
Monday, November 30, 2015

"Homemade Olive Garden Breadsticks!!!!!" by Bryce G.

Who doesn't love the olive garden breadsticks ? These mouthwatering
breadsticks are obviously the main reason anyone goes to olive garden. This
has been a favorite for many households. Now you won't have to go to a
restaurant to get a delicious tasting meal , you can cook it right in your
1. yeast
2. sugar
3. salt
4. vegetable oil
5. all purpose flour
6. melted butter
7. garlic powder
8. parmesan cheese
9. oregano
10. warm water
I nstructions:
1. Preheat oven to 350
2. add 1 1-2 cups warm water (not boiling)
3. one tablespoon of yeast
4. Sugar
5. 4 1-2 cups of flour
6. teaspoon and a half of salt
7. two tablespoons of vegetable oil
All of those go in a mixe r
7. Turn mixer on until it forms a nice ball of thick dough
8. Get a separate bowl and spray it with non stick spray
9. Put dough from mixer in bowl and spray the top of the dough with
nonstick spray to prevent crust on the top
10. let sit for 45 m in.
11. get out a board and put flour all over it and on your hands
12. roll out the dough in a rectangle ( not to flat)
13. cut into sticks
14. roll those sticks
15. lay out on pan and let it sit for another 45 m in.
making the sauce
1. In a separate bowl you are going to put melted butter
2. 1-8 of a teaspoon of oregano (rub in between your fingers to
activate oils)
3. 1-2 a teaspoon of garlic powder
4. 1 tablespoon of parmesan cheese
5. mi x all of it together
6. Brush on your breadsticks
7. put in the preheated oven
8. wait 12 to 15 m in.
9. Start to sell the awesomeness!!!!!
10. when it has a nice golden brown color to it take it out and put
some more of the sauce on it
11. serve


  1. I get extremely excited to read these sort of pieces because I save all the recipes. But, that is besides the point and I think what I enjoyed most about your piece is that you had a clear and descriptive introduction. Your instructions were short and sweet but I would add that maybe including more pictures as you went along and told the instructions would of enhanced the whole thing overall. Other than that, this got right to the point and I really liked it.

  2. Yum I totally giving the recipe to my mom I looks so good I want to eat one. The kid in the picture really got me laughing. I just feel like its gonna take a long time to prepare and make it. I might need my brother and sister to help me make it. I probably could can it just I'm to lazy lol.

  3. I'm going to be honest. I actually don't like Olive Garden bread sticks- or any bread sticks for that matter. However, I did enjoy reading your piece. I love recipes and baking, and you can never know too many recipes! Maybe one day I'll make these for a friend or family member. One comment that I have to make, though, is that your directions should be more detailed for the reader because in baking a lot of things can go wrong! Overall, good job!
    Sabrina H
    Period 2

  4. I like this piece because it its different. It includes very clear instructions which are straight to the point. One thing I would add is to organize the instructions a little more and pictures to attract the readers more. Otherwise good job
    Jazlynn Garcia
    Period 2

  5. I like this piece because I love Olive Garden's bread sticks, which is why I went to your piece. The instructions are easy to understand. I would love to make these bread sticks however I can't bake and it seems like it will take a while to prepare. But, if I want to try and bake I already know I will go to your tutorial. A quick suggestion, you should organize your instructions a little bit more.
    -Miren Cancio
    Period 5

  6. Yesssssss I am so excited for this!!!! I am obsessed with Olive Garden's breadsticks (I'm that person that asks for more breadsticks and a to-go box and takes the breadsticks home) You did a great job explaining the steps on how to make them. I really can't contain my excitement right now. Thank you for this, and great job!
    -Emily French
    Period 5

  7. samantha QuintanillaDecember 11, 2015 at 9:52 PM

    Its 9:48 pm and i'm hungry with no food so i came to find solace in your writing. needless to say, i did. this was such a smart decision to do your writing on its simple,fun,easy, and appeals to the masses. I liked this because the instructions were concise and clear nothing hard to understand and made me excited which is something you want , you want your writing to get the audience excited and you did that. Great job!

  8. I really love olive garden and their bread sticks are the best thank you
    -Eric Edwards

  9. I admit i read the title and became intrigued because Olive Gardens breadsticks are absolutely delicious! As a baker myself i will definitely try making these homemade OG Breadsticks and pray the outcome will come out great! Thanks for the recipe!
    Ariel Foster
    Period 3

  10. I admit i read the title and became intrigued because Olive Gardens breadsticks are absolutely delicious! As a baker myself i will definitely try making these homemade OG Breadsticks and pray the outcome will come out great! Thanks for the recipe!
    Ariel Foster
    Period 3

  11. I always go to Olive Garden and spoil my main dish by gorging on the never ending breadsticks and now they really wont end because I can make them at home. I liked both of your pictures but I would prefer more and maybe a close up to see how golden delicious these breadsticks really are. I’m definitely going to try this recipe out as soon as possible.
    darian henry
    period 2

  12. When I saw the title of this piece I immediately clicked on the link because Olive Garden's signature breadstick are bomb! Don't get me wrong, Red Lobster's biscuits are way better by far but I definitely don't sleep on how good Olive Gardens are too.Im really happy I read this piece because I love to cook and I love bread even more so I can't wait to go whip some up in the kitchen! Since you got the hook up, maybe you can slide me the recipe on how to make Red Lobster's biscuits though.

    Dominique Washington
    Period 2

  13. I have to admit, I clicked on this piece because of the title. I'm actually glad that you made this because I can now make breadsticks myself. I do have one comment to make and that is to make you instructions more detailed and specific but other than that, great piece!

    Daveena San
    Period 2

  14. You had me at bread sticks! There is nothing better than being able to make it in the comfort of your own home and it sounds pretty easy. Although one comment I would make is that the instructions should have been a little more detailed,such as measurements. But I really did like it, thanks for sharing!

    Allyson Bol
    Period 3

  15. The breadsticks look very appetizing and delicious. I have never been to Olive Garden's or tried their breadsticks, but these are tempting. I love how there is not many indgredients needed to make it and that those ingredients are commonly used, so I wouldn't have to go out to the store. I will surely remember to use this recipe for any special occassion or party. Good job on explaining the instructions.

    Jessie Santos
    Period 1

  16. Great title choice, you had me at breadsticks. I happy you choose this topic because now i can make my own. I liked your quick straight to the point instructions, however it would have wanted to see more detailed instructions such as measurements or certain techniques to make the breadsticks. Overall thanks for sharing, you've now sparked my craving for breadsticks.
    Emily Gonzalez

  17. I love the smell and the taste of breadstick. Reading the steps and instruction i might even try to bake them by myself. The steps were very well detailed and has a lot of input throughout the ingredients.
    Michelle Truong
    Period 1

  18. Good job on this! Just looking at how much ingredients there are makes me hungry. It would've made me more hungry if you added pictures.

  19. AWWW! I saw the title, my stomach growled, my mouth watered, and I HAD to click on it. My family and I ADORE the olive garden breadsticks; we always ask the waiter for some to take home LOL. I bake a lot but I've never tried to make bread before- not sure why. Maybe its the idea that I have to wait for the yeast to rise or something? Hm. Well, I'll be sure to give this a try when I do decide to pick up some yeast and conquer bread-making! ;)
    -Zoe Wong

  20. Ohmygosh. Bryce. You. Are. Amazing. Olive Garden Bread sticks are the best and now you've given me the tool to make them myself. thank you so much.
    P.S. the picture of the kid is how I feel right now

    Per. 3


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