
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Untitled" by Regine M

Black spots obscured my vision and my ears rang with an intensity I had never felt before as I
blinked my eyes back into focus. The smoke in the confined area was causing my eyes to tear
and sting. I reached up to rub them only to immediately regret my decision as a white hot pain
overwhelmed me, originating from my left arm. Wary of what I would find, I forced myself
assess the damage and retched at the sight of my mangled limb. I looked away, but the image of
bloody white bone tearing through soft flesh and tissue was permanently seared into my mind. I
could feel my pulse rising, shock and fear erasing rational thought and feeling from my mind as I
continued to sit there, unmoving and dumbfounded. Warm blood dripped from my temple into
my eye, and I reached up automatically to wipe away the sticky fluid before feeling for its
source. The sting of pain I was met with paled in comparison to the fire in my arm, but urged me
to move and seek medical attention. I reached down my body with my right arm to release the
belt cutting into my chest, when I became aware of the rapidly growing heat that met the back of
my neck. Panic washed over me and I ripped the belt from my body upon the realization of my
imminent death if I didn’t move fast enough. As if on cue, my lungs heaved and I coughed and
gagged, the smoke continuing to increase in intensity as I forced myself to move faster. My
trembling fingers felt for the handle of the door, ignoring the hot metal as my fear and heart rate
escalated. I heaved the door open, the warped metal protesting against my adrenaline fueled
strength. I avoided using my left arm and leaned out of my seat, until I finally became aware of
the lack of response in my lower half. My legs had been rendered immobile under the weight of
the crushed front of the car. The pressure was strong enough that I knew there wasn't any
escaping without professional help. Still though, I leaned further out and scrabbled for the
ground, looking for hand holds to pull myself out of the car, ignoring the gravel and shrapnel that
cut into my uninjured hand. I finally gave in to using my left hand, desperation creating a
hysteria in me that allowed me to ignore the agony the broken bone was causing me. I only just
became aware of the sobbing noises that were coming from me, my hands finally coming to a
still as I came to accept my fate, fingertips still bleeding and embedded with rock and glass. But
for all the noise of the crackling and the roaring of the near flames, the wailing sobs I tried little
to control, I could not, and knew I would not hear the blissful wail of nearing sirens.


  1. Your piece is really cool and descriptive. The use of adjectives to describe the character's setting and situation were fabulous and its definitely one of my favorite pieces on here. At first I honestly wanted to know more about what would become of the accident victim but the end ties it together really well and the emotion makes the reader sympathize with them, which is a first for a person like me who has an bottomless pit where their heart should be. Great job!

  2. Your piece made me feel as if I was experiencing an accident myself, it definitely kept me on edge the entire time and I was interested as soon as I read the first line.

  3. Your piece throughout the whole thing had constant imagery going through my mind. It feels like I was actually there with the accident. I actually really liked this and now you can understand what those victims have to go through and their pain. Good job on this!

  4. This piece was phenomenal Regine! As soon as I began reading, I felt like I was on the edge of my seat. And the further I read, I couldn't help but dread the ending because your imagery and diction is so well, that itself made me want this piece to never end. Great job of building up the plot to the unfortunate ending. Shocking and sad, but thats the twist! Great job girl!

  5. Such a good piece! Right from the jump i was captivated due to the constant imagery. Another asset i loved was the suspense aspect of it. I didn't want to stop reading, i wished it never stopped. The build up was perfectly executed and it kind of made me feel some type of way.

  6. I really enjoyed reading this and you did an excellent job writing with such vivid description and intense imagery. You didn't just explain the setting around you, but the raw emotions that really brought the whole piece together. I think you should go on with this and make something of this. Great Job Regine!

  7. Very interesting piece! Your use of imagery pulled me and made me want to continue you reading. The detail of this piece made your story. It made me understand the circumstance and I really liked knowing what the main character was feeling. Awesome job!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I really enjoyed the descriptive diction throughout this piece as it allowed me to put myself into the story and really understand what was going on. The mystery of this tragic story-that instead of immediately telling us the cause of the accident, you took us from the person's initial response to the actual outcome- really enhanced the overall effect and made me want to continue reading. Also, the chronological order of events added to this mystery and made it easy to follow along to the storyline, getting a glimpse into the person's decision making process. The last sentence really put everything into perspective in that the person's fate would soon overtake them. Well done!

  10. I really loved how descriptive your piece was. Everything you were describing was playing through my head and at the end I found myself thinking what I would do if I was in that position. The imagery what amazing.

  11. I love the use of first person point of view because it really intensifies the emotions that the unknown narrator is experiencing. It's difficult to imagine that people who get into severe car crashes have thoughts like these. Your use of brutal imagery really captures what experiencing a car crash is like. You're a great writer and your piece is 10/10!

  12. This piece was incredible. The description and imagery of the accident was so vivid and it really touched my heart as if I was there and I actually saw it. The details of the cuts and blood gushing was so realistic that it was almost hard for me to read, but was also capturing and intriguing for me to read more. Well done!

  13. The detail that you used in this piece is profound. You're detailed imagery made me want to reach out and help you up as though I was there in the scene that you painted. The structure of your story is unique and the first person narration throughout helped make it personal and close to home. Great job overall.

  14. This was overall really entertaining. Your use of diction and imagery to describe the scene was incredible. You also gave us a good story that shows us the aftermath of what's happened, it shows how the character overcomes and survives. I often found myself reading and wondering what was going to happen next.

  15. This was truly captivating! The use of diction and incredible imagery allowed me to become transported into the story. The story was very suspenseful and action packed which made it a very entertaining read. This was beautifully written and an absolutely incredible piece.

  16. This piece was very well written, because of all the imagery that was being used I fully understood how the character was experiencing which actually made the story very interesting to read, although some parts of the piece was bloody, the story was delivered very well, especially with the help of all the details and imagery that you have included in it. Fantastic job!

  17. There was so much description in this piece. The level of imagery and the intensity of this story was captivating and kept me wondering what was going on. The first person point of view really made us understand your emotions and pain in that moment. The story was so captivating.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This Piece was very descriptive. The detail that went into it was extremely powerful in creating the setting, Not only that, but it also helped portray how the narrator felt inside and their feelings toward imminent death were. the description truly brought the piece to life and made it a great read.

  20. The use of such vivid imagery in your story to describe the setting effectively created a visual image to the reader. The use of details of the accident intensified the plot and caught my attention. The inclusion of first-person point of view created a realistic feeling that made me feel as if I was there. Great job!

  21. Wow Regine, this story was so amazing! You were easily able to grab the reader's attention through your use of intense, vivid detail. While reading this, I felt as though I was experiencing the same pain as the character in your story. I love that you wrote a piece like this because it reflects you and your interests in things like this. Great Job!
    -Chyanne Powell

  22. Wow, first of all, the extremely gory imagery in the beginning of the story is what really caught my attention. I wasn't expecting the story to revolve around a car crash, as it seemed to be more like a horror story at first. However, it was still a great read and the prevalent feelings of the speaker's desire to live despite their obvious fate really wraps up the piece nicely. Good job!

  23. This piece was so intense and the extensive amount of imagery led me to feel as though I was there at the scene of the accident. I loved the mystery in the first half, until it was revealed that the incident was in fact a car crash. It left me wanting to know what happened to the poor lady, great job!

  24. wow, the imagery in this piece was off the charts. from beginning to finish i felt s if i was in that melting car,with a broken left arm. I also loved the tragic ending, and how the main character as forced to see their fate. Great job putting us through this agonizing story of imagery.

  25. I really like how you started this piece. Not knowing what was going on made me so interested in reading the rest. I also really enjoyed the way you left the ending sort of unresolved by not staring exactly what happened next. Great work!

  26. Outstanding use of imagery throughout the entire story! I felt captivated from beginning to end. Ending with the horrible downfall of the speaker, which I didn't want to accept, it just moved my emotions in such a great way, and brought an even deeper meaning to play that not all stories have happy endings.

  27. Wow! Just wow! The the detail and imagery present put the reader into this tragic situation. This was the most intense read by far and its not even close. The biggest component of this was the extremely fast pace of this, creating a sense of panic. I don't think of these situations often, and when I do there's always a resolution, but this story gave a glimpse of reality of what could actually happen. This was a dreadful experience but in a good way. Just when I thought this would be a story on determination, it surprisingly shifted to hopelessness and acceptance of death. Amazing work!

  28. This is an amazing story! Great JOB on the imagery used! it caught my attention right away and i was entertained throughout the whole piece! Extremely well written, and i loved the little details that made the story stand out and be unique!

  29. I can easily relate to this story since i also have relatives that no little of their second language. It truly is a miracle on how the power of music can change us and make us come closer together. I was entertained throughout this entire piece. Well done on taking me through your life Journey!

  30. This was an extraordinary read to me because of how much detail you were able to add to the story in such a small amount of writing. I was so overwhelmed with your emotions, I could actually imagine you there and I, as the reader, truly felt what you were feeling and thought what you were thinking. Overall the precise imagery and detail in this is incredible, and so was the plot of of the story itself. Good job!

  31. Wow, the way you described everything was so vivid and descriptive I was scared in real life. The way you describe the thought process of being in an accident is so vivid and realistic, it was really cool. Great job!

  32. I really enjoyed this piece because the situation was surreal and the sensory imagery was very direct and convincing. What I believe really stands out is your boldness in not shrouding your story in heavy symbolic language, rather opting to have the audience directly confront the situation before them through the envelopment of experience. Overall very solid writing and a job well done.

  33. The sheer descriptive, sensory imagery that you induced were amazing! Your choice of using 1st person point of view also enhanced the experience we readers got as well. It felt personal and raw as if I were dragging myself from the car. I winced every time you described a new pain because of your vivid descriptions! Amazing job!

  34. I was extremely enticed throughout this piece. The way you put together such detailed and descriptive words towards one single situation is really impressive. Your piece made me feel as if I was experiencing the situation at hand, and that's something extremely rare for great writers to do!

  35. Excellent piece. You described the characters setting very well, making the reader feel as if they were actually there. The descriptive words you chose were perfect and really helped with making the story. Really enjoyed this read.

  36. I really like this piece for its imagery and detail. It really helps tell the story. Great job!

  37. I was captivated right from the beginning of this piece. The imagery in this story was so detailed, I was able to envision the events clearly through every sense I had. The distress and agony the character experienced was fully delivered to the audience and created a bridge between the character and the readers. Good job!

  38. Regine!! This is amazing. The first couple of sentences had me lost but it was so interesting. All the details you put in it was amazing. I could clearly see what was happening as if I was there. This is great.

  39. Such a great piece. It was very descriptive which made it all the more enticing. I was able to put myself in the characters shoes without a problem, I really enjoyed this read. :)

  40. This piece was extremely well done! It kept me at the edge of my seat from the beginning to the end. Not only was the use of imagery and detail exceptionally well done, the storyline was well thought out and written.

  41. Your piece was so descriptive it really helped to see experience what was happening as if it was happening to me. The vivid imagery and detail helped a lot. It was very intense I was on edge. Great story I enjoyed it a lot

  42. I like that this is a piece that stands out among the rest I haven't seen one like it on this blog. The unique perspective had me nervous with anticipation of whether this poor person would find help before her inimitable death as I type this it's hard with sweaty palms and stomach cringing with all the descriptive agony this person goes through. Please write more !! I need to know what happens!!

  43. The way you illustrated this piece was amazing and the raw details used only created a more enticing ambiance that made me want to keep reading until there was nothing left to read. Amazing job!

  44. Youre piece had a substantial amount of imagery which helped me to visualize everything you spoke on in great detail. You did a fantastic job in using so many details yet not listing them as is often done when trying to get the reader to visualize the topic. I really felt as though i was the subject of the piece and was experiencing the same ordeal. Good jobbb

  45. This piece is amazingly descriptive. Upon reading the first sentence I felt like I was in the speakers head going thought the motions with him/her. Your use of detail and imagery is great. Overall, great story!


  46. The way you illustrated this piece was amazing and the raw details used only created a more enticing ambiance that made me want to keep reading until there was nothing left to read. Amazing job

  47. I enjoyed reading throughout this piece wanting to keep reading more and more as i read through. The amount of descriptive of detail that you used when talking about the injuries and how it felt with the chaos that was going on around you made me be able to picture what was happening. Great job!

  48. This is such a well-written piece because of the astounding detail. You not only managed to describe this characters physical injuries, but also the mental hysteria that comes with an event like this. I also appreciated the tragic ending, because not every story has a happy ending. Great job on this piece.

  49. Very well written! Your piece filled me with suspense and I was genuinely motivated to continue reading and discover what would transpire. There was a lot of description and imagery which enhanced the story and made the character appear 3-dimensional.

  50. THis piece used many descriptive adjectives to best describe the horrors of a car crash. This is a great example of excellent imagery and how it can transform a piece into something the reader can experience themselves.

  51. The imagery and illustration in this writing is amazing. This piece was definitely intense and kept my eyes moving to the suspense of each word that came next. I loved your writing and every detail you put into this.

  52. The imagery within your piece was spectacular, easily creating a clear image within one's mind. I liked how you never truly explained the cause of all the characters pain, you left the imagery to do that on its own. Your writing is very mature. I would've never thought it was written by a high school student

  53. I was confused at the start of the story. However, as I continued reading, the story became clear towards the end. The way you utilized imagery, especially with such emphasis and emotions, made the story much easier to visualize during an actual accident and the overall story is well developed. Well done!

  54. This story was really grasping. I like all the imagery you used, especially when you mentioned the smoke in your eyes. That was really specific and you displayed a very elabora situation. Well Done!


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