
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Untitled" by Alex S

If you had the chance to save the world would you? If you were presented with the chance to be
a superhero would you take it? I thought so. I’ve always wanted to be a hero. My whole life I
prayed to be presented with an opportunity to showcase my valiance or come to the rescue of a
damsel in distress. I wanted to be recognized for my bravery and be the reason someone in
danger lives to see another day. I waited for the lightning bolt that would give me superspeed or
the super suit that would make me invincible or give me the ability to fly. I waited in vain
because they never came. No. My superpowers were presented to me in a different context but I
rejected them.

I cursed the world for being such a miserable and terrifying place but not giving me the chance to
be Superman and come to the rescue. I was mad that there was so much villainous evil amongst
us and I had no way of restoring justice or bringing about peace. It was so frustrating watching
the world tear itself apart with hate while stood by idly, unable to swing into action and combat
the villainy. The hard truth is this. I rejected my duties as a superhero every single day.

People occupied freeway off-ramps, begging for help. People of all ages were bullied and abused
in so many ways to so many different extents. So many were plagued by depression or
loneliness. There were so many people who needed help but I wanted to change the world and I
didn't think it was possible without superpowers which made me oblivious to the things that
required my attention above all else. Every day, I was given an opportunity to display courage
but I missed it. I missed my chance to come to the aid of the many and do something to make a
change and to help because I didn’t have mask or a letter on my chest.

It took far longer than I’d care to admit for me to realize that my suit would never come because
I never needed it. I became a superhero the day that I opened my eyes and realized that the
villain of my superhero story wasn’t going to create a weapon of mass destruction and bring a
city to it’s knees. Rather, the villain of my story (and everyone else’s at that) is ignoring my
duties to those who need me the most. I came to see that by not sharing my blessings with those
who have less, or by not standing up for those who are constantly ridiculed and put down, or by
not being with those who want nothing but to smile, I was the villain. I was my own impediment
of justice. The evils of the world have not changed but I have. I finally get to come to the rescue
and I now know that I don't have to change whole world to change somebody's world.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really enjoy your sincerity on this matter and I appreciate how you brought reality in this, sometimes can have an unrealistic expectation of what a hero really is. To be honest any positive change whether it's small or big can have a monumental effect on someone and our surroundings. Keep up the good work!

  3. What an incredible outlook on everyday life in society!! To think we can all be heroes any second of any day, to just give someone a compliment or help out with a little task could make a huge difference to someone, while making ourselves feel good. The real heroes in society are those who acknowledge their surrounds and actually partake in the bettering of their world. Loved your piece Alex!

  4. I think this piece demonstrates something we all can relate to. We all see so much negativity around us and do nothing about it, and sometimes even contribute to it. Your story shows all of us that little things can go a long way for those who need it, and sharing the blessings of our lives is often the best way to decrease the darkness in the world. Your organization and use of an extended metaphor in comparing yourself to a superhero was really effective in displaying this purpose.

  5. I think your story is very relatable to all millennials. The primary cause of all evil or destruction starts with one. I also like how you tuned to your fantasies about being a superheros and connected it with a life lesson. This is your life story and I appreciate that you shared it with your readers. Good Job!

  6. I enjoyed reading your piece, it was really interesting and eye opening. I liked how you wrote about how your outlook changed not a lot of people's outlooks change in life and they just stand there waiting for someone else to take a stand and back them up or like you wait for there superpower to come. I think everyone should read this story because it makes you see that you can make a difference without having to be a superhero just by being you.

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  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I really enjoyed your piece, it is very relatable and at the same time makes us all think. Most of us are very privileged even if we do not see it and the third paragraph reflex on that. Some of the problems you talk about are very different, you have people out there trying to find a way to live and eat then you have kids like us that complain about school and chores. It really makes me think, thank you for that.

  10. A very powerful piece! I think that this is extremely important for people to read, as it is more relevant now than ever. Many people do not realize that they are a hero to somebody just by smiling at them and saying "good morning." Simple acts of kindness and showing that you care about somebody can save them from the villain that can be sadness.

  11. This piece is very sweet and I enjoyed the theme in it. We cant help everybody but at least we can try and help those close to us or those around us. We should only treat everybody with kindness.

  12. What an awesome message! I along with a few other people can relate with this because we want to help make the world a better place. However the task is overwhelming because of all the evil that's going on in the world kind of like what you explained in your piece. I liked how in your piece you realized that because you didn't try to help save others you only added to the problem which made you the villain. Thank you for sharing this story.

  13. The message that you're trying to convey is very relatable and should be shared with many people. I too feel the same way about the whole having powers for good, but after reading your story it has made me realize that everyone can be a superhero in their own way. This story shows a powerful meaning about the problems in our world today. The question towards the beginning really caught my eye and pulled me in to read more. Your piece was overall powerful and sensational man! So amazing job!

  14. This piece brought a whole new perspective of superhero to mind. It really made me think about how i can make a difference despite my lack of powers. Not only was the piece thought provoking, but it was also inspirational. It will keep people's minds more open to the world than before. Very well written!

  15. This is very inspiring and a great reminder that everyone has the ability to be a superhero. this is a very intelligent story and your transformation from a villain to a superhero in the piece was very thought provoking and uplifting to read

  16. What a beautiful piece! Every word was enjoyable to read and the story flowed so smoothly with the mighty diction and imagery of what a superhero is. This story should be seen in a world wide view so everyone can and could see what a real superhero is. So inspirational!

  17. Excellent take on modern day superheroes and how it connects with the concept that, for you to be a hero, you just need courage instead of a silly get-up. It makes sense to see the evil in the world and feel helpless to do anything physically, but with the saying mind over matter, you can achieve anything for anyone, if you put yourself to it. Great idea and passage!!

  18. This story honestly has me at a loss for words. It's unbelievable how close to home this hits all of us. I understand that not all of us may be rich, but that's okay. Being a hero can be as easy as asking someone if they want to sit with you at lunch, asking someone if they're struggling with anything, or even giving as little as two dollars to a homeless person. And that's what we all need to understand. We don't need to have superpowers to be superheros. I truly admire just how true this piece is, especially because it serves as a wake up call for all of us. Great job!

  19. Same bro, same. All this talk of superheroes and the philosophy you put into this piece of writing really shows where your mind was and is at I gotta say it's up there along with your imagination.

  20. This is a very powerful and inspirational piece of work that you have put together. It demonstrates the simplicity in being a hero and that it does not take super powers to be considered a hero. You should do things because you aspire to be as great as a superhero and be your own superhero of sorts.

  21. This is so relatable. My whole life I've always been inspired by those who make a difference in the world and because of that I've dedicated everything I have to making my dreams of sacing as many people as I can. Like you I've always thought you needed to have powers to help people without actually realizing that you don't need a cape and mask to make you a hero to at least one person. They say do at least one good deed a day, but I firmly believe that, if needed, do as many good deeds as you can. In today's society it is so hard to find good people and it's refreshing to see that at our school. Not many people understand struggles beyond their own and it's believe it shows to your intelligence, kindness and responsibility that you are able to see and understand that yourself. Not at all hero's have powers. Some just have kindness in their hearts and land and land few extra seconds to spend in their day.

  22. This piece was very well written, it gave a clear understanding of what you stand for and how you have grown and become a better you overtime. I enjoyed reading this. Thank you

  23. I really liked how genuine and sincere you were about the subject as you took us through your own struggles of trying to be a superhero. You were able to connect us, the readers, into your poem when you first posed that question in which tied to the very end of your piece, simplifying the means of being a real hero, that there is no need to have superpowers or fight against mass destruction of the world but to realize you can be a hero to one.

  24. This really puts things into perspective. Many times we are caught up in what we don't have or this digital reality that our generation is growing up in. The self conflict that the character faces about not being able to the super hero of his dreams turning into a realization that you don't need a cape to save the day really took a twist in a positive direction. I loved that you incorporated a message and that it is prevalent in our society today. Great Job!

  25. Nice commentary on society and I for one agree with you but I doubt that by seeing the problems and acting against it and helping others will really save the world if only a couple of people do it. Besides I love this crazy world

  26. Very nice story. Good change from all the stories about someone dying. This is the kind of story everyone should read. It takes a certain kind of person to be willing to help others rather tha ignore them. Thank you for sharing.

  27. Alex, you always bring great work to the table. I really enjoy how you took such a simple concept, wanting to be a superhero, and making it so much more complex. Kids are always growing up wanting to be superheroes, with the power to fly or X-ray vision, but what does a superhero really imply? I would've never thought of this topic. I agree with you in the way that superheroes come in many forms, and rarely that of a cape and superpowers. It's too often that we don't acknowledge the real heroes in the world. The compassionate and friendly actions that people perform around the world everyday define true heroes. Thank you for this great piece!

  28. A very creative and fresh new concept. I enjoyed reading your story and it made me think back to when I was a kid and I wanted to be a super hero. We often forget what we have and focus on what we don't and your story really showed this is prevalent in society today. Great job

  29. This is a great piece of work! I really like the hook you had because everyone has thought of being a superhero. I think your piece is an eye opener I like how you present what you think and how your perspective has changed over time. I feel like everyone can relate that when reading this I felt like I was a kid again because it made me think of superheros and what I felt about them and how I wanted to be one when I'm older

  30. I could extremely relate to your piece on how I do want to be at any aspect a hero. Even more so a superhero but sometimes we feel that we can't and that shouldn't stop us. I loved the perspective changes throughout the story I felt my mind go back younger to now. I absolutely love this!

  31. Alex this was an amazing piece that i really enjoyed reading because of your outlook on the real world heroes and real world issues that we should all aspire to be. Your ability to see helping others as a superpower not only inspires me but it also makes me see the world in a whole new light. Great job!!!!!!!!!

  32. While reading your piece it made me constantly think about what you meant about how you were ignoring your "superpowers". When you told us that the superpower is something that we all could do and that was just to be kinder and help people around us it made me realize how much more I could do to help people. This was a great piece to read.

  33. I love this piece because its so well written and makes me think as opposed to doing the thinking for me, plus I really relate to it, being about heroism and reality. You did a really good job explaining your perspective and the superhero imagery really supported your main topic. Nice work!

  34. This piece is so great because of its authenticity and originality. I was excited at first to read about superheroes but then you started to describe the reality of the world, and it being inescapable, and I became more interested. I could relate to this piece as a superhero fan, but the way you connected it to real-life and how you can save somebody's world as opposed to eveybody's is such an amazing concept that is really going to stick with me. Great job!


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