
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

“How to make Deep Fried Oreos” by Jessie S

These decadent treats have been famous and present in numerous amounts of county fairs. They have been favorites in the hearts of many people.  Although, this dessert is a bit on the unhealthy side, it is still delicious. These treats have been a thing I can rely on when there is nothing else sweet to eat as dessert. When I first made them, I messed up on the Oreos by some having too much batter coating and by some having too little batter coating. At times, the deep fried Oreos would be in the form of irregular shapes. After a couple of Oreos, I mastered them perfectly. Now, I make them quite often and have loved them from the start. There are many reasons why I keep making them frequently. There are little ingredients needed to make these. And, it takes little time prepare and cook them. Also, it takes little skill because it isn’t hard to make.

Ingredients needed:
- Oreo sandwich cookies (Any type of flavor)
- 1 cup of pancake mix
- 1 egg
- 2/3 cup of milk
- Vegetable oil
- Powdered sugar, ice cream, toppings, sauces (Optional)
Equipment that will be used:
- Large Bowl
- Whisk
- A pot or a deep fryer
- Spatula or cooking tongs
- Mesh colander or strainer (Optional)

1) To start off, get your large bowl and pour the cup of pancake mix in it.
2) Next, pour the milk in and crack the egg into the large bowl.
3) Then, pour 1 tablespoon of the vegetable oil into the mix. Once all of the ingredients are incorporated all together, mix them with a whisk until it is smooth and has no lumps. The consistency of the batter should be thick, but a bit watery at the same time.

Here’s a picture of how the batter mix should look like after you combine all the ingredients and mix.


4) In the pot or deep fryer, add enough vegetable oil for it to submerge the deep fried Oreos entirely. Also, turn on the stove range or deep fryer on medium heat. 

5) While the stove range or deep fryer is preheating, place your desired choice of Oreo cookies in the mix you created and toss them around. Make sure they are completely coated with the batter.
6) Grab the Oreos and gently place it into the oil using a spatula or cooking tongs. Also, remember to occasionally flip it with the spatula or cooking tongs so it doesn’t get over cooked or burned. The deep fried Oreos are fully done when the batter on it “puffs” up and turn to the color of golden brown. A perfect outcome is when the outside crust is crunchy, but the inside is soft.
7) Add any toppings, chocolate sauce, etc. (Only if you want too). The most popular topping used on deep fried Oreos is powdered sugar. I highly recommend using a mesh colander or strainer when sifting powdered sugar on it. This way your hands will be less sticky and it will be less messy. Also, something that really compliments the deep fried Oreos is eating it with ice cream.

8) Enjoy this delectable and scrumptious dessert! Hope you enjoy!
Here are some pictures of the deep fried Oreos I made:



  1. I admit that I chose to read this because I was quite hungry, but I am glad that I did. Although it may seem like regular instructions, they were very clear and specific. What I loved the most was how you also made the steps very easy to follow and straight to the point! I love how you added the pictures as well! Great job Jessie!

  2. I just wanna say thank you for to share such an amazing recipe. This will definitely come in handy now. I can now make deep fried oreos. I hope to see more of your recipe. They are good and unique. I will thorough enjoy the deep fries oreos hanks.

  3. This piece caught my attention because I see deep fried oreos advertised all over the fair every year. I've never tried one but you make it sound easy. I'll see if I can convince my mom to make some.

  4. These look so good! Definitely going to try these out and this is awesome because it looks very convenient to make and I could see anyone making them for a late night treat, parties, or sleepovers. Adding sides like ice cream displayed in the last picture makes them look even more irresistible!

    -Arianna Serna
    Period 3

  5. This "How To" submission was executed so well and effectively that I could imagine myself reading this from a published cookbook at Barnes and Noble. I already knew how to make deep fried Oreos, but your instructions were so thorough and descriptive that even with my prior knowledge, I still felt like I was learning something new. The pictures that you provided also added to my understanding of the instructions and made the instructions very clear. Overall, I think that this article will be a good aid for the next time I make deep fried Oreos because you really sound like you know what you're doing and I know my Oreos will definitely benefit from this.

    - Rachel Kroll
    Period 5

  6. These sound amazing, I'm going to have to try these out soon. Your instructions were very clear and precise, which makes them easier to follow. I also like how you added your own personal experience and how you messed them up on the first time you made them. Great job!
    -Emily French
    Period 5

  7. Honestly, I chose to read your "How to" piece because I love Oreos and I've never had deep fried Oreos. Your instructions are easy to follow especially for someone like me who can't cook at all. The pictures you provided made it easier for me to follow the instructions and understand what I'm doing. I can't wait until I get a chance to make some deep fried Oreos!
    -Miren Cancio
    Period 5

  8. These sound amazing, I'm going to have to try these out soon. Your instructions were very clear and precise, which makes them easier to follow. I also like how you added your own personal experience and how you messed them up on the first time you made them. Great job!
    -Emily French
    Period 5

  9. I am not a bigger baker or cooker ,but after reading your detailed instructions. I really want to make some deep fried Oreos. Another side effect of reading this is getting hungry because you make it sound so easy to make ,but I am lazy. Thanks for sharing this amazing instructions maybe someday I will be able to actually make these.
    -Destynee Torres
    Period 4

  10. This is so cool, i've never tried a fried oreo and i've never been a really good cook, but these instructions were very clear on what to do so that was helpful.I hope i can try these someday.

    -Valarie Ly
    Period 1

  11. I've always been really keen on learning how to make these little bites of heaven and sugar and now I know. I think what was really helpful was the way in which the directions were written. Very easy to follow as well as really descriptive. I'm a visual person and the use of pictures throughout really helped in maintaining my interest and focus on what was being described. This is definitely a piece I'll have to keep on hand so I can make these myself :)

  12. I love food so when I saw "How to make deep fried Oreos" I was completely sold haha. This was super helpful, especially because I have never made one. Your directions were clear and I really enjoyed the pictures too. It was nice how you added you own experience and how you shared you messed up the first few times. This shows the person making these not to get discouraged if they do not come out perfect the first time. Amazing job!

    Legend Holman

  13. Hi! I really enjoyed this tutorial because I was curious on how to make Oreos even tastier! I enjoyed the fact that your instructions were very clear and how you also included some personal experience for this. The pictures will certainly prove to become very helpful to me when I go make these in the future. Thank you for making me hungry from reading this “How-to.” I’ll certainly tell you how I do when I make these deep fried Oreos!
    Kimberly Chua
    Period 2

  14. I've made deep fried oreos before, and they're definitely a treat! Although they're unfathomably unhealthy, it is something everyone should try once in their life. Your instructions were very explicit and easy to follow, which is one of the most important aspect of writing directions for a recipe. The images especially drew me in and made me crave for this exquisite dessert. Good job on your piece and nice choice in desserts!
    Sabrina H
    Period 2

  15. I've always wanted to try deep fried oreos but never got the chance. Now with this well written recipe I can easily make them at home. I enjoyed this blog because your instructions are very informative and easy to follow. Thanks for sharing !

    Jazlynn Garcia
    Period 2

  16. The deep fried oreos look really really delicious! I'm incredibly bad at following recipes but you made the instructions so detailed and explicit that it would be hard for me to mess this up (thank you for that!) The description in the beginning was nicely written. Also, adding the pictures was a really nice touch and it further clarified the instructions. I've never had deep fried oreos before but now I really want some!! Good job!

    Fiona Cheung
    Period 3

  17. The deep fried oreos look really really delicious! I'm incredibly bad at following recipes but you made the instructions so detailed and explicit that it would be hard for me to mess this up (thank you for that!) The description in the beginning was nicely written. Also, adding the pictures was a really nice touch and it further clarified the instructions. I've never had deep fried oreos before but now I really want some!! Good job!

    Fiona Cheung
    Period 3

  18. I clicked on these maybe because I was hungry and I did try and make this recipe, which took a while but everyone ended up enjoying it. Thank you for this how to and delicious recipe it will be shared with everyone. This submission was also easy to follow and not like the how to's online that skip every step Good Job!

    Alena Awan
    Period 2

  19. First of all yum!!!! second I really enjoyed your step by step process on how to create this wonderful dessert. It was both very helpful and in formative, I feel pretty confident at making this now. My love for oreos has increased since i can deep fry them at home hustle free!!!!!!

    Alexa Ayala

    Period 2

  20. Oh my, doesn't this sound incredibly fattening yet, amazingly delicious. I have always wondered what deep fried oreos would taste like. Now, thanks to you, I know how to make them. This is a great tutorial, it was easy to follow and very helpful.
    -Joelle Boulos P3

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This is different. Very different but also very interesting. Ive never had deep fried oreos and this makes me want to try it even more. Everything was so well written and displayed I felt like I was reading a real recipe book. Good job and thanks for informing us with this because most of us reading this will most likely try this if we haven't already!
    Vanessa Alfaro
    Period 2

  23. This was very interesting and i enjoyed learning how to make fried oreos! Your tutorial caught my attention because I love Oreos and I was interested on learning how to deep fry them! Your tutorial was very clear and easy to follow great job!

  24. I havent been to the fair in quite some time, even then i have never seen these... but i love the idea! Its new and its creative! its also very informative and i would love to try this! The instructions are so easy to follow and easy to comprehend. Very helpful!

  25. I really like how enjoyable this tutorial is, it seems like a fun thing to do. Also, the instructions were easy. Good job

  26. This tutorial/recipe was extremely helpful and clear. I really liked how you added pictures to the instructions to make it easier to understand. Your recipe is quite unique, I've never heard of ried Oreos but I'm excited to try these out! Thanks for the instructions!
    Daveena San

  27. Yum!! This sounds so good and I cant wait to try it! The instructions were all really easy to understand and follow unlike the ones you would find on the internet. Great job!!!!!

  28. Yum!! This sounds so good and I cant wait to try it! The instructions were all really easy to understand and follow unlike the ones you would find on the internet. Great job!!!!!

  29. Yum!! This sounds so good and I cant wait to try it! The instructions were all really easy to understand and follow unlike the ones you would find on the internet. Great job!!!!!

  30. What caught my attention while picking out a blog to read is the word "Oreos". I mean you can't really blame me. Everyone loves oreos. Also, this little cooking instruction will come in handy one day when I will crave sweet greasy food! However, I really enjoy this piece because it is easy to follow and pictures were incorporated to make sure the reader is on track with their cooking!

    Noelle Mariano
    Period 2

  31. Jessie,
    Oh oreos, the most beloved cookie of all. Deep frying them make them just ten times more amazing. Your directions on how to make such heavenly snacks are incredibly clear and the addition of pictures truly enhances each step. Particularly the use of description, on how the oreos must puff up as well as the detail of the batter being "thick, but a bit watery at the same time", effectively allows readers to visualize the textures of the cookies. Thank you for supplying us all with this glorious recipe, and I hope to try it out soon! ^^
    Danelle Angeline Baronia
    Period 2

  32. These sound so good I'm going to have to try to this very soon. I wonder if they taste like the ones from the fair?

  33. Bless your soul child! I forgot that one of the options for this assignment was an instructional essay. Reading the directions was easy and I cannot wait to try this out soon! Very good job with the clear directions and a bonus for adding pictures to those who do not cook that well and may need a visual guide. Being an experienced grilled cheese chef, I very much understand that informing all of the non experienced rookies out there is not the easiest thing and so i admire you taking on this challenge. Again I applaud you for designing such a fantastic instruction guide on how to make heaven's very own deep fried oreos!

  34. Honestly I read this to determine whether there was a better recipe to make these wonderful snacks. I thought I knew how to make them. I was honestly wrong. Your approach was excellent and refreshingly new. I definitely learned something. And plus, the way you executed your instructions is so eloquent that when I do get around to making them. I should except nothing less than perfection.

  35. I never knew how to make deep fried Oreos I always see vendors make them but know I know how to make them thank you
    -Eric Edwards

  36. Wow! this was so good and you did such a good job at describing all the steps with details. I feel like I can now make my own deep fried oreo cookies! thanks for the guide through :)
    -Alicia Alcaraz
    Period 5 Cogswell

  37. This is a good descriptive way to make dessert.You answered all the questions i had by following through on each instruction. I cant way to try this i can feel the diabetes coming on already.

  38. Thanks to this entry, I can now enjoy deep fried Oreos all year long. It always saddened me that they were only available for such a small time frame. As a huge Oreo cookie fan, this recipe will benefit me tremendously. It was very easy to follow, and the pictures helped in identifying that steps that will lead to the finished dessert. Luckily, the ingredients all seem like common fridge and pantry items so I wont have to break the bank to enjoy this delicious treat.
    Darian Henry
    Period 2

  39. This recipe made me very hungry and when I was reading it, I was already hungry enough. The steps were very clear and specific and also seems very easy to follow. I will for sure have to try and make this at home!!!


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