
Monday, December 7, 2015

" I Missed You" by Samar E

      All I have to my name is a box of tissues, a headdress passed down from mother to daughter starting all the way since before my grandmother was born, torn and filthy gloves, and slippers made of wood. It’s Christmas time this year, the snow is fighting me, the wind is rushing through every pore in my body and the temperature is lower than the number of toes on one foot. Every day I ask the same question, “Would you like to buy a tissue?” “Do you have any change, any at all?” Every person I encounter I ask the same question.

      I’ve fallen asleep. It’s probably the middle of the night and the only thing outside in this inhumane weather, is me, my tissues, and a dead cat. I wonder if that will ever happen to me yet. I wonder how happy and warm this cat is, knowing it doesn’t have to survive like this anymore. Who will I meet? Will I see her again? Will I be able to touch her and have her cradle me, say my name to soothe my bad dreams, to hear her say, “I will love you forever and always my love.”

     It’s getting colder now, and the only thing I can hear is my ears pounding, my chest beating, and my breath getting colder each time I exhale. How did this happen? Baba was suppose to take care of me; he wasn’t suppose to leave; he was suppose to keep his promise, but I guess he wanted something better than what he got. But it was worth it, I was her only priority, her treasure that she said she would never leave behind no matter what would happen; but then she did. God wanted another friend to have up there, so he made her ill. She would lie in bed, and each day, minute, second, she got closer to seeing Him, and each second she got closer to leaving me. How could she do this? How could she let her treasure fend for herself, not even old enough to pay taxes, have children, drive or get married?! I thought she wouldn’t leave me no matter what. But I guess things don’t always go the way you want it to.

      It’s snowing harder now, and it is getting colder, and harder to breathe. All I hear is time ticking; ticking for whatever reason, maybe my death, maybe my happiness, my life, anything. However, I would give any chance just to touch her again, and to have her tell me to be strong, fight through these challenges and know that there is something better for you down the road. But I can’t wait that long! She makes me so angry, so emotional, so happy, I just want my Mommy back. I want her to kiss my forehead and tell me that life isn’t worth living if she doesn’t have me.

      Now I’m getting sleepy, and I am so numb that I haven’t realized my nose is bleeding, and my eyes are wet. I use whatever strength left and wipe them away, but when I reach for them, it’s already in some else’s hands. The figure is so bright, but so beautiful. She touches my face and it instantly warms. She wipes my mess and kisses my cheek, and gives me her hand. Knowing I can’t resist her I grab it, and I instantly feel lighter, happier, and warm. But before I go with her, I want to bring my box of tissues, but it’s stuck in the hands of a girl, whose face is pale, her eyes are closed, and her body is cold. Carefully I take the box of tissues from this familiar figure, and catch up to meet this angel. As we near the path she says, “I will love you always and forever, my love.”


  1. Wow. I got chills. This was beautiful Samar. The way you developed the characters was amazing. I felt like I was in the snow standing next to this girl as she took her final breaths. I wanted to save her, give her food and shelter. It's amazing how I was able to develop a relationship with the character in such little. And the plot of this poem was a rollercoaster in itself. At first I thought the girl was talking about a lover and then as the story progressed I realized it was her mother, and how young she was, living on the streets all alone. It brought on the perfect mix of emotions and even the end brought on a perfect combination of happiness and sadness. Good job girl! This was great.
    - Annika Joshi p. 5

  2. I seriously teared up. This is not your typical December story, with the typical December ending. I'm debating whether I want to call the ending a happy or a tragic one. It was like there was that light at the end of the tunnel, but it was a different tunnel than I was thinking of originally for her. The way you describe what's going on with her, is what ultimately got to me and what started to make me tear up. In a way I felt like you had her directly talk to the audience, even if that was intended or not, and I think that's how people are going to undeniably click with this piece emotionally because you wish you can jump into the story to do something. All in all, it was a good blend of daisies and rain showers Samar. I loved it.

  3. This was such a beautiful piece. The imagery was so vivid and the emotions of the main character were so strong and descriptive which made reading this much more intense. The mixture of emotions really topped it off in a perfect way. You did a great job Samar! i enjoyed it.

  4. Oh my gosh this made me cry! I loved how every paragraph was a new thought for this character.This reminds me of a short Disney film I once saw.The story was so well put together and the emotions flowed perfectly from loneliness, sadness,pain,to happiness. Great job!

  5. I really liked the use of imagery in each of the paragraphs to convey the emotions of the narrator. The imagery also helped me feel the emotions of the narrator and the roller coaster of feelings was well played. Good job Samar!

  6. This story was one of the best I have ever seen from a high school student. You were so descriptive and precise with your words. I could tell you were in control of your writing the entire way through this story. Really great job Samar.

  7. UMMMMMM... wow that was amazing! Every sentence was beautifully formed and left me wanting to read more. I loved then beginning, middle and the end was practically genius! You brought so many emotions into one piece beautifully and created an unforgettable experience for readers! Great job Samar! call me when you write a book, I want a signed copy! :)

  8. Extremely proud of you Samar! This was beautifully written and the plot is just something that you would never expect. I loved how you could describe the girl dying in such a remarkable way and I really felt like crying after I read this. Your imagery was so great that I can't wait to read more of what you create. I loved it!!
    - Alexis Carmona
    Period 5

  9. That was very good! I found it to have a great ending! How the girl dies, from what I understood depression and being cold, to be reunited with her mother. The senses used at the end explaining how her hand instantly warmed her up really gets the reader to understand that she is now happier. GREAT JOB!!!

  10. This story was phenomenal. Your story captured my attention. Also, it got into my emotions. I love the description of feeling. I also love how you explained the past. Nicely done and well put together.

  11. In truth, I've never seen you write anything creative or hear your voice in a piece of creative outlet until now. Although I know the ways you came about this short story (*nonchalantly winks at you*), I'm proud to know that this piece came to you without hesitation, only written seamlessly and elegantly. The plot is a roundabout, taking its course in a circular formation. You start off with the box of tissues and slowly develop your plot with forms of contention and conflict with the cold environment and within yourself, leading into the motif of the tissue box, yet again, at the end.

    It hasn't been until now that I've seen someone on this blog do something as creative as that, even though the concept has been done many times outside of the pieces on this blog. But I'm proud of you overall.

    Well done.

  12. In truth, I've never seen you write anything creative or hear your voice in a piece of creative outlet until now. Although I know the ways you came about this short story (*nonchalantly winks at you*), I'm proud to know that this piece came to you without hesitation, only written seamlessly and elegantly. The plot is a roundabout, taking its course in a circular formation. You start off with the box of tissues and slowly develop your plot with forms of contention and conflict with the cold environment and within yourself, leading into the motif of the tissue box, yet again, at the end.

    It hasn't been until now that I've seen someone on this blog do something as creative as that, even though the concept has been done many times outside of the pieces on this blog. But I'm proud of you overall.

    Well done.

  13. No, I'm not crying, it's just raining in here...
    All jokes aside, this was amazing. The way you made the audience feel the same way as the child in the story was outstanding. I'm sure all who read this had to enjoy this more than once because of how well-written this was Samar!

    -Antonio Barron Period 3

  14. Samar, I love this piece so much. It's so wonderfully written and hauntingly beautiful. The first-person perspective, along with the extremely vivid imagery, made it so amazing. The opening paragraph captivated my attention immediately and every paragraph after that was just so emotional. I especially like how you appealed to all the senses, making it so easy to imagine what the narrator is physically and emotionally feeling. You did such a sensational job!!

    Fiona Cheung
    Period 3

  15. Samar, this piece is absolutely beautiful. The use of imagery and detail helped convey the narrator's feelings, and made this piece well written. I really did enjoy your piece from beginning to end, great job Samar!!!

    Daveena San
    Period 2

  16. I love this story. The ending was so good. I loved how the child dies to reunite with her mother. I also liked how you gradually let the reader find out her mother died instead of just mentioning that in the beginning. You should totally keep writing.

    - Valarie Ly
    - Period 1

  17. Genius! I loved how you developed the plot and had such good use of imagery in the story. I felt like I was actually there with the girl shivering in the cold and was also able to feel the warmth she experienced at the end. Your sentences were beautifully written and your story left me wanting to read more. Good piece, Samar! Thanks!

  18. this piece was amazing! wow you did so great I loved reading this so much and I love akll the detail given into each line of the story!!! keep writing! you were absolutely wonderful with this story and I deeply enjoyed it ~julianna Alvarado English period 1

  19. My heart, oh my. I really adored this piece for all the heart-wrenching emotions it stirs inside me. The imagery you used to highlight how freezing, frustrate, and alone this poor girl is makes it such an amazing piece. Each paragraph slowly built up to the tragic, but beautiful ending. Thank you Samar for writing a story that makes me teary-eyed.

    Amber Tacderan
    Period 2

  20. I loved your descriptions and sensory detail. Your perception of death was very interesting as well. Very well done.

  21. I loved this. With the imagery and details, I could feel the frustrations, sadness, brokenness, pain and misery of this girl through the story. I believe anyone can relate to this because we all struggle in one way but there is always that "angel" of ours that comes to save us. Great job Samar.

  22. I'm hospitalized with the hammering of emotions and the vivid imagery. Usually death is just seen as dark, but you gave it a beautiful ending. Great job Samar.

  23. Samar this was an amazing piece! You almost made me cry. Your use of imagery was masterful and you conveyed the emotions to a point where I felt the same numbness and pain that the narrator was feeling.

    Joseph Jacinto
    Period 5

  24. I really enjoyed reading this as I had shivers running down my spine through every sentence. It was a roller coaster of emotions for me. Good job Samar. :D Pd. 2

  25. This was amazing Samar! I love the story and i thought you did a good job of using imagery to make the girl with tissues come to life in our minds as readers.I also thought the ending was executed very well because instead of gaming the girls death a sad event , you made it so that the reader was happy for her in a sense because she wasn't going to be out in the cold fending for herself anymore and she was going to be happy and at peace with her mother.
    Leslie Rocha

  26. This was a great piece. I really developed a liking for the character and it was tragic to read that ending. Keep writing!

  27. I really like how this story was filled with many emotions! The imagery and details helped evoke the narrator's feelings. I also liked how the story shift from being gloomy to being happy. Great Job Samar!

  28. Christmas story? I think not! wow this really hit me right in the feels! i teared up a little bit. I loved the development of the character and i understand how it feels to be with someone who is no longer here! Plot twist toward the end! i love how you developed that and how the sad ending isnt really sad at all. It was so bittersweet and i loved this story!

  29. Wonderfully crafted, Samar! I love how you wrote that all the narrator wanted to hear was “I will love you always and forever, my love," and used it to tie your story together by using it at the end. You should write more creative stories :)

  30. I honestly felt like I was there with your narrator, or that I was watching a movie when I read this piece. I can feel the cold wind and see everything you describe. That's what makes you a good storyteller. This story was very emotional, and that emotion is easily felt with your wonderful writing.
    Taylor Sandoval
    Cogswell p.5

  31. Samar, this story was so amazing. You had such great imagery and detail that makes the reader feel as if they're there. It was beautiful. Even within a small amount of words you were able to create a dynamic character and get me attached. Really great writing!
    -Aubrianne Milton
    Period 5

  32. This piece was very well written, and I enjoyed reading every word of it. The imagery in this piece was perfect, and how the character was developed was even better. It's very bittersweet, as the girl ends up not living life fully on Earth but is happily able to join her mother once again. This is a very amazing piece, great job!

  33. Hey Samar! Wow! I felt like I crying when I read this. At first, I thought it was just a little girl reminiscing over her current state of thought about how she hated wintertime. But then, as I kept reading, I realized that it was about a little girl who was dying and that the only comfort to her was seeing her parents again. I also like how your use of imagery really conveyed that. I also felt like the last line, “I will love you always and forever, my love.” reminded me of that one childrens’ book, Always and Forever. It was a very cute ending to this sad ending for this little girl’s life. It made her feel like someone was there for her all the time and that she was not always going to be alone forever. I liked how you developed this short story into a transition from a time of sadness and loneliness to a time of future happiness. Anyway, keep up the good work!
    Kimberly Chua
    period 2

  34. Woah! This definitely is not, by any means, the typical gleeful Christmas story; however, it is certainly heart warming and has an ethereal tone to it, and it is in that aspect that it may be a Christmas story (if you intended for it to be one). Great job! I really enjoyed reading it (even though it is kind of sad) and it reminded me that Christmas isn't just about merry-making, but finding peace as well (also, that I should be grateful for what I have) :)
    -Zoe Wong

  35. I admire both the vulnerability and strength present in this piece, it really made me tear up. The structure of it all was truly mind-blowing and your imagery is incredible. I felt as if I was there observing this little girl. I thought it was genius how you came about the storyline and the way the beginning ties in beautifully with the end! I enjoyed reading this piece, you are talented in writing!

  36. This story elicits strong emotions from all who read it. There is a certain rhythm that you have within the piece that allows us readers to attain a level of peace when we read this. Keeping the tone rather somber until the final sentences was a very nice touch since it made emotional connection at the end even more profound. I also loved the inner questioning of the speaker as it brought together the entire piece allowed us to relate to the speaker even more than originally. Thank you for this great story!

  37. Even though this undoubtedly an unfortunate event for the main character, I didn't feel traumatised at the end. I felt like everything was at peace, and therefore, so am I. Samar, you've effectively transmitted your target tone and emotion to the reader. Congratulations, you've just made me feel really hopeful and pleasant inside.
    Eloy Guzman
    Per. 2

  38. 40 minutes before first period and you already have me this emotional! That was such a great read and I really enjoyed this piece. I felt the emotion from the first word to the last. What a happy ending as well! This was a very well written piece and I have to say great job, Samar!

  39. This piece was absolutely incredible. I was so emotional reading this lol. The way you put this piece together and the detail and the thought behind this story was just mind blowing. Incredible job.
    Legend Holman p.3

  40. The imagery you incite and describe really paints a picture for the reader. I personally felt like I was in that same situation as I was reading your story. Great Job!
    Pd. 5
    Hunter Fierro


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