
Monday, December 7, 2015

"Me." By Lilibeth M

            Ever heard of that phrase that says “don’t judge a book by its cover?” Now, I’ve got a question for you. Do you ever truly abide by that philosophy? Well, nowadays most people do not. Most people say that they are firm believers of this concept yet never show this to be true with their actions. Fittingly, I have a story of my own. Growing up I was always the punching bag for the school bullies and for those whom could never seem to “fit in” with the cliques they wanted to be a part of. I was the target for those people who never knew what they truly wanted but always wanted to prove themselves to the wrong people. I was a laughing stock to the people who thought overweight wasn’t beautiful and to the people that were so dissatisfied with the way they looked themselves that they thought it would just be easier to make fun of someone that looks just like them. In all honesty, I was an overweight, vulnerable, super sensitive kid. I ended up growing quite a lot of thick skin, brushing all insulting remarks and laughs of my shoulder, but eventually it just became harder and harder to suppress that actual hurt that I was feeling. So instead of crying it out or talking to anyone about it (keep in mind I had no one to talk to), I became the bully myself. I bullied people so they could feel exactly what I felt. I bullied people so that I can no longer feel weak. Anyway, all these experiences have helped me identify myself with who I am today. I learned that you shouldn’t forget your past, whether it is good or bad, because it helps you evolve as a person. In conclusion, I am definitely not looking for pity because I want people to look at me for the person I have become rather than the person I used to be. And as I said before, one should never “judge a book by its cover” because you never truly know what is written in the pages and in modern society it can be extremely easy to want to distinguish a person simply by the way they look. All in all, you yourself have a story and don’t be ashamed of it nor become naïve if it was a really good one. Just keep in mind that you would not want people to simply look at you and assume the worst when only you understand what you have gone through. Use it as a backbone and be the great person you were destined to become.


  1. Honestly, I admit that I have judged someone by their looks and I also know that I've been on the other end and have been judged. However Sister, this is an amazing piece of writing and it takes real courage to post about your own life as an assignment. I liked how you used a personal story and tied your story to a topic which is in your words "be the great person you were destined to become." You are an amazing and beautiful woman.
    -Miren Cancio
    Period 5

  2. Its so true that no one really goes along with that rule.I feel like everyone subconsciously judges other people. Maybe society trained us to be this way. I loved how you used first person while writing this. It gave us your own experiences and that way,i feel like other people who are going through this now know they aren't alone. This was a personal topic to write about and it was written beautifully. Great job!

  3. Your blog entry has a great moral, that I think a lot more people need to learn and hear about! And honestly I don't think there's a person out there can say they haven't judged someone by there appearance! Again this has a really good lesson and moral!

    Karina Blocker
    Period 4

  4. I felt the passion you put into this piece; it was a really beautiful piece. It heartwarming to see you grow into a mature person and learn from your mistake. As a firm believer of positivist, I definitely agree with the malicious behavior of kids our age; however, it's great that you acknowledged and improved upon your mistakes which shows a strength in character and maturity. Overall, your story is admirable and insightful. Thank you for sharing your story.
    Sabrina H
    Period 2

  5. Lilly, this is an amazing story. It's very well written and I love that you tied your own personal experiences into the story. I myself am guilty of judging people by the clothes they wear, and I dress a certain way because I feel like people's impressions of me depends on the outfits I wear. I like that at the end you said you realized being the bully doesn't help, and that we all need to stop judging. Overall, great job
    -Emily French
    Period 5

  6. Thank you for writing about this topic! You have reminded me about how important this phrase is. Before hearing about this phrase, I was always judging people just by their looks. But thanks people like you, I still abide this rule and will try my best not to break it. Once again, thank you!

  7. It’s not often you get to hear the the side of the story of someone who used to be a bully. I like how you gave a personal perspective on this and it actually made me realize that we can all be hypocrites sometimes. That we do judge people based on their looks and take for granted the wonderful personality that the person bestows. Awesome story!

    Arianna Serna
    Period 3

  8. this was a very powerful story it reminds us that we have to stay true to ourselves and don't change for anybody. Your story it sounded like your child hood was rough but it got better as you got older because you learned from your experiences. The infinite source once said "never stopping just improving I even win when I'm losing cause every loss is incentive to push it harder I'm cruising." and that's what I thing your childhood was like. You had to deal with bullies day after day after day until you became one but when you got older you finally realized why you were mad. You were mad because how other people made you fell
    - Eric Edwards

  9. As I state on the majority of the blog entries I comment on, I can definitely relate to this post. I have admittedly judged others based off how they carry themselves out. And, admittedly, I was the chew toy of bullies in middle school. This entry is truly amazing, because I would have never thought this- I guess you really don't know a person's story based off their cover. I am so incredibly proud of you for rising above your past troubles. And, I am so fortunate to have met you this year in Mrs. Yarbrough's Stats class. Most importantly, never forget the fact that you are such an intelligent, kind, and beautiful person.
    Natalia Garcia
    Period 2

  10. Lilibeth, this post definitely hits home. Most of us can relate to because its just a habit for society to pick upon those who inhabit it. I built up this wall figuring that shields every feeling i come across so nobody can see what gets to me. But totally great piece my love!
    Ariel Foster
    Period 3

  11. Let's just put this out of the way before you and anyone else begins to judge me (Quite ironic) when reading the following on this comment: I openly admit to being a grade A (Insert B word here) and therefore have judged and been one to merely speak that thought in order to seemingly become confident through the voice of that (Insert B word here, again). Well, felicitations, you've read me openly admitting that I can be a total bitch.

    But, it takes another load off my back to read something I've been told to always go by and I kind of tell myself today: whenever I catch myself judging someone, I rethink and automatically ask for penance from myself, and then proceed to thinking of the things that can be going on in that person's life. A few little critiques: maybe go beyond stating that you were a bully or how you were bullied by actually imbuing that into your piece, providing some extensive imagery to what you went through. A spin on the story could maybe including your psyche personified, realizing what you're going through in the process.

    Other than that, I'm glad to have been able to read a piece like this, one that mirrors my mindset now. It's quite thought-provoking and introspective.

    Well done.

  12. I completely agree with what you said in this story. I've judged a book by its cover. I cant lie. People don't stick to don't judge a book by its cover. For example, we even judge celebrities. Everyone has an opinion.

  13. Wow great and powerful story! I agree that people now judge others to fit in not caring how the other person feels. Many people also don't get to know that person, they just judge based on their outer appearance and that's wrong. I believed you sent a great message in this story. Awesome job!

    JC Bagro
    Period 3

  14. Lily this piece was absolutely amazing it’s so great that you’re sharing this because many people have gone through the same thing (including myself). I’ve known you for quite a while and have always known you as being a beautiful, bubbly, and kind person and I have always admired you for that. You honestly have this light about you that you don’t see in a lot of people. I'm so proud of what an amazing individual you have grown to be.
    -Abby Elvis
    Period 3

  15. This is very touching. Many people have gone through the same thing and can relate to this story. It is very brave of you for sharing such a personal story with everyone!
    -Victoria Ervin
    Period 1

  16. Leeleee I would have to say this is my favorite piece thus far. I've known you for many many years and for what I can say is you're a huge role model because your actions are always to love others. I always knew that you were one to defend others and I always admire that. I love being able to see the root of the cause and the different perspective to the story. I for one can relate because I judge people without even trying! No matter how much I hate doing it. But I couldn't agree more that you need to look at the past and use it as a stepping stone to move on to the future to become a better you. Thank you for sharing.

    Much Love,
    Allyson Bol
    Period 3

  17. My favorite part of the story is that you stated not just the truth but a very good point. I felt like you really were trying to point out the fact that you shouldnt judge a book by its cover. -melodie baptiste period 1

  18. Lily, this is such an inspiring piece. I was honestly shocked at how deep and honest you portrayed yourself and your story, but felt good when reading it. I really appreciate that you try to live out that phrase and be accepting of people rather than turning a shoulder towards them. Judging people has seem to become a trend these days and your story got me thinking of just how bad "judging" actually is. Your personal story contained a deep message that can be very much thought provoking. Thank you for sharing this very inspiring read.

  19. This piece is great because you wrote about a social issue that is frequently addressed but never resolved. Admittedly, I still judge people by how they look, rather than getting to know them first. Judgement is a natural human inclination, but judgement doesn't always have to be negative, and I think the message in your submission clearly encourages readers to have proper judgement and self-control.

    The way you tackled this subject is very meaningful and I'm glad you had the courage to share the exact experience that you went through while growing up. It shows your individual growth, especially since you were able to realize that your actions were unacceptable. Not many people have the ability to admit that they are wrong and some don't even see the wrongness in their actions. You, however, exemplify someone who is intelligent and empathetic enough to understand the difference between the "left shoulder" and the "right shoulder". Kudos to you for your maturity and thank you for sharing your thoughts on this important issue. It was well-written, easy to relate to, and inspirational. My only criticism is that the piece itself was a bit short, causing the transition from your personal anecdote to the conclusion to be abrupt.

  20. your story was so amazing I really like how you opened up and told us about your past and everything you went through I really enjoyed reading it.
    Zya Woody
    Period 4

  21. Truthfully, This piece is so great because not only did you tell about the problems of today's world but incorporated your own story into it. It gave it a hit of reality in showing that these philosophies that are spoken about everyday have been turned into a "food for thought" concept rather a realization that we should change our judgmental ways. Ive known you since freshman year and Ive always seen you as such a respectful and intelligent young woman and I can definitely see that in this piece. Great job Lily! I truly enjoyed reading this.

  22. In the past I have to admit that I judged people at first glance, and even now I tend to do it. Your piece made me think a lot about humanity. I don't know why but us human beings have this switch in our heads that automatically judges people based on their "cover". I think that your writing has a great message to tell others and allow them to be more aware of their judgments and its effects on others.

    -Noelle Mariano
    Period 2

  23. Your piece really is one to remember. I think since we are all going to be growing up it's important to recognize our mistakes now so we can move past it. I really love what you said about not forgetting your past whether it's good or bad. Some of us really carry some baggage from our past but it's what made us who we are today. Fantastic work and I hope you write more!

    Joseph Jacinto
    Period 5

  24. Wow Lily. I love the way you started i got hooked right away. In all honesty i sometimes judge a book by its cover and i know thats a bad thing! The way you wrote about your past and how you became the bully really set the tone. I think your story tells a great message and really its truly inspirational how you overcame that part of your life. You're such a strong girl! I truly did love this piece

  25. This piece really got to me. I can honestly say I've judged lots of people by the way they seem and never looked deep enough to care about how they truly are. Great job!
    Michael Dingle
    Period 5

  26. Well what a piece of writing! I thought at first it was going to be another scary or interestin story, but this one was very unique. Talking about your life takes some courage to share to people. Glad that you where able to find goodness in your life. Very cool piece of writing there!

    Ricky Martin

  27. Oh boy was this an eye opener. This totally makes me reflect on everything I have thought and said to people in the past. I'm so glad you decided to write about this love. It totally provided insight on a lot of things. I liked how it was not just a typical bullying piece and how you didn't describe yourself as the victim for the whole story. I admire all that you had to say in this, very well done.

  28. I truly love your piece because you were brave enough to share a very difficult time in your life. Especially when you admitted that you used to be a bully because usually bullies don't always admit that they are or used to be a bully. The very beginning of your piece really had m thinking. It is really tough to honestly not judge someone based on their "cover". It has really had me reflect on all the times that I have done that. Also, I just want you to say that you are in an AP STATISTICS class. As we all know the road to get there is not that easy. Lastly, I personally feel like fitting in is boring. It sucks all the joy out of life because most of the time you just end up working so hard to be someone that you're not. EXCELLENT JOB!!
    Kayla Weathers

  29. Honestly, I think this is so true, and I'm guilty of judging people by their cover as everyone else. I really appreciate you sharing your story and giving both sides to the story of bullying. You created a really engaging way to tell your story and shared a perspective not always told, it was really great!
    -Aubrianne Milton
    Period 5

  30. Really a powerful story and I like the honesty you put forth and the truth that lies in your writing. It is a shame how hurt turns us into the ones who gave it and the ever lasting effect it has on the person we become because it is hard but true that we should remember our past so we can fix our today.

  31. Dont judge a book by its cover seems like such a simple concept, but from what is going on today it seems like the hardest thing in the world. In my opinion its unavoidable to judge someone but its the decision to act on that. I loved how you gave both sides of "bullying" to give perspective good job!
    -Marvin Virola

  32. Such vulnerability! A great attribute to posses as a writer. The way you started with a pretty well known and relatable subject, but then took it immediately to a deeper level, gives an effect better than most writers can conjure up. The confidence you posses as speaker makes the reader really question their situation. Lovely work.

  33. This was such a great life lesson story. It is very relatable in the sense that everyone either goes through bullying or has been the bully. And also the concept of not judgin people was something many people can understand and grasp. Overall it was a wonderful story and taught a great lesson.


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