
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

"Mother and Son Bonding" by Dylan M

     Day to day, month to month, year to year, I am asked only one simple question. Why are
you not doing the dishes? I contemplate that question as if it's my own identity and respond to it
as if it's my only priority in life. Because if not and If I have a slight tone in my voice, I will be
grounded for a week. So as you can see the sarcasm in that statement was very very minimal,
well, depending on your perspective I guess. Everyday I live my life one small step at a time,
negating negativity and judgmental comments along the way. The things that matter in life,
should be learned and accepted by only you and not society telling you so. You can really learn a
lot about yourself, when you dismiss all exterior opinions that are focused on your identity and
learn from your faulty decisions and mistakes. Everyday, before I go to school, I use positive
reinforcement as a coping mechanism to happiness. I learned one day as I was pondering my
funny relationship with my mom, that mind is certainly over matter. If you tell yourself or think
about a certain thought, you inevitably end up believing it. So how you reflect positivity, is
certainly how you are going to receive positivity. With that amazing transcendental remark in
your minds, I want to lead this to a funny, but simultaneously crazy story.
     As I woke up on a beautiful sunday morning, waiting to go outside to smell the roses, I
was stopped by my mom to hear her say, “ Make me eggs and sausage. I have so much work to
do before my book is finished! I responded with, “you're a mom, a son shouldn’t even know how
to cook at my age.” (Despite the fact that I actually do is irrelevant, because that's not suppose to
be my job.) Anyways, she responded with, “Come into my room!!” She made me stay in her
room, even though, I was stressed and had a million things on my mind to hear her say make me
breakfast, The funny thing is she could decided to say, “alright I guess I will make them my
own,”( but unfortunately that's not how things ended.) After an hour of arguing over something
she could of done, I still wasn’t able to leave her room to cool off and talk to her like a normal
human being. Our argument, idiotically lead to her to say, ” I’m going to put you in the juvenile
system and call the police.” Soon after, without doing anything wrong, (Certainly Debatable) she
called my dad to say, “get over here, your son is acting crazy.” Keep in mind that I had an
economics test to study for, a badminton club meeting at 7:00 the next day, and mass quantities
of homework to do. But what started as my mom telling me to make her breakfast turned to me
being kicked out on a day that was the most stressful. After everything, I had to apologize, if I
mean if, I wanted to stay there that night.
   This true story, (Trust me it's certainly true, with very little emphasis at all because I
really don't need it.) gives me the opportunity to see how perception affects your mindset,
because if I would of let this scenario affect me mentally, most likely I would start seeing reality
differently, similarly to my mom. Our relationship is very funny, but the moment I walked into
school, I said, “How was your guy’s weekend, mine was great by the way, thanks for asking and
took a test.”(Definitely not sarcasm, okay maybe a little) That's it, no matter how hard life can be
along with very unreasonable mothers, you need to learn that what people do and say about you
as a person shouldn’t be acknowledge. If so, your mindset will only see the negativity that people
reflect, rather than the mass quantities of positive hearts that are highlighted overall.


  1. I know you're being sarcastic but I was dead of laughter after reading that. It's good to know that I'm not alone in having a unpleasant home situation. At the same time I really like your advice on positivity, I think it's good to have a positive perception of yourself and not to care what others think too much; that's something I need to get better at. I also hope things can calm down for you at home, and I appreciate how that was from the heart. 💯 👌

  2. It must be hard to deal with so much stress at home but also be able maintain a positive attitude at school. Even though you had to mature at a young age, it will help you life skills in your future such as cleaning and cooking.

  3. I am very happy that you are able to have a positive mindset despite the negative comments from your mother. You have really reminded me about how powerful the mind is and how a positive mindset and how a positive mindset can improve a person's day. Great story!

  4. The message at the end of the story was perfect. With such a harsh subject to talk about in your story, it really needed the message to reassure that with the struggles comes a positive aspect. Great piece!

  5. As I was reading your story I started to picture how my relationship with my parents are similar to the one you described with your mom. My parents don't always understand or think about how stressed we can get with our own lives and duties. I really like the way you made something negative become something that helps you be positive about life. I feel that its true how you said that we start to think and feel that something is true even when its not. You could've made this story sound ass if you were the victim but decided to look at things in a fun playful way.

  6. I really enjoyed this story but most importantly the intro and the ending. I like how you gave us a before and after explanation of the story rather than just going straight into the story. This allowed me to see where you are coming from and what message you are trying to give me as a writer. You stuck with one overall message, Mind over Matter, and that really helped me expand on your point of view, which made your story very well written.

  7. Nice use of sarcasm Dylan, I taught you well. You use alot of comedy but also an inportant message. You emphasize how negativity from others is meaningless because in the end only your view of yourself matters. Great read!

  8. Glad that you have shared that hilarious story with your mom to us. You must have quite have a very positive mindset to not let anything and anyone stresses you out/makes you go down. What I got from your piece is the message that we should let go all of the negatives that dull our shine, poison our spirit and bring us drama.

  9. I enjoyed reading this, this definitely caught my attention and made me want to keep reading on and on. I like how you mention throughout your story that basically people need to try and have a positive mindset. This also relates to my mom and I as well we always have petty arguments over little things.

  10. I enjoyed the satire throughout the piece, accompanied with sarcasm. I also enjoyed the moral of the story at the end! It gives the reader to take something with them to apply to their lives which is always a good thing.

    -Kynoa V


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