
Monday, December 7, 2015

"The Invasion of Earth" by Alex Z.

     Last forty years ago, I was trained to be a soldier to protect the people of Earth from the
invasion of aliens. It all started in December 10, 2055. I trained very hard for my past military life
preparing for this day of war. I will not let my guard down at any time because who knows when
the aliens can appear upon us. No one in the military base will not rest until they end this war
between us and these mysterious creatures that live somewhere in space. Who knows what's
up there and how many there are. Ever since I join the army I was curious about aliens and
where they live exactly. All the information was finally put together and we discovered this new
green planet called the Green Monster which was the alien’s home. We finally met their aliens
master named Aggathor. He said “prepare for war”! As he said those words, his alien army
come out of the skies at New York City which was next to our military base. As they approached
Earth, we attacked with all we had. There were millions of them. We weren’t sure if we were
going to win this battle. We battled with all our heart until the end but, they overran us with their
alien army. We fell back as much as possible but then we ran into a dead in. Me and my men
battled for the United States of America, but we couldn't complete our mission. We all died with
pride and honor for this country. We shall all remember this day as The Judgement of the
Marines Day. After we died they killed everyone else. They went from city to city and state to
state killing everyone in America. Me and my men felt like failures that day. Even though we
fought with everything we had they was just to overpowered for us soldiers. The invasion of
Earth from aliens were harsh because of what happened that day and now people still
remember this horrifying day.


  1. I like how dramatic and sad your story is. Not all stories can end with them defeating the enemy. I really didn't expect all of them do die by the hands of the aliens. You kept this story very exciting throughout with the dramatic situations they face.

  2. I love the beginning of this piece. It lead up to the event that you described so perfectly. It gave us limited detail so our minds can wonder about before you explain what happened. Great work!

  3. Good job on making such an awesome story! It reminded me of The Terminator movies because of the horrid backstory before the invasion. You did a really good job on making the story filled with war and tragedy.

  4. I like also how this story is funny and dramatic but also has a twist at the end good job

    Justin Hirata
    Period 4

  5. This story really had me glued to the screen. This is a really interesting piece of writing. While reading a chunk at a time I was picturing what would happen next. You put great detail in this story. Good job Alex!

    Garret Janikowski
    Period 4

  6. I love how your story is switched up. I like how you made this take place in the future. I enjoyed how you started off your story saying you were trained then you were lead to conflict.

  7. This is a great story. You always hear of zombie and robot, or machine apocalypses, but you never hear of an alien apocalypses. You made a piece that nobody would think of. That is why this is so great.
    Logan Donoho
    Per 1.

  8. I like that you put actual thought into your story. The part that impressed me is when you put year 2055. I loved the story it was really great. -melodie baptiste period 1

  9. I really liked how you started off your story in the future and then you made it like a flashback. This story contained a lot of detail for an alien apocalypse story which is rarely made. Being a trained military man and yet he still fails shows that everyone goes through conflict, which brings upon a great theme for your short story. Keep up the good work!
    -Miren Cancio
    Period 5

  10. This story was well worth my time. I love how it is set in the future. Personally, I like to read books about the future such as apocalyptic/dystopian. Good job on describing the aliens and their planet. I like how the soldiers were courageous to defend Earth. Keep on writing more!

    Jessie Santos
    Period 1

  11. wow I really liked this story and the detail I can tell there was a lot of effort put into this piece great job.
    Lailah Harris
    period 1

  12. This is a good story, I like how you took everything to the future and made everything as dramatic as possible. Overall, the story was good.
    Michelle Truong
    Period 1

  13. I really like the creativity you put into this story. The futuristic vibe of how aliens could attack in later years was really interesting to me. Great job!
    Michael Dingle
    Period 5

  14. This is a fascinating story that reminds me of the game Fallout 4 and or Halo. Great job on portraying that not every story / actual event can end all happily ever after. Also great job on giving us a very good hook to capture our attention.

  15. This story is sad and interesting at the same time. It's sad because they trained their whole lives for this one and only day but they got overwhelmed with the amount of aliens they had to face off. It's interesting because it's a war of aliens and humans! Who doesn't love that. Good job with this story
    -Justin Flores Per. 4

  16. This story reminds me of a movie or a video game. But i really liked the idea and i liked the dramatic effects. The story also talks about how aliens might take over the Earth which is something that is very worth pondering on. Overall great story and i also liked you showed the importance of working hard and not giving up. -Salman

  17. I love the 'future' concept but it felt kind of rushed.
    Overall it was a really good story and good job.

  18. I like the story all around and the beginning really hooked me in and made me want to read
    more of the story. Great job loved it. - David

  19. Excellent imagery and use of dialogue. Great job on the twist at then end. Making the aliens win was definitely a non conventional approach and it worked great in this case.
    Per. 3

  20. This story is really good. It has a lot of imagery and I had pictures running through my mind the entire time. good job.

  21. This was quite comical in nature and it reminds me of when I use to make up these scenarios as a kid given that they had a different outcome from yours. I really admire the imagination that went into this.

  22. I really liked how different the story is from what I expected, when I read the beginning I expected a cliche ending where the humans win and push back the aliens and was pleasantly surprised when I did not get that.
    -Marvin Virola

  23. Love the vivid descriptions you put in almost every sentence! Only thing I would watch out for is the sentence structure. As a reader I can say the brunt of this story seems very rushed, even if its only a snippit of a larger plot. As long as you make sure your sentences sound fluid and give complete thoughts to the reader describing the situation and you don't leave them hanging then you will have improved greatly! Although I thoroughly enjoy your writing style. The tone comes off as very confident, admirable to the reader.

  24. Great job on the story the whole time I was thinking the humans will win just like in very story but boom then u through in the twist and the aliens won good job

  25. Aliens are pretty funny to write about because were unaware whether they exist or not and how we assume what they look like, but your tone is not even close to funny. You take on a retrospect of what happened years before with aliens by using a veteran to tell the story. The mood is dark and sullen. Just be careful with the fluidity of the story unless you wanted to go for that stream of conscious like Slaughter House V by Kurt Vonnegut.

  26. Lilibeth Martinez, Period 3December 14, 2015 at 8:34 AM

    I love how out of the ordinary this post is! It puts in perspective some sort of ficitonal future and it is intriguing to the reader! Good job!

  27. i like the dialogue and I like the twist when the alien won, that was unexpected. It's a good story because it's unique.
    Ray Kemas
    4th period

  28. I really enjoyed the intriguing anonymous narrators tone of urgency, it kept my interest throughout the entire short story. Aliens are sometimes a difficult subject to write about in regards to how the author is going to set up the plot of alien encounters. you did very well with this piece!

    Jordyn France
    Per 3


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