
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

"Wild Night" by Ashley S

While watching TV one night, I suddenly heard helicopters circling my house so I looked out the window and saw searchlights going around the neighborhood. There were also police cars driving around with their lights flashing. Just as I was looking out the window, the doorbell rang and my mom opened the door. Two policemen were standing on our front porch, asking if we knew who was in our backyard. At first, we were scared that someone was trying to break into our house but then we realized that it was my brother, Bryan, and 2 friends, as they walked into the house through the patio door. Realizing it was just them, my mom explained to the police that it was only my brother coming home late, so the police left our front porch and continued searching the neighborhood.
However, the situation did not end there. After seeing the panicked expression on my brother’s face, my mom realized that there was something going on and started to question him and friends about what happened. Too scared to lie, Bryan quickly admitted the truth of his activities that night. Earlier in the day, Bryan bought creepy, white faces masks at the Dollar Tree that looked just like the ones the Jabbawockeez wear when they dance. He and his friends were planning to wear them that night as a prank to scare people in the neighborhood. They did not plan to hurt anyone but they thought it would be fun to catch people off guard in the masks. After it was dark, Bryan and 4 of his friends went outside and walked around the neighborhood with the masks on. A woman in her car saw the group wearing these creepy masks and worried that they would break into someone's home, so as a precaution, she called the police. As the police sirens approached and a helicopter appeared over the neighborhood, my brother and his friends ran, scattering in different directions to avoid being arrested. He and 2 of his friends ran through our side fence and into our backyard, which bought the police to our front door.
 Listening to his story, we realized at that moment that the police were actually looking for him and that two of his friends were still outside somewhere. He texted them to find out what happened to them but they were both separated, hiding in bushes. My mom was so upset that she started to yell at all three of them, but then she realized she had no choice but to go find his other friends. She drove around the neighborhood for a while and found them cowering in 2 separate bushes, so she spent the rest of the night driving them all home.
My brother normally does not take situations seriously and he does a lot of strange things, but this is one event that really scared him so he never did anything like this again. It was memorable to me too because we usually do not have the police coming to our house. Though no one was hurt or arrested, I learned that sometimes a small, funny prank can turn into a big deal with serious consequences.


  1. I can relate to this post a lot because I also have an older brother who has gotten into pointless trouble like this before! You did an excellent job throughout the story of explaining, including much detail that made it a very enjoyable read. Your words painted a picture in my head of this happening, Great Job!

  2. I really enjoyed your brothers change throughout the story, and just the piece itself was incredibly eventful and super interesting. You were able to describe the events in such a way that the reader could easily picture it in their head. You were also able to display your mom's feelings about the situation in way that described her frustration but also understanding of your brother and his friends' immaturity. Overall, your imagery and detail in emotion and feeling allowed for the story to flow freely and be entertaining.

  3. Your piece was very entertaining, I can't say I relate because I'm the oldest of my family but I do have friends who I can see doing something like that. I enjoyed your use of details, like providing us with the whole Jabbawockeez visual, it made the story even more interesting. Good job girl!

  4. What an excilerating post! It was almost like I was there with your brother in your backyard. I can never imagine being chased by the police, as even the thought of that scares me. Amazing piece!

  5. It is just so funny to think that the things we want to make a"funny" prank, can turn out to be something very contrary to that. That is why it is very important to think before making decisions. I am glad your brother and his friends did not get arrested that night. It is all just a part of life sometimes that the maturity in people are brought by experiences and learning from them. Lowkey, I laughed as I found the situation funny, and I bet him and his friends will have, also, a good laugh when the look back at this.

  6. This is a very interesting anecdote! From the first couple of lines I assumed the story would have taken a turn for the worst; however, the situation was harmless and actually taught your brother and his friends a lesson. You used a good amount of imagery to tell your story.

  7. Wow. I never realized that a little prank could end up with the police. Your detailed account made for an entertaining plot line. Your reference to the Jabbawockeez was laced in quite nicely as well. This piece made for a good laugh and a good lesson, good job!

  8. Wow I love you're use of suspense to emphasize the seriousness of the situation which actually turned out to be a harmless prank. When you described the police surrounding you're house with squad cars and helicopters it really grabs you as a reader and wants you to continue reading. Great Job

  9. wow thats crazy. i couldn't imagine what would happen if that was my brother. i would probably be crying in a corner. but i know that my family would teach my brother that his actions are wrong and he would learn his lesson. i hope that your family never has to deal with anything like this again.

  10. I like how you are retelling events of a unusual experience in your life and you still end the story with a advice. Saying that even a small prank can turn into a huge ordeal and cause even bigger consequences. Good job!

  11. I low key thought this was hilarious. It's his and his friends' fault for trying to scare people especially at night. The good part is he had the decency to tell your mom. Yet this leaves some questions like: Was he punished? Did your mom tell his friends' parents? Did the police ever find out? But overall it was a cool and interesting story.

  12. I was dying when I read this. As someone who enjoys pranking other people, sometimes we don't put much thought into what we do until the consequences come in. This reminds me of one time when I was wearing a red bandana tied across my face for a film project and that ended up with campus security almost being called on my group, but compared to your story that's basically nothing. Great job!

  13. you were able to add a lot of suspense and drama into this little story and it was really fun to read. Also your mom is really nice for finding everybody and taking them home, but I'm sure they still all learned a lesson, good writing.

  14. I really enjoyed this story because at first I thought the police came for something more serious than boys wearing white masks around the neighborhood. I think that although their intention was to just scare people and get a good laugh, it's important to be careful because others might not be as considerate towards a harmless prank. Overall this was well written, good job.

  15. I loved your story, because it was simple yet you presented a situation that I could sympathize with. The moral of the story was great and very relatable as I have been a hooligan a couple of times and have never pondered the consequences of my actions. Nice!

    -Kynoa V

  16. Your story was entertaining to say the least. I liked that it included a small valuable lesson in it at the end to wrap it all up!

  17. Very eerie story, from beginning to end. The imagery and detail used kept me as a reader glued to the text. Small but impact message to warn those looking to cause mischief in the night.


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