
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"Love" by Rodrick H.

                  Do you really feel that you understand, and grasp the concept of love? In my opinion, I feel that most people have a slight misconception with the terms of love and lust. This misconception leads one partner who feels that they are in love to do the unthinkable for their partner. I’m here to differentiate between both love and lust, and to define what love really means. While writing this paper, I will be listening to Drake to keep my emotions flowing.
                  Loving someone is having a passion for someone else not just for their looks, but for who they are as a person. This is where the confusion with lust comes up, because people take looks over personality all the time, including myself. If one was to see someone they had thought was cute, these cute looks that that person has initiates the bystander to automatically catch some sort of feelings for that person. But not everyone who has good looks has such a great personality, and some people are willing to overlook such a bad personality and social status for a good looking person. One such example of this is the popstar Chris Brown. Despite his abusive past of disrespecting women, a lot of women today adore him in so many ways because he is 6 feet, with tattoos and he has light skin. This is a terrible way to select a soulmate, but people make this mistake many times in their life, which results in heartbreak. There are very few people from my observance who take into consideration someone’s personality before there looks. Personally, I have always gone after girls who have good looks, without concerning their personality because at the moment I could care less about it, which is probably why I haven’t found the right one yet. In order to take a step into the right direction to finding the right person for you, one must find a person with the correct intentions and the right state of mind.
“Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses (Landers)”. This type of love is beyond a simple “I love you” you would say to a close friend of yours, but saying “I love you” to someone you have found a fire for is different because you actually have found something in their personality that sits well with you, then loving the qualities that that significant other may have. Without taking into consideration of someone’s looks, finding love would be quite easier, because then you would be looking to get to know the person more and learn more about their past. If you find something about them that is intriguing and interesting, that “thing” would keep you with them for a long time because that trait that they may have could cause you to love them, and feel some type of way for that person.
Through my definition of love, I hope you have gained a more clear understanding on the topic, or have actually began to reevaluate a relationship that you may be involved in, to determine whether it is based upon love or lust. Thank you for your timeJ.

1.     Landers, Ann. "Ann Landers Quote." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 17 Jan. 2016.


  1. this was a very good story

  2. I really liked how you talked about love and how you think in your opinion that some people have a misconception on love and what it really means.
    katlyn h.

  3. I enjoyed how you pondered the topic of "love", I agree with you completely on the subject that people have a misconception on the topics of love and lust. You touched on a topic that is hard for people to truly understand even if people say they understand it. Good job for putting an example that a lot of people will understand.
    -Miren Cancio Period 5

  4. The Drake part made me giggle a bit, it was a nice touch of Twitter comedy for you to incorporate into your submission. Thank you for sharing your perspective on love versus lust because I found it to be very insightful. I relate to you in the sense that I also prioritize physical appearance over a wholesome personality, but I agree that it's not always the best way to find a mate.
    I also thoroughly enjoyed the definition of love that you found, rather than using the typical Webster or definition. The definition provided by Ann Landers is so much more emotional and relatable to an audience. Reading that definition actually made me think of someone, whereas Webster's doesn't appeal much to me at all.
    I commend you for writing about a topic that many people choose to ignore. This piece was enjoyably analytical without lacking passion.

  5. this was a very interesting way of explaining your definition of love i thought it was very smart how you broke down the word love and told me how love works and that you shouldn't just go after someone for their looks
    -Eric Edwards

  6. I really like the fact that you use drake to help your ideas flow. Also how you where honest on how you use lust instead of love too. It was very interesting to see your definition of love and lust. I really liked this piece.
    -calaya a.
    period 1

  7. Im very impressed that you went all into detail like you went deep down into your own version of love. I also found it cool that you look into someones personality instead of their looks. -melodie baptiste period 1

  8. I'm not surprised that you wrote about love, Rodrick. Anyhow, I really enjoyed reading your piece because you were able to incorporate relevant topics to help teenagers better understand your perspective. I got a laugh out of your reference to Drake, and I also enjoyed how you admitted to being guilty of desiring looks over personality. Overall, I liked your view on love and I liked how you clarified how it was different than lust. Good Job!
    Sabrina H
    Period 2

  9. samantha QuintanillaFebruary 6, 2016 at 10:45 PM

    I'm not sure what i expected out of you but i should have known something as simpy as love would be it. I liked it tho, it was absolutely "Rodrick" and remained a surprisingly light tone despite the heavy subject. I enjoyed the quote and the reference to Drake (it suited your writing). Overall this was definitely fun to read and it was really nice to see your perspective and the acceptance of your own flaws, nice job!

  10. I like how you put in the details of how love would be different from lust. People will most likely make this mistake and live with a person that could have a secret dark side or something and they wouldn't care since they're only focusing on the hundred dollar suit that they're wearing. So it was a good thing that you wrote about this topic. Nicely done.

  11. Its always good to hear the perspective of another person, especially on such an important subject. I completely agree with your perception of love and how it has changed and been altered by people.

  12. Okay let me start this off by saying you had me at the Drake part, which made me laugh. I simply love how you exposed your perspective on this topic. I enjoyed reading this a ton!
    -Destynee Torres
    Period 4

  13. Nice work Rodrick. I am not surprised that you wrote about love because I know you! But you truly brought up some good points that I believe most teenagers overlook nowadays. It's hard to really tell if you love someone or if you are justly highly infatuated. The writing was good and I liked the quote with the mini bibliography. Keep it up!
    -Taylor Sandoval P.5

  14. This was a great piece on your perspective of love Roddrick, I enjoyed reading it because of how I share the same views on this topic. Placing in that quote was perfect especially for your explanation on the subject. Overall I really enjoyed reading this you did an amazing job!
    -Alexa Ayala
    Period 2

  15. I really enjoyed your perspective on what love truly is and how so many people nowadays have a misconstrued idea on what it is. I absolutely agree with you that so many people misunderstand the difference between love and lust. People's perception of others is so shallow now and I liked how you kind of called them out on it.
    Good job! I really enjoyed this piece
    - Annika Joshi p. 5

  16. Rodrick I really truly love this. I do agree with what you say also in life I hate how people get liking someone confused with a crush. Your perspective on this is really going to open some of these teenagers eyes.

  17. This is a great way to differentiate between love and lust Rodrick! I think that us seniors should really take these warnings to heart as we move forward in life because we really need to check ourselves before we crash and experience what could've been an avoidable heartbreak. Again, I loved reading this yo! Keep up the good work!
    -Antonio Barron P: 3

  18. This was a really great piece Rodrick. I agree that a lot people sometimes may get blinded by looks and not even take a chance to see the personality. They choose looks over how the person really is. I really enjoyed reading this great job!!

    JC Bagro
    Period 3

  19. Your blog helped me realized what love is so thank you. This blog will help a lot of people in the world that do whatever they can show their love for the other person in the relationship. So great blog.


  20. Oh Rodrick! Once again you've wooed me with your talk about love! LOL
    I definitely loved your piece because I thought it was super relatable. You brought your own personal interpretation of love into your writing while also incorporated a criticism of how society is beginning to morph the idea of love into something much more superficial.
    You made a great point about Chris Brown and I think that it's a perfect example of how people fail to recognize the true qualifies that make someone beautiful and instead, fall victim to something that is only skin deep.
    Nice comic relief in the beginning with Drake. Definitely laughed at that.

  21. It was a good piece , but I feel as if you should have expressed it in a different way . Like this is your option about love and lust but not every one may have the same option . So I feel as if you should have worded a few things differently because your talking like your have experience love .When you say you haven't found that one person with that one "thing" that draws you in . But I do agree with you on how people nowadays don't know the difference between love and lust . So great job

  22. I really like this post because you spoke out your mind! I think your perspective on love is very accurate and addresses a serious view that we should consider when we fall in love. I also really ike how you used current pop images to helo grasp your idea. Good job! - Salman A.

  23. Everyone loves looking at the cover of the person yet never bothers to open the pages. Your piece really shows that people should be mindful of that. Love is a factor everyone should take seriously. Great piece R-Hill.

  24. This was a very fascinating piece to read. Many people truly don't understand the concepts of love and lust. I like how you gave your own personal insight and definition. Also, you gave very good explanations on the subject. I totally agree with many of your statements like looks aren't the only thing people should look for in a person. Keep up the good work!

    - Jessie Santos
    Period 1

  25. I really find this piece interesting to think about. I like how you explain how many people don't get love and it catches my attention. Good job
    -Michael Dingle
    Period 5

  26. Rodrick, your piece was really nice lol. I like how you decided to speak on a topic that is very prominent in our society today. The way your broke down the difference between love and lust probably really got people thinking and at the end of the day I think that was your intentions. Also, your examples that you used in ores to further explain you point were really good even though I have some things to argue pertaining to the Chris Brown part lol but for the most part I agree with the things you were saying.

    Dominique Washington
    Period 2

  27. I really enjoyed reading your story! it was so full of detail and description i loved it! your perspective of the differences between love and lust were amazing!
    English period 1 ~Julianna Alvarado

  28. Pelumi and I settled on the belief that no one really likes anyone in high school. Of course this is just our wrong over generalized opinion. Society values appearance over genuine personality so it makes sense that individual relationships have the same values. I wonder what would happen if you took away peoples looks. Everyone jumps into these relationships around homecoming and events like that. I think people just get caught up and talking about topics like these seem silly but getting invest in the wrong people and playing “pretend” with feelings can stick with someone for a while when the reality is that it was fake. I know that everyone teases you about Twitter but I think that’s silly. We’re entitled to our emotions. I don’t think tweeting is dumb when people used to have journals about all the same topics. Drake gets so much hate for talking about emotions when so does almost every artist on the planet. I’m glad you talked about this because I know you have a strong opinion. I’m glad you don’t care what other people think and mentioned the drake thing because it made me laugh.
    Jeannette Martinez
    Period 1

  29. I enjoyed your piece and I agreed with most of what you were saying. Your perspective on the topic is well supported and has logical progression. Although I don't agree with every little thing you argued i can understand how society today has twisted the idea of love.

  30. This has a lot of truth. People do tend to be really shallow these days and I am at fault to this too. They really don't understand the difference between love and lust. You wrote quite attentively on the topic and made it relatable to all with references to current world events.

  31. It's true that people go after looks rather than personality, and while reading your piece I couldn't help but connect. It's interesting because I bet some people were thinking about their significant other while reading.
    -Diana Godinez

  32. Its interesting to see your perspective on love and biologically, I can agree that your best looking chap won't always be the best in the long run for various reasons. Becoming infatuated does not only occur visually... Liking and having the desire for someone can be referred to as interpersonal attraction. It's separated into different categories (so technically you can love more than one person). There is physical attractiveness which you mentioned, and scientist have suggested as one of the main factors that influence the choice people take in selecting a mate (Eagly et al., 1991). Another is the reciprocity of liking- refers to the tendency of people to like people who like them in return- this tend to be your rebound girl/boyfriend or a careless “free”. Proximity is another inducer of love because two people are constantly, physically close and people tend to chose friends and lovers from the pool of people available to them (great example happens in spring. Why?) PROM.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Love this piece and the reality you put into it. i absolutely agree with how most people have a misconception. I like how after you read this piece it actually leaves you to think about it and your perspective. Excellent piece, loved it. :)

  35. I most definitely share your views. I do see that with most relationships today but it is very important to start a relationship for the right reasons and being with someone for looks or hoping to raise popularity are very wrong. A lot of relationships start because of these reasons and they should just think harder about starting one so quickly if it will just end in heartbreak. Lusting over someone an confusing that with love WILL cause heart break either with you or them. So thank you for sharing this piece! Great job!

  36. I most definitely share your views. I do see that with most relationships today but it is very important to start a relationship for the right reasons and being with someone for looks or hoping to raise popularity are very wrong. A lot of relationships start because of these reasons and they should just think harder about starting one so quickly if it will just end in heartbreak. Lusting over someone an confusing that with love WILL cause heart break either with you or them. So thank you for sharing this piece! Great job!

  37. This was a very good piece. I like how you use humor to gain the readers attention but still manage to keep a serious tone. Well done
    -Christian Ortega
    Period 5

  38. This was a very good piece. I like how you use humor to gain the readers attention but still manage to keep a serious tone. Well done
    -Christian Ortega
    Period 5

  39. Let me just say this was an amazingly written piece. The way you describe the emotion and feeling that controls how you act and do certain things allows a reader to relate even on the most simplest of levels. The complexity of love and deciding whether it is real or just lust is truly mind boggling and sometimes we can't just help the way we feel. Nice job!
    Period 5
    Hunter Fierro


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