
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"ALBÓNDIGAS" by Jazlynn G

There is a variety of different Albóndiga Soup recipes, in Mexico. This recipe that I am sharing
with you has been in my family for five generations. It is a nutritious and delicious soup, perfect
for the cold, rainy season. Although in many Latin homes it is cooked year round because of its
tasty and healthy properties.

For Sauce
3 large red tomatoes
½ of a medium onion
2 garlic teeth
10 mint leaves
¼ teaspoon of salt
¼ teaspoon of pepper
1 tablespoon of olive oil
2 cups of water
For Meatballs
1 lb of ground turkey
1 stick of mint (510
1 egg
½ cup of rice
¼ teaspoon of salt
¼ teaspoon of pepper
1 medium carrot
1 Italian or Mexican squash
1-1½ cup of mixed vegetables (optional)

Step 1: FINELY chop the carrot, the outer green layer of the squash (about ⅛), and the mint
Step 2: To make the sauce, take a medium saucepan and boil the tomatoes (cut in quarters),
onion, garlic, salt and pepper in about 2 cups of water.
Step 3: In a blender, blend the cooked ingredients in step two.
Step 4: Heat the olive oil to a large saucepan. Once it is hot, CAREFULLY and QUICKLY add
the sauce into the large saucepan and bring to a boil.
Step 5: While the sauce is heating up, form the meatballs. In a large mixing bowl, add the
ground turkey, rice, salt, pepper, and the chopped carrot, squash, and mint. And mix.
Step 6: With clean hands, scoop up the meat mixture and form a meatball of whatever size you
please. Mold the meatball with your hands into a spherical shape and carefully drop it into the
boiling sauce. Continue forming the meatballs and dropping them in the sauce until you run out
of meat mixture.
Step 7: Meatballs will float to the surface when cooked (approximately 1520
minutes). Add the
mint leaves to the soup. You can add the optional vegetables into the soup after 10 minutes of
cooking the meatballs.
Step 8: Serve into a bowl and enjoy!


  1. Yasss Jazlynn!! Way to rep our culture. I absolutely love albóndigas- I literally had them for dinner for a whole week. My family uses ground beef instead of turkey, so I'll definitely have to try your recipe so I can try something different. And, don't forget to eat the albóndigas with bolio- it's amazing.
    Natalia Garcia
    Period 2

  2. Good to know that there's more to Mexican food than just tacos and burritos! This recipe sounds amazing, and with the low temperatures that are coming in this week, it's probably the perfect time to try making it with my mommy. I also love that you mentioned that this recipe has been in your family for so long because it adds a nice, personal touch to the submission. I really can't see myself messing this dish up because the instructions were SOO clear to understand! Great writing!

  3. This story was amazing as well as the picture.Damn that soup is so good on rainy days. Awesome story well instructions/recipe
    Marco Garcia-Ordaz
    Period 4

  4. That actually sounds really really good. I just might have to show my mom so she will make it for me. I could even make it with my little sister, probably. It doesn't look too terrible difficult.

  5. This recipe sounds good.I need to learn to cook. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love a bowl of albondigas soup when I'm sick, or in need of comfort food! Your directions were easy to follow and since I am currently coughing my lungs out from being sick, I will have to have my mother make some for me. Thank you for explaining what albondigas is because a lot of people don't know what it is and look at me like a crazy woman when I talk about it! I actually haven't tried albondigas soup with turkey, like Natalia's comment above I've only had beef, so I will have to try it! I also enjoyed how you have a picture of the final outcome, it's making my mouth water!

  7. Thank you for sharing such a delicious piece of your culture! I love to try new foods, especially traditional ones. The way you set up your recipe made it really easy for the reader to follow along. Your steps were simple and clearly stated. Great Job with this piece.

    Jordyn France
    Per 3

  8. I liked how you said that there are many variations but this is the one you’re your family has been making for generations. Everything was so easy to understand, which makes me more inclined to recreate it. The picture at the end will help me see what the finished product should look like when I make it.
    Darian henry
    Period 2

  9. Thank you for sharing such a good recipe- I'll definetely be trying this out soon! This recipe was also really easy to follow and understand, not to mention sounding mouth watering! Good job!
    -Kelene H.

  10. I love how simple you are as a person but in your writing as well. You get straight to the point but you don't forget to include detail and specify on certain steps as needed. This looks amazing and sounds delicious like it was crafted by Food Network themselves except in this case it was from your family :) Now i got to go try this out because i love albóndigas any time of the year

  11. Thank you so much for posting this recipe it brings back memories from my childhood and my grandma making this for me.Thank you.

  12. YUMMY! this looks absolutely delicious. Jazz, you did an amazing job being detailed yet straight to the point. The recipe is very easy to follow and simple. Great Job! keep it up!

  13. I love albòndigas! Its been a while since Ive had some too. This is such a helpful How-To. Everything was so clear and easy to understand, Now i won't have to reply on my mom to make it when she hasps time but i can finally do it too, thanks for the recipe!

  14. This recipe means a lot to me. I love albòndigas so much. I read this recipe and my mouth just watered for them. I will definitely share this recipe with my parents and my family. Who knows maybe this will be a party recipe for a cold night. Thanks!
    -Period 4

  15. Wow this looks so exotic and something that ive never heard of before. As a result im super tempted to try this! The instructions you provided will most likely allow myself to make this without the help of my mom! Thank you for sharing something very cultural and at the same time, very delicious! Salman A.

  16. Jaz reading this made me want some soup so bad!! ANd trust me, I am not one to eat soup but I really like this recipe and the familiarity i have with it because my family also makes sopa de albondigas quie often and i like seeing different recipes for it. These instructions are very easy to follow and make me excited to have albondigas soon!
    Leslie Rocha

  17. I love albondigas! My grandma makes them for me all the time. They're perfect to eat during any time of the day. I usually eat them during lunch or dinner. They are delicious!
    - Victoria Ervin

  18. I love this so much! albondigas are very delicious and this a great recipe to share with everyone. good job :)

  19. Awesome! This looks really good and I cant wait to give it a try. The directions are all really neat and I like how you put pictures along with it. Great job keep up the good work!

  20. I love albondigas! Oh this was a good one i like how you kept is short and neat. it as very precise piece i'm really going to make them right now.
    Ashley Garcia

  21. I completely agree with having albondiga soup year round. Sometimes it will be up to 100 degrees and my mother still makes it. Great job on making it very easy to follow, and I might take up making the Mexican version. The picture gives a great touch of being able to see the final product. Amazing!

    Allyson Bol
    Period 2

  22. Jazlynn i cannot even pronounce "albondigas" but your directions on how to make it were very clear, precise, and simple. It seems as if it couldnt get easier. Amazing job girl!

    -Legend Holman p.3

  23. Thanks for sharing this amazing recipe. I'm sure it tastes great. Your directions were spear and very easy to understand. I will try to make this with my mom or abuelita one day. #Mexico

  24. What a great recipe! Its the perfect recipe for the cold weather that we have been having lately. Something warm and kind of spicy. I really enjoyed reading through this and I loved how simple and easy to follow you made each step and that you added a picture at the end. Great job! I'll be sure to try this recipe on the next cold day.
    -Annika Joshi p. 5

  25. I loved how simple you made the instructions seem. This a great dish considering its winter. Now i have something new to cook for my family. It sounds delicious. Great Job.
    Evanne Turner

  26. I love this it's the best soup there is and now for everyone who hasn't tried this they can make it them self and you made it super easy for people to understand !
    -David P.5

  27. Jazlynn this piece was super well written and the directions were really easy to follow and straight forward. But aw my mom makes this recipe all the time when it’s cold and rainy, and it’s always BOMB as heck! So to anyone planning to make this recipe you definitely should its delicious!
    Abby Elvis
    Period 3

  28. I really like your piece your dierection are really clear I cant wait to try it!

  29. This is soo good! This is perfect for me to make for my family and for us to try something new. You were really thorough with your ingredients and instructions and it sounds delicious!


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