
Monday, May 4, 2015

"Untitled" by Kayla F

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” Albert Schweitzer the AP English teacher write on the board. The students walk in and take their seats and the late bell rings.
Teacher: Good afternoon. I need you guys to take out a piece of paper and a pen. Then read the following quote on the board and tell me what you think of this quote and what does it mean to you. When you are down turn your paper in the bin.
The students anxiously start writing expect for one student who looks slightly scared a numb feeling comes over her she does as her teacher says and begins to think,
What does it mean to be successful? What does it mean to be happy?  Does success only come from happiness or success has nothing to do with happiness? Are you only happy when you are successful or is happiness not affected by success? Are these just abstract ideas that we set our goals on just to make ourselves feel good or content with our actions? Do our actions mean anything? If we were successful in life would we be happy? If we were happy would we be successful? Does getting everything you ever wanted mean that you are happy? Does this mean that you are successful? Will I ever be completely happy? Will I ever be successful?  If I am not happy will I not be successful? What if I just want to be successful? What if I just want to be happy? I got it.
The student begins to write,
One day I want all my dreams to come true. I know that sounds like fairytale or something straight from a Disney movie but, I mean it.  In every Disney movie there is struggle in the beginning. The main character starts to doubt themselves however, somewhere deep down inside they find the will to keep going. They find a will so that they can be happy. We all are a main character in a Disney movie. We work hard and dedicated ourselves in order to reach the goal we have set forth. We make those goals because they will make us happy once they are achieved.  We all have to do what makes us happy in order to reach your goals and become successful in life.  You can only be successful once you are happy. If you had all the money in the world you would be considered by many successful but if you are not happy there is a void within your life. The only way to fill that emptiness is to find happiness in your life then and only then will you be successful.
The student turns in her paper. She leaves the class with the widest and most energetic smile on her face. She finally makes a decision about which college she wants to attend. She rejected Harvard and went to San Diego State because she knew that is where she would the happiest.


  1. Oooh, i liked this blog! I like the symbol it places on all the high school students who had to pick a school. I liked how your blog talks about the theme of being happy and you are only successful if you are happy, not the other way around. I also liked the simile you used to compare your dreams with Disney. The best part was the irony showed in the end. What student would reject Harvard for a cal state? It defines the importance of being happy and to go where you will be happy and not somewhere where you'll have to pay a crap ton of money and be in debt for a couple of years after you graduate. :)

  2. I really loved this because I feel like happiness has so much more value but yet for so many people they think being rich and well off is what is going to make them happy to only realize that at the end of the day they are rich but lonesome and depressed. I really enjoyed that you put all your thoughts on this subject out there because we all think about this stuff.Great piece!

  3. I really like the overall theme you went for and the relevance it has towards all of us, especially when it comes time to writing an essay.

  4. I really enjoyed your story! It really goes to show that you should do whatever makes you happy. I like how you used a lot of details like showing how she was happy when she left her class. It also shows that people shouldn't be pressured into doing things they don't want to do. Overall, I think this is a fantastic story.
    - Shayan Khan P6

  5. I like the way you handled the cliche message of following your dreams. People too often dismiss the stupid-sounding or cliche as absolute bad ideas, especially the idea of making your dreams come true. Most people consider this to be a childish and unrealistic goal, and you don't seem to be discouraged by this. You make a good point that its not being successful that makes a person happy, but rather the idea that enjoying whatever it is you chose to do, usually "making your dreams come true," is the true key to success and even greater happiness. Great Job!

  6. i understood this so much but to be true and honset happiness is a state of mind and hart {throw the hart the the cares of this wrold come threw the mouth} so the thing that makes me fight everyday is knowing that jeues christ is comeing back to clam his people. keep up the good work!!!!!

  7. Madison Pierce period 4
    I liked the way you wrote you entry, it went from the quote, to the assignment the teacher gave, to the thoughts of the student, to what the student wrote, all the way to the after math where she found happiness herself. This gave the reader an eye into the reaction of the student and how the thing she wrote and believed to be true and happiness played a part in her own life. It also relates the place a lot of high school students went through while making their decision of what to do for college and a place you know you will be happy over is always better to choose than a place highly looked upon for its academics.

  8. Great work! I loved the perspective you brought to light. I completely agree, unless you are happy whatever success you think you have achieved is not truly successful. I also like that you chose to write from the direct view of the speaker. It made the piece more relatable and understanding.

    Merosa Uiagalelei
    Period 5

  9. This blog post is very relatable especially to most of the seniors because many of us start to doubt our future and where it might lead. Also it reminds me of when we write essays in Cogswell's class. I love how the student is asking questions that I believe we all have asked ourselves at least once in our high school life especially when it comes to choosing a college. I love the overall message about how you need happiness in order to be successful which I believe is true. I felt very connected with the piece so great job.
    -Katheryn Valle

  10. I really like this because its true to lots of teenagers these days always trying to please people instead of themselves first so great job on the writing and keep up the good work
    -Kamau O

  11. I think this is a really cute story. Its nice to think that something so little as a writing assignment can help you figure out what to do with your life or at least the next step of your life. I especially like how the reader got to read her perspective and thought process the AP student had when she was thinking of what to right. I don’t know why but I really liked the questions she was asking herself too because they were so in depth which is something I feel that I need help with. So I guess you could say that helped think of how to formulate more elabrotive questions. but the story itself was amazing. Keep up the good work!
    mariah rhodes
    period 6

  12. I really like how the teacher in the story helped the character make the right decision about which college to attend. I really love the paragraph thats about happiness and success, although some of the questions in there did confuse me a little bit.
    -Ashlyn Barnes

  13. This story was absolutely main blowing for the fact that students are constantly worrying that they must do the best they can for their family. That is the key concept now a days students often do things that are usually what their parents want, and this can lead to an unhappy life. This is an amazing message for students to do whatever is best for them, whatever will make them happy in life. Good job on this amazing truthful story.
    Dean Garcia period 6

  14. This story was amazing! The best one I have read so far. I liked how the teachers quote made the student think and ponder and perhaps helped her change her mind on going to Harvard. The student really took the quote in consideration and looked at it in a way where she put her own life in it. I really enjoyed this story I would love to read more from you.

  15. I really liked this post! I loved how the teachers assignment to the class help her make this big decision in her life. I can definitely relate to this because I had to make a decision on where to go for college as well. I completely agree that you wont be happy unless you are doing what you love

  16. I really liked the overall message of this story and how it shows the different views of success and happiness. I also like the way the story itself was told, starting from a simple quote and branching off from there, questioning success and happiness. The constant questions really let the ideas expand and led to the meaningful message. Great job!

  17. Ay Kayla that was great! No lie, but as I was reading this, I sort of had a connection with the main character, because almost all those questions she was thinking, are questions I ask myself daily. I liked the setting, it reminded me of our English class. This was a great piece girl!

    Elisabeth Domond
    Period 5

  18. Goodjob Kayla! I liked how you started off your blog entry using a quote. It immediately got me thinking and I thought that it was funny how the main character was thinking hard about the quote just as I was. I liked that you had a message in the story and you showed an event that most high school seniors debate about, the choice of their college. Many people I know have been in that situation too, so I liked that your story was able to relate to real life situations.

  19. Such a beautiful piece. I loved that you compared the students to Disney characters. This comparison really helped to solidify what you wanted to deliver because the Disney character archetype is something that most people can understand and connect to. I also loved the questions you kept using because as I read them I was answering them for myself also which furthered my connection to your final message. Everyone is pushed to go to the famous schools because otherwise you are seen as "not all that smart". Students get pushed into entering these schools despite the fact that it may not be the school for them. People forget that the environment of a school and the people within it are crucial to one's success because if you are not comfortable in that environment and you cannot work in it, you will fail, no matter how smart you are or how famous your school is. Just as your first sentence states happiness is the key to success, not the other way around.
    Danielle Delgado
    Period 1

  20. Kayla, I respect you so much for the message that your piece sent out. The quote in the beginning really grabbed my attention and I found myself thinking about the meaning of that quote before continuing to read the piece. I personally understand the entire university dilemma because as I was growing up my parents always pushed me to go to the more prestigious universities, and while they're obviously not a bad choice, those schools don't necessarily fit well with every student who goes. I really liked how you showed the thought process of the student writing because I have to admit, so many of those questions go through my head all of the time. Overall, awesome time.

  21. Awh, Kayla! I loved this piece so much! I liked how deep you got in your piece. The message presented is so significant and I am certain most people agree with this! The fact that you tied in Disney characters to students is amazing! I completely get the whole university aspect of this because I always let myself believe until this year actually that known colleges were the only ones I should look at and only those and that turned out to be more difficult than they made it seem! I loved how you made us readers think deeply! Amazing imagery and diction!!!

  22. Wow Kayla, I really loved the message in your piece. The quote in the beginning really hooked me into reading more. I thought it was interesting of you to title this piece "untitled" as well as setting the story like our own AP English classroom. Your questions definitely helped me think more for myself and make deeper connections similar to the girl in the story. Overall, great job and I hope for the best for you and college! Be happy!

  23. Kayla, I really enjoyed reading your story! I like how you structured the story in that you presented a question and showed how the main character came to a conclusion. Also, I like the fact that the story was so relatable to what many of us who were trying to decide to what school we wanted to go to. The diction and point of view you used in the story greatly presented the character's inner thoughts and feelings. I liked how you presented the reader with multiple questions to show how the main character felt when trying to answer the difficult question presented to her. Overall, I really liked your piece and found it very motivating for those of us going off to college and trying to find a career that we can pursue that will make us happy and successful.
    -Sophia Bobadilla
    Period 1

  24. I like how this piece was based on an AP classroom and gave the gave great detail to the inner thoughts and was an enjoyable read.

  25. I really enjoyed reading this piece because it's based off of a high schools student's perspective. I completely agree with the idea that HAPPINESS is the key to success and nothing else. If you actually like your job then you are successful. If you make a ton of money and hate your job then you aren't genuinely successful. I liked how you used the Disney allusion because it made me draw connections where I never saw any relation. Loved it :)
    Haylie D Period 4

  26. I liked this story. I like how you decide what successful is to you and what happiness is to you. Good point. Good story.
    Period 6
    Luis Toro

  27. Beautiful message of staying true to yourself and doing what makes you happy. Especially relevant to the graduating seniors who are picking schools and majors that will effect them for the rest of their lives. Also, the message was delivered gracefully through a well written anecdote, making it easier for the reader to relate. You must have thought of everything! Good work on a wonderful piece.

  28. Thank you for this. I connected with this piece very easily as I myself have asked the questions and I am still wondering what exactly will make me happy because I know that to be successful, I must be happy first. That is the most important step to becoming successful. We determine what success means as it is our own realities and appears as an illusion to others. I love this allegory you concocted and I will continue to search for my own happiness and success to come into my life. Thank you, so much.
    Period 1
    Gian Velasquez

  29. This is truly eye opening and good to know that we all have this same mentality on the importance of doing what we love and still being happy. As seniors its hard to realize what is going to be truly good for our future, such as majors and what not but I enjoyed how you connected this topic into something deeper. Your format and detail was great. Nice work!

  30. Kayla, I really loved this piece and the revelation at the end about happiness. It is an important message that success is not ultimately obtained without happiness. I like how you used an AP student and her decision on college to really the message. I found this piece to be relatable and thought provoking.

  31. this is good because it shows that being rich isnt the help
    only thing that will keep you doesnt always have to be wealth you can be lonely and rich

  32. I really enjoyed the message of your writing which is too be happy. To chose and make decisions that will keep us happy. I liked how you made it relate able to a lot of students by using an AP student as an example of how to pursue happiness as the AP student chooses to go to a cal state instead of Harvard. Great job.

  33. I really enjoyed the message of your writing which is too be happy. To chose and make decisions that will keep us happy. I liked how you made it relate able to a lot of students by using an AP student as an example of how to pursue happiness as the AP student chooses to go to a cal state instead of Harvard. Great job.

  34. I like how relatable this piece was. I could see myself in the story going through what she went through. I love how you explained that you don't have to go to Harvard to get the best degree. Any education is a good education. I loved it!

  35. I think the message of the story was very powerful. I don't think many people know that the most important thing in life is to be happy. -Sophia Rivas

  36. I think the message of the story was very powerful. I don't think many people know that the most important thing in life is to be happy. -Sophia Rivas

  37. This story was absolutely incredible. Your message was clear worded together perfectly. Your choice in message was interesting but also common and to many in today's world we don't have the motivation to go the extra mile to do whatll make us happy to reach certain goals. It's sad because alot of people who do try to reach the goals they give up and then theres those who fight for things they feel will make them happy but is only a material item. This story explains what we should be striving for for self motivation this. This was a great story good job.

  38. This story was absolutely incredible. Your message was clear worded together perfectly. Your choice in message was interesting but also common and to many in today's world we don't have the motivation to go the extra mile to do whatll make us happy to reach certain goals. It's sad because alot of people who do try to reach the goals they give up and then theres those who fight for things they feel will make them happy but is only a material item. This story explains what we should be striving for for self motivation this. This was a great story good job.

  39. Wow! I was really moved by the message of the story. Especially with us seniors graduating very soon, it's hard to keep in mind that we must do what makes us happy. Great job!

    Melany M
    Per. 1

  40. Fernando Mauri P1May 13, 2015 at 6:54 AM

    The internal struggle of the student is completely relatable and the overarching message of the story is touching. Success is so flexible, with so many different connotations, but most people associate it with capital gain when all you need really is just a sense of fulfillment. You captured the other facet of success being that it is most important that you look after your own interests. An artist I look up to once said that "if you have revolutionary potential, it is your moral responsibility to use it and change the world," and I think that the quote has much to do with success.

  41. I like that quotes. Your writing was very practical and relatable,all of the questions. I say that because I've thought some of the things in the section with. Happiness is definitely a very important thing in life, which i think would be the overall message. I enjoyed your writing.

  42. Nice! I really enjoyed reading your piece. I really connected to it especially because we are graduating soon and we all need to remember that what is important in life is to do what we love. Great Job!

    Alyssa Anastasi

  43. I usually don't like pieces that begin with a quote but I feel like it blended smoothly in with the style of your piece. I believe it connects with most readers at the school because many people have experienced what it feels like to write an essay in class. Im glad you chose to write about happiness because it is near the end of the year and many people are nervous about their future prospects at happiness. Thank you for your piece, I enjoyed reading it.
    Adan Chavez

  44. loved the detail of this story it came to life.

  45. loved the detail of this story it came to life.

  46. This piece was extremely relate able because as seniors we're all going through the same things. Starting a new chapter in our lives. The quote that you used in the beginning flowed perfectly with the rest of your piece. I think as seniors we all needed to read this piece it gave your audience a sense of comfort. Overall great piece girl thank you!
    Leah Hernandez
    Period 4

  47. I really enjoyed this piece because it addresses the age old questions. What is the key to success? What is the key to happiness? I really liked the ending because the girl did what was going to make her happy, not what is the typical route taken by the "successful" person. Great Job
    Nehemiah Barnett
    Period 4

  48. This is very relatable because as we get closer to the end of the year we question the future and what we must do to succeed even if it isn't enough. Great ending that really settles the story and good use of imagery and point of view.

  49. I enjoyed this so much.. You don't even know how much this made me think about my own college decisions.. The relevance that you portrayed in your piece makes all of us senior really think about our high school years and how one decision can affect our own life happiness. Kudos to your writing and may you live a long happy life.

    Jaena Lauren Fabia
    Period 4

  50. Wow, what an amazing story. I'm sure that a lot of people have had those questions go through their mind. Also that people think you're happy because you have a lot of money but it isn't always true. Thank you for writing this, I feel that it opened a lot of eyes.
    Anthony Chao
    Period 6

  51. Great job! I loved your story!!

    imalla Ramirez
    period 6

  52. Kayla, this sort of piece is something everyone needs to read, especially during this time of the year. Many times during life, there are times when we must choose between what we want and what is needed. It is those decisions that are the hardest. I felt that your piece really embodied what kind of mindset someone goes through when making this type of decision. Your use of organization and how they separated the student initially, her struggle, and then finally her resolve was well-executed. A job well done.

    Isabelle Huynh


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