
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

"Truth is…." by Mia B

      If I'm nice to you, it probably means a few different things: I don't trust you, I don't like
you, or I don't care enough to put any real effort into expressing myself in your presence.
     If I don't trust you, I don't feel you deserve to know anything about me. Any stories, life
experiences, or even how I feel about you as a person. I won't tell you about what happened
when I was six years old and the cops broke down the door to my house. You will never find out
what it's like going to four different elementary school, or being alone the first day of freshman
year and again later junior year. You will never interact with me when I don't have a smile on my
face or a polite tone and demeanor.
     You will never know if or why I don't like you. You will only know me as “a really nice
girl,” because I am always polite or at least civil. You will never realize that I am avoiding you
or purposefully choosing not to work with you because I have learned such subtleties. They have
developed from being the new girl several times over and figuring out who the good and bad
people are in the world. Figuring out where I do and don't fit in, after many attempts because I
was so sick and tired of being “the new kid.” When I figure it out, I can easily slip out of a
friendship like I was never there. I then became the one who stuck up for the little guys and the
underdogs. I became the best friend of the loner in the class and ensured they became as great as
they could be and ignored everyone else. And yet, I'm barely scratching the surface because you
don't need to know.
      My life’s motto is “Why waste the effort to hate someone when they have no impact on
how you live your life?” Living by this motto has allowed me to not care what others think of me
simply because their opinions don't affect me whatsoever. Besides, I have more important things
to worry about than an insignificant insult some nobody in my class said about me, I'll never see
them again anyway.
     After reading this you may realize, “Wow, she isn't as nice as she seems.” Well, no, I'm
not. But you will never know that just by having a conversation with me once a week. You may
think you know me a little more after reading this. Truth is, you never will because I won't be
around long enough for you to find out.


  1. Dang, I have goosebumps from this. I think this is my favorite blog entry of the month, I even like it better than mine. The sassy attitude I felt while reading it is what makes me love it so much. I can kind of relate to it. Im nice to everyone although I'm a very "personal person" and though people may think they know me, they only know the part I choose to show them. Great job, Mia!

  2. Raised my eyebrows and left me wondering whether or not there's more I'd like to learn about you, Mia, because it seems useless. I don't even know who you are, but I think that's what makes this piece worth reading. In that, let me just say I've never read anything more insightful and clairvoyant on this blog, which, again, adds to the cryptic persona you've lead on with this piece. While it may seem like you've stated something about yourself that you're proud of, you've also bestowed your readers with a gift of clarity -- the great reality of life, or even high school, in this case, that we're not bounded to the people we see today because it's inevitable that we'll ever see them again. Also, I think it'd be nice to actually add more of that flair you had going on, the style I thought was going to be consistent. You started off with "If I'm nice to you..." and "If I don't trust you..." but you can see how it'd be cool to add another address to the reader, one that can really ease the reader into your story.

    It just so happens that "The Jungle Book" and it's very vivid trailers are coming onto TV and your essay reminds me of the coquettish Kaa -- the snake that's voiced by Scarlett Johansson, if you didn't know. You leave your readers, including myself, wondering if there will be a shift in the course of your words with a slithering sense of hope, but we never get that. We get you and your mentality, which is another important aspect of your style. Great work, but what do I know? I may never meet you and you may never hear from me again.

  3. I really like this piece because it allows people to know and understand you beyond what they can see. I really love this because a lot of us are more complicated than others think.
    jazlynn garcia
    period 2

  4. The more one continues to read this, the more one will come to the conclusion that you are definitely not as kind as you say. But to be fair, you did not put a huge emphasis on your kindness then you did on your very particular considerations as to who you consider worthy of your time and effort. However, you do not strike me as a rude person. I can actually relate to you. There is no point in wasting one's time and energy on people who do not truly value you. People disliking you and speaking ill of you should not matter to you. However, your particularity does appear as somewhat rude. There are a lot of hateful people in the world, but for every bad there is a good. But I am sure you have certain reasons as to why you are very careful with who you decide to value and trust. You are definitely not alone on that. Good job on your piece. It was intriguing.

  5. I didnt find this piece to be mean at all. I did find it enjoyable because it is honest and different that the other pieces posted. A couple of months ago we traded in class our personal statements for the UCs to grade. After reading yours, I could tell you have a story behind the positive upbeat energy you put into this world. I have always been really curious since then to know more. There were a few months where I was having a hard time and my friend Nathan told me I needed to be brave enough to get out of my comfort zone and take a risk. I hope maybe one day you learn to trust a few people because the world isnt as evil as it seems.
    Jeannette Martinez
    Period 2

  6. This blog is cool in the way that its not traditional. I mean that no one does a whole blog describing how you are nice to those you don't want to be friends with. I mean this in a good way because that's what makes this unique from everyone's else.

  7. I found this piece to be very interesting and profound. Definitely one of the more unique pieces I have read so far. I like how unapologetically honest you are. I also agree with what Emily commented about people thinking that they know someone when in reality they only know what the person chooses to show them, and I think your piece 100% reflects on that. In a way I guess you are right in a lot of things and people should not be worried of what others say because at the end of the day, no one knows you like you do.

  8. This piece is one of those pieces of writings that resonates and just leaves an imprint on people's brains. I say that because it's easy for people to either find you extremely likable or just plain standoffish. I think you have an edge to you that makes you and your writing intriguing. I'm amazed at how blunt this is and how true it is to yourself. Good job, I loved it.

  9. This piece I believed expands the readers view on those who aren't always who they seem to be. It also shows the struggles of the "new kid" transferring schools and not wanting to make friends because they'll just move to another school anyways.
    I like how you included a motto so the audience can connect to you more personally. Great job!

    -Arianna Serna
    Pd. 3

  10. Hi Mia!
    This blog entry has got to be one of the best that I’ve ever read so far! What makes it different is that you explicitly tell your honest opinion about a person if you were being nice to them. I like how honest and forward you are being with the reader because yes, it is hard to get to know someone by just talking to them when they seem “happy” or why should you waste your own effort to hate someone. I agree with your tactics although many might not because I feel that people should be able to just know that there will always be something behind the scenes for a person and their own life. One can’t just barge in onto another person’s life pretending that they know the other person when they actually don’t. Contrary to say, I feel that I did get a taste of what your true personality is because it’s uncommon for one to blatantly say that they don’t trust another person and that’s pretty cool. I don’t think I could ever have the courage to tell someone that I don’t trust them straight up to their face.
    -Kimberly Chua
    Period 2

  11. Wow! Mia, I absolutely loved this piece. I love how brutally honest you are(something that seems to be lacking in most people). I especially loved when you said.. "If I don't trust you, I don't feel you deserve to know anything about me.", and i could not agree more. I feel like in a way, you are saying things that people,fake people would never admit and i really respect you for that. Great Job, Keep up the amazing work.

  12. This was a really deep and well thought out piece. I really agree with your message and I'm also glad that you had the courage to stand out and address this subject. I have been raised to believe that life is too short to be worried about the little things, like who doesn't like you or why. Sometimes, I find myself slipping up and beginning to concern myself with pleasing everyone else. But just like you, I've been the new girl more times than I would've liked. It's strange, you learn to read people and understand who and what are truly good for you. So maybe in a way I should be grateful for the many opportunities that exposed me to completely new surroundings throughout my life.
    Period 5

  13. This is soo true to how alot of people feel. I think people do feel this way but dont cover it up like you described or dont really care to take a moment and realize what they are doing when they do cover up their feelings. I love this piece because it explains three truths to how people effect your life and how you treat them based on that. This is wonderfully and simplistically outlined.Great job!

  14. This enticed me so much with your choice in diction as well as the tone of the overall piece. You're showing a side that others don't acknowledge and I love it because I agree with everything you wrote. Those who I'm not close would probably think I'm a jerk if I talked to them like I do to my close friends, because it's my way of being playful and they know it. You hit the nail on this one Mia. Great work!

  15. I really believed this piece is a clear representation of how many people feel nowadays. They must be primarily kind, even if they don't want to be or if they don't even know the person. Your choice of diction and insights into what's happened in your own life brings up the the phrase "Don't judge a book by it's cover", because you don't know truly know them. I truly enjoyed how in depth this goes without even realizing it. Great job!

    -Amber Tacderan, Period 2

  16. I really like this piece Mia, because you show the truth behind that friendly smile that we give to kids in our class who we only ever talk to in class and demonstrate the complexities that could lie within that nice girl on the other side of the classroom.
    Leslie Rocha

  17. A truly impactful story. People too often feel like they have the right to judge everyone they meet and use their relationship with them off of their first impression. By reading this, hopefully it will help more people to realize just how much they don't know. Keep it up, keep people guessing. You are truly the one in control of your own life and you don't need anyone to all you otherwise.

    Sean Powers
    Per. 3

  18. Wow Mia, after working on a project with you and having you in my class all year your piece made me realized that we really don't know anything (or not as much as we think we do) from the people we associate with almost every day. I liked how honest you were in your piece and also not to mention very truthful. I could say it sounded a little harsh in the beginning but I think thats also what catches the attention of the readers.

  19. Wow this piece really touched the heart. you shared a really powerful message of not worrying about what other people think of you. I think thats really important because everyday we meet new people, and why should we worry about what they think if were never going to interact with them. Thank you for really going in depth with this, amazing! -Salman

  20. I admire this piece so much. You were brutally honest and I believe that is wonderful. Not a lot of people would do that because a lot of people worry about pleasing others and trying to fit into society's standards. It makes me realize how many people I come into contact with every day but know little about them. Thank you for sharing.
    Jessica Perez

  21. This entry highlights the common mindset of a lot of teenagers. People have multiple layers that they choose to share, and not everyone gets to see every layer. So, I believe there are a lot of people who can relate to this entry, including myself. Great entry!
    Natalia Garcia
    Period 2

  22. Brutal honesty... This is the way to get your point across without any roundabouts. I like this. It's strangely unsettling near the end, but I bet now you're going to get a bunch of people who are going to want to get to know you better. A piece like this is something we could all use in a world full of formalities and padded speech. Good job, Mia, this is groundbreaking.
    Eloy Guzman
    Per. 2

  23. I relate to this piece in the sense that people who don't really know me always think I am much nicer than I truly am. I guess it's because it's in my self-interest to leave a good impression on strangers, rather than be bitter and rude for no reason.
    Don't fear judgement from those reading this. I appreciate your brutal honesty way more than you would expect. The tone of this piece is very captivating because of your honesty, and I'm glad you were able to put yourself out there and share your life motto with us all. Great job! :)

  24. I really enjoyed reading this piece because I feel like your were being very real and blunt. You don't care what others think and that's a good quality to have in life. I think I also liked it because I could relate to it so much. I was the kid that moved around a lot as well and it allowed me to learn how to read people and decide whether or not I wanted to waste my time pursuing a friendship with them because I knew there was a strong possibility that I would be moving in the next year or so anyway. So I totally agree with everything you were saying because I'm the same way. Good job.

    Dominique Washington
    Period 2

  25. Mia, I enjoyed this piece and really found it relatable in the aspect that no one truly knows another person just because they had a few simple conversations with them. Also, that there is really no point in trying to please, trust, or warm-up to strangers or someone you will never see again.
    Thanks for being real and honest about your perspectives. I really enjoyed your piece!

  26. When I read the very beginning I was totally shocked. I can honestly say that some of the things that you do; I low-key do it on the daily. It really shows how sometimes you never really know a person unless they decide to show the real them. I mean when you really think about it, it is kind of a good thing that instead of being mean and rude to a person you don't like, you are at least civil and nice. If anyone judges you from this, something must be wrong with them. This blog piece is just true honesty. I like that, you really made me reflect on my life. It really made me realize how much people don't really know me as well as they think they do. Great Job!!!
    Kayla Weathers

  27. Mia! I totally got slapped in the face with this entry, in a good way! I loved this piece and how much it says about you yet it exemplifies how little we know of you. I see it as a good thing to be reserved as far as your personal life and how much you choose to share with others. Only a select few deserve to truly know and understand your life.

  28. Mia, girl when I read the beginning I thought this was going to be one of those tumblr posts. But the more I read the more I could relate because I have moved so many times and I am always best friends with the loner. Also no one knows me by one conversation because I will not be sticking around. Trusting everyone nowadays is hard because if they know something personal about you then they can use that information however they like, so I try to keep everything private about myself even though I am loud person. After I read your post the first thing that popped into my head was she a savage!!! Good Job!

  29. I can definitely appreciate this piece. I tend to not expose too many of my layers to people unless I really feel comfortable around them and those people know me as very sarcastic. I do not think this makes you a bad person or takes away from any niceness you may actually embody. It is good to keep people unaware and it makes you all the more interesting.
    -Kayla Salas

  30. You're very right in not telling just anyone your story because it is very hard to trust people, especially in our generation. However, after all that being said, don't isolate yourself too much because you can always learn something from each and every person because your story is different from there's. It's cool too let people know what they are missing out on after they leave and that's if they do. I know you probably find me a little repulsive, but saying hi to the quite girl in Mr. Halls class, made that year all the more interesting. That was you.

  31. Mia this was great and I really enjoyed your use of detail. Everyone should read this because you bring up great points.

    Alexa Ayala

  32. I enjoyed this piece as I can relate to you. I don't usually express how I feel 100% of the time and beat around the bush most of the time. Good job. :D - Deven Kiphen Pd. 2

  33. Wow, I loved your last line! I loved how you were so straighten forward throughout your whole piece but your last line was just a great statement of reality. I admire your life motto and agree that we shouldn't let what others think of us affect us because at the end of the day, it's our lives and our happiness! There are some good people out there and encourage you to find them and allow yourself to open up and show your beautiful persona to those who you deem worthy. Best wishes!

  34. I actually really enjoyed this piece . I love the raw and real emotion you put into this piece , to really show people they cant always judge a book by its cover . You never know what is truly going on in peoples heads and often people to to be cautions of that , because you think you may know a person but you really don't . Thanks for opening my eyes and actually allowing me to reevaluate the people in my life and how they interact with me , and truly think about what there options may be about me .

  35. Woah! After reading this piece, i started to have goosebumps.It's very intense yet very thrilling to read every last piece of it. I enjoyed reading this and i can really relate.
    -Michelle Truong

  36. I'm not going to lie while reading your piece it made me kind of sad only because I would hate to leave all my friends and be forced to meet new people without choosing so, although i do understand your attitude towards others. You also reminded me to live my life for myself and not put to much care in hating others if they have no involvement in my life today.
    - Diana Godinez
    Period 5

  37. I really love how you made this piece so real and intense. It shows that people can easily judge a book by its cover and not know someone's real intentions or the way they feel.
    - Victoria Ervin

  38. so you started it off a little mean but it was funny was a funny story and your kind of mean but that cool I guess for this story.

  39. I really enjoyed this piece and how passionate you were about your topic. You were speaking the truth and how you felt. This piece was really raw and great. Good job !


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