
Monday, September 28, 2015

“BFF” by Johnny D

     If I could pick any fictional character for a best friend it would be Percy Jackson from the “Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series” written by the amazing Rick Riordan. In our friendship Percy would be known as the attractive one and I would be known as the smart one. Percy would be the perfect best friend because he is a loyal friend, a good person, a demigod, was offered immortality, and most importantly goes to Camp HalfBlood with me. Camp HalfBlood is where all of the children of the Greek Gods go it is the only known safe place from monsters and other ancient creatures. Percy would show me sword fighting and introduce me to all his friends and I would show him how to solve an equation and use proper grammar. We would stay at CHB just during the summer like most demigods do. But now that you know about me and Percy let me tell you about the most incredible summer of all time! The summer started off not so great for two reasons the first reason was I’m being chased by an ogre and the second reason is how could monsters possibly be real! The ogre was pretty fast for being so big and he was only a block behind me and I knew I had to do something to lose him as soon as I had this epiphany I saw a alley and I had a feeling I was supposed to turn onto it. When I turned into the alley way I saw two beautiful horses (which is pretty weird for New York) but their was something different about them it took me a second to realise it was because they had wings. Slowly I started to accept the winged horses and when I looked away I saw a boy and a girl about three years older then me dressed in metal breastplates. I could tell they were yelling at me to come on but I couldn't hear them because the world I once knew was starting to diminish. I turned to see the ogre towering over me and that's when the two other kids jumped in and the monster was gone in about a minute then I collapsed. When I woke up I was in an infirmary but that's all i knew, I tried to get up but the pain started to spread through my whole body and I yelped with pain and the nurse ran over and gave me something to drink I didn't know exactly what it was but it tasted like my favorite drink hot chocolate when I was done drinking she walked in. The girl from the alley told me her name was annabeth and that i've been asleep for two days and also that i'm at a place called Camp HalfBlood a place for the children of the Greek Gods.when the nurse cleared me I headed over to the campfire because that felt like the right thing to do, I sat down in the very back so no one could see me. Halfway through the song the band stopped playing and looked at me and the rest of the camp followed after but I had no idea why and then I looked up and saw an owl glowing over me but I didn't know what I meant then the whole camp in unison said, “hail son of Athena”. The only thing I knew was that this was going to be an interesting summer.


  1. So first off, all I can say was that this story was very intresting to read,I actually had a little movie going on in my head when i was reading this story.Also Percy Jackson is so dope,and pretty chill with everything.Also who wouldn't want to be a demigod.If i had to be a demigod I would rather be related to Posiedon because Posideon is my favorite Greek mythology god,because he has total control of water and he's king of the ocean.Well anyways cool story,keep it up.
    Marco Garcia-Ordaz

  2. So first off, all I can say was that this story was very intresting to read,I actually had a little movie going on in my head when i was reading this story.Also Percy Jackson is so dope,and pretty chill with everything.Also who wouldn't want to be a demigod.If i had to be a demigod I would rather be related to Posiedon because Posideon is my favorite Greek mythology god,because he has total control of water and he's king of the ocean.Well anyways cool story,keep it up.
    Marco Garcia-Ordaz

  3. Johnny, I found your story very interesting. I enjoy the Percy Jackson series as well, mainly because I have an interest in Greek Mythology. I like how you give a lot of comparisons and contrasts. Also how you explained and elaborated on why you chose to have Percy as your best friend. You use some imagery but my advice would be to incorporate more imagery and use it better. That will be to your best benefit and attract more readers. Great piece though!
    Jazlynn Garcia
    Period 2

  4. It's always refreshing to read something so light-hearted and is seamlessly written from a voice as unique as your's. I'm always looking for pieces of writing that display some kind of aspect that represents the author and seemingly, I found your's to be a story that suggests you have a love for a series that gives a look into the lives of these Greek myths and their respective characters as well as the fact that you come off in a refined cool that I greatly appreciate. Usually, people don't take the time to develop a voice that effectively shows character, but you've given me an opportunity to enter the psyche of such a delightful soul...Remember, that is a difficult quality that authors don't normally have! Great job and I hope you write more!

  5. I found your story funny and interesting. I hope to see more of your work in the near future. I also, find Greek Mythology interesting my favorite Greek god is Ares the God of War. Percy Jackson was a good choice to choose, because he is a demigod and very helpful in many ways. Also, he is the son of the God of the sea Poseidon. Keep working hard and put out more good stories.

  6. This was a very interesting story, especially because you added the allusion to Greek Mythology and Percy Jackson. The detail was very good in the story, it was easy to imagine the events of the story. Overall, it was great a story.

  7. This was an extremely interesting read considering my interest in Greek mythology. You did a good job describing Percy as well as how you see Camp Half Blood. I also found it interesting when you inject yourself into Camp Half Blood because when I read or watch movies, I imagine myself in the world with them. Overall, you did a fantastic job and I hope you continue to write!

    Joseph Joshua Jacinto
    Period 5

  8. I love how in this piece you as the speaker parallel most young adults who find themselves lost in a book and completely infatuated with the characters as if they were real. Your use of imagery was on point, I had a mini scenario go on in my head while reading this story. Well done!

  9. First off, I like how you and Percy balance each other out! This is often seen in other people's friendships. I think this piece is very unique and interesting. It's something I wouldn't have thought of and it really grabbed by attention right from the start. However, you might want to go back and fix a few run ons and transitions. Other than that, you did an amazing job!

    -Noelle Mariano
    Period 2

  10. Johnny i LOVE this . The book was really good I like how you used this for your story!!!

    ~ Savannah Garcia
    Per 1

  11. Awesome!Johnny i remember this prompt in class, i didn't do so well with it. however your piece really intrigued me.Also the Greek mythology also brought me closer to the story.Even while it was first-person your detail and explanation really let me feel like you were presenting it to me.

  12. Dude yes Percy Jackson!! The way you combined the Greek mythology world of Percy Jackson with your own life was pretty much accurate to the books. I personally would've chosen to be a daughter of Hermes since he's my favorite (the Messenger God/ God of Sleep, Trickery, and Hospitality), but Athena is a force to be reckoned with. Choosing to be the son of the Goddess of Battle Strategies and Wisdom says a lot about how you see yourself/ how you want others to see you. Awesome story!
    Natalia Garcia
    Period 2

  13. Percy Jackson yesss. I also chose Percy for mine. i like the description of it all and even adding part of the book. I would also want to go to camp half blood. Good job Either way.

    Alejandro Martinez
    Period 1

  14. great job loved the story fun interesting and exciting good job loved the story keep it up.

    -Dylan may

  15. This was a cool story i love the Percy Jackson series. I could picture the whole Camp half blood and the main character [you] with Percy meeting new people. When you were telling us about your best summer with Percy and u start by getting chased by a fast ogre that put me on the edge of my seat. Then as soon as u think its all over u end up waking up in a hospital completely safe.

  16. Adrian Modesty Pd 4October 8, 2015 at 8:16 PM

    Johnny, wow,
    That was great. I felt like i was there at the camp and being his friend. the part where you were claimed by Athena was the best in my opinion.
    Have fun at camp, and keep up the great work.

  17. Omg! I really liked this piece for its originality. Your topic that you chose was really unique and had my attention from the start. Your creativity was impressive. I thought it was really cute how you broke down what your guys friendship would be like and you gave so much detail that I was able to really have an idea of what you guys would be like together. Great job!

    Dominique Washington
    Period 2

  18. This was the first time I have ever seen this kind of piece of writing. I totally agree with you on how you chose Percy Jackson to be your best friend. Stating one of my favorite books was the hook that caught my attention. Great Story :)

  19. I've read the Percy Jackson series when it came out. I hit every Barnes n' Noble or book fairs to get the next edition so it was nice to see the elements in the book brought back into your story. I also enjoyed the owl locking its view onto you signaling your new family, The Children of Athena. All the elements from the story really gave me that nostalgic feel so great job!

  20. I've read the Percy Jackson series when it came out. I hit every Barnes n' Noble or book fairs to get the next edition so it was nice to see the elements in the book brought back into your story. I also enjoyed the owl locking its view onto you signaling your new family, The Children of Athena. All the elements from the story really gave me that nostalgic feel so great job!

  21. I haven't that particular series, but still a very original story. I felt like I was at that camp, in the moment. The best part, in my opinion, was when you were claimed by Athena. Overall a great story Johnny. Keep writing!
    ~ John Tucker

  22. The title of your story was the first thing that grabbed my attention. I love how you managed to incorporate humor into your story. It really made it even more enjoyable to read. When you chose to be the son of Athena, that was unexpected because it gave me an insight on who you are as a person and the talents that you posses. Which I personally believe is kind of a hard thing to do because many have tried, but few have succeeded. Fantastic job and thanks for the great story.
    Kayla Weathers
    period 5

  23. I haven't that particular series, but still a very original story. I felt like I was at that camp, in the moment. The best part, in my opinion, was when you were claimed by Athena. Overall a great story Johnny. Keep writing!
    ~ John Tucker

  24. Great story! It was unique , because I haven't read a piece like yours before. It was also relate able in a sense because I would also like Percy Jackson for a best friend, because of the qualities that character has.

    Rodrick Hill
    Period 2

  25. Great job with this story! This is very interesting how you mixed the real world with the fictional world, it makes you want to know more about what happened that summer. Nice job!

    JC Bagro
    Period 3

  26. I really enjoyed this! I liked how you tied in some aspects from the real world into the world of Percy Jackson. It’s such a coincidence! I was just watching the movie, Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, yesterday. Anyway, I really enjoyed your use of imagery and your whimsical tone throughout this. It really shows your unique writing skills. I hope you can continue to write more!

    Kimberly Chua
    Period 2

  27. I have to say this was a very interesting and enjoyable piece! I'll be honest; I am one of those people who have only seen the movie without reading the book. However, I still enjoyed it nonetheless. I really admire the imagery put in this story because I could actually envision and project the images and scenes that you've engraved in this story. Very nice job! Keep it up!

  28. I really enjoyed your piece , even though personally I am not that in to Greek Mythology .It was very interesting.What I liked most about it , is I was able to imagine everything that was happen . Even though I really don't know that much about Greek Mythology , I was able to understand what was going on and paint a precise picture in my mind of what happening in your piece. Great job :)

  29. I'm don't know anything about the Greek Mythology and that kind of stuff, but I found that, this a really interisting story. I think i've had watched the movie, but i haven't read the book yet. I'd like the part when you said you could teach Percy how to solve an equation and learn how to use a proper grammar, that was funny.

  30. I really like this story, it is a really an interesting piece and I like the part when Harper said that that's going to be his last day as Harper and just give me the chills and I really like moral of the story.
    Rhema Kemas

  31. I'm don't know anything about the Greek Mythology and that kind of stuff, but I found that, this a really interesting story. I think I’ve had watched the movie, but I haven't read the book yet. I'd like the part when you said you could teach Percy how to solve an equation and learn how to use a proper grammar, that was really funny.
    Rhema Kemas

  32. I love the fact that you chose an author and I too have in interest in Mythology and the Percy Jackson series.
    Katy O'Hara
    period. 1

  33. I really loved your story it made me think a lot about what life would be like like that.
    Madison Behee

  34. Hi Johnny :)
    I enjoyed this piece quite. It was defintely an interesting piece. I too used to love the Percy Jackson series! I loved how you incorporated supernatural aspects into daily life and how that eventually lead to your entry in Camp Half Blood. Your story is quite similar to Percy Jackson's so its no wonder you guys are best friends! Haha I hope you keep writing about your adventures at Camp Half Blood, I'd love to read them!
    -Annika Joshi
    Period 5

  35. I think its so interesting how you incorporated a book into your real life story! It adds almost a story within a story feel that is really cool! The Percy Jackson books are awesome and the fact that you can take those stories and turn it into your own shows a talent in writing!


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