
Monday, December 7, 2015

" How to Make a Tasty Homemade Milkshake" by Justin F.

            Do you like milkshakes? Do you like sweet desserts? If so this step-by-step tutorial will be perfect for you. In this tutorial, I am going to be telling you guys how to make a tasty, yet easy milkshake. You can complete this task in less than 10 minutes! Keep reading to find the steps and tools you will need to complete this task.

Step 1: Tools
The tools you will need for this process are a blender, a blender lid, and a cup. You will need the blender to blend up the ingredients. You will need a lid so that all your ingredients won’t go flying all over the place in your kitchen or wherever you make this. The cup is needed so that you can drink your completed milkshake.  
Step 2: Ingredients
The ingredients you will need to make the milkshake are ice cream (vanilla is recommended), milk, one banana, ice, vanilla extract, one egg, and cinnamon. You will need the ice cream so that you get one of the primary flavors and so that you get the creamy texture. Milk is needed so that when you blend all of the ingredients, the blending won’t be so rough. The milk also helps prevent you from making completely thick malts. Bananas are a preferred ingredient because this creates the basis of the flavors. Banana is recommended but you can also use strawberries or any fruit you like. You will need ice so that the milkshake isn’t so watery. If you don’t use ice then the milkshake will be completely watery. Having a completely watery milkshake is not a tasty thing to drink. Trust me… I’ve learned the hard way. So, don’t do what I did and add ice, you’ll be glad you did. The vanilla extract is actually up to you. Vanilla extract is a liquid substance that has the flavor of vanilla, hence the name. It just adds a little more vanilla flavor. So if you like this flavor, it is recommended for you. I use an egg because ever since I was a kid, my dad used an egg. I never understood why until I asked. He said it adds protein and it makes the milkshake a tiny bit healthy. So, I listened and ever since then I have also added that one egg. Yes, it is a weird ingredient for a milkshake but, you can’t taste it at all once you drink the shake. Cinnamon is also another flavor factor to add. If you are allergic or don’t like to this ingredient, it isn’t that important. You don’t really need this. The milkshake might be a little bit more bland than usual but that’s okay. These are the ingredients that you need to have in order to complete this tasty and easy homemade treat.
Step 3: Making the Shake
To make the shake you will need to throw all the ingredients in the blender. Not literally, but like this. First put in the ice. All you need is a little more than a handful. Next put the ice cream. You need 2-3 scoops of ice cream. The next thing you need to add is the milk. Only pour the milk half to half way up of the blender. Next, you add the banana. You will need to cut the banana in half then put the pieces in the blender. Then this is where you add that crazy ingredient, the egg. All you need to do is crack it over the blender and let it fall in with the other ingredients. For the vanilla extract, you just need to add one or two drops into the blender. Lastly is adding the cinnamon. If you don’t like cinnamon, just add a small pinch or none at all. But if you do like it, add two pinches or more. You will need to press the ice blending button on your blender on a level of high power. Then you may use the normal blend button on a medium speed. 
Step 4: Enjoy
The last and easiest step to this process is to enjoy your outcome! If you followed these steps, you should have a tasty milkshake in your hand. I know you will enjoy this tutorial because I have made these all my life. I know that the outcome is extremely tasty. My dad has also been making this dessert since I was a kid as well. So go and try this recipe and you will enjoy it very much.


  1. HAHAHA. Perfect for when i get to lazy in the morning. My dad has also been make me milkshakes since i was young as well. I think we will have a great time trying this one out. GREAT JOB detailing.
    -Ashley Garcia

  2. So simple yet so delicious! This is a great list of instructions especially if you are a beginner at making milkshakes. You did a very good job on using detail. I want to try these steps for myself. :)
    - Deborah Fraire
    - Period 1

  3. This was a very great instructional piece that you had written! I love how detailed your instructions are. You really allow this to be easy for someone, especially if they have never made a milkshake before. The step by step process really is super helpful for people, experienced or not because it allows for them to be able to clearly understand the whole process. This makes me want to make a milkshake right now! I also enjoyed how you used your own personal experience at the final step to provide some insight as to how believable this recipe can be, as some people struggle with finding recipes they like. Well done!

    Jordan Cano, Period 3

  4. I really enjoy milkshakes as sweets are a weakness of mine.Your recipe was really informative, and I'm glad that you mentioned that a blender lid is required because I'm positive that there will be someone out there who forgets it and makes a mess of their kitchen! However, one aspect I was intrigued about was the egg. Is it safe to eat the egg raw? I've always been lectured by my parents to not eat raw eggs due to salmonella; therefore, I'll be omitting that ingredient from the recipe. Anyways, I enjoyed reading your informative recipe, and hopefully I'll try it out as a treat one day!
    Sabrina H
    Period 2

  5. Great job with these instructions. This was very clear and simple. I definitely have to try this because I love milkshakes. Awesome job!

    JC Bagro
    Period 3

  6. I'm lactose-intolerant, but the way you described this milkshake was so enticing that I might have to suffer a few stomach aches so I can try this. Your instructions were incredibly detailed, humorous and easy to understand. Something that I particularly enjoyed about this piece was that you intricately described why each ingredient/tool was needed and why it was important to the final result; I feel like these extra details added to my understanding of the recipe, unlike other recipes where items are just listed without detailed explanation as to what they actually are. Overall, I really enjoyed this piece, especially your short anecdotes within each paragraph. Awesome submission! I'm looking forward to making this someday.

  7. Great Job. your instructions we very well written and i cant wait to enjoy this very delicious milkshake! :)
    Katy O'Hara
    per. 1

  8. I really like your details on this! I can't wait to make an milkshake for my family this Holiday season! So thank you!
    -Destynee Torres
    Period 1

  9. Thank you for these instructions. They were explained great and specific. The milkshake sounds delicious right now, and i might go make one now
    Logan Donoho

  10. I can't wait to try this recipe. It seems pretty simple. Great job explaining the instructions.
    -Jazmine Hernandez
    Period 4

  11. Sounds delicious and your piece is very well written in terms of directions since i'm horrid at cooking. Honestly cant even cook to save my life but your instructions seem very easy to follow! Will be trying this over break!
    -Abby Elvis
    Period 3

  12. This sounds delicious right about now. I have always failed at making milkshakes but by having these step by step instructions I think I will finally be successful. I really like how you make the instructions easy and it seems like you can't really fail at it. So great job!

    Allyson Bol
    Period 3

  13. after reading this makes me want a milkshake, I never knew how to make one before but now im going to make them quite often wonderful writing.

    Zya Woody
    Period 4

  14. God job at explaining things step by step! This also made me thirsty, so good job at using desriptive language too!
    -Kelene Hirata

  15. good job explaining step by step to help the reader understand what to do when they are making this.
    Lailah Harris
    period 1

  16. Well done! You did a great job on explaining the procedures and you were very specific on what to do. It may be a simple recipe, but its great for beginners and, possibly, the best desert you will ever have. I really liked how you added advice here and there. It really helps. You did such a great job that now I feel like making my very own milkshake! It was very descriptive and I cant wait to see how it tastes!

  17. The first thing that caught my attention was "milkshake". This How-to piece is very informative. I like how you added descriptions with your ingredients. It was a good touch for description. In all, your instructions seem very clear and I would love to try it out!.. maybe without the egg though..

    -Noelle Mariano
    Period 2

  18. Well done! You did a great job on explaining the procedures and you were very specific on what to do. It may be a simple recipe, but its great for beginners and, possibly, the best desert you will ever have. I really liked how you added advice here and there. It really helps. You did such a great job that now I feel like making my very own milkshake! It was very descriptive and I cant wait to see how it tastes!

  19. Justin, you did an amazing job at explaining your steps. you were very thorough and informative. I, on the other hand can not explain anything to save my life and you made it look easy so, keep up the good work.

  20. These are awesome steps to make a milkshake, I can't wait to try these ingredient as i go through the steps.
    Michelle Truong
    Per 1

  21. Thank you for making my weekend mornings something to look forward to. Easy, breezy, with a beautiful result. Kind of like cover girl. You did a great job explaining each step, and making this as simple as possible by including helpful pictures also! Very informative and an interesting steer away from other stories, in a good way. Great job!

  22. This will help me make a milkshake by myself because I always ask my dad to make me one. So thank u for this. Great way to peaple.


  23. Awesome! What better way to enjoy the holidays with some homemade milkshakes. I will definitely try this and taste it for myself. Great explanation!

    Ricky Martin

  24. Great job, your instructions were very easy to follow and I love how you gave reasons for each ingredient rather than making us trust some of your unconventional ingredients. Keep 'em coming!

  25. This makes we want a milk shake now !!! Great job on explaining step by step how to make a milk shake it was very detailed and well written. Now I cant wait till I can make a yummy milk shake .

  26. I really want a milkshake right now from in and out, but now i could make it self. I literally don't know how to make a milkshake, I always asked someone to make it for me.
    Ray Kemas
    4th period

  27. Good flow, just like the milkshake (LOL). Your instructional piece is well developed. You add comments about the steps or about your childhood with your father, which is interesting for the reader to think about when making a milkshake. Cooking should never be boring and should be something interesting and fun!

  28. Good flow, just like the milkshake (LOL). Your instructional piece is well developed. You add comments about the steps or about your childhood with your father, which is interesting for the reader to think about when making a milkshake. Cooking should never be boring and should be something interesting and fun!

  29. Well now I want a milkshake haha. Your directions seem easy to follow so thank you for that because I plan on making a milkshake before finals. I loved your reasons for why you added each ingredient.

  30. This sounds great I have never made a milkshake in my life but when u listed the ingredients and said vannila extract my eyes lite up

  31. Lilibeth Martinez, Period 3December 14, 2015 at 8:41 AM

    This is such a great recipe, I love milkshakes!! Your recipe was well written and It allows the newbie to learn how to make a fascinating milkshake! Good job!

  32. Thanks for this recipe. I now no longer have to use all my money on the ones at in n out. Great work

  33. This is a very well written piece and I love the recipe! I love how much detail you used describing each step. It really made each step alot easier to follow. I also really loved how you gave us a reason for each ingredient rather than us trusting every one without question. Ill definitely try this recipe during break so thanks!!
    -Annika Joshi p. 5

  34. This is well described and the instructions for this are on point.good job
    marco garcia ordaz per.4

  35. I love the detailed descriptions you have given to the reader. There is small room for error if someone were to follow this tutorial. May I suggest that next time you might want to list the ingredients in bullet point form, for the convenience of the cooker. Otherwise this was an all around great recipe. Hope to see more in the future!

    Jordyn France
    Per 3


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