
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

"How to Swim Butterfly" by Spencer C

Phase 1.  Be a proficient swimmer.
I know this Phase is pretty obvious, but it’s actually critical if you want to do the stroke correctly, since it requires a level of endurance to perform that the other strokes do not.
Phase 2.  Dolphin kick.
In order to do a Dolphin kick you must keep both legs together and kick with them at the same time.1) Lay on your stomach in the water. 2) Dip down with your chest then kick down with your legs. Make sure to start the kick from your hip and flex your abs while you do this.
Phase 3.  Butterfly Stroke.
This in my opinion is the most crucial part of doing the stroke correctly. In order to perform the stroke,
1) Have your hands come together at the top of your head in the shape of a pencil.
2) Separate your hands then pull them down in front of your body through the water to your hips (make sure to keep fingers together as if you were trying to scoop water with them).
3) After the completion of this step lift your arms out of the water (Hands are now above your hips with palms facing the sky), and in one fluid motion spread your arms out to either side of you (Imagine making a cross) and then (move to step 4)
4) move them to the front of your body (fingers are still together with your thumb pointing towards the water) so that your arms make a Y shape.
Now repeat the steps 2-4 of this phase. Now when you are first trying this out do not use Dolphin kick. Use either Breast Stroke kick or Flutter kick, I recommend the latter.
Phase 4.  Swim Butterfly.
Now once you feel comfortable with Phase 2 and 3 its time for Phase 4 in which we combine the two. Now when you start off I recommend pushing off the wall and performing Dolphin kicks while your hands are in the pencil position. This helps set a rhythm since which is necessary to perform the stroke with less difficulty.
1) Push of the wall with your hands in the pencil position and do Dolphin kicks to set a rhythm.
2) Once you reach the surface pull down (Phase 3 step 2) like you would if you were just performing the stroke, but at the same time perform a Dolphin kick(Phase 2).
3) Then once you are in the process of moving your arms to the Y position (Phase 3 steps 3&4) perform another Dolphin kick (Perform this Dolphin kick just after you make the cross with your body).
Repeat steps 2 and 3 of this phase until you get tired or you make it to the wall.

Good luck I hope this was informative.


  1. Wow Dude, this was very informative I am really glad you shared these instructions I have never learned how to swim so best believe I will remember these instructions so when I get into the water ima be pro well not really a pro but I will at least know the basics. Thank you for this very well thought of and explained story.

  2. I love these instructions Spencer!! Swimming is a physically and mentally tough sport and it's so nice to see someone appreciate it as much as you do. Your butterfly is one of the prettiest I have ever seen and you make it look so effortless. Your butterfly is goals, you should be a coach in the near future because this step by step is so easy to follow and detailed for the toughest strokes. I will be sure to keep this in mind the next time I jump in the pool! Great work Suspence!

  3. This description was so detailed, it's clear that you have practiced doing this hundreds of times and know how to do this stroke very well. I liked how you walked through every step so clearly, you sounded like a coach. I think you did an amazing job!

  4. Awesome instructions Spencer! I'm not much of a swimmer but I definitely learned a lot from your blog. The way it was written allows for it to be easy to read and understood. I admire your passion for swimmer, for I know it's an extremely difficult sport. I love how you did a step-by-step process and how detailed it was overall. Great job!

  5. This was a very detailed piece which can help people who want to refine their swimming skills. Your in depth explanation allows readers to visualize the steps they need in order to succeed. Overall, this was a didactic piece which instructs readers how to perfect their swimming skill set. - Jerico Dizon

  6. You sound like you know exactly what you are doing, Spencer. This was very professional and straightforward and has made my swimming abilities look completely obsolete. The steps you listed were very descriptive and very easy to follow that I found myself doing the motions as I read it. I feel like I actually learned a lot from your piece and might try it the next time I have the opportunity to be in a swimming pool, and through these instructions, I don't think I would be making a fool of myself. Just from reading this piece, I can tell that you are proficient I swimming (I hope) since you are able to give clear directions on a certain stroke. Thank you for informing an ignorant and boring swimmer like myself.

  7. This was really helpful to me. I honestly don't even know how to do it. But ow I'm even more intrigued to try it. These steps and meanings to it really helped me to understand what is actually happening and how to accomplish doing it. Great job on the tips.

  8. Great Job Spence! Fly is a very difficult stroke and you explained with such immense detail that I feel anyone would be able to get the movements down. I loved how you used similes in order to depict the movements of the stroke.

  9. I found this piece very informative and helpful. It was well-written and straightforward that made it easy for anyone who is unfamiliar with the basics of swimming to understand the techniques you described. This made me confident enough to practice the butterfly stroke next time I'm in the pool. Great job!

  10. I really enjoyed this because it was something that was extraordinary. It is the middle of winter and here we are learning a difficult swim technique from one of the best swimmers I know. Overall I enjoyed this informative peice.

  11. Why didn't you have this when I was learning how to swim fly? This was executed very nicely and you mentioned everything that is important and helpful when you swim fly. This would help many people because of how well written it is. You made it very descriptive and that helped me imagine the movements. Good job!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This really couldn't have been explained any better. The steps are very clear and they were overall a great way to teach people to swim fly. I will definitely need this when I forget how to explain it to people when I teach as a WSI. Great job Spencer

  14. I don't know anything about swimming, but your method of explaining these techniques is amazingly simple and interesting. I hate getting wet, but if I ever get the chance I'll be sure to check these things out.

  15. These instructions were very clearly organized and easy to follow for anyone, whether they are a first time swimmer or not. You should be a swim coach! Good job, Spencer!

  16. This guide will definitely teach me how to swim. I'm personally not the best swimmer, but I trust that these instructions you provided will help me be come slightly better! You break down each step and go further into detail allowing me to perfectly copy what you are telling me to do. I hope this will help get me in the water more!

  17. The detail that you put into the instructions on how to swim was very interesting to read as I never knew the technique that goes into swimming. This is great as this the base that anyone would need if they want to learn the swimming techniques. Great Job Spencer!

  18. Great job Spencer! I like how descriptive your instructions were and all of the similes you used to describe the form of the stroke. I really enjoyed the structure of this piece too and how it clearly laid out all of the steps required to learn how to swim butterfly! Awesome job Suspense!

  19. This piece was very funny to me and informative. As a swimmer myself I can relate to this. This was very descriptive and I had a really fun time reading it. Thank you for sharing.

  20. These instructions were extremely informative. Although I am an exceptionally proficient swimmer, I can say that with the amount of clarity you organized each step of each technique, those who are just learning to swim will be extremely thankful. Great job with the organization of this piece, and good job using your own experiences to inform others!

  21. It is informative! I really like how you broke down each step into detail and separated the legs and arms into two phases. I think its really cool you chose to share a little bit of swim with everyone because thats your thing. I cant do any type of swim moves except for just swimming for fun so this was pretty cool. I'll have to try it once it warms up again finally and the weather remembers that this is California.

  22. Nice piece! Personally, I hate swimming, but it was apparent through your piece that you have an everlasting passion for it, so the piece was still enjoyable. Although an instructional blog entry may seem boring to some, there are many elements that I think you took advantage of. For instance, although the concept was simple, you still used diction that made the piece intriguing. It was also structured very well and easy to read. Can't say I'm going to try the butterfly, but great piece anyway!

  23. Great piece! I have underestimated proper swimming techniques before this and I now realize how complicated and meticulous they are. I assumed that being a great swimmer was all about having good form and great speed. Thank you for the informative and well structured instructions.

  24. The description of the swimming technique is very well informative. Although I personally would have no reason to attempt such a maneuver, it would really help someone that would wish to learn it. Also it helps it comes from an experienced swimmer, so the audience can feel as if they have a reliable source.

  25. When I think of swimming butterfly, the first thought that comes to mind is that it can't be that complicated and that there isn't much to it. However, after reading this, I am in complete shock. It is much harder and requires much more skill than I had previously thought. You provided clear instructions that were easily imaginable for your readers. This also may help someone who may be feeling anxious when performing this swim but after reading this, I am sure they will realize that it isn;t as bad as it seems thanks to your informative writing.

  26. I enjoyed how descriptive you were and how thorough you were with the instructions. I've tried to swim this certain stroke before and it is actually a lot harder than it seems. Now that I know much more about how to swim butterfly, I'm sure I'll be able to give it a shot.

  27. The detailed put into this informational piece is great! After reading your piece I am motivated to try to swim butterfly. it seems really complicated as to perfecting it which really impresses me on how people who swim competitively do this naturally. Great job!

  28. Even though I don't know anything about swimming, I felt like I gained a decent understanding of how to conduct this stroke. It seems like a difficult stroke, but reading your informative and organized step by step procedures helped me understand it more. The adjectives and descriptive language that you used also helped me visualize each step in order to enhance my knowlege. Good job, and just keep swimming!(:

  29. This piece really simplified the components of the butterfly stroke, so that really anyone who reads it can grasp the concept. It is very informative and the use of description gives me a clear visual.

  30. Your instructions were very clear and concise, I feel as if this is a very good way to teach someone because you made sure to explain how to do it with very specific steps that they needed to follow. Also i think it was good how you explained how important it is to be a good swimmer before you attempt to learn this stroke.


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