
Monday, September 28, 2015


We have all seen the Oscar award winning films that leave us overwhelmed so why not create one of your own? This a step by step how to article in making an entertainingly interesting movie that will have critics wanting more and may possibly launch your directing career to one day debut on the big screen.

Step 1: Equipment
Be sure to have a DSLR camera or camcorder, this will ensure a good quality picture for what you will record and never ever forget to have an SD card so you can save your footage (beware it is very small and can easily be lost so always keep it some where safe and in its case if you have one.). Try to avoid using your cell phone or iPod to record your movie but if you do PLEASE hold your phone horizontally Not vertically. 

Carry your headphones around with you so that you may properly hear your recordings and I highly suggest using a tripod so that it will be well balanced and leveled. 

Step 2: Creating a story
Before you start creating your film make sure you have an actual story when doing this use a story board that will help construct what you will do scene by scene. Remember you want your movie to create some type of emotion from your audience that will capture their attention.

Step 3: Actors
For your film to be realistic try to find people you know that can act go to your schools drama class and ask around, every actor will always be willing to participate in a production like this so that it can even help them gain even more experience in acting it’s a win for everyone.

Step 4: Recording Your Movie
When recording don’t be afraid to keep having to re-record a scene till its perfect! This will give you the advantage of picking the correct scene when your editing. Also try getting different angles so that you can get different shots from certain areas and perspectives. This will allow for a more interesting look to your movie.
TIP: If you’re not sure how to do this try the 5 shot sequence. 

Step 5: Editing
There are many programs you can use to edit your movie but first of all if you filmed your movie on your phone there is an editing app called iMovie now this will not let you do everything you could on the real program but it will get the job done. I recommend using IMovie if you have a Mac and for people that just want to do it the easiest way. Now if your pretty good with computers you should use Adobe Premier Pro or Final Cut Pro either one is great and really lets you edit everything from the video to audio and the tiniest details. From here you will be able to cut, trim and add title slides and transitions to your recordings.
TIP: If you decide to use Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro and get stuck here are some helpful videos to get you through it.

Step 6: Background Music or Sound Effects Now we all know that every award-winning movie has amazing scoring and for those of you that don’t know what it means it’s an orchestra or arrange of a piece of music, typically for a specified instrument or instruments. An example would be the music that plays in the background as Darth Vader walks in, any ways the easiest thing to do would be to find your music through YouTube once you have done that highlight the URL and copy it then look up YouTube to Mp3 converter there you will paste the link into the bar and click convert and boom its in your music. If you want to get very fancy and technical with your music use Soundtrack Pro there you can create your own music from scratch its kind of like garage band if your familiar with it but more advanced. Below are the links for the YouTube to Mp3 converter and a tutorial on Soundtrack Pro.  (music converter)

Step 7: The Completed Movie
Now that you have finished your movie and edited the footage its time for you to show it off. Have a friend, family member watch it to see your completed movie from there you can see what you can improve on or what could be changed. After you know it is absolutely perfect start entering your movie in Film Festivals look online and enter as many as possible you will have the chance to make so much money and for the chance to have people start recognize you as a director. Soon you will be on your way to Hollywood and one day your star may end up on the Hollywood walk of fame!


  1. You did a phenomenal job with introducing the basics of creating a film. I believe these tips will be extremely helpful for even those who are not interested in filming an "award winning movie." These skills are are useful to know in life because in today's society technology is increasingly popular. Personally, I have always been interested in filming and video production, but not in a professional manner -- more as a hobby. This piece really reinforce my preexisting knowledge, and I found the photos very entertaining; they were excellently selected. and On the flip side, I feel that the instructions could have been more in depth and explain the individual steps more explicitly; however, you managed to touch upon all the fundamental steps in your piece, so great job!
    -Sabrina H
    Period 2

  2. I love this piece of writing. The reason why I love this writing is because you added links. I would have never thought to have added links. Good job! Also, I have very much interest in photography and this falls in the photography category. Great job on catching the reader's attention.
    - Brianna B.
    Period 4

  3. I really learned alot on how to make an award winning movie and this was a really good piece. I learned a lot about film, video production, and what kind of camera to use.
    -Justin h
    period 4 mrs cogswell

  4. Well thought out and I can tell you put a lot of effort in this. The pictures were very helpful for visual learners like myself. I am currently in Digital Film and all of these tips were very helpful and I learned many new tricks to making a more professional film. I like how you included the diagram of the Five-Shot Sequence because it is exactly what we're learning in class right now! Love this step by step tutorial! Good job! :)

  5. you did a really awesome job on this film article and i really enjoyed reading it. I never really thought about doing film and video production when i get older but now it seems like I actually want to do it. I also no now how they make an award winning movie. Anyways you did a really good job on this article/ blog and I really enjoyed reading it.
    -Justin H
    period 4 Mrs.C

  6. Well structured and and organized! The fact that you added pictures and links into your instructional article makes it easier to actually go out and try rather than be a little lost on where to start if you were knew to this. I, myself, do not really film but this was interesting and makes me want to give it a try! Job well done!
    P.5 M.S. Mrs.C

  7. Alexa! I knew this piece was yours before I even finished reading the title (;. As always, you did an amazing job writing this tutorial. I truly enjoyed reading it and definitely learned a few things from it. The tips you gave were very helpful and easy to understand. I could easily tell that you have a true passion for creating films and I already know you will make it far, keep working hard.

  8. The visual on how to hold your phone made me laugh. I know that film is very important to you so I liked that you wrote about it and trust your main points. You added visuals and links which show that you really do care to explain. The other day I was walking and heard someone probably from journalism say that "decent doesn't win academy awards so we need to film it again." It was good that you brought up awards and the walk of fame because it adds a light hearted tone.

    -jeannette martinez period 2

  9. You did a well job explaining the directions to the audience. These directions are very helpful to those who don't know anything about film making. Certainly I would use these directions in the future. I hope you create more helpful tips to the people. I throughly enjoyed your tips and thank you.

  10. Alexa! This was really great and informative piece, I loved it! Coming from someone who does not know diddlysquat about film this taught me a lot in just a few simple steps and gave me a lot of insight! I thought the five shot sequence part of your piece was interesting because to honest I didn't really realize movies use so many variations of angles and it seems real tedious. You can really tell how much film is your passion and I seriously hope you continue to follow that dream!
    - Abby E
    Period 3

  11. I was very interested in this Alexa! Well done, it totally caught my attention especially being someone who has no clue of what it really takes to make a movie, It also gave me a great deal of insight on film making and it was very informative. Your passion for this was evident all throughout the piece, I also think it is amazing that you have the patience to pursue something like this. No doubt in my mind you will become successful!

  12. I love cameras and I enjoy watching YouTube videos anything dealing with videos I'm in! I've always wanted to make a video but just did not know how to put it together properly and this gives me some tips and hints I've never known about. Thanks!

    ~Audriana Youssef
    Period 4

  13. Wow! This is actually really good, thorough, and informative. I can now -or i would to believe i can- make a movie based on the steps you wrote. I liked how you incorporated little images that are able to help the reader understand and picture the steps , they allowed me to really concentrate on the main point of this how to which was making a movie. Overall good job, it seems like you really understand how to make a movie or have had some type of experience.
    -Alicia A.
    Period 5 Cogswell

  14. Samantha QuintanillaOctober 8, 2015 at 2:44 PM

    Hey! i really loved the "how-to" most people write other more common things but yours was a nice break from that. It was well informed on how to actually make a movie and the visuals were really good too! I'm happy you also included tips here and there from your own experience like when you said, "I suggest getting a tripod so it keeps it balanced and steady." Again, i really liked that you made the instructions simple and easy, great job.

  15. I've always wanted to know how to properly film something and this was so useful!
    All of your steps and explanations were super clear to the point where I feel like I can go out and film something with some actual quality.
    "Carry your headphones around with you so that you may properly hear your recordings" was a great tip! I've always wondered how people get such clear sound without all the fancy equipment!
    honestly thanks for writing this, super informative and applicable to life.

  16. I really love this writing!!! It was very useful towards others that want to make a movie,,excellent job

  17. I love this because it helps people learn how to make a perfect movie. I am in Digial Filming and one of our last projects we had to make a 5-shot sequence and the fact that you put the 5-shot sequence in the article I think it was very helpful. Right now we are working on chase scenes. So that will help people to make chse scenes which are really hard to do so that was helpful to me. So Thank You.


  18. I love this because it is so informative and it does actually help the reader. Learning some useful tips is what will help in the long run. Also it helps any beginners that want to make a movie. The diagrams are what really helps too and makes it more fun and interesting, not just a how to that is just a bunch of words.

  19. I loved how well you were able to describe the movie making process. The pictures and various visuals were very interesting and helped to capture the readers attention. I found it very interesting how you were able to use your prior experience to enhance your work and were able to give an inside perspective of the industry and movie making process.

    -Elise Burgos per.2

  20. This is genius! Very informative and taught me stuff I didn't already know about creating a movie. This can even apply to vlogs or webisodes. I can really tell that you are very much interested in the movie and film industry. I cannot wait to watch your movies when they come out. You will definitely be successful in your future career. Good job!
    Natalia Garcia
    Period 2

  21. i liked the way you explained it all from getting the specific camera to recording to editing. you made it easy even as a person whose never recorded any sort of film to know how step by step great work.
    Alejandro Martinez
    period 1

  22. Alexa! I loved this, you really inspired me to want to make a movie. I liked seeing the diagrams and pictures because they give the reader a visual of how to use equipment properly. I also liked the little tips and tricks that you included, this will defiantly help the reader create an amazing film.
    Emily Gonzalez

  23. great job I cant wait to go to the movies one day and see your movie you made and then see you win an award for it great job keep up the good work

    -Dylan may

  24. Not only were these steps informative they were also inspirational. The way you condensed it down to only seven steps makes filming seem easy. I really liked your occasional tips over the small issues like to always be aware of your SD card and the links to some helpful videos. The pictures served as fantastic visual aids and now I don’t think I will ever film something vertical again. When I eventually go out to shoot something I will definitely come back to this post.
    period 2

  25. I took digital filmmaking last year and I feel as if this taught me more than I actually learned in class. I am a visual learner, so I really loved how you added pictures. It made me super happy when I read this, and then I could revert back to the pictures to make it clear on what I read. This article was well written and I think it is nice how you also added some tips and links to help anyone doing this! Nice job!

    ~Legend Holman

  26. I enjoyed your piece a lot! You did a very good job describing each step in detail and provided excellent examples. You made the process really easy for the audience to understand! This truly helped expand my knowledge about the foundations of movie making.

    -Noelle Mariano
    Period 2

  27. That is a really good story and advice about you describing cameras and headphones.

  28. It's good to know that I've heard of your aspirations to become a film director and have you as a friend. With the background I have form you the step by step process in this tutorial show me that you are knowledgeable in what you're doing. Even the links provided giveyou backup for your sources and give the readers visual guidance.
    -Paul Chong, Period 2, Cogswell.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I really liked this piece because you provided lots of steps and even pictures! Each description for the steps were very helpful. Now I know how to make an award winning movie! (: Good job.
    period 4

  31. I really enjoyed this how-to. I loved that you had many detailed steps that were very clear and precise to any beginner who wants to make a movie. Also, I like how you had pictures to go along with the steps. You gave very good tips on recording and editing. This how-to will be very helpful to me when I need to make a video/movie for school or when I want to create my own award-winning movie. Great job!

    Jessie Santos
    -Period 1 Cogswell

  32. I like how you told us steps by steps and add pictures in as you're telling us how to win an oscars, maybe i will use these steps someday to create a movie
    Michelle Truong
    Per 1

  33. i myself have no knowledge of film direction, but by reading you piece i feel confident that its not too late to learn because you made the process very easy to understand. The pictures and the links you provided helped the readers become more involved, which is beneficial in the process of understanding film making. I also really liked the fact that this information is actually very applicable to our daily lives. Overall a very informative piece. Great Work! -Salman Ansari

  34. I never realized that it takes so much work to make a award winning movie. As the audience we only appreciate what is on screen rather than what is off screen when we should appreciate both. This story made me interested in film making. Great job!

    JC Bagro
    Period 3

  35. This definitely will help many people who are interested in going into a film making career. Even if you aren't going into film making this will help so many students, including me, on how to make a short film for rather an assignment or just in general for fun. Great job describing everything and what you recommend.
    -Calaya, Period 1, Cogswell

  36. Very interesting, especially for those interested in pursuing a music career. This will even improve the film-making skills of people who can't do anything with a camera. Very good descriptions(they were very detailed) and exceptional recommendations. Keep writing
    ~John Tucker
    Freshman, Period 1

  37. I really this enjoyed this tutorial on how to create an award winning movie! It really brings a lot of insight into the details of the filming business. I like how you added some visuals that have some humor with it to bring a personal touch to this tutorial. In addition, it was very unique how you added links into your tutorial for extra help for the viewers of this tutorial. Overall, this proved to be very informative and helpful. This showed how passionate you are for film and I hope you can continue to follow your dream of becoming a film director! Keep up the good work!

    Kimberly Chua
    Period 2

  38. Very interesting, especially for those interested in pursuing a music career. This will even improve the film-making skills of people who can't do anything with a camera. Very good descriptions(they were very detailed) and exceptional recommendations. Keep writing
    ~John Tucker
    Freshman, Period 1

  39. I really liked how you included everything step by step and along the way added helpful tips and tricks to in order to make this process easier. From reading this I could immediately tell of your experience with film and could trustingly take your advice as to which camera I should use, which editing program and so on. It was very detailed and I learned a lot, great job!

  40. I really enjoy watching a movie, but this is really cool and I learn a new information. I like how you included how to film the movie and I really liked the last picture because that picture could motivated people to work harder.

  41. I really enjoy watching a movie, but this is really cool and I learn a new information. I like how you included how to film the movie and I really liked the last picture because that picture could motivated people to work harder.
    Rhema Kemas

  42. This is hilarioussss. Something so difficult blown to a smaller proportion (underestimating is see... you "ironist"). Your use of pictures developed interest in reader, and harmonized the topic to not become dull and redundant. The storyboard drawings were hilarious in my opinion. You were able to show your interest in film and the awesome qualities about it.

  43. This is utterly adorable! The way you blew things out of proportion are satirical and honestly so cute. It was actually quite interesting to read and the irony inside of it makes it even better. Its amazing how you took an interest of yours and made into something people will love to read.

  44. Very useful. I always wondered how these kind of things were made and now here's a whole step by step guide. Thank you for satisfying my curiosity.
    -Sean Powers
    Period 3

  45. Making a movie is a lot of work. I'm glad there are people like you who know how to do it. Good job telling the step by step process. The iMovie app sounds fun.


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