
Monday, December 7, 2015

"How to: Make Positivity" by Sarah-monet L.

Positivity is an important trait to have, if you have a positive mindset you have a positive day
which leads to a positive life. Today you will learn how to create positivity: it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Just take your time and relax as you read this. Everyone deserves a great life , and to gain
happiness you must first learn how to make positivity .Doesn’t everyone want have more
happiness, more laughter, more fun, and more joy? What’s the point of living a life you don’t
enjoy? Not only do you enjoy life the people around you enjoy it with you. This guide will give
you step by step instructions to achieve full positivity.
∙ An open mind
∙ Positive family and friends
∙ Uplifting Thoughts
∙ Optimism
∙ Hope
∙ Faith
Warning : This is not an easy task to accomplish it takes a lot
of effort, but once you achieve it's amazing .
Step 1:
Start off the day by thinking to yourself how lucky you are to have life, the fact that you woke up
this morning healthy and living. Begin thinking with an open optimistic mind, think about all the
opportunities you may have that other people don’t, think of the blessings you have within your
life. The fact that you have someone you can call a friend or family and you are lucky to have
them in your life. Think to yourself how lucky you are, because not everyone gets another day to
be alive. Life is short, so live it right. This is by far one of the most important step, without this
mindset it is difficult to achieve true positivity.
Step 2:
Not only do you have to start the day off by being optimistic. You need to start the day off with
an open mind, positive and uplifting thoughts. Say to yourself, “today will be a good day “,“I am
strong“, “I got this “. By starting off the day in such a way ,you give yourself hope that the day
will be great and positive , it puts you in a mindset that nothing can get in your way because you
are “stronger” than that and you “got it “. Having positive thoughts make positive actions which
makes a positive life.
Step 3 :
Next you have to have an open mind ready for whatever may come your way. You need to
prepare yourself that the day may not go as plan, but you can get it back on track by staying
positive. With an open mind you don’t think about everything that is going wrong. You think
about the great things that is happening around you. Know that there may be things that bring
you down are just temporary and you can turn it around. It’s always sweeter on the other side.
Step 4:
As you have an open mind filled with hope and uplifting thought you should add the tool faith.
Have faith that no matter what may happen to you during the day there is always another day,
pain is only temporary. Allow yourself to just shake off all the unnecessary negative thoughts
and vibes.
Step 5:
Next you need to surround yourself with a positive environment, and positive people. Allow the
positive energy of others motivate you to keep going. Surround yourself with people who will
uplift you and not tear you down. Speak words of wisdom and not slander, people who are there
to love you unconditionally.
Warning: This step may lead to a loss in negative friends and family, and any
influence that is negative. You may also gain new people who have your best
interest at heart. It’s one of the hardest steps, because it involves such a dynamic
change in your life that may not be the easiest.
If you followed the instructions step by step you should have made positivity in which you can
apply to your life and others. You should have gained a different outlook on the world and life
around us see it as something totally different. You should see it as life worth living if you have
Personal Experience:
The experience of making positivity is life changing and eye opening. It allows me to stay calm,
and enjoy the life I’m living. This step by step guide has taught me how to be a positive happy
person and allow me to pass it on to others. To make just as happy as I am. It’s not the easiest
thing in the world but it is possible. It may take some adjusting and time but once mastered it’s
the best thing to experience.


  1. I know there is some typos , sorry .

  2. I really enjoyed reading this, it is very well written. I agree with you that positivity is a very important traits to have. Nowadays, people are so negative and always finding something to complain about, they don't look at the bright side. Great job with this piece :)
    -Emily French
    Period 5

  3. I Personal enjoyed everything you said because I REALLY NEED POSITIVITY IN MY LIFE!!!! Personally everyone should read this, you wrote your steps so beautifully! I am going to try this out for the new year!
    -Destynee Torres
    Period 4

  4. Sarah! I believe this piece is very in touch with how us being highschool students need to remain a positive outlook on life when were stuck in such a structured and reformed setting. I like especially how you allow them to figure out what they necessarily need to keep such a positive outlook on life themselves. Good job Sarah on such an uplifting piece!
    Ariel Foster
    Period 3

  5. I don't know if I'm qualified to write a self-help novel, but if I was able to, I would love to compile a myriad of pieces and under "P.S. Positivity," I would put your piece under that segment, next to "How to Be a Better Listener" and "How to Feel Confident" (As you can see, I've actually put extensive thought into this idea, but I digress).

    In terms of analysis, structure seems to be an imperative aspect of this piece, being that it sets up the various steps that collectively make any follower happy and positive. It seems as if you can't move on to the next step without fulfilling the one preceding it and, in truth, it kind of made me realize you can't leave one step incomplete to just move on to the next.

    I really do wish I had this last year, fulfilling the void of negativity that I brought onto myself as well as my own environment. It takes a lot to understand the concepts of positivity and I still haven't found or even understood those concepts fully, but it's nice to know that those steps that I do know are reassured by the manifestation in this piece.

    Well done.

  6. This is a great piece of advice. Knowing myself, I need a lot more positivity in my life. Not just in school but also in sports and my future. This gave me some good advice on how to be a more positive person. I like how you included steps on how to be more positive. This piece should really help people stay positive. Great job.

    Garret Janikowski
    Period 4

  7. I think you were very creative to do your story on how to be positive and i think people who read this can now find some way to stay positive . Great Job.
    Katy O'Hara
    per. 1

  8. Your step-by-step guide to becoming more positive was well written, and fluid. I also agree with your guide to becoming more positive, because I am a pretty positive person myself. This that you have written can be used to also encourage others who aren't as positive, so that they can look more at the bright side of things rather than the negative aspects of life. This is actually a good thing to write about now, especially since it's senior year, because everyone is doubting themselves due to college, and whether they had got accepted into the school they had desired to get into. Overall, I think you did a great job at writing this guide, as it applies to many people today. Great Job Sarah!!!

    Rodrick Hill

  9. Sarah!I can hear you saying this, especially about staying positive. I like that this is an easy way to Cheer yourself up when life just feels negative. Good way to get back on track and be happy! Amazing Job Sarah!

    Allyson Bol
    Period 3

  10. Sarah! I really liked how you went in detail with the steps and took time to get your point across to stay positive. This is very useful to a lot of students because during this week of finals and trying to study it is important to stay positive and follow these steps.

  11. I really like you how to be positive its really nice knowing other people out there have positive minds.The detail in it made the steps even more amazing.

    Zya Woody
    Period 4

  12. I loved this step-by-step road to positivity! As I read this I could hear your voice. I liked the honesty you put into this. Your incite about positivity is well needed during finals week. Good Job Sarah!
    Emily Gonzalez

  13. I like how you described each step to being positive,the details made me think how important it is to stay posistive. you made your points with your great details and how you put a least of tools to be positive.
    Lailah Harris
    Period 1

  14. I loved this piece. Your introduction was great at helping me self reflect and think about the type of life I'd like to live. I think you did a great job of stretching the simplicity of being positive into something that can be difficult but is definitely attainable. I enjoyed reading your tips on how to stay positive and agree that it is a trait we should all adopt! Good job!

  15. These steps really helped. I like how you put them in order as i go through each steps and read them. I hope these steps really helped how to be positive
    Michelle Truong
    Period 1

  16. Awesome job on showing us how you can become more positive. I believe that if someone attempted this everyday or at least one day they would either feel happier for several days to come or everyday of their life. To become happy/happier I do believe you have to surround yourself in a happier environment. :-)

  17. Sarah this is beautiful and I appreciate so much that you actually follow your own advice. I know you do because of what you show us in dance, most of us girls haven't dance but you help keep us positive and you give us faith by not giving up on us. Thank for this piece and everything you have done for me this year.

    Mackenzie Tipple

  18. I always used to wonder why it seemed like a majority of people are always so negative. Now I know why, because according to your step-by-step plan to positivity. It seems like a lot of people would just stop trying. I really like how you put your own voice into your piece. It really made it more enjoyable to read. Also, I really loved how you made this piece flow so well. EXCELLENT JOB!!
    PD. 5
    Kayla Weathers

  19. Terrifically done, Sarah! I've always found delight in the positivity that you radiate with your personality. This piece literally teaches people how to be as positive as you are, which spreads happiness alone. Thank you for sharing your ways of being happy!

  20. I really enjoyed this tutorial! As I was reading it, I really did feel as if I had become more positive. It is also very well written and informative. In addition, I also agree with the fact that it is vital to rid of the negativity of your life, as it will bring one’s mood down and will also make room for one’s downfall. So, by ridding of that negativity, one can also feel upbeat and be prepared to take on a new day- as an optimist, and not as a pessimist. Besides that, I also feel that having an open, flexible mind is the key to one’s true happiness. It will not only help you realize your mistakes, but also guide down the right path to happiness. Anyway, keep up the good work!
    Kimberly Chua
    Period 2

  21. I really enjoyed this piece. I loved how you it was an actual recipe for positivity like a recipe for lasagna. I know few people that need to read this great Job.
    Evanne Turner

  22. Excellent twist on the tradition "how-to" structure. You were able to masterfully translate something abstract and intangible into a medium which helps to anchor a topic like this down and create a different perspective.

    Sean Powers
    Per. 2

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Sometimes thinking positively is a very "abstract" concept one that you tell someone but when asked to go into further detail is very hard to do. I thought you did a great job of doing just that going into detail! You did a great job making a "how to" listing doable changes you can make in your own life in an effort to improve it yourself
    -Marvin Virola

  25. Thank you for writing this handy guide for instantly making someone's day better. I agree with you one-hundred percent in regards to a positive attitude shaping a positive life. Sometimes we can all wallow in puddle of negativity when things go downhill but it is essential that we do not stay in that mood for longer than necessary. I also love how you put the entire work in a simple step by step structure so that us readers may easily make our days much more positive and enjoyful.

  26. These are very good steps to keep in mind every single day! Reminders for the fickle humans we are sometimes, and good words that imply we are able to keep our heads up no matter whats going on in the world at the time. Very well organized and I love the addition of the warning in step 5! There are sometimes negative externalities which may come to occur along the way.

  27. These are very good steps to keep in mind every single day! Reminders for the fickle humans we are sometimes, and good words that imply we are able to keep our heads up no matter whats going on in the world at the time. Very well organized and I love the addition of the warning in step 5! There are sometimes negative externalities which may come to occur along the way.

  28. This is a very good messages on how to be positive and this is a positive messages to start my morning. I literally printed out the steps and put it on my table just as a reminder on how to be positive to the people around you and create that positive vibe.
    Ray Kemas
    4th period

  29. This was a really good piece. I look forward in applying this article to my life these next few weeks given the hardships I am going through at the moment. I will most definitely try and be more positive with your help. Thank you for the read.

  30. Thank you Sarah for writing this! I know you personally so I already know how positive you are and I appreciate it. This could help a lot of people during this time of the year.

  31. This piece really speaks to me I love to stay positive and happy all the time cracking jokes and so on. And when u said to be positive cause u got to wake up this morning u basically just described the way I feel every morning when I wake up and walk down stairs to see my loving parents waiting there for me great job

  32. Sarah! This piece was super inspirational and positive and im really glad i read this. I feel this was perfect for this time of the year. It was well written and overall amazing job girl!
    Legend Holman p.3

  33. I really like this Sarah. High school kids should listen to this guide because high school is where all the stress is. Most kids now hurt themselves and the most reason why is because of negative family and friends. In this way the can wake not just happy but ready for what else life throws at them. Great Job.

  34. I really like this Sarah. High school kids should listen to this guide because high school is where all the stress is. Most kids now hurt themselves and the most reason why is because of negative family and friends. In this way the can wake not just happy but ready for what else life throws at them. Great Job.

  35. Whoa good job with this masterpiece.You must very nice to write a 4 paragraph about never being negative.
    marco garcia-ordaz per.4


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