
Monday, December 7, 2015

"A Little Help from Santa " by Dulce C

            The holidays were something she always looked forward to and during the holidays, all the bad thoughts seemed to have disappeared. No matter how sick he was, everyone was confident he was going to make it at least until the New Year. The cancer had spread to his nose now, his body weakening and the illness had definitely taken its toll. She was only seven and she had not yet comprehended what exactly was going on. She knew daddy was sick, but not with a cold, he went to the hospital for it and got some medicine to make him feel better and she knew that because every time she asked him he told her he was feeling better with each day that passed. She would always want to cuddle up next to him in bed any chance that she could. She would get a little antsy in bed sometimes and make him feel nausea, but only because it was one of the side effects from his medication. Whenever that would happen, she would feel terrible, like it was her fault daddy was not feeling well. He would always look at her, too weak to explain that it was not her fault at all, aimlessly shaking his head when she would apologize to him. Aside from all this, he always put a smile on his face and never made his condition seem nearly as bad as it actually was. Christmas Eve approached and a week or so before the holiday he wanted to get out of bed, a sudden burst of energy came over him as he tried getting out of bed himself. Mom frantically helped him as he tried walking independently for the first time in five months. He settled on the couch downstairs, on the side closest to the chimney. He was even weaker than he had ever been, almost as if the trip out of bed and down the stairs had taken the last of him. He was unable to sit up on his own anymore and needed help doing almost everything. He wanted to sleep by himself downstairs on Christmas Eve, so he did. Now, Christmas morning was as all the other ones had been in years past, they all walked down stairs together to enjoy each others' company along with all that was under the tree. Walking into the living room where the couch was they were all shocked to see what was in front of them. He had sat up on the couch, without any help and the most genuine smile any of them had seen in months. She was just happy that daddy was looking a lot better. She still very much believed in Santa Claus and with all the presents under the tree, there was no reason for her not to. When they all asked him how he managed to sit up by himself, he said he had a little help from Santa. The milk she left out that night before had been drunk and the cookies had been eaten. She knew daddy had not able to keep any real food down in months. Santa had to have helped him up. There was no doubt in her mind about it.

That would be his last Christmas and Kevin Arthur Congo passed away December 30, 2005 leaving his daughter, son, and wife behind not by choice but at the mercy of a terminal illness.  I still do have some belief in Santa Claus, I will admit. Nothing else would lead me to believe otherwise than what happened that Christmas morning, witnessing a true miracle. 


  1. Lilibeth Martinez, Period 3December 8, 2015 at 2:52 PM

    Dulce, this brought me to tears in my computer class, how embarrassing!I have to admit, I knew about your father you have told me countless times but this time, you made me feel, as a reader,as if I was there by your side witnessing what was a true miracle. Your perspective and diction as the narrator made me feel as if I was in the shoes of that vulnerable 7 year old girl. This is truly touching and heartbreaking at the same time. Great representation of a real life event.

    R.I.P Kevin Arthur Congo <3

  2. Dulce, I love the memory you used for this piece, although this is one of bad side effects, you portrayed this as the most significant memory in your mind. You father would be so proud of you, telling this story, he understands how much he is loved and watches you every step of your life. The syntax of the piece really made me believe in the seven year old perspective. great story.
    RIP Kevin Arthur Congo.
    -Samar Elshekh P.3

  3. This piece gave me chills and i truly loved your description and vivid imagery throughout the story. you did an amazing job Dulce. I really admire the fact that you wrote about something so personal and im truly sorry for your loss. Overall, i really enjoyed. Great job!

  4. Wow Dulce this kind of hit home for me and although I am not one to get emotional reading a piece, this made me tear up. I know the feeling of losing someone close especially to a terminal illness like this and it really puts things in perspective for you. This was extremely touching and the way you told this piece made it very personal and honest. Thank you for sharing it, it was beautiful.

  5. Wow this was amazing. Sometimes some of the greatest stories are memories of our past, Usually I like to comment on the literary excellence I see in these stories but this one was filled with something just as powerful, emotion. Almost all of us as high school students have gone through a tragedy in our life but not all of us can write about something this sensitive and for that alone I am truly amazed. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

  6. samantha QuintanillaDecember 11, 2015 at 9:44 PM

    wow...i'm crying...thank Dulce. But honestly, i loved this. My dad died of cancer as well so when i read the last paragraph it really hit hard, that was a phenomenal twist at the end. I believed i was gonna read a cutesy FICTIONAL story but this was better than that. You did a fantastic job taking hold of the readers emotions and your writing style was great as well, i loved this piece and thank you for sharing something so private and special.

  7. Oh my goodness. This piece gave me chills. You did an absolutely amazing job depicting a happy moment with your dad. The details you used made me feel like I was watching these events actually take place in front of me. You actually brought tears to my eyes which does not happen often when I read something. When I was a young girl my dad had an extremely risky surgery and almost lost his life as a result so I know exactly how it feels to see someone you love suffering and not being able to partake in daily activities, like sitting and talking to family. Stories like yours really show that you should treasure the time you have with your loved ones because you never know when they could be taken away. Thank you for sharing such a personal memory with us. It was beautiful.
    -Annika Joshi p. 5

  8. That was a breathe taking piece. It was beautiful in many aspects. The emotion behind each word and overall feel of your life experience is what mostly caught my eye. It even got me believing that Santa is real. I'm in awe by your experience and how you depicted it. Great job!

  9. This was a very moving piece, shocking as well. I thought it was a made up story, up until the last paragraph. I kind of teared up because of the emotions that fled my body after reading this whole story. It also taught me to appreciate my family now that I have them, because I take them for granted. It made think as well as reflect on my own life. This is an amazing story that many others should read as well, because it is inspirational. Yo did a great job by writing this piece, I'm grateful and I respect that you had the courage to post this story on here for all of us to read. Props to you! Good Job Dulce! I'm proud of you.

    Rodrick Hill
    Period 2

  10. This is truly a moving piece that cannot be forgotten. Reading this has moved me and made me emotional. You capture the real passion and love a family has and should have. Your descriptions made it more than words. This will make me think twice about my family and appreciate them. Thank you.

  11. Thanks Dulce I'm crying.
    But seriously, this was a very touching piece and I could really feel a lot of emotion coming out from it. You put the reader in the child's perspective, and that child just happened to be you, which made a greater connection from the speaker to the audience. You revealed a big event in your life, a personal memory, and that made the emotions and connection from author to reader even greater. I really was moved by your piece and it made me think of my own life, how I take the materialistic things and people in my life for granted. Thank you for this story. I truly enjoyed it.

  12. I'm crying with everyone else! Your story is so touching and so beautiful. I liked how you put yourself in the story, it made the story personal. I enjoy when writers include events from their life into their works because it builds a relationship between the speaker and the audience. I also liked how you told the story from a child's point of view. Thank you Dulce for sharing your story.
    Emily Gonzalez

  13. Dulce.
    This is so beautiful. I could feel all the emotions being poured out. So heartfelt and had an innocent feel to it. Being that it is in your perspective makes this piece so powerful and unforgettable. I loved you writing style and the fact that you were open to sharing your personal life. I think it will really inspire people to not take anything for granted and to have motivation to be as strong as you are. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece, Im so proud of you.

    Period 2

  14. DULCE!! I honestly don't even know what to say. Your piece is very moving and I praise you for being able to share a very personal part of your life with us. I was really blown away by the emotion behind this story and I was touched by your ending as well. Keep believing in Santa girl!

    -Noelle Mariano
    Period 2

  15. DULCE YOU MADE ME CRY! Your piece is one of the most moving pieces I have read so far. I honestly thought this story was going to be one of those cleshae santa stories and it was quite the opposite. I can definitely tell you wrote this from your heart. It is so beautiful and touching. I especially loved how you were able to make me feel as if I was there with you. Keep up the good work.

  16. I love how you wrote from your heart and shared a personal memory of your father. I can only imagine how special the holidays are to you reminiscing on memories like this one. Your piece was well-written, emotional, and meaningful. I love how it wasn't the typical Christmas story, but instead an actual memory. Amazing job, and have an even more amazing Christmas!

  17. Dulce this is the best story I have read so far, and I am not ashamed to admit that I teared up at the end. That has never happened to me from reading any book or any movie, and I am taken a little bit aback by it. Anyways, your writing was amazing, because it comes from the heart. Everything was wonderful, and I am glad you shared this with us
    Taylor Sandoval
    Cogswell p.5

  18. Your story was the most heart warming story I've read. I wanted to cry when it switched point of views. I hope you get through each year stronger than the last.

  19. this was great piece. It liked how after all that time a Christmas miracle came in to the house bringing a smile to his face. I almost cried reading this because i know whats its like to be young while someone is suffering through a illness and trying to show them love everyday. I wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year.
    Evanne Turner

  20. You have succeeded in making me get my computer keys all wet because I've never sweated out of my eyes more profusely. In all seriousness, this vivid account of a special holiday shows its true meaning to you because you tell it so masterfully. These emotions cannot be transmitted by a made-up story. Well done, Dulce.
    Eloy Guzman
    Per. 2

  21. . . . There are no words I can say which will do justice to the work of art produced here. Vivid imagery, excellent use of diction, and having a story that comes from the heart truly transformed the literary landscape and capabilities that this work achieved.


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