
Monday, October 24, 2016

"Untitled" by Solina K

My story doesn’t have a definite time and place. It’s still is happening now. It’s senior year and
these last 4 years have definitely gone by faster than I imagined. From starting off as a freshman
so naive and unknowing of the real world. I have transformed into the person I am today because
of these last 4 years. However in the process of finding myself, I lost myself. I wasn’t always
sure of my true identity or who I was as an individual. For years as a young teenager, I would be
the shadow of those who were my “friends” and I lacked a sense of self. But going into
high school I was determined to change who I was and actually come to find who I was and
develop my character. Well that’s not exactly how it happened for the first couple of years. I just
stuck to my academics and did as told by my parents. But I think most teenagers know that when
our boundaries given to us by our parents are so tight, we get an even greater urge to rebel and
experience new things. I began to have a pretty rocky relationship with my parents, always
arguing and it was heartbreaking to me because before then I had such a great relationship with
them. It was as if when I would talk to them, nothing I said, they were able to comprehend. After
a while I just became very indifferent and didn’t care about much. I still held up my grades
though for my own good. Since I never really felt welcomed at home, I constantly stayed out late
at night with friends. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had some fun times but it didn’t always feel right.
At times I felt used and that the friendships I had weren’t genuine so even though I looked
happy, there was somewhat of a void that started to form inside me. But as Junior year came
around, I knew I wanted to do things differently. I realized as I got older that I had to build back
my relationship with my parents because I often forget that as I’m out living my life, they’re
growing older by the day and they weren’t receiving the appreciation they deserved. By this
point in my life though, my mom started a new side job which made her always on the go. I
didn’t get to see either of my parents much so I felt like I was just growing up on my own. Even
though it made me grow apart, I learned to be independent and look out for myself. I really grew
mature during this time and learned to prioritize what was actually important in my life. Now
I’m a senior and life definitely has taken me places I’d never thought I’d visit. But with
everything comes a learning experience. So no, I don’t believe high school was the best 4 years
of my life, as the clique saying would state otherwise. But as I’m nearing the end of my high
school journey, I’ve found genuine friendships and people who I wouldn’t ever trade for the
world. I’d like to say that I’ve found myself but I’m not quite there yet. However in May,
standing on that stage to receive my diploma, I will be able to look back and say wholeheartedly
that these past 4 years have made me grown for the better.


  1. Amazing job Solina! Your story captured me from the very beginning, and I couldn't help but continue to read. One of the most intriguing lines to me was when you said the in the process of finding yourself, you lost yourself. It was so deep and in my opinion, it was relatable to many high school students, including myself. Your story was honest and this personal reflection of yourself gave me more insight on how you have become the wonderful being you are today. I also like how you went against the typical belief that high school are the best 4 years, for I know many would disagree. Your last sentence was impactful, and a perfect closing sentence for your work. Overall, your work was fantastic and well-written!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great job! I really enjoyed reading this story due to how relatable it is to most kids. I feel like this is a time where most kids begin to have issues relevant to the ones you explained. You explained your feelings in great detail which led the reader into a great read. It was easy to understand where you were coming from and how you felt about your topic.

  4. I think this piece was very raw and vulnerable. It depicts the reality of your life, relationships with your parents, but most importantly how you feel about yourself. I recommend you check the grammar and spelling for a few of the words, and there are also a few run-on sentences. Besides those minor things, I thought the piece was heartfelt and demonstrated your personal growth very well.

  5. I can't agree with you any better, Solina! Your story really got me to the point, where it is relatable. Throughout the high school years, teens are still trying to figure out their true selves. As you said in your story, you were still trying to find your true self and towards the end, you did. Overall, your story was fresh and this personal reflection of yourself game me a different perspective on the teenage life and how we as teens develop.

  6. Solina, this piece was very relatable and I have gone through this exact same thing with my parents. I also believed that high school is somewhere that people will eventually figure out their true identity, but I am always left in this gray area where I am not always sure I belong. I noticed that you used very short, brief sentences to get your point through and show your perspective as accurately as possible. Giving us an insight into your personal life is a very brave thing to do, and I deeply appreciate it. You concluded the piece perfectly, restating an ambiguous point and answering in your final thoughts.

  7. It takes a lot of guts to talk about something so personal as this so you should be proud of yourself. You did a great job capturing the attention of the reader by discussing an issue that is easy to relate to. I like how you weren't afraid to take about your mistakes because it made your piece even more genuine. Even though you said high school has not been I great time, I like how you turned the tone around and described the lesson you have learned. You did a great job on your piece Solina.

  8. It took tremendous courage to share how you reflect upon the last four years of High School, and you presented it in such a compelling manner that makes the reader empathize. I completely understand the emotion and stress that you feel in the process of finding yourself through the four strenuous years of high school, all while trying to maintain a social life and connection to our family. As much as I love my parents, It's hard to maintain a strong relationship with them through the busy school days while they're always working. It's common to overlook the importance of our parents as we neglect them to go out with our friends, but knowing that it's unhealthy and working to mend that connection with them is very mature and reflective of how much you grew as a character in high school. Overall, this was a great piece that is relevant to many of our peers. Amazing job!

  9. Great Job! Thank you for sharing this story with us. I know this is a very touchy subject and it takes a lot of maturity to be able to express this with a lot of people. I hope that the realtionship that you have with your family continues to strengthen and become what it used to be. I understand that its really hard to communicate with parents because they dont really understand. But if you keep at it and just keep working together as a family you will get there :)
    Great Job!

  10. I was able to relate to this piece so much. I definitely agree with you that high school can be one of the most challenging places to spend your adolescence and also a time when you get to discover who you are. From experience I can say that having a good relationship with your parents is definitely a priority. Not only do they care about you but they always have your best interest in their minds. No one else will give you unconditional love like they do. Great job on this piece.

  11. Thank you for sharing this story and helping me realize the importance of family. This made me reflect back on my younger years and the rocky relationship I used to have with my family as well and how it developed over time as I got older. I think that family is very important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle because they are the ones that will stick by your side no matter what. Really great job on your story.

  12. This piece is something that many students can relate to. I admire you for using your story like this for the blog since I am sure it was not easy. Your post made me reflect back on how I treat my own family, and how all that they provide can be easily taken advantage of and not appreciated as much as it should be. I think it is important that you included the different lessons that you learned while growing up, especially since all of us will have to grow to be independent from our own families at one point or another. Overall, great job on your piece!

  13. I really love how you walked us through your four years of high school and noted the changes in behavior from you and your parents. You presented an extremely relatable piece that I know I struggle with as well, and its comforting to know that I am not dealing with it alone. I admire your courage to reveal such a sensitive yet important aspect of you life and hope you and your parents have a wonderful relationship one day where you can communicate about anything. Great piece!

  14. Wow, I can relate to your story so well. I admire that you're willing to share such a personal piece. Being that it's a personal piece, I feel that it can be thought provoking and impactful to many high school student's decisions. I'm also glad to hear that you've found genuine friendships and progressively following the path you think to be true to you. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story.

  15. This is so touching and although my circumstances are and were different I believe everyone can relate just a little. In my opinion, in middle school everyone tries to fit in and follow the crowd. However, when we get to high school you begin to find out who your real friends are as well as discover your true self. Once you do find your true self, everything then begins to pile up, or so that is what it feels like. I think parents and adults fail to realize or forget how stressful your high school years are especially your senior year. For me specifically, I juggle keeping up my grades (while taking AP courses), doing homework, improving/maintaining my softball skills (including games and practices), emailing and calling college softball coaches (trying to get a scholarship), studying and taking ACT's and SAT's, and beginning college apps for a back up plan, all the while trying to maintain a social life. I can not speak for being an adult, but the way I see it high school and college are more stressful than actually being a stable adult because at these times in our life we are shaping or building it to be successful and to have a stable career. If we fail at completing high school or college it can be detrimental to our future.

  16. I love how you shared the struggles you went through during these past four years. This piece is very relatable with many high school students. I feel like high school is the time to find yourself before becoming an adult so know you are not alone and this a something prevalent with high school student. I agree high school is not the best four years of your life, but the most essential four years personal growth wise. Thank you for walking us through such a thought provoking piece and making one reflect on their own four years of high school. Amazing job Solina!

  17. I love how you flipped what you were saying into a brighter outcome and something that you are looking forward to. This is a very relatable piece, I could agree that many of us teenagers find it difficult to comprehend with our parents. We are so close yet still far away from graduation, but we will make it there soon and continue this journey in life! A personally brief and strong perspective piece, great job!

  18. Solina I enjoyed your piece! Not intending to minimize your significance in it at all, but I felt the tone and plot was generic enough for most students to relate to and that added to it's overall quality. The events and patterns of going through the days become relate-able, as I feel like each year in school has just been a blur; we get so accustomed to the group we hang out with and course of our days that we definitely take advantage of everyday aspects of our lives, especially our parents. Great work :)

  19. This piece was really great and well-written! I really enjoyed how you shared a personal story and also made it very relatable to other high school students. Unfortunately, many students at this time tend to create rocky relationships with their parents as well. I am really glad you can take these four years and turn it into a positive experience of growing up. Great job!

  20. I commend you for being so brave, as I'm sure talking about something so personal isn't an easy task. I think your story is extremely relatable to many students, and your overall message about how we treat our parents opened my eyes to a reality that is often forgotten. I like how you incorporated the cliche that high school is supposedly the best 4 year of your life, but then flipped it around to comment on how the last 4 year weren't just the cliche, but rather how the years helped you grow as an individual. I think it's amazing how you were able to really connect with the reader through your piece. Great job!

  21. First and foremost i want to acknowledge your courage to share such a personal topic. This really made me reflect on my four years of high school and how i developed throughout the years. And one thing that i found challenging was trying to find that balance between my social life, academics, and relationship with family which you highlighted in your piece. Juggling all three is never easy and you depicted that struggle perfectly in this piece. Overall a compelling and touching piece.

  22. This was a really great story Solina. It was really easy to relate to and I like how this is something everyone can learn from. Even though I've never had a bad relationship with my parents, I can feel how heartbreaking it is to not have them be there for you. Your story teaches me that I shouldn't take my parents for granted no matter how much they may yell at me and pressure me. Thank you for that and for sharing your story. Good job.

  23. This was a really great story and I feel many of us can relate to you. This story really showed your maturity because not all will notice how important it is to have a relationship with your parents. I like that you wrote this genuinely a well, as in you did not make it complex. It really brought the whole point of "finding yourself" and being yourself together. This is not the end either. Do not think that you have found yourself because you will get lost again along the way and it's okay because it is all part of life. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  24. Sharing this piece of your life with us has made me feel less alone. You kept it raw and it felt genuine which made it even easier for me to relate to. Although you have faced many struggles throughout these four years, you have stayed positive and have yet to give up on this journey of finding yourself. That alone makes me have respect for you as a person because I personally know how hard it is to pull through some of these internal feelings and rocky relationships with those around us. I really appreciate you for opening up and I wish you the best on this journey.

  25. This was a really well written piece! I loved the detail you used to document the four years of your high school experience. Reading this I thought of my own high school experience, which was somewhat similar to yours. I commend you for writing about such a personal experience, in result to your bravery you've probably helped many people make sense of what what was happening in there life.

  26. Wow solina your story is amazing! I can relate very well. I as well had trouble in finding who I was in middle school to now. Reading your story helps me realize that everybody goes through the same thing and I know I am not alone. I love the ending because in May when we all graduate we can all look back throughout our four years and reflect on the good and bad and see that it made us better. I love how you shared such a personal piece for everyone to read.

  27. This was such a relatable story. I really like how you shared different experiences of you high school career with so much detail. This made me compare my own relationship with my parents before high school all the way to my senior year. I was really able to feel your maturity and understand your perspective on high school through your writing. Great job!

  28. This piece felt really close to me because honestly i can relate to the situation and that this will help me feel closer towards my parents because i realized with this piece that the real world is coming and that we won't be under the wing of our parents any longer and we are going to finally be in the real world and that we need to appreciate the advice they give us cause all they want for us is to be successful and you helped me open my eyes to that thank you.

  29. This was a great piece to read. It showed how much you learn to mature as you got older and how much you want to build up your relationship with your parents. It is also relatable how high school makes you learn how to work independently and shows you who your real friends are. This was a great piece and I wish you the best of luck with your relationship between your parents and yourself!

  30. This story is so good because it is relatable. You have shared a part of your life that i feel many of us as seniors have also experienced. I felt a sense of comfort reading it as it let me know that i am not alone in my feelings and thought regarding high school. It is definitely a transitional period that we are going through right now and we may not always know who we are. However with time our experiences reveal the lesson's behind them and we are shaped into the people we are supposed to be.

  31. Your piece was exceptional! Very relatable for myself since high school went by in a flash, but the friendships I created are hopefully everlasting and will go beyond graduation! High school was not an easy road, but the journey was most definitely worth it and I would not wish to let it go without self-reflection. Great work on this!!

  32. This was very relatable. I feel like many of us struggle with finding who we really are growing up especially in High School. We can be lost at these time either with trying to find new friendships or trying new things. High School did go by really fast and we learn things about ourselves and things in life. Good Job!!

  33. By using "Untitled" as your title and then explaining why you chose that title in the first sentence helped resolve the underlying questions regarding your piece. In addition to what you said about losing yourself in the process of finding yourself, it's all an experience and I think you don't necessarily have to be sure of yourself at such a young age because we still have so much to time which can be used to gain an understanding of ourselves. I relate to the boundaries you once had set by your parents and I also spent the majority of my time with my friends, somehow maintaining my grades. Even though you weren't able to see your parents as much due to their jobs, realizing you had to make a change for self-growth and improvement I think was a crucial part in the development of your character. Great job using diction to evoke emotion from the audience!

  34. Solina, I have to praise you for writing such a relatable piece while also remaining one hundred percent genuine. This story really caught my attention because this situation is faced by many high school students and it leaves us confused and stressed out, yet none of us ever talk about it. The pressures placed upon us in high school truly do weigh upon us and many of us end up straying away from our parents because we feel too overwhelmed by their desires and what they want us to accomplish. The way you wrote this with shorter and brief like sentences made it feel like I was almost reading my own thoughts or talking to a friend about our similar situations. Overall, I just want to say that your story was very refreshing to read because it not only allowed me to learn about a new aspect of you and your life, but it also pushed me to reflect on my own high school experience and my relationship with my parents. Amazing job!

  35. I think many people can relate to this piece. It shows how we change throughout high school and it shows how high school can really affect us and our family. I also enjoyed how genuine you wrote it and how it prove that cliche to be wrong.

  36. The main reason I enjpyed reading this was because of how relatable it is. Reading it and being able to relate your emotions to myself kept it interesting and wanting to read more. Also, I think nnot giving the piece an actual name other than "Untitled" added to the feeling of being lost throughout high school. Great work!

  37. Your story definitely relates to most seniors everywhere. I relate so much but with my dad rather than both of my parents, high school has definitely kept up apart emotionally and physically and it was junior year I realized that parents aren't with us in this world forever so I set my emotions aside and now even though my dad and I have our problems we have at least grown closer and I spend much more time home with my family. The way you structured this just made it so easy for everyone to relate and feel exactly what you're feeling. This is an excellent writing thank you for sharing.

  38. Your story definitely relates to most seniors everywhere. I relate so much but with my dad rather than both of my parents, high school has definitely kept up apart emotionally and physically and it was junior year I realized that parents aren't with us in this world forever so I set my emotions aside and now even though my dad and I have our problems we have at least grown closer and I spend much more time home with my family. The way you structured this just made it so easy for everyone to relate and feel exactly what you're feeling. This is an excellent writing thank you for sharing.

  39. I feel as if most high school students can relate to your story. High school does truly impact an individual and although it may not be the "best time of your life" you have the opportunity to learn a lot. I appreciate how you continued to connect your experiences with your personal growth. Most people are quick to disregard their negative life experiences, but you managed to learn from them rather than let them destroy you. I found your experience with individuals whom didn't contribute to your growth to be very relatable; it's definitely a life lesson that needs to be learned.

  40. The importance of your story really comes from the overall message of how these short four years in High School can drastically change a person, almost flip them inside out. You did a great job of addressing the general population, high school students, and how they get to a point where they are surrounded by their negatives and their lies, yet that only pushes them to start in a different path. By explaining the situation with your parents, I can easily conclude that we, as students, have barriers in our way, that prevent us or hold us back from doing some of the tasks we must achieve.

  41. The title by itself says a lot about this piece. I liked how you walked us through your high school years and it made me realize that yeah we all say we hate high school but when we graduate we are gonna miss it. After reading this it makes me want to cherish the time that I have with my family & friends.

  42. This is a very relatable piece, Solina. I was captivated into the story from the beginning and I appreciated how personal this is. I can also relate with the whole parent situation, I feel like I've been growing apart from them in a good way yet a bad way also. I think that a person learns and develops their true identity throughout their entire life, but it's only more difficult in the beginning because they have to determine which "direction" they must go first. In all, this was a very enjoyable piece and you were brave to express your personal experience. Good job!!

  43. The true value of your piece comes out in how forthright and honest you are to your audience, which may sacrifice formality for introduction of ideas but at the same time strengthens your work even more by doing so. Describing your endeavors to really discover the relationships in your life that are genuine can be a sensitive subject for some and your willingness to reveal your experiences with this subject is commendable. Overall, this piece is very well written for its relatability to your audience.

  44. The story was very touching, it was very mature, and enjoyable. It has a lot of meaning behind it and it tells me something about you and your family relationship and I just hope it keeps growing and becoming stronger.

  45. I found this piece very relatable and i think for obvious reasons. I agree with you that high school has changed me for the better, I went from wearing what my parents wanted me to wear freshman year, to developing my own style I feel happy in now. I fortunately am still close wth my parents, but I think its because I'm not one to go out let, so I never really was able to operate from them. Overall, your piece was heartfelt and and a good read.

  46. This personal reflection about how you have grown as a person and mended your relationships throughout high school is very admirable and respectable. I loved how you used your personal experiences to empower and relate to the readers. When I was reading I also noticed that you had a good flow when writing allowing for a clear and concise story.

  47. This personal story help relieve me that I wasn't the only one who was going through this strict parent rebellion per say which then helped me realize as I mature that family will always be there for you and that continued to strengthen our relationship. I love how your diction as your years of high school went passed I matured as you did as if it correlated with the time. The clarity of the story got your point across to the readers and I completely agree that peaking in high school is not what I think of it it's the learning experience that you'll bring to the rest of your life.

  48. Solina, I really loved your piece because it related to me on so many levels. Walking along with you on your high school journey made me think of my last four years oh high school, and how I have felt like an outcast or alone at times in a place where we are all supposed to be finding ourselves. I also really relate to your parents and the constant pus for you do do well in school, and get good grades when in reality its not something you can just do in one night but a constant struggle botgh mentally and physically. I love your flow of word choice and how your piece was so raw and showded your vulnerbale side. Great Job

  49. This piece really relates to a lot of high schoolers, including myself. You made good use of your narrative to really describe an issue everyone has but does not want to deal with.


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