
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

"How to Swing dance: Learning the Swing move "The Angel"" By Arianna S

Swing dancing is part of the 1950's era that incorporates fast paced moves with crazy stunts,
spins, dips, and challenging hand movements.

Grabbing a friend or family member and swing dancing is a great way to pass time and a build
stronger connection with your partner! You can swing dance anywhere, whether you're at
school, a park, a family event, anywhere

The following steps show you how to do one of the swing moves called "The Angel." With every
swing move you do however, you always do a "Basic".

Grab a partner to dance with!

Before performing "The Angel", do one “Basic".

A Basic consists of:
Both partners taking a step to the right. (Continue doing basics all throughout "The Angel”. In
order to do one basic, first:

Take a step to the left.

After taking the right and left step, do a "Rock Step". A Rock Step is taking a step back with your
right foot. Make sure only the tip of your foot and the ball of your foot are touching the ground.
Your heel should be slightly off the ground.

1.) After doing one Basic, allow your partner to turn you around to the left halfway while still
holding onto your hands.

2.) Stop when your back is facing your partner. Duck down, let your arms cross and go through
your head, slightly bend your knees, then go back up. (While your partner's turning you, they
should still be doing one basic.)

3.) Turn around fully to the left until you're facing your partner again and end with a rock step.

4.) Do one basic and turn your partner fully around one time. (You should still be loosely holding
onto their hands while turning them). Once they're facing you again, end with one more basic.


  1. Dear Arianna S,
    I love the dance moves u did they were quick and simple.So glad you did your blog on how to teach people "The Angel". I know that when you made the blog entry you were happy to do a swing move.

    PER. 4

  2. Personally I was never even thought that this was interesting but I saw other people doing it after school and thought to myself I could never do that because I would probably drop the girl over and over again. But still its nice to watch.

  3. Personally, I am very interested in swing dancing. I believe that those moves are very difficult to master however they are really cool to watch. I have done a lot of dancing besides swing and I can't wait to try your how to. The steps seem easy to follow and the pictures help out a lot!
    -Miren Cancio Period 5

  4. I am a lost cause when it comes to dancing, but you make it seem so easy!! Swing dance is definitely very fun to watch, and it always seems so complicated; seeing it broken down and explained like this has definitely shown me that it is possible and that I should try it one day...(although I think I'd still be a hot mess LOL) Nice job and interesting how-to!

  5. I am a lost cause when it comes to dancing, but you make it seem so easy!! Swing dance is definitely very fun to watch, and it always seems so complicated; seeing it broken down and explained like this has definitely shown me that it is possible and that I should try it one day...(although I think I'd still be a hot mess LOL) Nice job and interesting how-to!

  6. This is a very cute demonstration, I like how each step and a picture afterward to a make it easier to visualize. While it may seem easy, most likely is not that why I gained a new appreciation for dancers. I just wanted to add that you guys are also vey fun to watch at rallies! What a great pass time and passion to share with us through a how-to.!

  7. I love how you gave instructions on how to swing dance. Also, what I liked most is how you incorporated images with the provided steps of swing dancing. I love watching swing dancing. I find it interesting. I personally enjoy all forms of music so swing dancing is great to me and so is that goes along with it. Well written.

    - Period 4

  8. While the pictures were a great visual aid, a video (if possible to put on here) would have really showed this dance move in all its glory. Your instructions are very detailed and on the easier side when trying to follow along. Swing has always been something i thought looked really cool and now i can try it out.
    Darian henry
    Period 2

  9. I always thought swing dancing looked awesome at the school rally's so I think it's even better to learn how to do some basic moves! Your piece was very detailed and well written and I feel like I can follow all the steps pretty good and the pictures definitely helped out a lot too!
    -Alicia Alcaraz
    Period 5 Cogswell

  10. i love when you guys dance at the school rally's and each time you guys always amaze me! Personally don't know if i would take up those intense dance moves but this move seems very simple and the steps with he arrows makes it look even easier. Know i can say i can dance a little bit of swing!

    Allyson Bol
    Period 2

  11. I love seeing the Swing Club work so hard to show off their moves. Seeing your instagram videos and rally sessions really show me that you enjoy swing dancing. I enjoy the visuals and the descriptions for your piece. Great work!
    Period 2
    Paul Chong

  12. Although I'd never attempt swing dance because I'm horribly uncoordinated, I enjoyed reading your piece! It reveals the hardwork and dedication involved with such a dance. It's impressive to watch swing dance and learning about the process definitely opened my eyes to what happens behind the scenes. Keep doing what you're doing, and good job!
    Sabrina H
    Period 2

  13. Arianna,
    This how-to is very clairvoyant and precise, and coming from someone who doesn't dance, these instructions don't look too difficult to follow. On a side note, I've personally never thought much of swing dancing, but whenever Swing Club performs at our rallies, I'm always just so amazed by all of the ridiculously cool stunts that you guys pull off. It's absolutely exhilarating watching your performances, and I'm glad that you show your passion through this simple step-by-step tutorial. Great job!

  14. wow I might think about joining swing club it seems so cool and fun. Something to occupy my time.

    Period 4

  15. a couple of my friends do swing and now I do thank you
    - Eric. E

  16. Wow that's so cool I know people the swing dance but its a cool dance

  17. I remember going to prom and they were doing the swing dance, and i was so disappointed because i couldn't join them because my date didn't no how to swing dance! I plan on showing her this because your pictures and step by step instructions will make anyone able to do the swing dance in no time! Thanks for sharing this and making it very easy and clear. -Salman

  18. Wow Ari, you did very good explaining how to swing dance. I also like how you incorporated pictures into the instructions to give others an example to follow by. You did very well at directly showing others how to swing dance. :)


  19. My Friend is the Swing club and with your amazingly written instructions maybe I could impress her. Also I love the pictures it made it more easier to visual what steps and hand movements I would have to be doing! :)
    -Destynee Torres
    Period 4

  20. I used to be in swing club and this instruction is spot on! It can help even people who cant dance get into swing dancing! Nice work on dance instructions!
    -Cristopher O. P.5

  21. I was skeptical of this piece at first because usually when I think of dance tutorials I think of video performances or live classes. I wasn't sure how one would be able to teach a dance via writing, but you managed to pull it off quite well! The pictures you included were tremendously helpful and they make the tutorial very effective. The little red arrows and circles were not only cute, but contributed to the clarity of each dance step. Overall, this piece is very creative and very well written! Great job!

  22. samantha quintanillaApril 14, 2016 at 8:18 PM

    I have to say i have always loved your performances at the rally and the dancing you do with your partner because it is just so cool and its a really difficult skill that requires a lot of trust. The pictures were great and you editing the arrows in really made it easier and more clear to follow. Swing dancing is always something i have wanted to try but never have, but thanks too you may i will now

  23. Arianna,
    I'm so ecstatic you've posted this because I've honestly really wanted to learn how to swing dance. One of my biggest regrets in high school career was failing to join such a fun club. These directions are perfect for a beginner like myself. This is a great feat, considering how hard I could only imagine it to be to translate such rapid, intricate movement in dance into only words and pictures. I only wish that you could have made some suggestions to great songs to try this out on. Overall, thank you for providing such a concise, detailed piece!
    Danelle Angeline Baronia
    Period 2

  24. Now, I've never really been a fan of dancing but knowing how to definetely comes in handy. Also, swing dancing is pretty cool to watch. It's crazy how the guys don't drop the girls(from what I've seen). It must take a lot of trust. Thank you for the tutorial on how to swing dance.

  25. I have never been familiar with swing dancing until I saw the performances at the rally. They were very entertaining and it looked fun. I love the brief history that you wrote in the beginning because it helped me learn more about it. Thank you for having a picture for every step.

    - Jessie Santos
    Period 1

  26. Ive always thought that swing club was really really hard but the way you show the pictures makes it seem a lot easier than it sounds. One day I hope to try out swing club. Great job!
    -Calaya A.
    Period 1

  27. although I probably won't try to do this myself considering I have a negative amount of coordination, you did a great job of explaining the moves and the pictures definitely helped!
    -Kayla Salas

  28. This was very cute and a great step by step process I can tell from the way you describe it all you are passionate about this type of dance. I am also a fan of the dance so this is something I would defiantly suggest to people.

    Alexa Ayala

  29. Thank you for the neat organization of the piece and the simple instructions that you provided. I really do wish that I would have read this before Prom so that I would have actual dance moves to do rather than whatever it is that I do. I just tried to do the dance myself but I'm pretty sure that it was absolutely terrible. I am quite jealous of your natural ability to be able to dance so well with (what appears to be) no effort. Thank you for the tutorial and I wish you the best of luck in your own dancing endeavors.

  30. The tutorial for this is really great. The basic and all of the stuff to it is really great. Thank for these tips, it's really helpful.
    -Michelle Truong
    Per 1

  31. The tutorial for this is really great. The basic and all of the stuff to it is really great. Thank for these tips, it's really helpful.
    -Michelle Truong
    Per 1

  32. I enjoy this piece because it provides a different outlet of society that we have sort of lost and allows us to look into the past to see how we have evolved as a society. The little steps and fluid movements really seem to paint a picture of visually stimulating art. This was a great piece. Nice Job.
    Hunter Fierro
    Period 5

  33. Nice job with this. Can't wait to try it soon

  34. this is really original I loved how you made this personal and shared what you like to do great job!

  35. I love dancing!! And you make it seem so simple to do this dance! I can't wait to start learning to do this dance. I love this because it sounds so fun to do. The steps so easy and so fluid. It's a new way of learning a new kind of dance and the way you described it seem to easy to learn and with practice it will make it so much better.

  36. Oh gosh, I remember being in swing dance my freshmen year. I never got to be thrown around and stuff but the things I did were tiring enough. This move looks so elegant and the fact that you guys basically teach these things to yourselves is incredibly impressive. You wrote all these steps so it was easy to follow and I think with some help anyone can learn this step and others involved in swing dancing.


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