
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

"Homemade Wild Rice Salad" by Claiborne Beitz

            One of my all time favorite family recipes is my mother’s homemade wild rice salad. It has a unique blend of flavors that combine into one of the best rice dishes I have ever had. The dish itself is very colorful, appetizing, and will feed up to twelve people. Bringing it to a picnic, lunch, or dinner party will be sure to leave the guests amazed. The ingredients that will be needed to prepare this dish include:
      2 cups of wild rice
      4 cups of water
      4 nectarines
      3 cobs of fresh corn (preferably in season)
      1 cup of chopped unsalted raw almonds
      ½ cup of craisons
      1 bunch of flat Italian parsley
      1 large finely chopped red onion
The dressing will include
      1 cup olive oil
      ⅓ cup of sugar
      ⅓ apple cider vinegar
      A sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds
             Now that you have all your ingredients bring out a large pot and bring your 4 cups of water to boil. Then add in your 2 cups of wild rice, letting it cook until about half the rice kernels have split. Strain the rice in a strainer and rinse under cool water. Set the rice aside to cool while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.
            The next step is the dressing which should be done ahead of time so it will be able to cool in the fridge. A quick way to prepare dressing is to put all the ingredients into a sealable container and shake until combined. My mother always uses a Mason jar mix it, but a separate bowl and whisk will do just fine. Add in the olive oil, sugar, and apple cider vinegar into the jar or bowl, and begin to combine the ingredients until the sugar is dissolved. Now mix in the toasted sesame seeds and put into the fridge to cool.
            With a sharp knife start by chopping the 4 nectarines into bite sized pieces and add to the now cool rice bowl. Next you will chop the corn away from the cob and put them in with the rice. Take your bundle of flat Italian parsley and chop it finely,  then add it to the rice. Next remove the peel of the red onion and chop it finely in order to add to the mix.  Now you can add in the 1 cup of pre-chopped raw almonds and ½ cup craisons to bowl. Finally, with all the ingredients incorporated, pour on the cold dressing and stir it all together.
            The dish is really simple to make and tastes amazing. It’s a dish that tastes best cold so making it ahead of time to store in the fridge will help the flavors fuse together. A great thing about this dish is how versatile it can become by adding different fruits or vegetables the taste can be changed to match any bodies cravings. If you want to add more protein cold, cubed chicken makes a great addition too. It can last in the fridge up to a week if you don’t eat it all by then!


  1. This recipe was super cool and not very common. I immediately clicked on your blog because recently I have been trying new things when I cook so I thought this recipe could spice things up. I liked that you were very descriptive when providing each step of the recipe because often times a cook can get confused because instructions are not specific enough.

  2. great dish, so simple yet seems full of flavors! The nectarines and almonds sound great with the vinaigrette dressing and the rice makes it a whole meal. Thank you for sharing this recipe, hope to try it out soon.

  3. This sounds so great! As soon as I saw this was recipe blog, I instantly drawn in because I LOVE food, lol. Your recipe was very informative, and I love having a new healthy recipe to try out. Thank you for giving us a little insight into you life.

  4. This is such a simple amd straightforward recipe. It seems really good for any time of the year, especially Summer. I was never the sald type of person, however this recipe might have changed my mind!

  5. I can't wait to try your recipe I'm always looking for something new to try. I like how this food can be eaten during multiple times of the day and on multiple occasions. Your instructions are easy to understand. I enjoyed how you threw in a suggestions to make it our own.

  6. This sounds like a delicious and simple recipe. I liked how you can adjust the ingredients to match different tastes since oftentimes people's food preferences clash. Also, the steps are descriptive and easy to follow, so even those who are inexperienced with cooking can successfully make this dish.

  7. This piece really caught my eye for the simple fact that it was for a food i have never heard of. The entire list and all the steps were very clear, I look forward to being able to try this recipe and sharing it with others. Thank you!

  8. I'm too lazy to learn how to cook, but this seems like a pretty cool and straightforward recipe that I should try one day. Good job!

  9. This recipe is very straightforward because it is organized in an efficient manner. I love to try new things, so this seems like something that is pretty simple to make. Good job!

  10. This sounds so amazing! This recipe seems really easy to make and straight to the point. I always love to try different recipe that are unfamiliar to me. Thanks for sharing it.

  11. I personally love when people post recipes and yours is one of my favorites! The salad sounds so good but also super healthy and i cant wait to make one and try it soon. I like how you explained every step thoroughly yet in a simple way, allowing me to not have a hard time. The cubed chicken was a great addition in my opinion as well!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think this is a great recipe you shared with everyone. I like how easy it is to understand and that you gave tips on what else we could do with this dish. The introduction was important before introducing this recipe as well, thank you.

  14. I don't know how to cook but I liked how you structured this recipe! It's very easy to read and understand and I am interested in trying to make this. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  15. your directions were easy to follow and descriptive enough that it can be recreated by anyone. i have never tried a wild rice salad so thank you for introducing it to me it sounds delicious. i might use this recipe myslef one day. i appreciate you sharing the family recipe.

  16. I love how you used very descriptive, captivating words in the beginning gain the reader's attention (it certainly caught mine). I'm looking forward to trying this wild rice salad of yours, although I don't cook as much, I am a huge fan of easy to follow instructions, so thank you for that!

  17. You don't see recipes on here too often, so I congratulate you on being different. This recipe seems pretty simple, with clear ,easy to read instructions. It also sounds pretty good.

  18. This dish sounds very interesting and is something i would have never thought of. I really like that it can feed so many people. Up to twelve! It is very different and sounds good. I love coming across new recipes. Thank you for sharing a little bit of your family with us.

  19. Thank you for the recipe I was actually interested about salads that don't use leafy greens like lettuce or kale. You provided simple information and instructions to properly prepare and execute you're dish. Great Job!

  20. The simplicity and well-thought structure of your recipe made it easy to read. Through it, I could tell that you most likely have a strong passion for cooking, which is very interesting. A lot of your commentary throughout the piece helped to show me that this wasn't just a random recipe, but that of a dish that you truly do enjoy and love eating. I'm not a huge fan of vegetables, but that didn't make the piece one less bit interesting. Nice entry!

  21. This recipe makes me hungry! You make it easy for the reader to understand by being extremely thourough with your directions/steps. I will be sure to try it out. Your recipe is very straight forward and seems easy and fun to make. Thank you for sharing it with us! :)

  22. I loved this! It was straightforward and easy to understand. It was something different and it was fun to read. I liked your conclusion paragraph because it just hoed everything together. Good job!

  23. Thank you for sharing your unique dish! Its great that you are giving me and possibly other readers exposure to other cultures and foods. Now I have a recipe that i may want to try in the future! Its a great informative piece!

    -Kynoa V

  24. This recipe sounds delicious, thank you for sharing. The way you opened this piece saying that it was a family recipe I felt almost privileged that you would share it. The steps were well written and very easy to follow. Great piece!

  25. This post is very helpful. You really did a great job of simplifying the recipe wth your use of description. I believe anybody who reads this will have an easy time making wild rice salad.

  26. Wow this sounds delicious! The nectarine makes the dish seem unique so I will definitely try this sometime. You illustrated the recipe with much detail, which appeals to my taste senses. Overall, great execution and a wonderful piece!

  27. The structure of this piece on the way it was later out made it easy for the reader to figure out what the procedures on how to make our recipe. From giving a little past about the wild rice salad to the ingredients then the procedures. Can't wait to try this recipe.


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