
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

"Unititled" by Natalie M

     Ella’s first session began with the strange old woman. It was a tuesday afternoon, and
she was confused and fearful of what would occur. Skeptical really. How was she supposed to
tell a stranger what was wrong? How was she supposed to explain to a stranger what was going
on in her head when she couldn’t even process it herself?
     When she had walked in, the soft smells of warm vanilla and sweet strawberries
wrapped around her. She sat down in the corner loveseat which wasn’t very comfortable but
wasn’t too stiff as well. The typical small talk occurred and then the woman asked her about her.
And she began..
     “At the age of 16 I had told myself I had experienced my first love. It was despicable. I
was brought up to be strong, independent, even selfish, when it came to my feelings. And every
single speck and spot of that was torn away from me leaving a void within me so extreme I felt..
hollow and cold. Since the very beginning, I had preached to myself and others a more cynical
view about this "feeling" of love. And the idea of "trust" Hell yes it is a game. A waste of time.
Even an excuse where you stop loving yourself and when all of you is entirely consumed with
the up keeping of the person you adore. For the one who is now devouring your life and
thoughts that were once focused on the prosperity of you. It’ an inevitable thing. Three words
are thrown at one another more carelessly than a premature little boy crossing the street to
chase the puppy he just thought was cute and would make him... happy. How often can one
mistake this feeling till they realize it’s all a.. a farce. I’d like to argue that love is a choice. And
I’d argue this until that next boy or girl comes along and messes you up again. Things happen. I
say that to everyone who I notice is being sucked into the oblivion of having too much hope. “Oh
my goodness please be careful you're bound to get let down,” my thoughts keep telling me. Call
me cynical, call me a realist, call me a damn pessimist but I'm not going to walk on that pretty
path beneath that fake rainbow when I know it was just raining. You know you're about to step in
puddles right? Rainbows are temporary anyway. Just like "happiness."
     But then there’s this, I will never be at least temporarily "happy." I will never fall so deep I
feel as though I've entered another world. Eternal happiness is not real and it does not last
forever. Nothing is genuine. I'm going to be a second guesser all my life wondering if giving
myself would've lead to even the slightest genuine grin upon my face. So that the creases made
when I smile on the inner sides of my cheek would then leave permanent wrinkles symbolizing a
merriment in my well being. Do you ever see those people with those marks upon their face and
think.. "wow, they must smile and laugh a lot." No?.. I do. I’d like a few wrinkles along the sides
of my mouth. I’d like those crows to press their tiny feet
along the sides of my eyes. If I were to obtain them, it'd be from laughing and mocking all of you
whom let yourselves fall weak. Fools... I wish I could be one. I blame my family. I blame my
mother. I blame my father. I blame those around me who have failed. It all ends poorly. And
seeing it has kept my eyes open so wide they don’t even burn anymore if I don't blink. Dream
selling. That's all this lifetime has to offer and everyone is damned if they don't stray away from
getting what they want. “Don't try to be happy what are you doing? It’s not real! “ the thoughts
keep yelling. Let me not, no, let me not place my hands near the fire. Yes, you’ll be warm but I'm
warning you, it’s windy and this raging fire is going to burn you as soon as those flames are
blown in every direction consuming even the strongest of beings. I like the cold.
     I’m awake and I see what the world is really like. All of you are still sleepwalking and it’s
okay. All it takes is a bump on your head against that wall full of nails or a trip down these stairs
into eternal damnation for you to realize it's all sugar coated lies. At least that’s what the
thoughts say. A person, I, can wake up one morning and want the most out of life then realize
that what I want... isn't even what I want. "If you keep telling yourself this, you just might start
believing it" I've been telling myself that I'm happy for the past 7 years and I still feel my smile
deteriorating off the side of my face. Oh my apologies let me fix it.. Again.
     Enough about the truth. Back to how all of you are fools, back to how you all are able to
let yourselves have hope, back to how all of you are willing to live and take chances, back to
how all of you still think that genuine happiness is obtainable, back to how all of you allow
yourselves to love. Back to how all of you are still grasping onto the concept of well being so
tight it’s like the fingers on each hand and life have interlinked themselves into a gate made of
steel keeping out the monsters that can break you!
     All of you are fools.. And I still wish I was one.
     The woman looked at Ella as though she had opened a door in her head. One that lead
to new ways of thinking and one that brought about so many questions. This wasn’t a child who
needed help. She was a child who was fearful, or maybe even aware.


  1. Wow, that was pretty descriptive, I really like your interesting choice of diction. I think I'm feeling down now after reading that haha. Great job!

  2. I'm speechless. I really enjoyed your piece because it was extremely descriptive and was a bit relatable. I was able to relate to the main character a bit. I am not very pessimistic but sometimes I really ponder what I'm living for. I love how you were able to put so much emotion in you short story even though it was told in third person.

  3. That was amazing. I have recently gone through events that are like the ones you are describing and I can see everything happening in front of my eyes its crazy.The way you described how she contradicts herself but she still falls in the void of love this is an amazing piece good job.

  4. Whoah. This piece really led me to a whole other point of view. I enjoyed that this was a story of "Ella" talking to a strange old woman, but gave a message on your ideas about fantasized things such as love. Your writing style created a very strong personality of your fictional character. After reading this piece, I could almost feel all the emotion she felt as she was saying all this. Great job.

  5. Realistic. If I could describe everything you talked about in one word I would choose "realistic." It's true that people grow too attached and pour everything they have into another person they think they "love." Suddenly when that love is torn from their hearts they feel an emptiness and pain because they weren't "aware" as you described it. I really enjoyed reading this story, not only because of the reality of your message but also because of how you conveyed that message. There were so many ways you could have told that story but the way you wrote it, as a sort of mockery of those who are "unaware" of the realities of life made your story very interesting. Good job Natalie.

  6. Wow Natalie, your story was so great, the people that did not read your story based off its length really missed out on a wonderful story. I really liked the vivid details you put into this piece, it really made me feel as though I was watching this as a scene in a movie rather than reading it from a passage. I really liked the realistic message this story portrays with the concept of 'love' and how most humans never really getting to the 'aware' state. Most go from love to outrage and hate. Overall Natalie I really liked this story maybe one day you could make this into a scene in a book and have the world know more about Ella's character as a whole :)

  7. I think the way you approaches this story was really cool. The way the Woman spoke and the way she said it really made me feel her anger and frustration. How the woman views everything is so different, and maybe more realistic, from what's preached in day to day life is really interesting, while the woman herself still wishes to be "normal" is really fascinating too. I really love this story and think it's amazing.

  8. This piece was amazing! It directly challenges the readers beliefs, and as they read it they question themselves about everything. Your use of diction kept my attention and it truly felt as if i was in the room listening to her speak. Good job!

    -Kynoa V

  9. wow this piece was truly inspirational and amazing. I love the way the woman spoke and i felt her emotions. Her anger, i felt. Her viewpoints, i felt. This was simply written so beautifully and i have nothing else to say besides it was a splendid job.


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