
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

"Sometime in March" by Kailee N.

    March of 2013 is a time my friends and I will never forget. We were in 8th grade when we were faced with this horrible and tragic event. The memory feels as if it was yesterday. I was at home when my best friend called me and told me that her parents had been missing. I had a hard time believing the situation because this is something you hear about, but never actually consider it happening to someone so close to you. Right when we got off the phone, I immediately went to tell my mom, who was also very close to my friend. My mom told me she had a feeling that she knew this wouldn't end well, but with high hopes, I ignored that cold-hard truth. It wasn't long after, that I began to see it all over the news. Just being in complete awe that this was someone I had known and had been to their house numerous times. Two days had passed by, and still no sign of them anywhere. It was beginning to become real that this was really happening. I felt like nothing I said could have made my friend feel any better, it hurt so much to see someone I love so much to go through this. My friends and I tried to be there for her as much as possible, but it is hard to act so strong for someone when you're feeling the pain too. The third day was the worse of them all, facing the reality. Her mother was found, but not alive. It was as if even though we had an idea that this would be the case, all of us could still not believe it. We talked for hours and hours about how this could not be happening, and how we couldn't believe it, and how it seemed impossible. Everyone was in complete shock. An outbreak against domestic violence began very big and relevant in our lives. My friends and I knew the family had some minor family issues at home, like almost every family, but not like this. Eventually the funeral came, the crowd was filled with purple shirts that read “Peace.Love.Stop.Domestic Violence. In loving memory of…” . Everyone wanted to support the loss of this beautiful angel, and against domestic violence. It was at the funeral I realized me and my friends were in no way able to be strong for our friend, we couldn't handle ourselves, as we were not able to control our tears throughout the ceremony. It seemed as if our friend was taking this better than us, it seemed as if she was so much stronger, which now we know she is. She is the strongest individual I have ever known, and probably will ever know. This taught me to appreciate my parents and everyone around me more, cause you really never know when they’ll be gone. Its often that as teenagers, we sometimes forget to acknowledge this.


  1. This is such a heartfelt piece. As I read this story really I could feel your emotion from your use of tone that gave off the mood. Not a moment passed that I wasn't interested in reading this. I am so sorry for her loss, she is a strong person and is lucky to have a friend like you. Amazing piece, I send you all my best wishes.

  2. This is such a touching and emotional piece, Kailee. Reading this made me feel very sympathetic and remember when this was happening and how everyone reacted to such unfortunate events. Your piece drew me in, making me fell sad that this tragic event has occurred, especially with your writing style and the way you conveyed the tone of the piece. I can see your emotions so well in your writing as you pour your feelings into what you say and it is clearly evident, especially due to this subject. I agree, she is one of the strongest people I have met and I want to send you all my condolences.

  3. I was moved by this piece because it described how frightening and horrible this event would be. I found it unusual because teenagers would the ones to disappear but instead your friends parents disappeared. The tone you used gave the serious mood throughout the story. This was an amazing piece.

  4. This piece is so sad, because I remember back in 8th grade when it was happening. I feel for your friend, but I am happy that she had friends who supported and grieved with her. Without you guys who knows what she would have done, she truly needed you. Very strong and effective piece, it makes us appreciate those around us, and helps us learn that we should express our love for those people as much as we can.

  5. I understand how hard it can be to share such a difficult event that you and your friends had the misfortune of experiencing so thank you for sharing. Your descriptiveness captivated me and I was able to feel the struggle that you were going through. This piece really highlights the struggle that so many people have to go through with tragic events such as these which so many people overlook until it happens to them.

  6. Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt piece. You can very deeply feel the emotion through the words you used to explain the situation. This also got me to clearly understand not to take the people in my life for granted, especially considering they can be gone instantly.

  7. This story was truly heart wrenching. My condolences to you and your friend, but the details that you were able to portray were phenomenal. When you mentioned the shirts my heart dropped because I also knew people who were domestically abused and the message was powerful. You did a wonderful job!

  8. This piece was so sad. The tone was strong throughout the entire story and I'm so glad you made it evident about how serious domestic violence is. Your descriptive language and repetition showed how much you wanted this meaning of this piece to stick. We often have to be reminded about how quickly things can change and how we can't take things for granted.Thank you for sharing such an emotional and difficult time in your life.

  9. its hard to think that events such as these can happen to us. i am so sorry for everything you went through. thank you for sharing your story and allowing others to connect to your story. i hope you can find peace and be surround by even more love as you tell your story.

  10. This story is very emotional. It was greatly written and i can only imagine how hard it was to share these hard days. The details you gave made it even more emotional. The fact that you noticed how strong your friend was is great. I also have a hard time comforting friends at times like these.

  11. After reading the first sentence, your piece captivated all of my attention. This story is written with so many vivid details and this made it so easy to feel what you as well as your friends were facing at this tragic time in your lives. Describing your feelings for the days leading up to the horrific discovery really pulled this piece together and the the diction you used presented us readers with a sad and depressing tone. It is so crazy to read a story like this because as you stated in your piece, we always here about these types of things but never expect them to happen to us.Thank you for sharing such an amazing story with us and reminding us to cherish those surrounding us.

  12. When I was reading this it definitely got my emotions running, your choice of diction and the way you formatted it was really effective in getting your point across. I'm sorry for your friend's loss, I think it's good how you and your friends decided to stick by her side in those times, life is uncertain we never really know what's going to happen. Great job, and I hope you and everyone else involved is able to find peace and move one.

  13. This message was very powerful and I was able to see the sad tone you used throughout this blog post. I am very sorry for your friends loss but it amazed me how your friend was the strongest out of you all even though she lost someone that can never be replaced. I agree that this made me think about appreciating my family more and be thankful that they are still here today.

  14. This story is so sad because I do remember 8th grade with you guys & trying to comfort some of you guys. I hope you guys are all doing well. This piece showed me that family will always mean everything & friends are like family and we need to look out for each other.

  15. Very empowering piece, Kailee. I remember too clearly the times when all of this occurred back in middle school. Very sad. But I really enjoyed your piece. I enjoyed the shift in tone from heartbroken to empowered at the end when you decided to use the occurrences to improve your life and love the ones around you more. Also, your detail made it very interesting, but hard to read due to the subject matter. Nice piece!

  16. What a tragic event, my condolences to your friend. It is a great reminder about how thankful we should be for those who surround us, who at times we can take for granted. I look up to your friend for remaining strong as it is something hard to do, wishing all the best.

  17. This was a really great story. You shared with us your memories of this tragic experience, that no one can be expected to deal with at such a young age. You did a fantastic job portraying your emotions and thoughts from those dark days. What makes this story even more compelling is how true it is and what it's truly like when you lose someone in your life who you knew. It takes a lot of courage to share an experience like this and it has taught me to appreciate those around me because you never know what may happen.

  18. This was a very moving piece. I admire your courage to tell this sensitive story, and end it with a positive reflection. Your message at the end was very convicting, especially with the mention of teenagers. It directly targets us as an audience, so I was very inspired to, like you said, take time and appreciate my loved ones. Amazing job!

  19. Sometimes things like these make the world look like a cruel place but its important to know that you can always find peace again. I think it takes a lot to be able to share this experience and your way of doing it made the piece feel very close to my heart. The tone created a sense of sadness but you tied it together at the end with a bit of optimism. This was powerful and very moving, good job. :)

  20. And still affecting us today but created a bond that we could never lose <3 We are blessed with such a strong person in our lives who has taught us a lot about living at such a young age. Well done writing about this topic I'm sure it brought back many of the emotions that remain present in our thoughts forever.

  21. It is so crazy that events like this occur on a everyday bases. And it's even more sad when it hit close to home in your case with your best friend now. I remember this awful event that occurred and I remember seeing how much my friend was affected. You truly touched on this subject in a mature way, and I am proud of you! Great story


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