
Monday, December 7, 2015

"Always Whole Never Half" by Danielle G.

Love. The word alone has thousands of individually interpreted meanings, most however, have
an artificial sweetness to them that seem like candy to infants but cavities to an adult. Now, I'm
not an expert on love and quite frankly have never experienced it, (if being in love with various
foods and sweets count then sure let's go with that) but as far as being with another person and
knowing the feeling I can't say I have. However, there's this unspoken rule you learn as a child
about love and that is that your other half is out there somewhere. Possibly half way around the
world or even a few blocks away.

We have it ingrained throughout our beautifully innocent and imaginative minds as
adolescents that yes, one day I will find my other half. But, we aren't walking around with one
eye or one ear or even half a heart. We are whole. We have always been whole and we will
continue out the rest of our lives as whole. If this is true and Santa really doesn't exist (I know I
was shocked too), then what are we searching for? The answer to that is probably a shoo in for
a million and one reasons, so, who am I to pick just one? On the contrary, I feel as though
whenever we somehow discover whatever this meaning is it’ll go something along the lines of
not having any imaginary checklists in our minds of half empty boxes with red ink almost making
the check. Every attractive individual that we come in contact with won't be judged off of our
standards and views set from a young age or broken heart. All the names of people we are
hoping to settle down with in our growth as an individual will seemingly fade away.

There will be a washing over of content and realization will hit that the person you are
inevitably meant to be with not complete you but allow you to grow and learn right alongside
them. Someone that laughs at your corny jokes delivering an even cornier joke right back.
Someone that will go on a McDonald's run at three am with you in the pouring rain because you
decided you wanted mcnuggets (no questions asked.) You'll find yourself keen on learning the
ins and outs of this individual and with each random memory shared between you two, you'll
begin to feel the apples of your cheeks tender and sore from the medicine of laughter.You'll take
on their niches clumsily catching yourself in the midst of it thinking of them. Skies may be
gloomy and grey but you'll find the sun peeking through a cloud just across the horizon because
they taught you where to find it. You now notice the beauties in life even more now because of
this individual craving the fresh air and starts of new seasons. You'll want to inhale the new
memories made together, desperately enjoying each second. Minute. Hour. There will be a
sense of relief and a peace brewing within yourself because you will realize you aren't looking
for another half anymore. They as well don't find themselves searching for another half.
Because you both are whole.
                                                         You'll forever be whole.
                                                                    But now you remain whole.


  1. Lilibeth Martinez, Period 3December 8, 2015 at 2:44 PM

    Danielle, I find this abstract idea to be extremely interesting. You take the figurative meaning behind the idea of "love" and finding your "other half" and make complete sense of it. I love it! You went completely literal yet staying figurative at the same time (if that makes any sense). Usually, we do not come to think of this topic in that way. We usually just look for that other half and to find sense in what we feel yet we never come to see the reality. I love it! It is a great perspective!

    Lilibeth Martinez
    Period 3

  2. Danielle, I love the way you described love. You explained and talked about it in both a literal and figurative way. I like all your modern comparisons so the reader could easily relate. Hope you write more like this!
    Love <3
    Jazlynn Garcia
    Period 2

  3. The term "love" is very well described in this piece. I also like the way that it was described in a literal and figurative way. Very easy to relate to this story. Very interesting perspective in the story as well. Keep writing!

  4. Danielle, this was honestly really beautiful. I've always been very adamant about rejecting the popular notion that a person's significant other is what completes them because for me, you shouldn't be in a relationship until you're completely, and "wholey" comfortable with yourself. The rhetorical questions that you ask in your second paragraph are very effective in getting your audience to consider what they are looking for in their conquest for love. The idea that you brought up that the relationship should be focused on growing together is very well put and is really well illustrated by the hypotheticals you inserted to delineate what "true love" is. Nice job on really playing on the audience's pathos, people are always sensitive about love!

  5. Dani california! this is such an intuitive piece because as humans were taught by societal standards to believe we aren't ourselves without being in a strong relationship with another. Its an ongoing agony to go through this cycle. Most people never do find someone who 'completes' them and they sit and wonder as to why theyre not what people want. However if they are shown this, they'll definitely realize they just as complete now than ever before. Great job on this piece !
    Ariel Foster
    Period 3

  6. Dani california! this is such an intuitive piece because as humans were taught by societal standards to believe we aren't ourselves without being in a strong relationship with another. Its an ongoing agony to go through this cycle. Most people never do find someone who 'completes' them and they sit and wonder as to why theyre not what people want. However if they are shown this, they'll definitely realize they just as complete now than ever before. Great job on this piece !
    Ariel Foster
    Period 3

  7. Humor such as comparing love to your liking for sweets and food in this story gave it a light hearted effect when talking about such a serious subject to most people. Your perspective on what love is captures the beauty of people like you that actually deserve love :)

  8. AH DANIELLE! I loved your piece so much it was so beautiful and genuine (but anything you write is 10/10 girl). Reading that last paragraph I already have someone in mind and it's so true. To feel like "home" in someone else is a really a great feeling and I feel you conveyed that feeling perfectly. Your sense of humor throughout it also is so great I swear. Good job angel!
    -Abby Elvis
    Period 3

  9. Oh man this was such a great read. Seeing someone else's meaning of such an idea is a huge eye opener. The way you bring in real life into this really adds to the realistic feel of this piece. All in all, I really liked the WHOLE idea of a couple being two separate beings until they come together, but even then they are still seen as different. Great job Danielle!
    - Antonio Barron Period 3

  10. So I already commented on the required five entries, but I saw that you were a December writer so I just had to see what you wrote- and I'm so glad I did. I found your interpretation of love to be both interesting and very comical. It was as if you were explaining it to me in person. You should keep writing because you are so awesome and very funny.
    Natalia Garcia
    Period 2

  11. This was very eye opening and sweet. Love can come in so many different forms and sometimes we make it so difficult for us to understand but you speak as if you are already an expert on it and have discovered its secrets. It was comical and serious at the same time and I really enjoyed it. I love the ending of how everyone can be a whole but two people can be whole together.

  12. DaniSammy! This is by far, one of the most light hearted pieces I have read yet! To say I enjoyed it is an understatement. I honestly never thought of the whole finding your "other half" cleshae like this. I love how you can be philosophical yet hilarious at the same time AND you can get a very special message across.

  13. I HATE LOVE. LOVE IS SO RIDICULOUSLY COMPLICATED IN SO MANY WAYS AND VERY HARD TO UNDERSTAND, BUT YOU'VE DESCRIBED IT PERFECTLY. This piece seeks to enlighten people (myself included) and show them that we don't need another person to "make us whole," but to "help us grow." I find this piece very amazing and not only have you defined love in its complex entirety, but you've taught us how to love ourselves before loving another person that we haven't even met yet. AMAZING.

  14. I really enjoyed reading this!! I love everything about this post about love :) I love the humor ingrained within the words and things you use and mention. Your random inclusion of the moment we realize Santa isn't true and the "McDonald's run at three am ... in the pouring rain because ... mcnuggets" made me smile. I just love how you strayed from the popular view that we are halves, and disproved it so strongly and effectively! Great job!
    -Zoe Wong

  15. That was so romantic and I'm obsessed with the way you decided to lay out this piece. Love is soo complicated and no one really truly knows whether it exists or not but those who have discovered this rare gem know just how complicated it is and how it isn't nowhere near perfect. Its true what you say, "But, we aren't walking around with one eye or one ear or even half a heart. We are whole. We have always been whole and we will continue out the rest of our lives as whole." People think that love is dependent on how much the other holds for you and that they make them whole when in reality it is the love each individual person holds for themselves and the other that make them whole and together they are both whole. I also wanted to add in that I loved the twist in the structure you provided in the last 3 lines. That was a cute little touch that I for some reason really admire and appreciate.
    Cogswell Period 5
    Alicia Alcaraz

  16. This was a wonderful and sincere piece that i absolutely enjoyed! Your message was clearly developed and i loved your take on love. Most of us teens struggle in the department of love and the way you put your thoughts about the subject into words is mind-blowing.

  17. I enjoyed how you stated your opinion on love! it flows so wonderfully and I really enjoyed the humor you brought into your piece.
    per. 3

  18. Danielle, OMG!!! I'm honestly speechless. In the future i s see myself just coming back to this when im like heart broken or something because this was great. They way you described made it seem like you have already fell in love and you two are so happy, well it kind made me think I fell in love(well with this story but that doesn't count). I really like this and your should continue to write about topics like this.


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