
Monday, October 24, 2016

“How to Be Happy” :) By: Justine C

“In seeking happiness for others, you must find it yourself.” -Unknown
According to Webster’s dictionary, the true meaning of the word “Happy” is fortunate. I feel as
if happiness cannot be defined in terms of tangibility and you don’t have to be fortunate to be
happy. For example, those without much and barely making ends meet can be happy without
having all the money and nice things in the world. Growing up, we might find it harder and
harder to find happiness in the little things but we must remind ourselves that happiness means
something different to everybody and only we have the ability to control how we feel, these are
just a couple of examples of how you can help guide yourself to the basics of happiness:
-Good heart
-Positive mindset
-Open mindset
-Ability to Learn from your mistakes
Step 1: Your surroundings and Positive Mindset
The process of happiness begins with your surroundings, the more positive you surround
yourself affects how positive you are with others and the more negative you are
surrounded with affects your negativity among others, in this case it’s best to try turning
your negativity to positivity. Basically if you always have a mindset of “today’s going to
be a bad day,” you will obviously have a bad day. Even if it is a bad day, try telling
yourself “today was a bad day but how can I make it better?” An Open Mindset is
another helpful tool to happiness, being comfortable with stepping out of your comfort
zone to help yourself grow as an individual can teach you that there’s so much in the
world that you don’t yet know about but would love to learn.
Step 2: Doing something good for others
“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.”
-Napolean Hill, A great way to make you feel better about yourself is to help others in
anyway possible, this can go many ways from simply keeping your community clean to
giving a homeless man a dollar and a smile. Small acts of kindness will help teach others
to do good for one another and possibly create a chain reaction of helpfulness.
Step 3: Finding something you enjoy doing
If you feel unhappy with how your life is going, try finding something you’re interested
in and surround yourselves with others that may be interested in similar hobbies or
activities. Finding something you enjoy doing helps you feel better about yourself and
look forward to becoming a better you.
Step 4: Stability
A good balance between everything complicated and stressful in your life is a huge key
to happiness. If you become stressed over one thing, always remember to stay positive
and take time for yourself. This can start from simply taking a short nap to maybe even a
small walk around your neighborhood to help clear your mind of this hard stress. Always
remember stress is apart of growing and one day all of your hard work will pay off.
Step 5: Be your own Happiness
You must learn to be your own happiness and that it’s almost impossible to find
happiness through other people. Those who you think you can’t live without are all
temporary and should teach you need to learn to grow on your own not only mentally but
also physically. As I said before, little things like money, the nicest shoes or even biggest
house might make you temporarily happy but in the long run, these kind of things won’t
help you find inner happiness.
These couple of steps aren’t the only ways to become “happy.” Each of us are our own
ambassadors of our own happiness, no one person can tell you how or what makes you happy it
is situational for everybody.


  1. This is a cute little reminder of how to be happy and just what happiness is. I really appreciated this piece and how you included stability, independence and an open mindset. I find that open times people are reliant on being constantly moving and dependent on others to bring them a source of happiness. It is good to be still and clam and as far as an open mindset goes, I find it to be heavily important because we get stuck where we are and forget to open our eyes and minds to others. Thank you!

  2. I really liked this. It's a simple idea, but it really is so important to constantly work on these concepts. Presenting the "materials" to happiness in this manner was an effective choice. Aha, it had me smiling and reflecting on my own progress. Nice work

  3. I love this! There are some people who think it is so simple to just put on a smile, and that would equal them being happy, but there is so much more to it. The materials you listed as needed to being happy is so true, and I like how you expand on the idea.

  4. This list a simple yet great. Everything you've stated, I've found to be true. It's important for us to sometimes step back from our lives when we are down in the dumps and just review this list to get back into the groove of happiness.

  5. This was a cute idea for your blog post. I think it is easy for students to become overwhelmed in school or whatever else they have going on, so this post can help to serve as a reminder to stay positive. I also liked that you included independence as a source to happiness. Nice job!

  6. This made me happy! It very simple yet was constructed in a way where it directly spoke to the readers as I was able to follow clearly throughout your steps and was able to apply it to situations of my own in relation to the examples you have given. I really thought the materials was a part of your story that I found very unique but effective. Also at the end I liked how you even applied one of the steps of having an open mindset by broadening the variety of ways to be happy not only by following those steps.

  7. I enjoyed this piece because i simply perceived it as a friendly reminder on how to be happy. I think this is something we should all take into consideration to remember! You made a valid point that we all need to find happiness in ourselves because it is impossible to find in others. I would agree that people are temporary anti is important to love yourself first. Thank you for this! Great job!

  8. I really enjoyed this piece especially since many people need this reminder. Unfortunately, many people today are unhappy and this piece can help cheer up anyone having a bad day or going through things. I also like how you address stress as well considering many high school students today have a lot of stress and do need to remember to be happy. Thank you and great job!

  9. Such a simplistic idea yet you made it very interesting to read. I think it is significant to remind ourselves how to be happy because sometimes we forget how to get to that certain state. I loved how you organized your piece, it made it very easy to read and understand.

  10. I love your piece so much! It was so simplistic, but entailed great thought-provoking ideas to the readers. It was a very positive and brought a smile to my face. It was also very well detailed and I love the explanations that you included as well.

  11. this writing has a great message, it is very inspirational, and i loved the way it was formatted to be like an instruction guide. The quotes are also inspirational and implemented really well
    -Nathan Smith

  12. This is such a fun and cute little piece that you have written! It was really light hearted and it made me actually crack a smile. It was honestly quite an original idea and it was so simple. This was so easy to understand and I enjoyed it a lot.

  13. The writing on this piece is simple and can be easily understood by everyone. What I got from this piece is that appreciation is the first thing to happiness. If you don’t know how to appreciate things about yourself or to other people, then you would not be happy because you are taking things for granted. We are very spoiled as a society and it is safe to say that many people do not see how happy can the world be if they actually realize the “happiness” within it.

  14. I really enjoyed this piece, and thought it was cute and entertaining. Sometimes we feel so many emotions that can be positive or negative depending on where we are in life and the situations we face, so this piece made me realize that happiness is important and gave me ways to reach my happiness when I feel down and lost. Nice Job! I really enjoyed reading this piece.

  15. I think this piece is important for everybody to read because everyone should be educated on how to be happy in everything they do. The list was very thoughtful and cute and I loved how you provided a list of materials that are needed in order to be happy. It made me rethink some of my negative actions and gave me solutions on how to be more positive in certain circumstances. I loved it, great job!

  16. I really liked this, this was so adorable. Sometimes it's easier just to give into sadness and it makes it harder to find happiness. I think that this was a really cute reminder of how to find happiness on those days it's hard to regain it.

  17. This really gave me a greater outlook on happiness when you described the truth of how each person has a different view of what happiness is. So you really can't try to teach others how to be happy, but have to discover it yourself and how it plays out in your own life. This was really inspiring to me and makes me appreciate happiness from a different perspective now, when I realize what true happiness really comes from.

  18. Justine, this was great! This is definitely something I needed to cheer me up, since its college apps season. Reading this made me smile, and realize the there are great thing in life. This was very informative, and kept me engaged throughout the whole piece. Thank for sharing this, it was clever shared a great deal of happiness throughout this blog!

  19. I'm sure that everyone who has read this piece has enjoyed it to the fullest extent. In the world that we live in, remaining positive amidst the chaos is crucial and this was a clever little reminder that any and all can benefit from. Many people believe happiness is not a luxury afforded them, however your list highlights simple ways to achieve happiness that anyone can follow. Furthermore, I enjoyed the quotes throughout your piece because they really put things into perspective. Great piece!

  20. I really enjoyed this piece it describes happiness and how everyone should be happy and not stress over the little things. I like how you opened it up with the definition and a quote explaining what happiness really means to everyone.

  21. This is a really good piece, I learned a lot about how your surroundings can have an effect on you. This was very inspiring, happiness truly is found within yourself. I think everyone should take the time to read this because everyone should be informed about this topic. The quotes you put in this piece made it even more inspiring. You opened me up to a new perspective, good piece Justine!!

  22. I loved everything about this. I agree totally when you said in the first step about when you say negative, negative is what your going to get. I always have to remind myself to think positive so I can be happy. Step four is very relevant because November is a very stressful month for all seniors and I think it's important to have a good balance to take time to yourself and not stress so much. This piece you wrote is a very helpful reminder to have.

  23. The piece was really therapeutic and helps with achieving the true happiness that everyone seeks in life this guide is so helpful and I might even try these steps to make me more happy.

  24. I thought this was a cute way to remind us how simple it is to be happy. I like how you stated facts that i'm sure everyone can understand and relate to. I like how you incorporated steps many of us often times forget to incorporate into our daily lives. It was a very friendly way to remind us all that happiness is something we can all posses.

  25. I really appreciated this nice reminder on how to remain happy and joyful no matter the situation. You take simple ideas and expand upon them to convey the point that you only need little things in order to feel content and cheerful. This piece was brilliantly written and was very uplifting. Great job!

  26. This is a really cute reminder and I think this really reflects on your own charcter as well. Just reading this gave me insight into your own personality and had me thinking "wow, Justine mus really know how to brighten up someones day". I like how you made something that could truly be difficult for some seem so simple in your steps!

  27. I like this because at times I tend to look down upon things instead of looking at them in the best possible way. This was a good reminder on how to always be happy . The materials you listed to being happy are so simple but we can forget at times that those simple things you need are all you need to be happy. :)

  28. This is a great piece that everyone should read because everyone should have happiness. You were able to take a relatively vague definition and outline what is specifically needed even including the mindset. I found this to be a nice reminder of not only what i should do to maintain my happiness but also spread it. This piece gives hope to those without happiness of how easily it can be obtained.

  29. Most often people will say something cheesy to another person about how to be happy or what simple things you can do, however you didn't and had a very insightful perspective on what struggles people go through to maintain a merriment in their well being. It wasn't too optimistic which makes it seem much more obtainable.

  30. I really enjoyed this piece. Happiness is something that majority of people search for and this piece can help someone find it.You did a great job in exploring the key components of happiness as well as expressing the vitality of each step. Great job!

  31. Starting off this piece with that particular quote made me reflect on my own life within just the first sentence. I also think we are unable to successfully label happiness with tangibility because people can have all the money in the world and yet still be unhappy. Strategic wise, I think using the first paragraph as a background in preparation for the upcoming tasks was a well-thought out plan. Surrounding yourself with positive people and also having a positive mindset is vital in the transitioning process to becoming "happy" and also corresponds with the stability of your environment. I agree when you say that doing small acts of kindness and finding something you enjoy and giving your all is also a major component of this transition. The main point you mentioned is being willing to grow within yourself. Self-development and improvement is necessary for proper growth and is something that is individually determined. I never thought of actual steps to happiness so this piece was refreshing and allowed for a better perspective on the topic. Good job overall!

  32. By the end of reading this piece I had a huge smile which grew almost every second of reading. I loved that it was simple and cute but yet very informative. I loved how you made helping others a step and I loved the material list. I think overall this piece was amazing and made my night so much better. Amazing job!

  33. This story was really nice. Honestly, I don't know any other word that fits this more perfectly than "nice". It's kind, happy, and instructive, accurately teaching the reader how to be happy. Every single one of these lessons on the list is true and it honestly brought a smile to my face while I read the story. Everyone focuses so much on the important stuff in life that they ignore just how important happiness truly is, and you showed that it's important in every quote you put, showing the different ways and effects happiness can both be attained and achieved. Thank you for writing this piece, it's amazing.

  34. I'll be sure to keep this in mind, a positive outlook is always needed to get through life, unfortunately I could say that my negativity has caused more harms than good. I enjoyed reading this!

  35. The story was very good!! It has gave me tips because of the events that are currently happening in my life and it helped me realize that I need to have more of an optimistic outlook on life instead of a pessimistic.

  36. First off, it's nice seeing another step by step guide, I dont see many of those anymore. True happiess is often misconceived by many people. These steps can actually help someone become legitimatley happier. You also made it very interesting to read as a step by step guide


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