
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

"Why Do We Love?" by Kenny A

     Love is a feeling not unknown to most. By definition, it is the strong attraction felt for
someone or something, but such powerful emotions can be destructive. Love acts as a driving
force; but in most situations, it is harmful. Most instances of love end in sorrow, with few having
experienced the “true love” read about and sought after in fairytales. Love is simply a painful
reality clouded by a fictional happiness.
     Love is motivating; it acts as a driving force, and yet, it can ironically drag someone
down to a point where they can not do anything. When asking what love is to them, a person in a
long and successful relationship believes: “Love is a powerful emotion that you can’t control. It
has the power to make you feel like you’re on top of the world, and yet, it can take that and so
much more away leaving you thinking: ‘What went wrong?’” This happens surprisingly often, as
a friend was talking about a new girl he met at a party, and just how in love he was with her. He
loved her so much, but she was toying with him, playing with him, just to see how far he would
go with her. He would wait for two hours to find out that she stood him up, and he would go to
all these lengths just for her to ignore him. It came to a point where he was exhausted, mentally
and physically. He could not focus and was a victim to his emotions, due to letting love dictate
his actions, driving him to his own downfall in his pursuit of happiness.
     Love at first sight is a popular occurrence, as many people can become infatuated with
one another in such a short time span; yet as quickly as it occurs, the passionate feelings can
disappear just as fast. The high from love is short lived, and as it fades away, so have many
relationships. Successful marriages reveal that the one factor that keeps them together is the
choice to do so, while most relationships die off after someone does not feel the same attraction
anymore; but can such relationships accurately be defined as love? Love is, after all, the strong
feelings of attraction felt for another. If successful relationships are based off of love, then does
true love really exist, when they’re based off of toleration of one another instead?
     Love is associated with a wide variety of emotions, as such strong feelings cannot be
restricted to happiness. Sorrow, pain, and remorse are all common feelings associated with love.
Sorrow is experienced as an emptiness, that no matter what you do, you cannot fill, because
while time heals all wounds, sorrow is always present in a dull ache that is always there. Pain is
experienced in the relapse after the high felt from love, as a feeling now associated with the
memories you once considered to be happy. Remorse will always be there whenever you
remember them, because love can be taken for granted, and you never know how long you’ll
have someone before they pass away. They can leave you with nothing but your memory of
them, wondering why you weren’t with them more before their death. Love, although a powerful
high, has a far more powerful low.
     Love is commonly thought to be associated with positive emotions and feelings, and yet,
it isn’t. Love is associated with sorrow, with perseverance through pain, and tolerance, as highs
cannot exist without lows, and the higher you are, the more painful the fall. Strong feelings
cannot be restricted to one emotion, and love is the strongest feeling of them all.


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed your perspective on the idea of love. You utilized examples, and relatable situations in which love can be utilized, allowing readers, like myself, to gain a better understanding of how it's used and why it is used. Nowadays, many people tend to neglect the negative connotation of love, but in this case, you did not, which I genuinely appreciate. You compared and contrasted both the positive and negative sides of love, which is what made this literary work so wonderful!

  2. This view upon love really out looked the pros and cons if you will about the concept of love. I love the way you started each paragraph with love because this shows that love can be described in many ways. Overall, this was an amazing piece that really described the attributes of love. Great job!

  3. I'm a hopeless romantic, so reading something so well put together and surrounding love was just such a plus plus, I loved reading it, Enjoyed the contrast between how love is both the ups and downs, I love it!

  4. I really enjoyed your standpoint within this piece. I appreciate this because you did not allow love to sound like a cheesy fairy tale that ends with a happily ever after. Whenever people discuss love they always write about the good stuff and never the bad so it was refreshing to read your piece. Great job describing the feelings and actions taken while in love. It truly made my heart ache. Love can be a destructive thing so thank you for not sugarcoating it. Great job Kenny!

    -Katie Strain

  5. Even though I am usually captured by typical cliché love, I enjoyed reading your piece because it is completely different from those typical clichés. Your piece actually gives us an insight of what true love can really be. Nice job Kenny! I especially liked the examples you had given because I felt as if I have experienced or have seen some of them before.

  6. I enjoyed reading this because it depicts a different perspective of love. Love is usually portrayed as something desirable and joyful, but it isn't often that people consider the negative aspects of it as well. Your friend's experience with love is a great example to help support your opinions, and the details you put into it made it an excellent and thoughtful read.

  7. I have constantly found myself pondering the same question and found this piece relatable. The way you set this up in the first paragraph is intriguing and pulls the reader in. All the points you make are also very interesting as well.

  8. Sometimes love can make you feel like you're on top of the world but it can also just make you incredibly sad. This was so relatable to me and well as many other teens because we are barely starting to experience these trials in our life independently including this new emotion, a romantic love, which definitely can be confusing. I also liked that you weren't biased in the sense that you provided examples of love from both the positive and negative perspective. Very well written and use of diverse vocabulary.

  9. This is a great piece about the realistic side of love. Instead of being more cliche in your approach to the subject, you decided to give your own opinion, countering some other notions of the feeling. It was very deep and I Thoroughly enjoyed the detail and thought put into it. The second to last paragraph was my favorite because it actually may me say "oh snap" in real life and that doesn't happen very often. Very good Job!

  10. I found your perspective to be very interesting! I tend to view love in a much more positive light, but the examples you provide help to broaden my views on love. I think that it is important to listen to each side of an argument (for lack of a better word) and then form an opinion on that topic. Your piece has helped me to see love in a new way than my own personal biases. I enjoyed reading every sentence of your entry.

  11. I enjoy how you wrote about love different from how the norm perceives it. We typically associate love with happiness, joy, and life, however your work allowed me to see love in a whole new viewpoint. Yes, love can bring joy and happiness, but love can also be the factor that tears individuals apart, bringing sorrow, and pain. It all depends on how one perceives it, and I'm glad that I am able to see love now with a whole new definition.

  12. Very well articulated viewpoints on the idea of love. Made me as a reader ponder the different effects upon ones emotions and relate them to my own personal experiences. Perception on a versatile subject can be difficult to execute and you did it fairly and open mindedly in a way where many could relate. This was awesome possum

  13. Wow I thoroughly enjoyed this piece, being in a relationship myself its interesting to see this perspective and the truth that embodies what you are saying. It made me realize that what you are saying is true in the sense that love is a powerful feeling and emotion that has the power to brighten up your day, but also to make your day miserable and unproductive. This really was an interesting read that got me to see outside my own personal experience and bias that I have about love. Great job.

  14. This piece is great. I really enjoyed the different perspectives and how love isn't just one feeling or emotion, but its really interpreted differently by everyone. Your constant repetition and use of the word "love" kept emphasizing the importance and impact love has on people and this piece. Nice job!
    -Madeline Juarez

  15. I found your perspective on love to be true, many people tend to be hopeless romantics and believe love only has positives when it truly does have downfalls as well. Your statement on taking love for granted stood out to me because it is something I tend to also think about. Not showing someone enough of your love before they pass away is agonizing, especially when it is out of the blue.

  16. This piece truly opened my eyes on how love can sometimes be a losing battle. I liked how you contrasted the different feelings on what one may experience when in love. For an example when you wrote, "Love, although a powerful high, has a far more powerful low." Overall you did such a great job, one can truly learn the ups and downs of love just by reading this piece.

  17. This piece truly opened my eyes on how love can sometimes be a losing battle. I liked how you contrasted the different feelings on what one may experience when in love. For an example when you wrote, "Love, although a powerful high, has a far more powerful low." Overall you did such a great job, one can truly learn the ups and downs of love just by reading this piece.

  18. By connecting this to real world situations, you allowed me to see that only one person truly feels love, and the other will eventually lose that temporary attraction. I like how you made love look like something weak, something that doesn't necessarily live up to its name by comparing it to sorrow. Everyone emphasizes the idea that love is strong connection, but you make it seem as if Friendship is a stronger connection than love itself.

  19. The deep thought you put in to this piece is so brilliant. With great uses of examples to diction choices. The way you wrote about love is different than everyone else's interpretation of love. How you said, "strong feelings cannot be restricted by one emotion, and love is the strongest feeling of all", is so thought provoking that it makes people realize that it is true. Very well done, i loved it.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I absolutely adore this piece because it is blunt and realistic about the concept of love. After reading the title, I expected another typical story about all the benefits and satisfaction from loving romantically, but this was the total opposite. This piece focused on the other end of the spectrum, giving readers the sad reality of experiencing love when love doesn't work out. You made a unique approach of describing the full experience of being in caring and passionate relationships with people in your life, including both the positives and negatives, and not sugar-coating the ugly parts. Overall good job!

  22. I really enjoyed reading this because of the truth it spills and the incredible amount of logic used to justify your claims. I liked the transitions used to switch from emotion to emotion, and how you thought about love from not only the perspective of a younger person, but also in later life. Many of us tend to only think about the moment, but your explanation about how even unrequited love can affect us in our later years was just so honest and I really connected with that.I really connected with your statements about the negative affects of love, because I think too many people get caught up in the positive affects of love, and get into things too early, and as a result, people get hurt and wonder why it's so painful. Great Article!!!

  23. I really enjoyed reading about your perspective of love. Love can be a scary thing and it typically leads to heartache. But I believe that there is someone who is out there for each and everyone of us. If we don't love we will never find the love we want and deserve. I really liked how you shared details of your friends experience. Through each experience we go through, we learn more about ourselves and what we are looking for. I was very impressed on how professional this piece was because of your word choices. Great job!

  24. I think the unique view about the idea of love in this piece is new and refreshing! It was interesting to read a different perspective, since love is normally only seen on the more positive side of things. Good points about love and it's negative effects on others were raised in this piece. I enjoyed the different view of such a popular topic, great job!

  25. A lot of people are afraid to say it how it is:love hurts. You did not beat around the bush and got straight to the point, which not only took a lot of courage, but knowlege of self. You can see the world for what it is, whereas many other people look at the world through a happy, perfect, rainbow filter.

  26. I really enjoyed your interpretation of "love." I feel like you basically expressed how love can make you or break you. Love can be the greatest, most powerful force on Earth which can mend your heart or break it completely. Which is quite ironic in my opinion. I absolutely loved how you posed a question asking "does true love truly exist?" and supporting it with evidence and your own thoughts because that is a very important question to think about. It makes me think, do we even know what love is? Overall I just appreciated your take on love.

  27. This one is by far one of my favorites because everybody has different opinions on love. I really liked your example of your friend because it reminded me of our generation and how nobody cares about peoples feelings and that's sad.

  28. I loved your thought on love. It is something that everyone can connect with, no matter where we come from. I loved that you used your friend as an example. Our generation doesn't want a true relationship, they want the looks of a relationship. Your blog makes us wonder whether what love really is. Thank you for sharing your views.

  29. I loved your thought on love. It is something that everyone can connect with, no matter where we come from. I loved that you used your friend as an example. Our generation doesn't want a true relationship, they want the looks of a relationship. Your blog makes us wonder whether what love really is. Thank you for sharing your views.

  30. I really enjoyed your perspective on the idea of what love is because it matches my personal opinion on love. The repetition of starting each paragraph with the word 'love' caused the reader to continuously question and ponder on the idea of love. I loved how your piece did not attempt to sugar-coat love and explain how beautiful it is, but you touched on the harsh reality. Love is a touchy subject and interpreted differently and felt differently by everybody; it was interesting to read your interpretation on it. Thank you

  31. I really enjoyed reading this piece and seeing what a different person's view of love is. Love is very subjective to the person feeling it and i enjoyed looking at your opinion and seeing if it's any different than my own. I also enjoyed looking at the pros and cons of love. Love is definitely a very powerful and strong feeling. I liked reading this a lot!

  32. This was really deep and I love it. I could relate to a lot of what was said especially since it is what I also believe what love is. I liked how realistic it is and how it really tells the truth about what it means to love someone.

  33. I thoroughly enjoyed your piece as I can relate to your perception of love. Your piece shatters the jovial aura that surrounds the nature of love. Love itself can be deceptive. On the outside it looks magical but in reality, it can drown you instantly without realizing it. It brings forth negative emotions like hatred and jealousy. In my opinion, it is the darkest emotion known to us. - Jerico Dizon

  34. Wow, after reading this beautifully put together piece I feel overwhelmed with internal thoughts and questions. Since we were young we have always seen love as our own future fairy tales that were certain to come true. We all could picture our "prince charming" coming into our lives and taking all of our problems away with ease. However, as we grew up we were faced with the tragic heartbreak and sadness that comes along with love. I was really intrigued by the part where you stated that now most relationships are based off of how much one person can tolerate another because thinking about it, it is so true! That statement made me realize that most relationships/marriages these days are based off of the need and want for love instead of the real thing. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed reading realistic take on love that expresses the beauty of it, but also the complete destruction it can cause.

  35. I'm glad I enjoyed reading your beautiful piece of writing about your point of view on love. I, as a person who experiences love only with his family, think that love is not so much an attraction as it is a mutual respect, trust, and desire to simply be around one another. In my fairy tale view of the world, love is something that transcends human nature to be selfish, allowing us to care for another over ourselves to prioritize the needs of another of the needs of yourself, and to know that who you love will give back this very same thing. Love is not found in a physical attraction, nor is it in the attraction of opposites, love is in a feeling of sameness, it lies in viewing another as you do yourself. Not all humans are capable of love, but those who can truly love are the most blessed individuals on this earth, and I envy them greatly. I hope that someday, I may too see someone as more important than myself, and I hope that someday I can find my definition of love.

  36. I really enjoyed your perspective on the feeling of love. I had never really thought about it in that way. I'm one of those people that thinks about love in a positive way instead of a negative way, but I think that's just because I've never had a bad experience with love. My favorite part of your piece was when you talked about how marriages and relationships end because that's what I can relate to the most personally. I really enjoyed your piece because it changed my point of view a bit.

  37. I really enjoyed reading your opinion on love. Throughout the article it made me think about how many people that has really happened to where its a one way street with one person doing it just for fun and the other giving all their heart. It was interesting how instead of you going with the normal "love is great" and saying all the positive things that love can bring, you showed all the negatives that almost all love does bring in the end, you showed how love can end up being crushing to someone both mentally and physically which I can relate to. I agree with most of your ideals except I still wish to believe that there can be someone that you can find that will make you happy far more that outweighs any sadness or fighting with them, and i believe that is the "fairy tale love" you spoke of.

  38. I liked the use of repetition at the beginning of each paragraph. It kept me wanting to read more. I also enjoyed hearing another person's views on topics that can be so deep and that everyone can have a different opinion on. I appreciate how you wrote about the negatives of love. Usually people only want to hear about the positive, romantic parts, when in reality there is much more behind it. I like to understand what really happens and the true feelings of people, not their sugarcoated version. I believe if we know the truth about love, some people would realize what they're getting into beforehand, saving themselves the pain and heartbreak, but if the idea of love wasn't so sugarcoated all the time then people would have an idea of what it truly is. This is why this piece speaks to me and why I enjoyed your opinion and views on a topic with many different interpretations. Overall this piece is descriptive and well written.

  39. I fell in love with this piece. I loved how you added the pros and cons to love, the pain yet all the happiness. How we are all aware love is one of the strongest forces to life yet one of the most painful. The examples you added are insanely relatable and are so close to experiences ive seen and also experienced. I felt this piece through my bones because of the examples and reasoning behind everything. Amazing job.

  40. Woah!!! I cannot describe how much I fell in love with this piece, it was very well written and as I was reading i started to get the chills because of how true all that you have written is. I loved how as I read along i would stick my experiences to it and just visualize how real your descriptions of love are. The way that you described the fact that there is always highs and lows in a relationship and it just gave off the message that lobe is a wonderful thing and that there will be some horrible experiences but love is overall one of the best things. Great job and i am totally reading this again a couple of times.

  41. I liked reading a different outlook on Love. As a hopeless romantic, i tend to only think of love with a very secular view which I can now see limits and belittles it. I like how You made Love in something that isn't always bringing a smile to someone's face and giving them the typical "butterflies in the stomach". Thanks for making it relatable.

  42. You idea of love is interesting and very thoughtful. It is slightly different from my perspective, but I enjoyed looking through the eyes of another because there really isn't a right or wrong answer. Also, you did a great job in displaying the dark aspects of love and backing your arguments up with detail. You were not bias either, as you also brought up the bright aspects of love. Next, the example of your friend and him being stood up was a great example in supporting your argument, as it was a real life situation that many people can relate to. The statement that best sums up your argument is "highs cannot exist without lows" which is not only true with love, but life in general. Truly a great work, and one of the best blogs I have read so far.

  43. I really like this piece and agree with you all the way. Love brings Pain, Sorrow, and Remorse. You effectively relate a very hard concept to understand (love) to everyone. You pull a lot of personal knowledge and experience about love that intrigues me. "Love, although a powerful
    high, has a far more powerful low." This is very deep and by far the best interpretation of love I've read. Your work sheds a different light on what "love" truly is. Outstanding Job :)

  44. I enjoyed reading a different perspective on what love is, and I understand what you are saying. Many people do only think about the positive and happy side of love and they forget about the real mixture of emotions that it consists of. This piece reminded me of the balance of the yin and yang in respects to love, something that is overlooked. I liked the way how you included the reader in the thought process of love by asking questions and the use of an example to prove your point. Overall, really nice thinking.

  45. I really enjoyed reading this beautifully written page about the true definition(s) of love and it is hard to give truth behind one single word, Love. Love is not only about love and compassion but can go into depths only live people can discover. Its great how this poem represents us as a whole and for that I give you a job well done

  46. I really enjoyed reading this beautifully written page about the true definition(s) of love and it is hard to give truth behind one single word, Love. Love is not only about love and compassion but can go into depths only live people can discover. Its great how this poem represents us as a whole and for that I give you a job well done

  47. I find it interesting how you define love in what seems like a negative way, by describing it through such strong emotions. I honestly agree with you highly, especially in the fourth paragraph, where you explain that love is far more that attraction. Being someone who is very familiar with it, our insights on it are not the same, but in some aspects, are parallel. When you said that love can basically make you feel at your highest but also at your lowest, I could easily relate to that and that is an point of view that many people overlook in their relationships, and even when they think about love. There is so much beauty in love, that its inner workings are often not seen, and that makes it such a complex emotion that cannot be pinpointed by a singular feeling.

  48. I liked how you explained the whole process of love, both the good and bad. It feeling so real, when you not only wrote how amazing love could be, but also the pain and sorrow felt when it is lost. It is comforting to know that someone is capable of speaking about the truths faced when putting effort into maintaining love and how there is more to it than what is seen throughout our lives in fairy tales,books, and movies.

  49. I found it very eye opening to see your perspective on "love" and I truly respect it. Love has been depicted as the key to finding your "one true happiness" through the media and the negative repercussions have often been overlooked. I am not familiar with the particular attraction that someone would have with their significant other, but I am familiar with the love of family. And truly the emotions of sorrow and betrayal comes along with it, however the happiness and joy you get from being around them overcomes all that pain. But in all I really enjoyed your story.

  50. I like how you expose the realities of love, our society often romanticizes the whole notion of love when in fact it is more complicated than what we can simply comprehend when we hear the term love. As you stated before, love can both be positive and negative, but I feel like we often overlook the deeper intricate workings which can be negative at times.

  51. A really great piece! I enjoyed how you used real world scenarios as examples of false love and left the readers ponder with questions about what love is truly about.The way you contrasted both the positive and negatives of love and how they both come together as a package was great and myself being a victim of emotion, I can definitely relate to your examples of false love and how it will leave us with remorse.

  52. Amazing piece that I enjoyed. I too do not believe love lies in ideoligies such as "love at first sight" as well as a constant obsession to define a strong attraction as "love" while in reality its just a word we use to refer to somthing we eventually have temporarily. You delve into the topic unlike most who believe that they truly love someone or something when in reality its just their emotions getting the best of them and they fail to inderstand you must be able to hate before you can love and petty feelings do not allow you to comprehend any other emotion than happiness. Like you say love isnt always happy and at such a young age how can we ever love something or someone you do not truly know. Your description of the word love shows how it is something birthed through an aspect beyond the physical it is born through friendship and hatred as well as sorrow and tragedy that no person who hasn't loved can conclude. Great piece keep writing my dude.

  53. This piece was properly thought out with the exception of a few grammatical errors, you definitely got the point across. You took a darker route and expressed love with a cynical outlook, making it seem less desirable and almost tempted me to fear it in a way. Love typically has a positive connotation but I felt as if you were determined to open everyones eyes so to speak, and reveal it for what it truly was, an emotion that could destroy you. Many, including myself, can relate to the fact that opening your heart to can either make you feel on top of the world or in the lowest part of your life.

  54. Wow Austin so deep. You literally made me think about life and my love life as well. Your words resonanted throughout my mind each word you wrote. I really liked your sense of figurative language you used through your piece to portray the different kinds of heart breaks and loves that people experience. Your piece really hit close to home to me I liked your vivid detail you used through out it. Great read thanks.


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