
Monday, November 30, 2015

"How We Became Best Friends" By Melodie B

               It was just a normal day in December but to be specific it was the eighteenth. One of the coolest guys on campus named Mason just happened to be my "idiot" best friend. He of course had a girlfriend and if you ask me I didn’t really like her all that much. I mean I didn’t know this girl named Mariah but as rumors spread I had the thought of not liking her for my best friend. There were all types of things I didn’t like about her like the fact she never pays attention to mason. Throughout the days of their relationship I wondered why he would even bother to give her just a little of his time. And one day I finally got to meet her on December eighteenth.  
            On this certain day it was kind of cold, it was lunch time, and I was in protective best friend mode. As mason introduced me to her I noticed her goofy smile at first. At this time I didn’t know what to say honestly so I just said hi as she had did. All these thoughts were going through my head and I couldn’t believe that she was my best friend at first sight. In my position it was weird because I started off not liking her and then wanting to be her best friend. So till that day we became friends. Throughout all that time I loved hanging out with her and I really got know her.
So in the start of eighth grade that’s when we started to really build a strong friendship because we got the same per class. And a day just happened to come where Mariah was really in a deep sad mood. We were in the weight room but girls were on the bikes, and I kept trying to cheer her up but nothing worked. I had tried anything you could think of but I couldn't get Mariah to smile not one time. Eventually we walked out and I asked what's wrong and before I knew it she was in thousands of tears.
             As I was in that moment something inside of me said grow up and be there for her. I'm the moment yes we were friends but I hugged Mariah and said everything would be okay. When she had cried all over me she realized something. When I asked Mariah what that something was she said she realized it was the day she figured out who her best friend was. I smiled at her and never forgot the day we became best friends.


  1. Awwh, this was a very nice story. I enjoyed how you looked past what you originally thought about her and became friends with her. The fact that you used specific dates and descriptive images showed that this friendship that was created is a real and memorable one. Your piece caused me to remember when I first became friends with my best friend.
    -Miren Cancio
    Period 5

  2. Great story about perception. The honesty in how you felt and then what you learned makes this a good story but also a great lesson. this story is organized accordingly and flows great. glad things worked out.

  3. I love my best friend so the title of your submission immediately grabbed my attention when I was picking which posts to read first. I was curious as to how other people met their best friends because all I know is how I met mine.
    Something I thought was really cute about this story is how initially you didn't like this girl, but she grew on you and you matured enough to accept her. This allows your kind personality to shine through in your writing, which I think is important when trying to get the reader to form an emotional connection with your writing.
    Another aspect of the story that I thoroughly enjoyed was how descriptive it was! You had dates, weather, and activities memorized. It proves your thoughtfulness and shows how strong your friendship is without literally stating it, which makes the story much more interesting as opposed to just saying, "Our friendship is really strong."
    This is a solid, well-written and honest story. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I think that this story is so sweet because when my bestfriend and I fight I always try to work it out and when we do we continue on with our day. But fir the past year we have had a lot of fights and we have worked through them. Awsome story great way that the story also proves what a good friend is.

    Per. 4

  5. This so sweet. Your so lucky to have a great best friend and a story to go with it. Always treasure her even when things are complicated because she was obviously put in your life for a reason.

    Mackenzie Tipple

  6. This story is so sweet. I love the detail you put into it including the date and everything you were doing the day you became best friends. It truly shows how much love friends have for each other and how necessary they are for our lives. You seem to be a great friend and are definitely a great writer, well done!

  7. It is quite odd how friends come to be and even stranger how the best ones are the ones we often don't choose. I like your story and especially the ending where she realized because a lot of us don't ever see who the real ones are. Really a great story that can open the eyes of someone who reads it like myself.

  8. I really enjoyed this piece , it reminds me how me and my best friend met in middle school , and whats crazy Is I can remember the exact date that we became friends 7 years ago . This was a very cute piece and I enjoyed it , but next time just try to go into more detail it will make this great story into an amazing story .

  9. I love how you described how you became best friends with anad you descrtibed what happende this is a really great story so you got to keep writing.
    Katlyn Hall Per.1


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