
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"How to Make a Chicken and Broccoli Quiche" by Darian H.

To bring in new year, my family has a traditional family cook off, where my dad, aunts and
uncles meet at a chosen house for the year, to try to see who can make the best quiche.
Luckily, the person who makes the best, in my biased opinion, is my dad. The benefit of this for
me, is that that I get to try all the new recipes and help determine which makes the cut and
which one does not make it for the family gathering. With a lot of pleading, he agreed to help me
make a quiche of my own and document it for this post. So with that being said, let us bring in
the new year by breaking our resolutions! Not very inspiring but ultimately delicious.
After asking my friends if making a quiche would be a good idea, they all replied “What is it?”
With the help of the internet, I can tell you that it is an open faced savory custard pie filled with a
combination of delicious cheeses, meats and or vegetables. It can be served hot or cold, but the
best tip I can give you is to enjoy it hot. Disclaimer: All measurements are approximate and
based off the maker's preference, after you make the pie a few times you will find what you like
most or least of, but here is a great start for a perfect pie.
● 1 frozen deep dish pie crust
● 2 cups of shredded swiss cheese
● 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese (I used triple cheddar cheese, but you can use any
you like)
● 3 eggs (room temperature)
● 2 tablespoons of sour cream
● 8 tablespoons of whipping cream
● ½ bag of frozen broccoli (cooked)
● 1 ½ cups of shredded baked chicken
● ¼ cup of cilantro (diced)
● ¼ cup of diced onion
● a dash of smoked paprika(optional)
● 2 tablespoons of black pepper (ground is best)
● 2 tablespoons of onion powder
● 2 tablespoons of garlic powder
● 2 tablespoons of seasoned salt (or salt)
● 1 cup of water
● large measuring cup (4cup)
● baking pan(or cookie sheet)
● foil
● hand blender or whisk
● cheese grater (optional)

To start, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Then grab your baking sheet and line it with
foil, and place the pie crust on top of it. It’s best to take the pie crust out at the beginning so
while you are preparing your other ingredients it can thaw. Grab your cheese grater and swiss
and cheddar cheese, and shred your cheeses into a bowl, set aside. Another tip would be to
buy the preshredded
cheese so you won’t have to do such a tedious task. In a pot, prepare the
broccoli to the package instructions and set that to the side as well.
With the hand mixer or whisk combine the eggs, whipping cream, sour cream, pepper,
onion powder, garlic powder, and seasoned salt in the large mixing cup. Making sure these
ingredients are well combined is an essential part to making the quiche. Next, grab everything
you set to the side along with the chicken to start assembling the pie.
Generously coat the bottom of the crust with about half the amount of each cheese.
Follow this up with all of your onions, cilantro, chicken, and broccoli. On top of that add the rest
of your cheeses. This additional layer of cheese is something most quiche makers don’t do, but
it pulls the dish together making it easier to cut neater slices once it's cooked. After the cheese,
distribute the egg mixture evenly through the pie. If some spills over the sides onto the foil that's
perfectly okay.
Sprinkle the paprika on top of the pie and put it in the oven, but before closing it pour
some water onto the pan so if some more spills off while baking the water will catch it and it
won't burn. Bake for 45 minutes or until a knife comes out clean when inserted in the center. Let
the quiche cool for at least 20 minutes before cutting so it has time to set. Below I have pictures
that I hope you find helpful if you plan to recreate this dish.
It was a close competition this year for the best quiche, but I’ll never doubt my dad's
abilities. It was clear to everyone after the first bite, that for the third year he had the most
delectable quiche.


  1. This is the easiest most perfect cook book I have read! I will definitely try this, as soon as I am not lazy to cook. The structure was easy to follow, the ingredients were all placed out, even the measurement although estimated, well guessed. My favorite part was the gradual pictures, and personally as a visual learner, that is what is going to help me make this recipe. I also loved that this can be for both visual and written based learners who one values the pictures and the other bases it off the words. Organized, easy to understand and delicious, great job!
    -Samar Elshekh P.3

  2. I like how you not only gave us a recipe, but you also gave us a background as to why you have this recipe. I found the story very interesting and fun. Also, your recipe was very organized and simple- which is very useful to people like me who can barely make scrambled eggs. Good job Darian!
    Natalia Garcia
    Period 2

  3. I like how you introduced your recipe by sharing a small personal backstory of it and how you and your family personally make these delicious looking quiche. The simplicity and origination of your recipe is really helpful for whoever might attempt to make this. I really enjoyed the pictures you included because its always more fun to know what you're going to make.
    Jazlynn Garcia
    Period 2

  4. Great recipe! It was super easy to follow and liked how you introduced the background as well as include visuals to help the reader visualize the food. It looks delicious, and I can't wait to try this out. Thanks!

    Daveena San
    Per. 2

  5. Very great recipe! Your directions were thorough and easy to follow. I also enjoyed how you added your own family experience with quiche, it made your piece more personal and not just a recipe post with steps. I also thought it was helpful that you added pictures to follow along with, for visual learners like myself. Looks delicious!

  6. This is an amazing recipe that you have provided for us. This was an easy recipe to follow the ingredients are easy to obtain. I am thankful for this amazing recipe I will use this and eat with head up high. Thank you again hope to see more of your work.

  7. This definetly made me want to try out this recipe! Good job, especially because the directions were simple and easy to follow!
    -Kelene H.

  8. This was so detailed I'm literally going with you to these cook-offs now okay? okay. I'm such a visual person too and the fact that you included enough pictures to see it as a before during and after it was cooked, made me really hope you get leftovers of these decadent delights one of these days and will let me try it out. Amazing job Darian aka 'Darlene' thank you for sharing this recipe :)

  9. I really enjoy how this was written. You did a very good job describing the process of making quiche. For some reason I always thought quiche was something rich, fancy people ate at cocktail parties, now if I want to feel fancy I can look of your piece and make some quiche.

  10. I really enjoyed this recipe, your directions clear and easy to follow. I also enjoyed how you included your family tradition and made it more personal!

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  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I like the background and tradition that this piece had and how you brought it all together in the end. Im really excited to try this out because the steps were clear and the quiche in those pictures left me mouthwatering! Having uploaded multiple pictures of the steps really help a visual leaner like me as well, so thanks!

  14. This looks scrumptious! I love family cooked meals and new creative ways that they bring to the food.i hope to try this someday. The directions are easy to follow. Thank you for sharing a part of your family tradition with us.

  15. Oohhh! Quiche! I've never made it before and I might as well put it on my list of things to try! Love the pictures of how the quiche looks like at each step! I definitely think you did a great job making and sharing with us your quiche recipe. Your dad must be proud :)

  16. This looks sooo good Darian!! Im definitely going to attempt to use this recipe soon because those pictures make this quiche look amazing! I like this recipe because you gave a lot of detail and gave instructions well. Also I like the little story at the beginning of why you were making this dish and thank you for sharing your dad's recipe with us!
    Leslie Rocha
    Period 2

  17. I'm always looking for new things to cook and I'm thinking about making this soon! All the specific instructions make it an easy recipe to follow and I've come across cooking instructions that are way to too confusing to follow so I appreciate easy instructions. Good Job!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I've never really wanted to try quiche because I always thought it would taste weird but seeing the way you described how to cook it and your visual, It looks delicious! I'll be sure to try out this wonderful recipe. Thanks for sharing it with us.
    Colyn Westbrook
    Period 1

  20. Never seen anything like this before seems good tho and I really want to try it don't like a lot of cheese but this looks really good and I need to try some time
    -David P.5

  21. This recipe was very well written and super easy to follow along plus, this looks very delicious! I’m a huge sucker for cheese n broccoli (broccoli cheddar soup is literally my holy grail) so as you could image I’m definitely going to try this recipe, even though I absolutely SUCK at cooking its worth a shot! Wish my luck! Thanks for sharing!
    Abby Elvis
    Period 3

  22. I love broccoli and cheddar soup and this seems like an amazing twist on that! It looks healthy and was easy enough to follow. I absolutely want to try this soon, thank your for the recipe.


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