
Monday, October 24, 2016

"Happiness" by Christofer G

     Happiness Oh boy. Here we go again, right? Another story about some poor soul who was bullied as a child. I wonder what he’s going to talk about. Maybe he’s going to talk about how it ruined his life. Maybe he’s going to talk about how it’s made him antisocial. Maybe he’s going to talk about how being bullied caused him to lose his sense of trust as he secludes himself from society in order to save himself from the possibility of being hurt again. Well… not really. Quite the opposite, really. I should start off by stating that although I am extremely lucky that being bullied did not cause any of these things to happen to me, not everyone is as lucky. Not everyone can cope with the effects of being bullied, and I would simply like to explain that I am not, neither in the beginning of this story nor throughout it, intending to state that everyone’s story is the same: not everyone’s life goes the way I described. Now, although I was bullied throughout my life, it mainly became an issue in 5th through 6th grade.
     Of course as I am now a senior in high school, bullying hasn’t really been an issue, nor has it been since I started high school. But, being bullied used to be a common occurrence in my life when I was about ten. I used to get teased because of my long hair, I used to get called names and secluded from everyone else because of it. But no matter what they did, what they called me, I knew that I was in the right. After all, the only reason I started growing out my hair was because one of my younger cousins had leukemia and I wanted to help out other people that shared her condition. But they didn’t know that, and they didn’t need to. I remember seeing other people being bullied, others who were forced to live their elementary school days in the corners of the playground as to avoid being bombarded with cruel nicknames and being shoved to the ground. I remember feeling bad, not only for myself, but for the bullies as well. I knew that there was something wrong with them that was causing them to bully others: maybe they were going through family struggles, maybe they were being abused and they felt that the only way to vent was to release their anger on others that they saw as being lower than them. Now where could I be going with this? How does any of this tie in to the title? Well, I’ll tell you. From the second I left elementary school, I told myself that from that point on, no matter what happened, I would always smile. I would always treat people with kindness, I would always try to make people laugh, I would always try to show people that they mattered. Even though I was rarely treated with that mindset by someone else, I was happy: It was something about seeing others smile. Something about seeing that they didn’t have to go through what I was going through. Something about knowing that I could say or do something that would lighten their moods or make their day was enough to make me happy. And from that point on, my life has been filled with nothing but happiness. Those who held me down, only encouraged me to help pick others up. And the only thing I’d ever ask for in return was something that no amount of money could buy: a meaningful smile.


  1. Your story brought a smile to my face. From the start to the end, my point of view of you changed. When I first met you I was wondering, why the long hair? Reading your Personal Reflection I can see why. I hope your cousins are doing well. The questions you put throughout the reflection makes it sound like a interview. Other than that, raw personal reflection you have here, Chris.

  2. Although part of me wishes that the piece was longer, I am also very content with the length. It kept a very concise, realistic tone to the piece that added to the overall message. Bullying is often portrayed in this light that is filled with emotion and heartbreak, but they way you showcased this displayed a type of brutal honesty to the subject that forces individuals to not only think about the emotional effect of bullying but also regard it with the realization that no one truly knows about a person as much as they may think they do. This was very brave and the diction was ideal for this piece, very very well done!

  3. I enjoyed your use of satire throughout the first paragraph, explaining the cliché of typical stories of the journey that people endure to achieve happiness. In a way it was an argumentative type of writing, and this came strikingly to me when you outstandingly conveyed your journey on acquiring happiness. Your perspective on bullying and your approach to it changed my perspective as well. You ended the story beautifully, concluding it with a solution to the issue, which was simply happiness. Awesome job!

  4. I really enjoyed the fact that you used the beginning of your story to explain to us that although your story comes out with a happy ending, not all bullying stories do. I especially enjoyed the satire you used to tell us that your story wasn't like others. You used your personal experiences that affected you in the past to better yourself and make other people feel happy,and that is incredibly admirable. I'm sorry to hear about you being bullied, but I'm glad that you came out with the knowledge and perspective you did. Thank you for sharing a personal piece of your life!

  5. I absolutely love your message about positivity towards others and I am especially glad that you live your life that way day to day. It is great to have someone who lives in that way considering the constant negativity that we are always exposed to in our daily lives. I also admire how you were able to feel confident in your own skin and also look at from the bully's point of view. It takes a very insightful and mature person to have that mindset. Great job on your piece.

  6. What an amazing and inspirational story! Your use of rhetorical questions made this personal reflection FEEL personal and the use of the questions made an interesting tone you do not get anywhere else. I'm very proud that you ignored the negative and went with the positive. Everybody needs a smile now and then and this piece made me smile. The message is spot on and I did not wanted it to end. Very good job!

  7. Christofer!!! I remember your long hair! I didn't know and now I feel horrible. I like how you got something positive and inspirational from traumatic moments. I'm sorry you went through this. from the little moments we've talked, you are funny! I hope the best for you, old friend.

  8. You did a great job with this piece. The introduction had especially caught my eye as you had addressed some of the cliches of stories about bullying, drawing me to wonder how your bullying story was different from all the others. It's amazing that you were able to not care about what you were bullied about and to just be happy, and it gives the message to others to not care about what other people think about you, as they don't even know your own story. Amazing job.

  9. I admire this so much! It was not like most stories that I have heard before and it was truly touching. The whole story was captivating and was extremely moving. It was so inspirational and I admire how you handled the situation in regards to the bullies. Well done!!

  10. I like the way you explained what you went through with bullying. It is very different from other stories that you would usually hear about this topic. You showed the other side of people who get bullied, those who are able to stay strong. Thanks for sharing

    -Spencer Campbell

  11. Wow. I can relate to to you on this piece because I was once bullied when I was younger. You should feel very proud of yourself for sharing with us this piece of your life that is very personal. This piece made me very happy because it made me realize that there are good people in this world, and that staying positive and nice towards others is really important. Your perspective is how I hope to act towards and see others. Nice job!

  12. Thank you for sharing this with us! You made a negative situation positive and did it so well. The way you started off was smart because you stated that type of tone the passage with have. Also, it's interesting that you knew there is more to a bully that we don't know about.

  13. I must say it was very interesting reading your story. Growing up, i was also bullied. But i was one of those kids that didn't take it well. I am very glad that you were able to go through it positively. I love reading other people's stories because it is amazing to see all the things that people go through and how they can overcome it.

  14. I really liked this story. You showed how you've learned from your experiences and how you're your own person, not allowing anything to phase you or your experiences to change who you are. I thought that it's even more amazing that you've actually learned to grow kind despite all the pain you'be experienced. You story is truly inspirational, thank you for sharing it.

  15. When I first met you I never realized that you were growing out your hair for your cousin, that is so amazing! I loved reading your piece and hearing your story because it is different, in a good way. You were treated poorly but still managed to find the good, which is very courageous. Your use of sarcasm and a cliché in the beginning really pulled the story together. Nice job!

  16. It was refreshing to see that your awesome tarzan hair had a deeper meaning to it. Overall, your piece was truly inspirational. Keep that positive attitude wherever you go Mr.ChrisTofer. There's always a reason behind certain things and I agree that people don't need to know the reason behind our actions. After all, majority of these scrubs we meet at school will be forgotten as we all move on with our lives. - Jerico Dizon

  17. The story was really good with making the whole thing clear and connected. I'm happy that you didn't let them bring you or your spirit down. Very well done with your writing and use of diction. Just to reiterate that was amazing that despite what occurred when you were younger that you bounced back from the words of others to helping others smile.

  18. Chris, my dude, I remember your voluminously long hair! I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your story in the sense of its transparency to your younger years. I've known you for five years now and I've always known you to be positive and to be the one to make laugh so reading this was interesting to know. Your approach on dealing with negative people is as effective as it is simple.

    IGN: 10/10 m8

  19. I really like this piece nice job Christofer! It was amusing to me how you caught me the reads eye and attention in your intro or "hook" sentence. This topic is something that w can all relate to because bullying and the consequences that come with bullying are not at all great outcomes. I loved how throughout almost the whole piece until the very even your title was ironic to your writing piece. Everything you send is so true and smart, how we should always have smiles on our faces and be positive and nice because honestly you never know when maybe just even smiling to someone can change their day because happiness just like laughter is something that can be easy passed on or spread. The fact that you took your horrible past and instead of taking revenge on those who bullied you, you instead changed you view points in many things and chose to be happy at all time possible an help others become or continue to be happy.

  20. Let me start off by saying that your use of rhetorical questions and satire in the first paragraph really made the response feel more personal. Your expression about the cliche stories of being bullied really pulled me in as it made me interested in knowing how your story differed from the rest. I too went through bullying mostly in middle school and came out with a mindset similar to yours. Overall, great job and I am happy you gained something positive from this experience.

  21. Wow. I just love how open and honest you are in this passage. I'm proud to say that the bullying I experienced as a kid has not stolen my joy either...and never will. Happiness can fade, however joy is unconditional...and so I wish you so much joy in your life.

  22. Let me just start off by saying that this by far has to be one of my favorite pieces on this whole entire blog! Your writing style is absolutely the most amazing thing I have encountered because everything is written with such a calming and satirical tone and in the end all I wanted was more. This was such a beautiful and inspiring story because it sends the message that changing your own mentality and not letting other people break into your head will allow you to feel true happiness. I really enjoyed how you stated your genuine feelings towards everybody around you from yourself, to the other kids being bullied, and even the bullies themselves. I found it very amazing that you were so mature at such a young age that you actually took the bully's situations into consideration and found yourself feeling bad for them as well. Thank you for sharing this piece and inspiring others to make spreading happiness a priority. Great job Christofer!

  23. That's amazing Chris. I'm so happy that you took those bad events in your life and molded them into something positive. In middle school and freshman year you always made me laugh and I truly do appreciate that, you're completely right about bullies they're nothing but people who need to bring you down so they can feel like in return they're higher than you which in reality only brings them down more. I loved this piece man, everything about it. Keep up the great writing and positive lifestyle.

  24. I really enjoyed the overall message that you delivered through your story. I think that It's amazing that even though you used to get bullied you can still be happy and have a positive outlook and keep moving forward by being kind to other people. In your story I liked how you switched between different times from when you were ten to then when you were in middle school, and even now when you're in high school.

  25. I'm sorry for what you had to go through, unfortunately I've seen my fair share of it but what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. Its always good to keep a positive mindset, sometimes I'm too negative or bitter about bad memories, but it isn't always the best to keep on to them. Great job!

  26. Hey I remember when I first saw you I thought "Wow that guy's hair is longer than mine. I'm pretty jealous." And then I saw you again this year and I thought "Man he cut his hair? That's too bad." But now that I know the story behind your long hair, I'm glad you cut it. It's pretty commendable of you to look past what other people said to you and thought of you even at such a young age. I hope people, myself included, take a page out of your book and try to spread positivity and kindness around.

  27. I have to say that I thoroughly appreciated this story because you held your fortitude when others where adverse to you because you knew you had good intentions, in spite of those who might hurt others simply because they do not understand what that person is trying to achieve. The juxtaposition of the idea of your goal for growing out your hair paired alongside with your reason for happiness really functions to give the reader a sense of genuine care for others that is not so easily achieved by writers at times. Overall, a job well done and I wish you the best for the coniniation of your unfailing optimistic attitude with others.

  28. Wow I loved this piece! Your introduction undermining another sappy story about the negative effects of bullying gave me that exhausted feeling that your tone intended to cause, but your quick shift to the positive outcomes also simultaneously changed my mood toward the reading. Although I wasn't bullied as a kid, my little brother is currently ten years old and often gets bullied, so I was able to identify with your story. And your optimistic view of bullies and the positive growth that you underwent is an impressive result from your past experiences that I hope my brother also goes through. Good work!

  29. This piece made me have flashbacks of my middle school years. I was also bullied, and I think it sort of had the similar effect on me.I learned to forgive people and I learned that they were bullying me to cover something, so I too felt bad for them like you did. The use of imagery and detail made me feel like I was in your shoes for a second, overall great piece.

  30. I loved the message that your story has. I've always believed that being happy no matter what you go through just helps improve your lifestyle. I like the fact that even when you got bullied, you didn't let their negativity affect you. I feel that we have similar mindsets and that I could relate to your actions of keeping a positive mindset. Very good story, the incorporation of your own experience made the story that much more enjoyable. Wow Christopher, great moves. Keep it up. Proud of you.

  31. Omg Chris that was so good I have known you since 8th grade and I remember sitting at your table on the first day of school and wondering to my self how come his hair is so long bc the school I used to go to I have never seen a boy as such that's so cool. I remember you explaining to the class as to why it is and I remember thinking to my self wow what a noble thing to do. I remember still talking to you in highschool and people would say stuff like that's werid his hair is so long I remember thinking to myself wow these people are judging him based off his looks not his personality. I have always thought you were like this happy go lucky kid. And now that your hair it short I realized wow he can totally rock both ways. Anyway I loved ur story good job! :)

  32. I enjoyed the relatable cliche situations in the beginning of your story about which problem again pertains to bullying. Your tone in the writing was very uplifting and enjoyable especially at the end how you use your bad experiences and use that to help yourself and other. The background about your younger cousin having leukemia and you growing out your hair was inspirational! Do whatever makes you smile!


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