
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

"Dear Diary" by Kofi A

Thursday ,15th October 2020
Dear diary, i saw her again today in the lunch line. It was raining outside so her hair was all wet. Even so she still manages to look good. Dennis caught me looking at her again and tried to get me to go and talk to her. He doesn't understand the mechanics of a relationship. These things take time i must first plant a seed which will then bloom into the beautiful flower of our love. I told him this and he didn't get it. He says Emily is just a regular girl. Crazy right. Shes only the niece  of senator West, Captain of the intergalactic cheer team and has a 4.0 GPA and she makes the best brownies. Well so i've heard. When shes my wife i'll finally get to try them.She was looking as beautiful as ever. She got a jello cup and chocolate milk with her lunch, i remember because i said “hey you like jello” and she said “i guess” and then her friend told me to keep it moving. It was a magical moment.

Monday, 20th October 2020
Dear diary,Emily sat down next to me today in hover robotics. It was the only available seat i guess i got lucky. This is the beginning of great things. Shes new to the class so i can show her the ropes maybe help her work on her board, get it to float off the ground,That's really the only hard part. Its perfect i can get to know her better and find out what she likes. We talked a little. She was saying something about the elections and moving in with her uncle and BLAH BLAH BLAAAAH. She kinda talks a lot  it's hard to keep up. Iv noticed she likes to use big words. I could barely understand what she was saying. I just kept smiling and nodding.

Tuesday, 21st October 2020
Dear diary, I checked out a dictionary from the library. It didn't help :(

Thursday , 5th November 2020
Dear diary, I don't want to get too excited but i have a date tomorrow night. With Emily. The love of my life. Emily West.  but i'm playing it cool you know. I don't want to be too eager but i am excited. So excited. I'm about to lose control and i think i like it! She  doesn't know but we are going to a fireworks display in honor of Guy Fawkes. She says that she's always wanted to go to the UK so some british culture should be fun. Wait maybe it was Ukraine that she's always wanted to go to. Either way it's non refundable tickets so whatever. They're pretty much the same place right?

Sunday, 8th November 2020
Deary diary, For the record the UK and Ukraine are definitely not the same. She liked it though she thought it was very romantic. I found us a great view right at the top of a hill that was nearby. It took us like five minuets to get to the top but it was definitely worth it. I laid down a blanket i brought a little picnic basket with some sandwiches and fruit and things like that . Luckily we got to talking on the way up the hill and she told me about her peanut allergy. I quickly threw out the pb&js i made. Dodged a bullet there. Once the fireworks started it was like that scene out of toy story 5. Emily had her hair down and it was all curly. She was still a little sweaty from the walk up the hill but i didn't care. When the fireworks started things got even better. She told me about her life and what she wanted to do in the future. She is thinking about going into politics. There was kind of an awkward moment when she was reaching into the picnic basket and i thought she was leaning in and i ended up kissing her neck. Still as far as first kisses go it was pretty great. It would of been really great if one of the fireworks could go up and explode to read ‘I love you Emily your the best’. We can put a man on mars but we can't have instant message fireworks. People just don't understand priorities i guess.

Monday 10th November 2020
Dear diary,So i guess emily's uncle won the presidency. It not finalized yet but it's pretty much a done deal. I knew he was a senator but i didn't know he was running for president. Sometimes i can be so oblivious. I'm surprised emily didn't say anything about it thought. I feel like we are so connected i should've sensed this. It's kinda cool when i think about it. My girlfriend is related to President Kanye West. I wonder what this will mean for me and emily. We will be like celebrities on campus. Probably win prom and homecoming and everybody will love us. The new jay z and beyonce or should i say kim and kanye since we are family now. Actually nah i like jay z and beyonce better.

Tuesday 11th November 2020
Dear diary, Life is over. Emily dumped me and moved to washington. I texted her to see where she had been and to tell her that i missed her and she hit me with that oh we were nothing we went on one lame date and i'm doing bigger and better things with my life. Wow you give something your all and it turns around and stabs you right in the heart. With a fork which is even worst than a knife. I thought she was the one and she goes and does this to me i can't believe it. Maybe she's messing with me or something i dunno. She seemed kinda serious. I'll never love again.

Monday, 23rd November 2020
Dear diary, i saw april standing in the lunch line today. Is was raining outside so her hair was wet. Even so she still managed to look good. I think she might be the one.


  1. This was an interesting blog post, lol. It made me laugh reading it, thanks for sharing your humor. The imagery and diction tied the story together very well. Great Job!

  2. The format of your story is so intriguing to me and keeps me reading for more to find out whether or not Emily is "the one". This love is so innocent as the character tries to find love according to how he enjoys a girl who looks amazing despite the inclement weather instead of getting to know her. This tale of crushing had me giggling at the fact he is somewhat unaffected by being dumped but at the same time very dramatic and then the irony of finding another "the one" after saying he'd never love again is a classic representation of how love comes to be.

  3. Your usage of a first person point of view signified how raw this piece was. I enjoyed your creativity by using diary entries to portray the speaker's perspective, and your utilization of futuristic ideals with the combination of love, just proves to show that the classiness of love will remain timeless. The ending was also cleverly written, and I was not expecting that twist at all! Awesome job!

  4. Okay so I have to say your piece is hilarious. I was literally just laughing as I was reading it. I really like how your piece is futuristic. One can definitely determine the type of guy the speaker is in your piece, which makes a story so much more fun when you are able to comprehend the character's personality through dialogue or simple humor. I love how it ended, very brilliant, catches the reader's attention, and makes the reader laugh. Good JOb Kofi!

  5. Probably one of the most unique pieces I have ever seen on the blog. The structure of your piece is probably what intrigued me the most and I loved that you were able to give the story a little twist at the end by repeating the story line. This story depicted the stereotypical love cycle of a teenager and it really put a smile on my face.

  6. This piece is so different from many others but it is so unique and well written! The format in which its written gives a personal affect. Referencing towards the future was funny and also the speaker had a clear emotion towards the situation. Something that is very hard to do but you did it! Good job!

  7. As soon as I saw the title, I had to read it. The structure of your piece is very different and unique which makes it even more interesting. Great Job! The imagery throughout made it a much funner read, it felt like I was there with you.

  8. I really enjoyed this piece! It was really different and it was really an intriguing idea of writing diary entries. The way the diary entries were written were so authentic and made everything seem so real! Great job!

  9. This piece was very captivating! I liked how you used your imagination to your advantage with this one. I can tell you had fun constructing this piece. Overall a great story!

  10. I love the comic relief that your piece had as you took us through the speaker falling in love. It was cute and interesting to see his feelings as they transformed while there was also another plot unfolding as well. Great work!

  11. I really like your piece Kofi because it is extremely different. It seemed like you were writing in the future since your diary entries were titled 3 years from now. It was also funny at the same time the way you would say things good job.

  12. I really enjoyed reading this piece as you created a story out of diary entry. You also had great use of imagery and humor as reading just the title of this piece caught my attention causing me to want to read more. Thank you for this piece!

  13. Great and creative piece, your character seemed to be a hopeless romantic who easily falls in love. I loved your idea of making this a diary entry rather than a normal story, it made it more interesting to read. Good Job!(:

  14. Wow Kofi! I loved your entry! It was so hilarious and very relatable. I felt that you put a lot of your personality into it, and it turned out very good! Nice job!

  15. Your piece had an unexpected turn at the end which made me laugh but its refreshing to read something like this. I really like that it was written in diary entries, its different. And I also like that this is happening three years from now which not a lot of writers do. Overall, I enjoyed it and I like the ending where he finds a new girl to fall in love with. Its entertaining.

  16. This piece was really funny and very fun to read! I enjoyed how it was in the form of diary entries and in first person creating a more personal feel. I also enjoyed the fact that the main character was a hopeless romantic and the last diary entry showed how he was able to move on fairly quickly overall wrapping up the piece in comic relief. Great job!

  17. I really like how unique this piece was. From beginning to end I was intrigued by your writing. I like the shift between story and give it a big twist. I also enjoyed how you put a hopeless romantic in there it made it more funny and enjoyable. I don't really know you but by here and he's like you're very funny and interesting.

  18. This was definitely an interesting read. The use of first person point of view in the diary setting was an excellent choice! Being able to imagine the events occurring was enlightening as well, the imagery of the entry about their date was so beautifully written. I loved the "hopeless romantic" being exaggerated in the main character and how his entry ended the same as it began. Also being set in the future with Kanye as our president was a humorous twist. Overall, I really loved this piece!

  19. I really enjoyed this piece. I honestly feel like this is the best piece I've seen so far. This was very unique and I also like the fact that it was set in the future. I actually low key felt myself trying not to laugh while I was writing this in SSR. This was enjoyable to read and well written. Overall a really good job.

  20. This was honestly great, it relates to our generation so much! I loved that we were able to connect to the speaker and the use of jokes, and constant shifts left us wanting to continue reading. The descriptions made your piece come together, I really enjoyed it!

  21. I really enjoyed this piece. It really stood out from the other stories I've read so far. I enjoyed how you made the 2020 seem so futuristic with the hover boards and everything, even though its only three years away. I found the part when you mentioned Kanye as president funny because I remember him giving a speech on how he was running for president. Great job,keep up the good work!

  22. This piece is so unique. The way you conveyed your message was so creative. Looking into the future and bringing in comedy into this piece was so cool. Great job!

  23. This piece was great. The fact that the character in the story was dating Kanye West's niece was amazing and interesting. I also appreciated the format of the piece, in sections of diary entries. The format makes for a good ending.

  24. This piece was so different, yet so unique. The format of the story and the way the story was told was so cute. It was so innocent and light-hearted, yet so dramatic and comical. I feel like the story relates to high school so much. Besides the minor grammar errors and punctuation issues, the story is amazing. Great job!

  25. I really enjoyed reading this piece, I like how it was set up as if it was a diary entry; but it was set up to signify three years from now. It especially all made sense that it was set for the year 2020 and the Kanye reference.

  26. I really love this. It highlights on how adolescent relationships tend to be. This was very interesting and adorable. I loved the format and how it was structured as a journal entry, it really added to the sincerity of the piece. I find it very humorous and loved your use of making the whole idea very overdramatized. The irony of it was very funny, Emily being Kanye's niece and comparing the relationship to Jay Z and Beyoncé rather than Kim and Kanye, it was really funny and had a lot of sincerity to it at the same time. I really enjoyed this.

  27. Interesting way to write your blog entry. The way everything unfolded as a story through diary entries was new for me and I gotta say that you did a great job doing so. The little things that were meant to be laughed at were a good addition as well. Nice one man.

  28. Aw I love you darling it was so interesting and creative! The Kanye reference was cool because it was set in 2020, the year he will actually be president. Your piece reflected how naive young love can be at times and you can think someone is the one then in like a month move on to someone else. Also, how the concept of love at first sight can be deceiving and it takes more than that to know that someone is the one. Good job darling.

  29. I really liked the format of the story, diaries help us to understand what a person may be thinking and how that thinking influences their actions. In reality I think this is too true, I've had too many friends bragging and making fairy tale like goals with their girlfriends only for the relationship to fall apart for other reasons like moving away, breaking up, etc. I guess that's how relationships work when you're a hormonal teenager. It's also funny to look at the future, out of nowhere nobody would of expected a reality star like Trump to win but anything is a possibility, even Kanye becoming president in 2020, haha. Good job!

  30. This is a really interesting piece Kofi! I really like how you formatted it as diary entries. And it was really funny, good job!

  31. I love your humor Kofi, I enjoyed the imagery and descriptiveness of this piece. I also think the format of diary entries helped make this piece less formal and more enjoyable.

  32. This was very creative! I enjoyed that you used diary entries rather than simply telling a story. Your diction made for a humorous read. Great job!

  33. This actually has a really great twist at the end and it really shows the repetition that some people go through. It was a clever idea and very funny... especially "the intergalactic cheer team". Great writing

  34. I really loved this piece as it was very entertaining and kept me interested. This captures accurately the mind set of a typical high school boy, which really made me laugh. Furthermore, the format was something refreshing too.

  35. I really liked your story it was really good! It was funny and enjoyable. I liked that it showed exactly what the speaker was thinking and it really shows what young relationships look like. Good job.

  36. I really liked this story. I enjoyed reading it and liked the repetition at the end, as I think this is what many people go through. I thought this was funny and a good read.

  37. I loved your story. It was very unique and filled with great irony and comedy. I especially liked how you surprised your readers by mentioning President Kanye West only towards the end of the diary entries. And I like the message the narrator left with the reader, moving away from your past and on to a better future, even if it may be too fast.

  38. This is a really good idea for a blog post it is really creative and this is the first one I've seen and i like the development of the story line. Good job

  39. This is a unique choice for a blog post and I really enjoyed it. It made me actually laugh out loud and it was enjoyable to read from the point on view of a teenage boy "falling in love" even if it was completely fictional. Well done Kofi!

  40. I like how throughout you're piece i can feel your humor.i like that your diary is in first person because it ties in the aspect of real life experiences. makes it a little relatable and even as if we were in the lunch line with you. good job Kofi!

  41. This is a creative and funny piece. I like how you set it up as a diary and ended the story with what you started it with. Good Job!

  42. Kofi, this is amazing. It's so refreshing to read something so lighthearted and fun. I really enjoyed the whole thing from start to finish. Your use of imagery made it feel like i was right there with you! the Setting was also phenomenal. The way you set it in the future and used a variety of pop-culture allusions was great. Thanks for sharing!

  43. This piece was really fun and creative! It was really fun and cute to follow the characters feelings of liking the girl, to wanting the girl, to having the girl and lastly loosing her. It was cute when he "would never love again" and the next entry he has a crush on a new girl. i really loved the idea and style of this piece. (especially the toy story 5 part)

  44. I absolutely loved this piece. I was smiling the entire time i read it. I really liked how the humor used in the story wasn't so up in your face but slight enough that if you didn't know the references you could still make sense of the story. Overall a blast to read, Good Job

  45. This piece was great! I love how you used the future to give readers a sense of what you want, or how you think, your future will play out. This requires a very sophisticated writing style but you pulled it off really well. Its structure added an element that made it really fun to read. It was pretty funny and clever too! I love how the beginning and end serve as parallels to each other. GREAT JOB!!!

  46. I think this is one of the first satirical pieces I've read and you did well. You captured a stereotype teenage boy looking for love in all the wrong places. It was a cool read

  47. This was a very interesting take on the story telling format that I haven't seem before. Each diary entry has its own tone and context that I found very entertaining. Well done!

  48. The diary idea was very neat and interesting as well as the story being entertaining. The writing style suited the diary theme as it wasn't too formal and just relaxed. Good job overall on the whole piece it was a fun piece to read.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I really enjoyed reading this. It was a great unique piece by adding the diary entries as part of it. The title grabbed my attention. I thought it was pretty entertaining and I enjoyed the details you used to describe this girl you fell in "love" with. The ending was really funny also. Great Job!

  51. This made me laugh a couple of times. I really like how you chose to write this in the form of diary entries. It was clever and made your piece interesting. My favorite part was the ending because it was unexpected and funny. Well done!

  52. In my opinion, this blog entry was genius! The change of formatting to that of a journal really made your piece stand out from the rest and it immediately grabbed my attention. My favorite part of your piece was the last two entries were you suddenly get dumped by the girl you "love," but then in your very next entry you are starting off another love story in the same exact way as the first one. Great job for delivering us such a creative and satirical piece.

  53. This is very amusing because it did make me laugh. I enjoyed this piece thanks for sharing this with us, it very quit intriguing how you wrote this like in a way in future tense but in reality it is in present tense as you express your feeling i enjoyed it thank you Kofi being open to share. Good Job!!!

  54. The whole concept was great, I loved it. You capture the torture and great moments of having a crush throughout. Was is surprised that he moved on so quickly? Nope! The humor within made it all the better. You had my imagination running and the imagery was very prominent. I really enjoyed this and thought it was different, great job!! :))

  55. I enjoyed how this story was in a diary entry format. It makes the reader seem more connected with the speaker of the story. The story itself was very interesting and there was never a dull moment, I was always trying to find out what happens next. I thought the final entry of the diary was funny as well, considering that it seems as if the speaker does not know what they are looking for in a girl and seem to be caught in the same cycle. This was a very creative piece, good job!

  56. I loved this story. since you put it into a diary format, I was able to better see the speaker's train of thought and how a bunch of times he totally misses the point. I also think it's really interesting that the story is in the future so the classes are different, and of course Kanye West is becoming president. Overall I thought this story was really funny and clever.

  57. Awesome work! You gave it your own special twist . The way you described this girl shows real infatuation in every day life its interesting to see these observations about the girl and your life throughout each day.

  58. This was a great story. It was very funny throughout. The diary entries really helped add to the humor of 5he story. Perhaps the funniest part was the end. This was well written easy read. Good job.

  59. As soon as I saw the title of the piece, I knew I had to click on it and read it! I'm glad I did because it was one of the most interesting pieces I've read. The story being told by the speaker through his diary added a touch of authenticity and the language used cast a casual effect to it which really went with your piece. I also like the futuristic setting, it added a twist and shows your creativity. It's not too often we hear about romance by young guys and the way you talked of the girl was absolutely lovely. You're so adorable Kofi! Great job:)

  60. This piece was so interesting, I loved the unique format you decided for this blog entry it is so different and new to my eyes at least. The piece was well written and you effectively got your point across. Good job Kofi!

  61. This was cute, I like how you wrote it like actual diary entries. It was different and it made it seem more interesting. Plus it let us know what the writer is actually thinking without making it sound like the author was just being lazy and to the point to show the audience what the story was about. The start was unique and interesting, good job

  62. Story was very nice and very quirky you really know how to incorporate a bit of comedy into your story and that really helps a lighthearted story like this out. Plus the main character seemed kinda real like a real guy kinda stupid and young and not always understanding but that's great as well we are all kinda like that

  63. First, I want to say that I like how your piece is in the form of a diary. It felt very refreshing and was a nice change of pace. I absolutely loved how real it felt even though it was from a diary from the future. It felt more genuine and alive, and your use of first person helped enhance that feeling. The humor was fantastic in this piece as well. The way you integrated your sense of humor into the piece was incredible, and I loved how the girlfriend ended up being future president Kanye West's niece. Overall, a humorous piece that brought a refreshing look to the table. Wow Kofi, great moves! Keep it up. Proud of you.

  64. I really enjoyed this piece, the journal entry format is very creative and caught my attention. The use of emotions and the characters point of view really develop the story. Good job!!

  65. This piece was very interesting to read. I loved your first person point of view because readers are able to actually feel your emotion and understand your thoughts. I loved your raw and true thoughts about your love interest and how you didn't sugar coat them as they revealed how you actually felt. This piece was one of my favorites. Overall great job!

  66. I really enjoyed this piece because of how honestly it provided the character's feelings day by day. The chronological set up of it allowed the audience to easily follow his emotions and I enjoyed how raw it truly was.

  67. Your piece was so funny and super interesting to read. I love the way you separated it by days and the ending was a great turning point. Great job!!

  68. Very funny piece, I especially love how you ended it with the main character's last diary entry starting the same as the first, and how dramatic he was about his love for Emily, and later April.

  69. That was funny at the end how you felt your life was over, but then move on to someone named April. It was a cute piece on young love and how it be feeling when you have a crush on someone I completely understand. Great job.

  70. This was really good. I love how you included a twist at the end of your journal that totally contradicted the main purpose of the journal. The way in which you described your passion for a girl and then immediately became fixated with another was very funny and I really enjoyed reading it.


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