
Monday, November 30, 2015

"Ambitions" by Victoria H.

Have you ever longed for something so badly it just drove you crazy? I know it sounds a bit cheesy but really, how could you not want something so bad you’d go half insane just thinking about it? Whether it’d be to visit a different country, see an old friend, become wealthy and live a luxurious life, or even get accepted into college (which I know is the struggle for most of us). Truth is we all have something we want more than anything and I feel like that’s what keeps a person sane. To have a sense of desire gives us a purpose- It gives us a goal to reach and a mission to pursue. 
My mission is to become a teacher for elementary school children, to travel the world, and to make my family proud. To set out a plan for myself and actually achieve everything I want to accomplish will be the greatest form of happiness I can come across. I’m sure many things await me In my lifetime and maybe I’ll change my mind about my goals and ambitions but as long as I set out to be what I dream of I know I’ll be fine.
Whether making that destination takes us one try or a hundred tries, as long as we make it is all that should matter. There will be though times along the road but it’s important to know that it’ll only make you not only stronger as a person but it’ll teach you a lesson of determination. Nothing can get in the way of what you want to do besides yourself. Sometimes tough trials tend to lead to greater things if you let them anyway. I tend to look at the optimistic side of things but that’s where I think it balances out- a bad situation and a positive mindset only leads to lessons learned. A failure in one aspect only gets you closer to where you’re striving to be by learning from mistakes and making tougher, and effective attempts. If you really yearn for something make sure you chase it without restraints and if you mess up just try harder.
We all have purpose in this world and I believe we’ll all find it and figure out where we belong as long as we chase what makes us happy. Everything we desire is what leads to true bliss and contentment if we contribute an effort to get there. 


  1. Reading this piece was like reading something that described me. The way you described your ambitions and optimistic outlook on life is something I can definitely relate to. Finding optimistic people is rare, but it's always a good sight to see. I also enjoyed the message you portrayed through your piece. I think its important to have dreams and aspirations in life; they help lead you somewhere, and without them I think most of us would be lost. I find that the people have no drive or ambitions tend to be the ones who end up lost in life without a job, house, or anything really. I think the constant desire to have more or better yourself is essential in your own success. Anyways I loved your piece, and I believe you did a great job in presenting your topic.
    Sabrina H
    Period 2

  2. I absolutely with what your are trying to say in this piece, that our drive to achieve what we want in our life is what keeps us going. I love how you you looked at the positive side of trying to achieve something difficult, even failures along the way aren't always all bad because they might teach you a thing or two that you could not have learned otherwise. I love the message you portrayed in this piece and I think more people should read it, especially if they're going through a trying period in their life. This piece would definitely give them some hope and show them that they are just at a stop durning the journey to a greater destination and that things will just be alright. They just might have to look at the glass half full rather than looking at it half empty. So really good job with this! I really enjoyed it :)
    -Annika Joshi p. 5

  3. I absolutely with what your are trying to say in this piece, that our drive to achieve what we want in our life is what keeps us going. I love how you you looked at the positive side of trying to achieve something difficult, even failures along the way aren't always all bad because they might teach you a thing or two that you could not have learned otherwise. I love the message you portrayed in this piece and I think more people should read it, especially if they're going through a trying period in their life. This piece would definitely give them some hope and show them that they are just at a stop durning the journey to a greater destination and that things will just be alright. They just might have to look at the glass half full rather than looking at it half empty. So really good job with this! I really enjoyed it :)
    -Annika Joshi p. 5

  4. I like your optimistic perspective on life, just to keep on going and achieve your goal no matter how many times or how much effort is required. Very well composed message, especially to those who may feel down for some reason.You did a very good job with this piece. I really enjoyed it.

  5. I really love this piece. It perfectly describes me. I agree that if you want something you need to chase after it, and not let anything get in your way. I feel like this piece is going to speak to a lot of people, especially seniors as we all try to find our place in the world. Great job :)
    -Emily French
    Period 5

  6. This was very beautiful! I totally agree with you. This is encouraging because as we await for decision letter from our colleges we really don't know what's going to happen. But in your piece you tell us to push forward and let nothing stray us away from our goal. I really liked reading this.

  7. I am so glad that I read this today. I have been struggling with whether I want to follow my dreams or take the so-called "easy route". But, you are right, there are going to be tough times no matter what the case should be, so we should undergo the tough times trying to achieve something we are so passionate about. I am truly glad that you wrote this entry because it is not only relatable, but it also encourages others to strive to achieve their ambitions. Great entry!
    Natalia Garcia
    Period 2

  8. The story was well formatted and good storyline to it. We all have ambitions that we want to accomplish in the future. When we accomplish them it makes us feel good in the inside. Also, it gives bragging rights well I wish the best of luck to you.

  9. I really like this piece, I agree that our goals don't come to us easily, the path to our goals has a lot of ups and downs and can be very difficult. All we have to do is stay positive and push ourselves to keep on going. You did a really great job with this piece!

    JC Bagro
    Period 3

  10. This piece was very good! This is a very good message for people who aren't sure who they want to be in life. But because of you, more people can push through life challenges to become successful.

  11. I love the optimism and sense of encouragement that is transmitted through this piece! It is simple yet sends a powerful message to those that may need a little push. After all nothing worth having comes easy right? I hope you continue to follow your aspirations! Nicely said!

  12. This is an amazing and encouraging piece! I feel like almost all of us have these thoughts at one point in our lives. Especially because this is senior year, I know a lot of us have been thinking about our future a lot and what we want to do. The flow of this piece was great and everything connected. Thank you so much for being optimistic.

  13. I really liked how you described desire, i never thought of it that way, it only changed my life no joke. You took topics that it seem bad to a common person and made it sound good, explained how there good, and honestly that's the best thing ever.

  14. I really loved this piece it was so relatable on how we all have goals and want to achieve them. It was well written with asking questions to make us ponder and think about our own goals. Everyone wants to achieve something in life and I believe this piece helped support that fact. Good job on this i really enjoyed reading it.


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