
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

"Harsh Reality" by Jerico D

     During the second semester of freshman year, I sat next to this girl in my English class. At first glance, she didn’t particularly stand out. She always seemed like she was in her own world. One day, a project was assigned to the class and I ended up asking her for help. She kindly lent her aid and we conversed frequently ever since. As days pass by, our conversations grew longer. Slowly, her features began to stand out in my eyes. Her brown hair shimmered like stars in the night sky. Her smile gave me butterflies in my stomach. A smile which cast away the miseries that surrounded me. That radiant smile, which shone brightest whenever I had a bad day. I had never experienced these kind of feelings before. Feelings which stemmed from daily conversations as opposed to ones that stem from objectification. Afterwards, confessions occurred and our feelings were reciprocal. However, reality wasn’t so kind to these two naive teenagers. I was under the pretense that feelings were more than enough to overcome the obstacles that reality places in your way but that was nothing but naivety. I was overwhelmed by the reality regarding relationships. I could do nothing but stand in awe of our foolish fairy tale aspirations. Fairy tales provide nothing but false happiness. Sooner or later, reality itself will drag you back from your fantasies. I learned a grave lesson that will forever be etched into this naive mindset. Relationships require much more than just feelings. Factors like effort, communication, and perseverance prove vital to successful relationships. However, knowing is only half the battle. Simply knowing what needs to be done won’t suffice against this harsh reality we are presented with. Possessing the courage to apply that knowledge will definitely aid you in overcoming the obstacles ahead of you. Courage combined with knowledge grants you the ability to overcome your failures. Even to this day, I am still devoid of this courage I speak about. Sooner or later, regrets will come one after another. There will definitely be instances where we regret the choices we made but there is nothing we can do about it. Reality forces us to pick up after ourselves. All that’s left for us to do is move forward and learn from those failures. Dwelling too much in the past can prove fatal to our own conscience however, visiting the roots of our own failures isn’t such a bad experience once in a while. If we learn to conquer our mistakes, the ability to surpass this harsh reality will inevitably present itself. Nevertheless, that radiant smile still lingers deep within the farthest depths of my mind. Not a day passes by without me reminiscing about that smile which brings forth mixed feelings. Our past can be utilized as a source of either strength or sorrow however, the deciding factor will always be yourself.


  1. This story is amazing. You wrote about your past in such a way that it's extremely meaningful and you showed just how much it had affected you. You understand the this truth from experience but you're also honest and knowledgeable enough to know your limits. I thought this piece was truly insightful and it was written clearly, great job.

  2. Your story is such a life lesson. I agree with everything you said. Relationships should have effort from both people and communications to have a successful relationship. I also like how you speak the truth in you writing and how we will all have regrets that will sneak up on us. Thank you for sharing such an eye opening piece! -Aryelle Estrada

  3. I appreciate you touching upon what you thought of "the girl in your English class" before, and then going into how she began to change your life. You detailing how her once insignificant features now prove meaningful through the use of personification demonstrates your subtle change in frame of mind. Overall, the piece was extremely intense as you depict reality setting in and inevitably impacting your relationship. I think being so open with this topic really showed through how easily I was able to follow along and grasp this time in your life. I agree that courage and knowledge parallel each other, and are essential for successful relationships. Great piece!

  4. I really enjoyed this story because it shows raw emotion and leads us through your thought process more easily. I thought it was very interesting that you began to find her gradually more beautiful as you spoke more, it demonstrates how genuine your feelings were. It's important to realize that the desire to be happy is not "teenage naivety", its human nature so you shouldn't invalidate your feelings. Amazing piece!

  5. I have had moments like these and reading your piece, I appreciate you sharing your side of the story. Your use of imagery and emotion gives off a unique piece. Overall, great piece of work!

  6. I can completely relate to this story and just love the emotion of it. It talks about the other side of the spectrum, in the sense of everyone always just talks about living happily ever after but really that is not always the case. Your story talks about how these fairy tails are just false hope for some people and will just bring sadness in the end.

  7. there was a story i once read that said that love isn't a feeling. the people who love know that it takes dedication to the relationship and work. you have to put in the effort to make the relationship work. that story reminded me of you because you understand that love isn't just a feeling. there is a lot of effort that goes into having a good and healthy relationship.

  8. This piece is particularly shedding light on the rigorous thought process a person has to go through when considering entering a relationship, and i found it really engaging! I really saw myself within the text, that because of your specific and intricate details. All in all, this was a captivating piece for me!

  9. The emotions you described in your story were really interesting. The details you wrote to describe the girl show how much he liked her. I believe that the most important thing in a relationship is communication. It is hard to find the right person but that person will eventually come. Great story!

  10. This piece can hit home for many people. Not being ready for a relationship is understandable and there is factors that come with them and that is okay. I enjoyed this and the truth of feelings, good job on this!

  11. This piece was so great and well written!! I enjoyed how it transitioned from describing the experience with the girl to a harsh reality of real life. It was very wise and shows how much effort really goes into relationships. I also enjoyed that you learned to like the girl through conversations and feelings, not just through looks. Great job!!

  12. I particularly enjoyed your expression of emotion and feelings towards this girl. You're not just simply telling a story but you used expression of emotions to allow the readers to experience this with you, well done!

  13. This was a very interesting story. The use of such vivid imagery to describe her features truly demonstrated your emotions and genuine feelings. The idea that a relationship should not be solely based on feelings but rather on other important factors such as communication and effort is very true in order to maintain a healthy relationship. Overall, this was a great piece and very insightful!

  14. Knowing you personally Jerico, I can understand this piece in a clearer fashion. I love the different ways in which you describe the details in your story, and I also like how far back this event takes place. Freshmen year may not seem like much but you still used it effectively.

  15. I really enjoyed this piece. It is so undeniably truthful and insightful. I loved the last line, where you said "the deciding factor will always be yourself", its very hard to accept that you are the one to change your life yet it is a harsh reality we all must face, just like you described. I could really feel the emotions you put into this and it was so amazing that you were able to share something so impactful in your life. I really, thoroughly enjoyed this. Your ideals really stuck with me. Great job!

  16. I really loved your story it had a great and informative message that teenagers really need to pay attention to if they want to have successful relations and make those feelings turn into a reality. I myself have a hard time some of the important aspects needed in a relationship you explained, and I feel like regret is the worst feeling in the world so everyone should try their best to avoid it. good job!

  17. There is a great lesson inside your story. Saying that having courage can make a huge difference in a persons life.

  18. I hope you're able to find your courage and confidence again, I really appreciate on your honesty on the subject. I think it's sad how sometimes we don't have the realistic expectations about these things until after something tragic or heartbreaking happens. Keep your head up and things will get better with the hope of God bro. Great job!

  19. The story you have written is very relatable to my life and I, as well, have been through these hardships. I appreciate how you wrote out all your feelings and expressed yourself in your writing. This made it better for me to connect with you on this issue. Truly, an amazing way of showing us that some things are different then the way we perceive them to be.

  20. This story is extremely personal yet it's very relatable for many relationships these days, as reality can make them unable to go on, leaving the two without any closure. What I also liked was how gradually, all of her features began to stand out, showing how feelings can change your perception on someone. Great job!

  21. This was extremely well written. It's very relatable and I liked that you were able to share something so personal with everyone. I also liked that your story is something everyone can learn from. You did a really good job.

  22. Great portrayal of pure and raw emotion. Dealing with this first hand as well also gives this story more of an effect on me but the structure and reality of the story definitely makes it stand out among the others.

  23. This was a well written piece. It teaches a life lesson and shows that both people have to be willing to put the work in when n a relationship in order to be successful. it was full of emotion and the personification really helped to see what mind set you were in. overall great job man i loved it.

  24. I enjoyed how well written and honest this story was. It is true that we live in an incredibly harsh reality that doesn't take our feelings in account. Your use of detail when describing her features and the reality, allow for the readers to easily picture and understand your feelings.

  25. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your piece because from your own experience, you told us, the readers how you feel about relationships based on your past experience. Though I disagree about when you said that "fairytales provide nothing but false happiness" because they may usually be too idealistic, it gives hopeless romantics like me, hope.

  26. This was an extremely well written piece, and is by far one of the more heart-felt pieces on this blog as most of us can relate to this. The way you used such complex description words and such advanced vocabulary only benefited the effectiveness of this piece. Thus, your use of diction played a key role in establishing such an emotional feeling to develop in, I assume, all of the readers' heads. I commend you for such an amazing and heart wrenching piece, and thank you for sharing this experience.

  27. I want to start off by saying that this was a great piece! I truly felt as if i were in your shoes and i was admiring her beauty. I understand the raw emotions you set out. many people including myself experience the uncertainty of wanting to be in a relationship. good job!

  28. You shared a deep personal story with us and played it out very well. I have been in similar positions before, and I might use some of what you said as advice for later on.

  29. A very touching story and very much true at that. I know from experience that communication is key to having a healthy relationship and friendship. I almost lost my friends because I refused to talk to them about how I felt. The story was very easy to relate to and I love the truths told with it. Good Job!!

  30. This piece was well written and I like the message behind the story. It was detailed and raw which is always a result of good writing. I've been through something similar before too so I can really relate to this. The advice you gave is spot on.

  31. You effectively wrote this piece using imagery and sophisticated language to describe something almost philosophical. Your writing style almost conveys a train of though style as you thoroughly describe your ideas and feelings. In all it was written well.

  32. This piece really did well to describe your true feelings. Your diction and imagery helped us connect with your topic. Does very well to describe the troubles of a relationship.

  33. I can relate to your view as can many, as relationships do take lots of courage and effort, and we all have that fear. Your detail on your perspective was very insightful and personal which made it that much more enjoyable and the imagery of this girl shows how much she really got your attention. I like the touch at the end that describes to learn from your mistakes, because thats what people need to do in order to achieve happiness or whatever, especially in relationships. Good job!

  34. I really liked how you opened up about how you felt about this girl. You let us look into your thoughts in the past or at least the memory you have of this girl and the emotions that you felt. I believe that taking a chance could lead to a the best thing or something that just happened but it's better to feel like you tried rather than to feel regret. Felling regret or stay wondering what would have happened. Good job!!

  35. I can completely understand your perspective on relationships, and how ones hopes may be let down when the reality of what a relationship really requires out of both sides which is the honest and completely open communication with the other person. I like that you mention how we all make mistakes and it's how we learn and act from them that's important.

  36. I enjoyed this story because of the truthfulness behind how reality is harsh and things are not always as easy as they appear to be. There is a great level of insight throughout the story which reveals how you have changed as a person and have a new perspective on relationships now that you are older. I agree with your final statement, that ultimately it is up to you to make the decision on whether or not your past becomes a source of strength for you in the present and future. Great story!

  37. I liked how your story paints a real picture of how being with someone could be . Your story is real and is something that we have all experienced.

  38. Jerico my man great story. As I was reading I could really feel the pain that you felt. You do an excellent job of showing the work and struggles of being in a relationship. This a well written and easy piece to read. Good job my dude.

  39. I really admire your bravery to share an experience such as the one you encountered your freshman year. I also loved the way you portrayed a relationship as being a double-edged sword as well. As I continued to read your story, I feel the emotions in your writing and the way your incorporated realism made the story seem like a reality check for all of us to absorb. Thanks for sharing!

  40. This story was enjoyable even though I hate reading blogs about romance or first love. It was actually a bit depressing but that was okay cause it was real and you talked about your actual feelings about the experience, which is what mde the blog so interesting. You write well, your piece was enjoyable.

  41. This story was quite enjoyable and felt real and even though I've never fell in love, though your words clearly depicted such a scenario and rather than fantasize the experience you take off the curtains on on love And show just how much of a tough ordeal it can all be.

  42. I really enjoyed your story, particularly the sense of reality embellished within it. Aside from the typical "puppy love" stories, this brings a new meaning to the aspect of love and distinguishes the difference between feelings and a healthy relationship. This is one of the pieces that reflect your maturity and moment of realization. Although you may not have the love your life at the moment, I wish you the best and hope that when you do find her she was worth the wait.

  43. I really enjoyed how you shared this story and were able to be vulnerable with us. The tone shift was obvious following events but it helped me relate to your experience and understand how you were feeling at the time. Great piece.

  44. This is extremely applicable to my life and I could really use some of this advice. Although its great to feel things in the moment, its also important to realize that keeping things good requires effort, otherwise things will not prosper. You were very effective in depicting the young teenage mindset and I like the ways in which you were able to open up. This was truly a good, genuine piece that I really appreciate. :)

  45. I loved this piece and all the reality in it! This writing is so easy to relate to our lives as teenagers and how we don't realize the responsibilities of some of the things we take on. This writing represents pure maturity, something everyone has to realize at some point. Good Job!

  46. I really loved this piece because it exposes the difficult aspects of having a relationship and the willingness you have to show to be in one. I like how you illustrated your relationship with the girl and the difference between liking someone and being in a relationship with someone. Great Job!


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