
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

"Discovering My Passion" by Ryanne N

I grew up with a passion for games. It all started when my dad introduced me to Pac Man and Sonic Adventure on his Sega Dreamcast console to Crazy Taxi and Splashdown on the Xbox. My dad, sister and I would always play together competitively trying to beat each other’s high score and work together to complete a challenge or a mission in any game we were playing. As I started to grow up, my dad would buy me the latest console that would come out. As I got older my sister grew out of playing video games and my dad was still stuck on games that were made in his generation, so I played video games by myself until I found other people to play video games with. After many years of playing videos games on the consoles I had, I became bored of it and took a break. First semester of freshman year, I was eager to play video games again due to new games being released. However, I did not want to play the new games that were being released on a console because it would not keep me entertained for long. So, I researched other platforms that I could play games on and this is when I discovered PC.
            I spent 5 months gathering all the information I needed for a PC. I first did research to learn about all the components a PC has and gained an understanding of how each component works. Then, I started looking at prebuilt PC’s from different companies trying to find a decent price that matches everything in the PC, but all I found was that the prices did not match the components in the prebuilt PC. I looked up how to get a PC that matches its price and a lot of comments from websites and forums persuaded me into building my own PC. Building my own PC would mean that I could have the same parts as I saw on the websites with the prebuilt PC and it would cost half as much and may perform just as well. So, I researched what I wanted in my PC like the type of tower I wanted, the processor, the amount of ram, a motherboard, a well performing GPU, hard drive, a power supply unit that provides the components with electric power and a package of red and white LED fans to light up the inside and outside of the tower. During my winter break freshman year, I started to build my PC. I laid everything down that I ordered on my floor and had my laptop on the side of me that had a YouTube video on how to assemble a PC. I thought building a PC would take all day to build, but it took me about 4 hours to assemble everything and hook it up to my monitor. I was hesitant to press the power button because I was not sure if it would turn on. When I pressed the power button, I saw the LED fans turn on, heard the power supply and saw a loading screen on the monitor.  I was pleased that everything turned out fine and worked properly. I was now able to tryout the new games that were being released and tryout some of the games I used to play on console. Turns out I like PC’s more than consoles. Building my own PC peaked my interest to learning more about the field of computer engineering.


  1. I really like how by how you built a PC made you realize that you are interested in the field of computer engineering. I think it's really cool to build things of your own and have a strong interest in it. You gave such a great way in explaining how to build a PC and every part that you need. Well done! -Aryelle Estrada

  2. I really like how you explain your process of how you got interested into Gaming. I used to be into that, but as I grew older my interest drifted towards photography. I really like how you got experience to building your own PC, I had the thought of building one, but it was too hard. Well written piece!

  3. This story really does go in depth on the PC gaming and how to get started. I can relate in the sense of having a passion with computers and surprised you do as well, which I never thought you would. I too built my PC and can say that this is all correct that most pre-built PC are not as good as building your own.

  4. This story was rather inspiring as you pushed yourself to learn something that sparked your interest through a simple "How to" video on youtube. It's interesting how something so hard took you such a short amount of time. Thank you for this piece and good luck with computer engineering!

  5. I love how this shows the passion you have for PCs and how motivated you were about them. I could see that because you said your sister grew out of gaming but you were still stuck on it and that feeling is very relatable. Good Job.

  6. This is a really good story about passion someone has! I enjoyed how detailed it was and how dedicated you were to build the PC. Everyone grows out of something but that's where new interests happen. Great job on this!

  7. Yes, Ryanne! This was a super cool piece, I am so happy you posted this as I have fallen in love with computers and PC gaming as well. I was a PC gamer for a few years until my Computer stopped working and i've been having to get it fixed. Anyway, I found it really cool how you found the time and determination to build your own PC, awesome work!

  8. Oh my goodness, that is so fantastic, Ryanne. These are the kinds of stories I like to hear, were a young person finds something their passionate about and tries to figure out a way to perhaps turn that passion into a career. Well done.

  9. I really like your passion it's different from other peoples. That is a great passion to have. I do like how your family brought the passion out in you. It wasn't just one person it was your dad and sister. That shows a nice relationship between you and your family. This piece is relatable to me bc my passion is music. My family is a music family we all play instruments and sing. Your work reminded me that family is important. Great job!!

  10. Your piece was very written and full of great details about your experience with building your own PC. It is awesome that you have such a big passion for PC gaming. I have tried it and thought that it was too difficult. I know that you will be an amazing computer engineer in the future. Great job!

  11. Your piece was very interesting to read since I know near to nothing about building a computer. I am honestly astounded as to your passion and drive for your goal, considering the extensive research you described and the plethora of computer pieces that would take me ages to learn about. The tone you set up as you turned on your self-made PC was very intense, as you described the moment vividly and exactly what happened as you did it. Finding things that continue to interest you is difficult, but with all the opportunities available to us, I am so happy for you for finding a passion, especially an unconventional one, in your PC.

  12. Your narrative was very nice on how you came to love building PCs. I like how you gave a small background on how you played video games with your father and sister, then how you went on your own t discover a new kind of gaming. I also admire how you researched and taught yourself how to build your own PC. It is a very important time of one's life discovering what one's passion is. Overall, I like the description of that process.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Taha UddinFebruary 8, 2017 at 6:03 PM
    I can personally relate to this, I use to be the stereotypical gamer kid in elementary and middle school. I would literally dedicate all of my free time to playing video games until high school when I got disillusioned with playing video games because I felt like it was stopping me from exploring the real world. One thing it did help me with is that it spurred my interest in technology. I actually built my current PC that I'm using right now last summer with the help of my older brother and his CS major friend, time to time I still game on Steam when I have nothing else better to do. Great job and I think it's great you found your passion!

  15. Great job on this piece! Its really cool that you figured that all out from your passion for video games and simultaneously found a college interest. Nice work!

  16. I can totally to the early part of your story. Playing video games at a young age with your family is a lot of fun. However, the entire rest of the PC building story is really cool. I don't hear often when a girl is into video game like that and I gotta say it's a great story.

  17. Wow thanks for sharing your passion for PC. I love how you described how you started gaming with old school games, which eventually lead to love for PC gaming. Its crazy that we can find what we love and our passion for in the simple things we do everyday. Your story is relate able because my brother is into PC gaming and I never understood why until recently, its his passion and what he loves doing. Great work!

  18. I really enjoyed this piece, and reading about your love for games. I think it's really awesome that you built your own computer, given that's no easy task especially for someone who's a novice to that whole area. I found it interesting that your love for games ended up in the discovery of your passion for computer engineering, and I hope you pursue your passion into the future. Great job!

  19. it was nice to see how you found your passion with games and computer engineering. i can see by the way this piece was written that this is something that you care about. you even spoke about the past with your sister and father. it added nice personal touch. i enjoyed your narrative.

  20. I can relate to this story incredibly well, because I basically lived this experience myself. I like the background information you gave us in the beginning of the story because it allowed for the readers to understand your past experience with video games and what would lead to you decision of building a PC. You gave great detail about building a PC and it was fun to see you find your passion and career by simply building a computer.

  21. It's crazy how we go through different things in finding our passions and what we wish to pursue. Your background provided important and relevant information and your structure really helped the piece flow. I think it would serve more people to open up more and consider the world of options available to them

  22. I don't know much about computers, but I thought you were able to show how one should research an item (or anything in general) before investing in them and buying them. And I also thought that this piece was very inspirational because you were able to show how you found your passion for computers because of your experience in building a PC.

  23. This was a well written and organized personal statement about your passion. Just reading this gave me a good sense of how you came to enjoy and understand video games, and overall find your true passion and possibly career later on in life. I like how you gave us a feel for your background in the beginning so we could understand how this developed in your life then included the incentives you took in order to keep your interests alive. I'm glad that you were able to find your passion in life especially at an early age like that! I hope that life takes you in the right direction! Good job

  24. I really enjoy how your piece showed your passion without you having to directly describe it by illustrating your knowledge of PCs and their components. The inclusion of your love for games as a child also really put the passion you would cultivate over the next few years into context. As a whole this piece did well to convey the conditions that manifested your ideal career. Good job!

  25. As someone who also likes video games, I found your story quite interesting. Although it may seem like a bit of a dumb passion to some, video games can be a legitimately fun past time, and your piece showed that wonderfully. Good work!

  26. I enjoyed reading this piece as it felt relatable to me. I was (and still am) really into video games as a kid, so I felt like I could relate to your passion for video games. I like how you took time to do research to build your PC. Building a good PC at a decent price can be challenging, but the time you took to research each component shows your dedication and willing to learn. I also enjoyed the fact that this allowed you to discover your passion for computers and engineering. You were able to excellently give your personal insight as to how you discovered your passion and it was overall a great read. Wow Ryanne, great moves! Keep it up. Proud of you.

  27. I found this story to be relatable yet informative. I really loved how you went in depth about the components of a PC and the process it took to build one. Hopefully, in the future, I will be able to purchase a PC of my own and I will take this story into consideration as an alternative into building an actual PC rather than buying a pre-built one. Thanks for sharing!


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