
Monday, November 30, 2015

"The missing turkey" by Alejandro M.

     There was once a house that liked the holidays so much, every time it was overdone. The kings were that family. The kings tried so hard to impress their children, abby and jake. But this thanksgiving will be different from the rest. Jake woke up on thanksgiving eager and ready. The day had just begun as the birds started there chirping he knew today would be special. He went downstairs and saw mrs king starting to make the mashed potatoes. “Son will you go with your dad outside and get the turkey?” She said. Jake went outside and saw it. A nice juicy plump turkey. It's been here for a week he even named it. Joe was its name. He couldn't kill his friend, so he took it inside. He went to tell his sister about it so he left it on the counter. He went up and said “Abby Abby i brought in the turkey help me hide it so the don't kill Joe.” She said ok and they went downstairs to find him. But he wasn't there. They searched everywhere for joe. even asked the neighbors. They asked their dad tom he said he hasn't seen him but he took them to the neighbors the jetsons. They were making a ham. Ema the neighbor said happy thanksgiving. She said she hasn't seen joe but they'll look for him. The basement was the a unknown land in the house. But they checked everywhere. They went outside and looked in the treehouse he wasn't there but they kept looking.They went thru the house and looked everywhere they went in the rooms,bathrooms,closets everywhere. But there was no sign of Joe. As mom began to set the table he knew he had to tell her. He started, ”mom.” But then she said what's that sound in the chimney. As jake went he heard gobble gobble. So that's where it was, lucky we didn't turn it on. They had dinner and everyone was happy, accept the turkey.


  1. Funny story I would totally take in a turkey with out anyone knowing. Actually I would probably eat the turkey instead. I mean a nice plump juicy turkey yeah definitely would have eaten it. I mean how could I not.

  2. I think a lot of people can relate to overdone holidays. I think we lose sight that it should be about family time and not stressful. Around this time every year I always think about how many turkeys are being killed and how many trees are be chopped down for Christmas. I found the ending of the story funny. It was enjoyable to read.
    Jeannette Martinez
    Period 2

  3. Very entertaining read that keeps the reader in suspense of where the turkey went. However just a suggestion is to have a clearer closing with less repetition. Overall was funny and a good seasonal story.

  4. This story is a cute thanksgiving story! It has a funny ending and relatable! I think its funny how everyone is looking for the turkey, but mom who they are trying not to find out about the lost turkey. And yet mom is the one to find the "not missiong turkey". Which is totally relatable in my family! haha

    Karina Blocker
    period 4

  5. That was a pretty funny story. That was a pretty descriptive story for a good thanksgiving meal and well written.

  6. I really liked how funny your story was. I liked how the children tried to hide t5he turkey but went on a "wild turkey chase instead".

  7. this story was funny! I enjoyed reading it and I loved the humour it brought with it. you did a great job on this story and I like the effort you put into it ~julianna Alvarado English period 1

  8. This is a very nice heart warming story. At first when i read the turkey was gone i knew the parents had killed it .But then you hear gobble gobble and boom its the turkey I really enjoyed this piece.
    Evanne Turner

  9. I really liked this story! It was very entertaining. It reminded me of one of those holiday specials that come on TV, where some kids decide to something silly and then chaos ensues. But I really liked the message of your piece. That people should be kind to animals and try to help them when they can't fend for themselves. Sp good job! and keep writing :)
    -Annika Joshi p. 5


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