
Monday, September 28, 2015

"Look at Those Celing Tiles" by Logan S

      Look at it this way. I am sitting here thinking about what I should write about for my featured story. I am not the most creative, so clearly anything related to creativity was out of question. I looked at the essay for a second, but really philosophy is so difficult to get across that I felt like my entire paper would be completely and utterly redundant. Then my attention turns to the personal narrative, and I realize that is the one. I mean how hard can it be to recollect something from my past and pour out the entire story in words onto this page. I greatly underestimated this task, either everything I have done in my life up to this point was too boring or not really important enough. And anything that seemed even the least bit interesting was lost in my memory somewhere. That isn’t to say that I forgot my entire life up to this point, but honestly, can you tell me that any one person can remember everything from their birth through seventeen years and some odd months later? Obviously it is completely impossible. So I continue to sit here staring blankly at my gray colored walls and then I see my television remote, and my phone, and my video game console, virtually everything but the computer screen and keyboard I am supposed to be typing on. Then I realize that this was the perfect thing to write about. Distractibility, I swear it’s a word, I looked it up. It didn’t really seem that hard to describe, at least up until the point that I started writing about it for this assignment. Now I know that was a long introduction, but that is basically exactly what was going through my mind while I sat trying to type this up. So here it goes, distractibility, everyone has it, I mean think about it, anytime that you sit and try to focus on something. Honestly that was probably too hard to think of because you can’t even focus on this right now. If anyone has made it this far I am honestly really impressed. (I didn’t really expect this to be so much like a “Facebook rant,” but it honestly seems a lot like it.) To continue, every time I personally am required to focus on something, it seems, quite frankly, nonviable. I can’t just sit down, look at an essay prompt and begin writing without something, and I really mean anything, catching my attention and pulling me away from the very task I was trying to focus on. “I wonder how many ceiling tiles there are in this room, wait, I need to finish this essay.” “Dang this paper is fancy, feel it, it’s like silk paper.” “Do they make silk paper, I don’t even know, what is silk anyway?” The point is there is always something that causes a lapse in a person’s attention, and for me it’s anything. Now if I described these “issues” I have to a doctor, they would probably prescribe me some drug that they deem reliable and applicable to the “symptoms” I am having. But being distracted isn’t a disease, I mean I just said we all have it, and unless this is some sort of “real life ‘Walking Dead’” situation, we are probably fine. This comes to the issue that too many people nowadays are prescribed medication to calm some nonexistent medical condition that in reality is just the common case of distractibility. Now I am not saying that people don’t have genuine medical conditions like obsessive compulsive disorder, or anxiety, or attention hyper deficit disorder, but in this case it most definitely isn’t that serious. (As I sit here thinking “please don’t be offended.”) Really, everything I am writing here might as well be a controversial blog post that the red side agrees with and the blue side disagrees with. (I wasn’t going to use realistic political or social terminology for the sides, because until I post this, I really don’t know how each side is going to react.) Back to distractibility, see I am even distracting myself from the point I was trying to make. In all my hypocrisy, I basically just see this as a realistic issue that is taken way too seriously. Whether or not I actually get that distracted, or realistically think about irrelevant objects and ideas while writing an important essay, does not matter. Because all that matters here is that it happens to everyone, and it could be this bad for some people and less for others. And if you want to say that you are never distracted and you are focused all the time, you are probably lying to yourself. So to wrap up, distractibility, it is both a real word, and a real concept. Everything about it is true and if you don’t believe me, you are probably wrong. Also don’t be offended by the fact that I use the word “you” so much, I mean if I was going to write a “bloglike” submission, I should go all out. Final sentence, I promise, more of a disclaimer though, if you managed to finish the entirety of this “post”, don’t judge me, or anyone who may feel the same, it could be completely fake and I just exaggerated completely to make people feel better about themselves, or I actually wrote an entirely honest definition of distractibility and how it is applicable to my own life. Either way (darn it, I meant for that to be the last sentence, well I end where I end now) I think we should lighten up and realize that it’s part of the journey as a human being, mistakes are made, and we are distracted from what is important, but in the end we always get what we need done. Oh, by the way, 54……..ceiling tiles I mean.


  1. This is honestly the most humorous blog I've ever read, either because I personally know you, or this relates to every aspect of my life. Anyway, the creativity of this blog was the first thing I noticed and loved about it, although you intended this to be random thoughts flowing in your head, you reached an ultimate moral or truth at the very end of your blog. (and yes i read the whole thing) As I sat here reading the blog I didn't know where you going or what was going to happen next, but that was the point, distractability; you were able to tie every sentence with your purpose, which I applaud and praise you for. (btw spell check doesn't believe it's a word)
    - Samar Elshekh P.3

  2. I think many of us can relate to you Logan. At least I know that I have encountered this many times before. When I am given a topic to write about my life, it seems like it will be an easy task, but in reality it is really not. I blank out and wonder to myself, "How can I not remember anything or have any special/interesting events that happened in my life, when I lived for seventeen years already?" I definitely love how your essay is relatable to all ages and it does show what happens in reality; especially how you mention the life lesson in the end. Great job Logan!

  3. Even in your writing your dry sense of humor shines through. I enjoyed reading this mainly because it relates to not only me but to every single person out there that gets distracted by the littlest of things. I'd rather watch paint dry then actually do something productive (although watching paint dry could very well be seen as productive.) Oops see there i go anyways, back to the real point here, I think what i admire most about the way you write is that you kinda of babble on about whatever comes to mind as you yourself are trying to get to the point. It becomes casual and easy to relate to and i think it was easier to connect with your piece because of it.

  4. I laughed out loud countless times of this. Your sarcasm is hysterical and probably because it's striking accuracy. You've summed up so much of my life it scared me, but made me feel better to know I'm not alone. Thanks Logan, and don't say you're not creative! I found this extremely creative as well as hilarious!!

  5. Oh, Logan.
    Your insight, that seemingly is a bit monotonous sometimes, continues to astound me. Of all the things you came up with, "distractability" (Which my computer is underlining as red) is one that you've subjected your piece to...And if that doesn't say "Logan," I don't know what does. With that being said, picking a topic that is somehow overlooked is a triumph and skill that also astounds me. I'm still mind-boggled by the fact that you wrote about something quite original and profound. At first, I couldn't get through the first two sentences - which, ironically, was because I got distracted - but as I continued to read, I finally entered your psyche through your own words by the skin of your teeth. In truth, don't internalize that as negative because I praise you for writing seamlessly about how this topic correlates to humanity and our tendency to become upset over the smallest of things.

    I've got to admit, you have a knack of using simplicity as your ammunition when creating such a profound and insightful story that directly relates to you. By doing so, you've become convicting (in a positive light) and created yourself a voice - your voice through the words I know you would say. That's a talent not many people posses, as they use these rich and out-of-context "Word of the Day" words, but you, Logan, inserting a voice of your own serves as a cannon to send off the message that you've created with words that are considered too simplistic. But you make it work. Great job.

    By the way, the humor slithered in there and made the piece that much greater.

  6. Logan, if this doesn't describe you as well as every other easily distracted person on this planet then I don't know what does. You are a great writer! I liked your use of description and humor as well as satire. Everything was well baklanced and just overall made for an interesting, intriguing piece. Good work!
    - Kelene H.

  7. Logan,
    This was honestly one of the most true stories I've read. I relate to all of your descriptions of getting distracted when writing essays or doing assignments and all of that. Your overall tone makes this piece humorous while keeping it from going purely comical. I loved how you kind of bounced to different issues and somewhat debated topics I suppose because I think this piece was very honest and basically talked about things alot of us go through while also kind of causing us to take a step back and realize how most of us really are with assignments such as this one. Great job, i really liked this piece.
    -Aubrianne Milton
    Period 5

  8. Your essay was very intriguing and I can honestly say I feel the exact same way 99% of the time while trying to do any kind of assignment; especially for english, and I'm a senior. Everything you wrote was spot-on and completely relatable, even your introduction, which gave the perfect lead-in to your actual topic. For future reference, the side comments, in my opinion, would fit better if put into parenthesis because it allows for a better flow of your essay, DO NOT erase them though, it made the essay that much better. The only other thing is the organization. If you broke up your essay into multiple paragraphs it would entice more readers. Insanely long paragraphs are usually not fun to read, even in novels, but if broken up a little bit there would be many many more people curious about what's going on inside your head.

  9. Not only was this story incredibly funny, i found it to be super creative. I mean who would think to write about distractibility and manage to make it feel like its connected to so many more people. I also loved how you put your own input in the story, it made for a sarcastic tone and managed to make me laugh so much more. And the way you managed to get distracted in your writing but still keep it flowing and on topic is just amazing.
    Megan McCann
    Period 5

  10. I love it!!! it was funny,it was creative, it was amazing I really like how you just typed what was in your mind and explained it, it felt as if I was talking to you in person.Wonderful job!
    zya woody
    period 4

  11. I actually managed to get through the whole blog post and for once without being distracted! That's a first, but in all honesty i loved this post and i can completely relate to it on soo many levels. I actually laughed out loud a couple of times which is rare when im reading something but your sense of humor is great and I enjoyed each and every word.
    -Alicia A.
    Period 5

  12. I liked this submission a lot because there are countless times when I've caught you being distracted by whatever. So in regards to your second to last sentence, this "rant-style" piece is not completely, if at all, fake. Now, in regards to your fourth sentence, "completely and utterly" is redundant in itself, but that's besides the point.

    While some may not enjoy the constant variation of topics throughout the piece, I actually thought it made the work more effective in grabbing and maintaining my attention. Like yourself, I too have high distractibility so the rambling aspect and the frequent shifts from one idea to another idea made it way easier for me to focus on reading and as a result, I found this submission to be genuinely entertaining.
    Overall, I commend you for the honesty that you put into your submission, despite you having doubts about what would be controversial and what would be "okay", because if you had only said the things that people wanted to hear, then your submission wouldn't have been Logan enough (your submission wouldn't have been true to yourself), so ultimately I'm very glad that you took the risk and had the confidence to share your honest thoughts with everyone.

    Lastly, whether there were actually 54 tiles on the ceiling, who knows, but I'm tremendously satisfied that you included some type of number within your personal reflection because it would've driven me crazy to not know how many tiles were on the ceiling.

    - Rachel Kroll
    Period 5

  13. First of all, this is one of the most humorous and relatable stories I've read. I like how you put this together piece together by introducing your problem, which is what to write about, then head off to why you're not able to come up with a topic.I think this was incredibly clever of you to write about "Distractibility" because it is an easy topic everyone can pretty much understand. In all, this piece is very well put together and allowed me as a reader to easily and causally go through the it!

    -Noelle Mariano
    Period 2

  14. HI LOGAN. A long time ago I read somewhere something along the lines of, "No one remembers everything about themselves. Over time you forget some of the good and some of the bad so you think that you are this type of person but you're not, you have just forgotten all the bad stuff you have done. You lose the history of yourself as time goes on." That came to my mind again when you talked how things became lost in memory.
    The part where you described looking everywhere but the screen and keyboard made me laugh. The line, "So here it goes, distractibility," really suits your personality in my opinion because I could hear you saying that and passionately winging this whole rant about distractibility before I continued reading.
    I never thought that I would be the kind of person to use the "senioritis" thing as an excuse. I have always judged that but now I get it. Today Serdan said she hates homework and its not for everyone. I wake up for school at 6. I get home at 3:45. All I want to do is sleep and make art, but I have to fill online surveys about texting and driving 5 times because yarbrough thinks I actually have friends. I have to take notes on the multiplier effect which I dont actually process. I have to go to a city council meeting and get proof because you cant be time and cost efficient by watching the same exact thing on your laptop at home. I have to pretend I understand stock lingo and read about a flat world and distribute all these projects and all these deadlines for these classes. Im not sure being im in high school but im pretty sure college wont be like this. An assignment, a mid term, and a final. I think that sums it up. So to get home and have to focus on all these things after being at an asylum for a couple hours is very draining. Im trying not to anymore but for a while I just threw all that stuff aside and I let myself be distracted. It feels nice to let myself do the things that I want to do with my time. When im painting Im still distracted because I have about 3 pieces going on at the same time because I hate staying still and waiting around. I like that you said, "But being distracted isn’t a disease," and that will probably be something that sticks with me. Ive been trying to tell myself that its okay to be distracted and take the time I have for myself.

    "So to wrap up,", "Final sentence, I promise, more of a disclaimer though," and obviously the whole writing piece but especially the last paragraph made me smile because I could hear you saying everything. Your voice and tone were accurate with who you are. I like that you ended with something about how we always get it done. Its true, at least for AP kids. Were not always in the most efficient mode but we manage.

  15. Samantha QuintanillaOctober 8, 2015 at 2:24 PM

    Logan. For the lord above may he see this writing, fantastic. Yes that sentence came off as sarcastic, but it wasn't, i honestly enjoyed your idea and as you said "i'm distracting myself from making my point" you really were. It sounded just like your own personality, all over the place, fun, upbeat, never a lag time in between. I'm happy took some time to read it and it was something that kept my interest. good job!

  16. Hey logan.
    I remember talking to you in class about how you thought it was impossible to write a personal statement and i think if developed correctly this could be a great supplement!
    Your blog was super relatable, even I got distracted reading it. I thought it was really great of you to express how you don't see "distractability" as a bad thing, especially since so many people have such negative connotations with it

  17. Logan,
    This piece is the quintessence of your fashion of thought. It's as if you are speaking to me face to face, and I am recieving your thoughts upon the way you get distracted. That's what makes your writing so original. Sometimes we all need someone to write in an unorthodox manner just to wake us up from the cliches of teenage high schooler styles. Therefore, I commend you for being different, and I encourage at the same time to continue this way.
    Eloy Guzman
    Per. 2

  18. Logan, Oh my gosh this is how I feel, its like when I read books I get distracted by the weirdest topics, although I didn't do this with you. I loved how you choose to talk about something that most people gets effected by and make it something. I also agree with you with the medicine thing, like sometimes people don't need medication maybe there just crazy and you can't help them or may be you just can't help them and the pills are making it worst.

  19. Logan while reading your piece I honestly teared up a little from laughing too hard, because I read it imagining the sarcastic tone and look on your face. I love how you mentioned the Walking Dead, and also the "Facebook Rant" that stains the internet. Distractibility, is not only not a made up word, but also causing my frustration while typing this on my lovely iPhone dealing with autocorrect! Your piece is more than relatable, giving that I also find myself staring at walls to nowhere, and ceiling lights until they give me headaches while writing neverending essays. The ending was more than likely your favorite part because you finally finished your essay, but also mine too because I enjoyed how you ended with the final count of all the tiles! Great job Logan!

    Miranda Hidalgo

  20. Man Logan, this really interested me to the point where i wanted to go count some ceiling tiles myself! All jokes aside, this really was a great piece because of how you really connected with everyone because you know how easily it is to get distracted from homework and just decide to do something much less productive. I mean, if I had a dollar for every time I got distracted from homework every night, I would have enough money to build a house where I would never get distracted. But then again, why would i do that? Part of being a high school student is being distracted and making up lost time yet still going back to whatever caught our eye in the beginning.

    Antonio Barron
    Period 3

  21. Logan I almost died from laughing too hard, my mom thinks Im crazy for laughing for an unknown reason, but you know mom do you. When I read this I was so engaged and interested throughout the whole piece. All of this is true because throughout the piece I was getting distracted you know facebook and twitter, gotta get more followers (joking). All in all it was a good piece well done man.

  22. Dang, this was crazily funny, it was so relatable and felt like it wasn't some fictional story but really interested me. I feel i can relate to how i daze off and stare into the distance when trying to finish homework. It was awesome how u listed the walking dead. Overall, it was super cool to read and brought me into the story. Awesome job!

  23. I love how this relates to me. I sometimes just look off somewhere in my room and become lost in thought while doing homework, or anything in general. I also like that you even got off track in your story.

  24. When I started reading this, I could tell how you've incorporated your unintended sarcasm and just thought oh dear Logan. I believe this piece truly encompasses what you were getting at exactly- that we as human beings are easily distracted. Whether it be while doing a task as simple as tying one's shoe or as you've said when writing an essay, some days we feel slightly more focused. I adore the numerous amount of times you've included your own personal tangents, just so we can see how distractability is so prevalent in your love. Even if you may not think so, this piece is a perfect example of the right amount of sarcasm to prove a main point.

    -Amber T. ^^
    Period 2

  25. I loved this! Being able to write comedy into a piece is very difficult and I found that you were able to execute it very proficiently. Your level of maturity as a writer was clearly shown in the way you were able to format your sentences and talk about your inner thoughts. The sarcastic tone in the piece made it an overall enjoyable experience for readers. Great Job!!
    -Elise Burgos per.2

  26. I loved this! You summed up my life perfectly. Whenever I do my homework or anything i need to be doing, this sums it up. You made it such an enjoyable and funny piece to read. Great job!!!

  27. I really liked the sarcasm and humor that you incorporated into this piece and how you summed up how a lot of high school kids feel while doing their homework.
    -Noah Andrus Period 5

  28. Logan, while I was reading your piece I found myself laugh and agreeing with your idea on distractibility. I enjoyed the comedic tone in your piece, it really gave the pieces a relaxed feeling. I also enjoyed the fact that you were able to bring your readers into your inner thoughts. Loved this!
    Emily Gonzalez

  29. Logan, I find this piece not only funny, but has truth into it. While it may seem absurd at times reading it, the sheer truth is that many of us feel the same way while we're writing, seemingly always distracted by something around us rather than staying on task. I liked how you kept me, the reader, personally involved and while it may seem like mindless ranting, this method of scattered ideas made me keep reading and wonder what your overall point is. Even though this blog post absolutely confuses me, I find it odd as to why I like this piece so much.

    Adam Burgos
    Period 2

  30. LOGAN!

    You had me laughing with your sarcasm and humor, and I can hear you saying this. You made me think and honestly this is how i feel when it comes to thee types of assignments. This is just PERFECT! Thanks Logan, you made my night.

    Allyson Bol
    Period 3

  31. Wow this story was fascinating!!! It was not only relatable but very amusing!! I very much enjoyed this story and love the detail you put into it. I can tell you put effort into this and it was a great story. Very intriguing and i hope to read more from you because this was absolutely amazing! I am out of words to describe such a great story but it was very interesting to read and i enjoyed it very much! ~ Julianna Alvarado period 1

  32. A really interesting story. I found it really relatable because I also struggle with focusing on work. good job!
    -Michael D
    Period 5

  33. This story was incredibly amusing and your inner dialogue really helped accentuate the idea that the reader was in your head as you were distracted describing distractability. I love how this post was so clearly and uniquely you that i can imagine you saying this exact thing in person without a prompt.

    Period 5

  34. I saw the huge blog of text that was your story and told myself I was going to pick a shorter one but after I read the first few sentences it pulled me in and I read the whole thing. I really liked your first person point of view on "distractability" because it is relevant to just about all teenagers. Also, I feel that the story really was creative, despite you saying otherwise. Good job Logan!
    Taylor Sandoval
    p.5 Cogswell

  35. This was a really good story Logan and don't worry your not the only one that loses focus on your work, but this was a interesting story.

  36. Goodness gracious Logan, you can turn anything into a good paper/assignment! As much as you talked about distractibility, I was able to focus on this as you made it very captivating, though, honestly, not to say that I still didn't skim or stopped to think about how distracted you were, if you think about it, haha. Gray tiles and ivory keys my friend, you played them soundly in composing this, masterfully done!

  37. Pure lies, you're lying to the people you are writing to. This is all full of creativity, the way you stated what everything was like for you was very creative.

  38. I really liked how the post itself was a great example of distractibility and I was laughing while reading the whole thing. I like how I could imagine this being a actual conversation with you. Good job!

  39. • Honestly, at first glance I thought to myself, "this is too long, and I might seek something shorter." Although when I read the first few sentences I said "this is going somewhere." Next thing I know I’m already halfway through the post as you have "distracted" me on the topic of distractibility. The amount of insight you provide into your thought process allows readers, such as me personally, to relate on the most basic of levels as most people will casually go through their day not examining the little things that have some of the most significant impacts on our everyday lives. I really enjoyed this post. Nice Job Logan!
    Hunter Fierro
    Period 5 Cogswell

  40. Logan. This is exactly like you. If anyone were to ask you, you would claim to be a terrible writer I know it. But really you have a hidden talent that goes unseen because of your modesty. Your ability to talk about things nobody else sees amazes me every time. Great Job on this. And yes I admit it. I looked it and and sure enough, Distractibility is a word.

    1. well this is embarrassing. and* just one of them. not two.

  41. Logan, you're seriously so hilarious. I think every student can easily relate to distractibility, and the way you describe this concept through your writing really reflects the humorous side of your personality. Great job man, and honestly, give yourself more credit. You're a talented writer and also a wonderfully perfect person.

  42. Seemed long and boring, YET it was the complete opposite. The organization of your piece gave the reader more of an in depth look on looking over the little things in life, as if they do not exist. Your piece was very thorough and precise, Good Job Logan!

    Rodrick Hill
    Period 2

  43. I believe many people can relate to your concept of distractibility. I can see how this word, “distractibility” might not seem like a real word because my computer is underlining it red. Nonetheless, I can personally relate to this concept because it really does appear in everyone’s aspect of life, whether it be at school, at a job, or at home. This reflection was easily relatable because it demonstrates how people are so motivated to do something and then all of a sudden, they just have a moment of “that’s a nice looking wall.” I also liked how you made something that seemed negative (like being distracted) as a positive thing because of your ending with how we always get things done, no matter what small mistakes we make.
    Going back to your reflection, I enjoyed the sarcastic humor you put into this. While I was reading this, I could picture you reading it out loud to the class. Your sarcasm added a “voice” to this piece, because whenever I see you, you’re always being sarcastic. This really was creative, unlike what you stated above. Great job!

    Kimberly Chua
    Period 2

  44. First I want to just say that I really enjoyed reading through this, for more than one reason. One being that, as I was reading I was constantly being distracted as I was trying to read it (not that it was boring, it was actually very interesting). Another being, The comedic part of this really stood out to me as you were being distracted from your "last sentence" and how it distracted you from it being the true last sentence. Overall I really enjoyed reading this as I completely relate to it, for not only am I distracted right now, but I never know what to write about whenever it comes to an essay. P. 2

  45. Logan!! I absolutely loved this piece. Just the irony in that your struggle to find a topic to write about actually became the focus of your piece was gold itself. It's honestly genius, and relatable in all aspects, particularly because I've heard several other students racking their brains trying to find an adequate subject to focus on. The comedic sarcasm had you written all over it, and really ties in your personal voice with such a great piece. I know that when the time comes, I'll dread the writer's block I'll face when having to write for this blog and the fact that you prevailed through it, coming up with this comical and clever writing, is an inspiration.

    Danelle Baronia
    Period 2

  46. Everyone can relate to what you were saying in this article, when i was writing this i was being distracted as well. I love the way you organized (or didnt organize) your paper. When pieces are written like this it gives the reader familiarity it feels less like me reading a work but more like someone is talking to me. Love the piece good job!
    -Marvin Virola
    Period 5

  47. This post is so amazing! It was extremely relatable and your personality came right through your writing. I liked the little side comments you added. Your ability to use something so simple and make it complex is perfect and remarkable! Great job!
    - Alexis Carmona
    Period 5

  48. Logan! This blog post is absolutely adorable. I enjoyed reading it so much and I related to it more than you know. This is almost exactly what goes through my mind whenever I sit down to do any assignment, not just write an essay. I also really enjoyed how casual it was, it made it a lot more easy to read. You used the second person point of view quite well which is pretty impressive. I dont see thag happening very often so props to you on that. I also loved the format and flow of the narative. How it went from a singal thought to another thought to another thought. It was quite refreshing. So good job! I enjoyed this piece a lot.
    -Annika Joshi
    Period 5

  49. Logan! This blog post is absolutely adorable. I enjoyed reading it so much and I related to it more than you know. This is almost exactly what goes through my mind whenever I sit down to do any assignment, not just write an essay. I also really enjoyed how casual it was, it made it a lot more easy to read. You used the second person point of view quite well which is pretty impressive. I dont see thag happening very often so props to you on that. I also loved the format and flow of the narative. How it went from a singal thought to another thought to another thought. It was quite refreshing. So good job! I enjoyed this piece a lot.
    -Annika Joshi
    Period 5

  50. The way you set up your entry made me think it was going to be boring, especially with the title, but I was definitely given a totally different product. You are a hilarious and witty writer
    -Sean Powers
    Period 3

  51. i was expecting a very boring story because of the way you set this up (especially with your title). However, after reading through it, i was definantly thrown for a curve. Your entry is very hilarious and relatable.
    -Sean Powers
    Period 3


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