
Saturday, March 11, 2017

"So Few of Us Left" by Stephany S

     As much as humanity has been the poster child of on being intolerant to those of all
backgrounds despite the countless civil rights movements and protests that called for an end to
injustice, it has found a new group to hate and blame for all the world’s problems. This time, the
argument was targeted towards a generation of genetic abnormalities that granted random
people abilities beyond the human spectrum, ranging from the control of various elemental
forms to telepathy. When news spread of my minority’s existence, we were not seen for our
potential to contribute to mankind’s progress, but as freaks of nature and God’s mistakes.
Despite most of the superhuman community aspiring to coexist with humans and trying to play
“normal”, humanity just didn’t want anything to do with us out of fear that they can be
overpowered. The government didn’t help either, subtly promoting the unity of all humans to
combat this genetic anomaly as a silent but imminent threat, referring to us as something other
than human. Suddenly, social divides such as sexism, racism, and homophobia to fight the
nonexistent threat that is the superhuman minority. The military obtained new orders to combat
any and all superhumans regardless of intentions, and corral them into institutions they claimed
would teach them to use their powers safely, but in reality had a questionable agenda.
Once my telepathic powers manifested at age 12, my parents urged me to never use my
ability in public and keep my genetic status secret. In a way, it hurt to have to hide who I was,
and despite there existing a radical group of superhumans who prided themselves on being
superhuman, their methods were inhumane. So, day by day I lived my life, lying to everyone I
knew and fearing the practically inevitable day that I would be exposed for what I am. I
remember one night seeing on the news, two young siblings were hanged on a swing set, with
signs reading “demon” around their necks. It made me realize that some higher power in the
universe allowed crimes like that to happen, constantly punishing us for ever being born.
Eventually, such acts of local terrorism became a normal occurrence, and my fear grew numb.
That fear was awoken on one night in June, when all of a sudden a religious group called the
Crusaders executed their plan to damage mutantkind. Famously superhuman-majority cities
were leveled in the matter of minutes, and all at the exact same time at midnight, to prevent any
first-responder help aiding those who managed to survive. They even went so far as to target
someone with the power to create nuclear explosions, forcing him to detonate himself one last
time. It’s now 2 days later, and Crusader rallies have not stopped, as they march on the ruins of
cities worldwide to desecrate the memory of those murdered. I can’t help but feel useless,
because being a survivor means someone out there has something in store for me, but the way
I survived was like a coward does. I was never in any risk in the first place. Being a telepath
places even more responsibility on my shoulders, because ever since 2 days ago I haven’t
stopped hearing cries for help, others suicidal thoughts, from those I never would’ve guessed
were like me. There are rumors of a facility in the northeast where survivors are urged to go, to
be accounted for and protected by the few normal people who wish to see the conflict end.
Maybe I’ll go. Maybe I won’t. But either way there’s so few of us left to spend our energy and
security seeking revenge, because at this point in my life revenge means extinction.


  1. It was interesting to see (or actually read) this story through the perspective of a telepath who is part of the minority that is being attacked by the rest of society. The true feeling of cowardness and despair was displayed and described in a lot of detail. At the beginning of the story I thought it was going to be about important topics in today's society, but it was fascinating to see how a fictional minority being attacked handles themselves. Overall, the story was really captivating and your use of imagery and choice of diction when describing the telepath's emotion was very precise and descriptive.

  2. I enjoyed your choice of imagery, diction, and detail. It really allowed the speaker to present the piece in a higher emotional level and allowing the readers to connect with them. You were able to effectively inform the readers the issue presented, and the ways individual seek to find the solutions to their problems.

  3. Stephany, this was very interesting and extremely descriptive and engaging. I don't know if you meant for the story to allude to this but I was thinking of X-men the entire time! I really enjoyed reading this piece and I thought the overall theme was carried out well throughout the piece. Great work!

  4. This was such an interesting story to read because it was like no other. You have a creative way of thinking and it flows through your writing. I also like the whole plot of the story and how you connected it with minorities and the clash with the rest of society. Great work!

  5. This is a wonderful story! I was hooked right from the beginning because of your unique approach on this story. I love how you wrote it in the point of view of someone with telepathy and how they are affected by the events taking place. You used large amount of detail and strong diction which made your story even better. I really enjoyed your piece. You did a great job!

  6. I love this entire piece! It brings to light the unfortunate problems minorities have to face every single day. This piece just truly made it really interesting to read about this real life struggle and your creativity had me hooke the entire time:) Great job!

  7. I really enjoyed reading this piece! I love that it is different from all the other pieces on the blog. I also love the fact that it is a fictional story that incorporated problems with minorities in our society today. Overall this is a very creative and interesting piece, that had strong diction and imagery which made it an extremely enjoyable story.

  8. This piece provided a detailed description of the minority of today's society and even exposes society's tendency to find the abnormal of different a "danger". This piece is very Good.

  9. I liked this story because it put a twist on the plot and storyline of a typical superhero. It makes the heros feel more like villans, persecuted and always running away, whereas a regular hero is a model citizen and is praised in his community.

  10. I really liked your story because it reminded me of my childhood watching the first 3 X-men movie. I liked how you wrote through the eyes of a mutant struggling with feelings of having powers and the conflict they face everyday. Good job.

  11. I loved this piece. It's really well written and even though this isn't my first time reading it, I was still captivated by your story. I also really liked how you wrote from a telepathic mutant's perspective and that you were able to see how deeply affected the narrator is because their ability. Amazing Job:)

  12. I really enjoyed reading this piece. It was so creative and different and as someone who very much appreciates the references I want to say thank you for sharing it. The point of view is what really drives it home though. It helped place the audience right in the shoes of the telepath and get a completely new version of the story.

  13. I really enjoy how you used science fiction and other techniques to spread the importance of how our own society is suffering from discrimination. It's a twist on showing the truth that we live in today, and it is written in such a fun and creative way.

  14. I love this piece, I loved how you used a superhuman concept for your story. I like that the story is told from the point of view of a young mutant and goes through how this all began and how their is still some hope for her to be who is without fear of being hurt. I personally like to write about people with superhuman abilities so this was my kind of reading. You did a great job.

  15. This point of view you gave throughout the story was incredibly interesting because the reader was really able to see how a telepath (the minority) sees this society filled with hatred towards them. This sci-fi genre was also incredibly well done due to your imagery and large amount detail. Good job!!

  16. Stephany, I enjoyed how your piece was reminiscent of themes seen in the x-men but with your own personal twist.I especially liked the development towards the end when you delved into your character's abilities more and created striking images around the torture she faced from the prosecution of her people. Overall, a very interesting look into the way that people today treat otherness and the lenghths some will go to eradicate it. Thanks for sharing!

  17. I always thought the usage of super humans and their confrontations with modern society was such a good medium of which to touch upon social issues, and you conveyed that idea very well here. Likewise, popularized media around the superhero universe at times doesn't make enough effort to truly deliver the reality and psychological weight on the individual who wields power, and I believe you showed how that really plays out. It's always good to hear a story about superheroes; good job stephany!

  18. I like how your story made me feel reminiscent of the x-men, I enjoyed the whole vibe I got from it. Plus, your first person view was so nicely carried on throughout the whole story because not once was I lost but I was hooked from beginning to end. Nice work!

  19. Nice so very few fiction stories in this blog so when they appear it's always a joy to read and on a topic such as supernatural mental powers such as telepathy. Naturally like most of us we got a X-Men vibe but x-men and I'm assuming this as well is an allegory for racism and how messed up it truly messed up it is and your story's word choice shows that

  20. I quite enjoyed this piece. It reminded me of a X-Men story, Which is not surprising because of your love for comics. But it really made the story enjoyable because you could tell the person behind the comment was very pashionate

  21. You shed light on an important topic yet did it in your own creative way. I have a real appreciation for those who look into their mind to create original pieces. It was very captivating and overall enjoyable. :))

  22. This piece gave a detailed description of the minority of the people within society. Your writing is very intriguing and obviously since you love Marvel I see the comparison of reality and Sci-Fi. Loved it

  23. I like how you incorporated your love of comic books into your story; you could really feel a passion for it. The perspective of a telepathic superhuman was interesting and a change of pace from the other stories. I felt like your story also brought up the real world struggles that minorities face, and it was done flawlessly. A great read overall, though I'm disappointed in the lack of grandparents (it's a joke). Wow Stephany, great moves! Keep it up. Proud of you.
    - Cody Tetelepta

  24. I'm in awe of how you can tie in so effortlessly of today's commonality with issues that are in the way of societal progression you have a tone of such passion that makes me enjoy this piece so much more.

  25. The way you presented this story was amazing. I love how you showed humans' capacity to be so evil and hypocritical, how we'd rather unite for hate rather than peace. Showing this story through the perspective of one of the mutants made the story so much more interesting and really shows the dark side of the dystopia.


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