed if a rejection comes. Your overall message to the audience of just letting life take its course was very moving and spoke to me. Great piece.


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