
Monday, May 4, 2015

"That One Summer Night" by Merosa U

The summer night of July fourth I experienced one of the most embarrassing yet memorable nights of my life. My family hosted our family and friends on the fun Independence holiday. I had expected all of those who attended to come except for one. This happened to be our close family friend’s nephew T, who I had a huge crush on at the time. Although I was not prepared to see him I was definitely pleasantly surprised. I spent almost the entire gathering trying to find ways to “get him to myself” (just to talk and get to know him of course).
            I had several minor encounters with him that day, except I never got my chance to really talk to him. Night time soon creeped up on me and the day was slowly coming to an end. Most of our guest remained and everyone but the adults decided to play fugitive. The game of fugitive is great for large groups such as the one we had that night. When playing the game the players must choose some people depending on the amount, to be the “cops”, and the remaining players to be the “fugitives”. Then the group chooses a destination for the fugitives to attempt to get to without getting caught by the cops, the first fugitives to get there win. Due to the amount of people in our group we split up in pairs. My first thought was to make sure I was paired with T and I thankfully was able to make that happen.
            The game began and everyone dispersed, the destination we chose was a field on the local high school behind my neighborhood. T and I set off to our destination and I pretty much mentally lost the entire goal of the game. I honestly couldn’t have cared less if we won or not I was just glad I finally got to talk to him. While he was actually trying to win the game, I on the other hand was distracted by his presence and risked our chance of getting caught multiple times. We finally made it to the field safely and won the game. On our way back I finally got to talk to him with no distractions. The conversation was everything I hoped for and more. We reached the exit of the field which required us to climb over a fence. He hopped over first, effortlessly and offered to help me down. Assuming I was more athletic I declined his offer and decided to jump off myself. Which was probably the worst mistake I could have made, I completely failed! My shorts got caught on the top of the fence and ripped, not just a little tear, oh did I wish it was just a tear. The shorts completely ripped in half, so it pretty much became a skirt at that point. On top of that my cell phone flew and scattered on the ground. After my horrific fall T immediately came to my assistance completely unware of my split shorts and tried to help me up. Once I noticed he was totally unaware of my shorts I quickly turned his attention to my scattered cell phone and yelled at him to grab that instead. Unfortunately my yell came off slightly rude which was definitely unintentional. He put my phone back together and we made our way back to my house. I struggled to hold my shorts together, keep up with our conversation, and make sure he was slightly ahead of me so he wouldn’t see my embarrassing shorts. I felt like it was the longest walk of my entire life. I couldn’t enjoy the conversation and was too embarrassed to admit what had happened. We finally made it home and without a word I took off running into my house. I changed quickly but it was too late T left and I didn’t get to finish our conversation or say goodbye.
A couple of days later I saw him again and he asked me why I rushed in without saying good bye that night. He thought I was irritated with him and he couldn’t have been more wrong. I explained to him what happened including my feeling of total embarrassment. To my surprise, he explained that he actually found my incident really funny but cute and that I should have just told him. T and I are just friends now and reminisce on that night all the time. I learned that I’m horrible at communicating with boys and just to be honest in circumstances like this. Since then I avoid the game of fugitive as often as I can and definitely do not pair with anyone I’m attracted to.


  1. I really enjoyed your story! I thought it was hilarious and very detailed. I liked how you used details to show how you didn't mean to yell at T like that. You should consider making a part 2 on this story and maybe talk about another incident between them.
    - Shayan Khan P6

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Deja HardrickMay 11, 2015 at 8:13 PM

    awww this was so cute it showed emotion and it was really funny! im sad to that i didnt get to find a part 2 but hopefully you will make one ! n i also really enjoyed this story it reminds me of a time with my bf. One time i was outside with him {i had the biggest crush on him} so we hung out outside and my stomach was hurting so bad but i couldnt help but look at him so i ignored it. So finally after we were talking we left to the basketball court and i got up to notice that my friend visited me earlier than i expected long story short i got embarresed and ran to my house so he didnt see and i was so upset i cried but i didnt say a word. so that night i said goodbye and gave him a hug and he whispered in my ear " its ok princess .. hopefully next time i can buy the chocalate" then he kissed my cheek and left :} two weeks later he was mine :* now 10 months 1 week and 4 days later he still brings it up haha.

  4. Aww! This is so cute and funny at the same time. I've played fugitive before and its pretty tough to not get caught. I think everyone can relate to this story of embarrassment because we all embarrassed ourselves at some point. I liked the details of the aftermath of the incident and how he thought it was cute. Great story!

  5. Wow! This story was really funny but also kind of cute. I honestly couldn't tell if it was like based off of a true story or if it was just fiction but either way it was really good!
    -Ashlyn Barnes P6

  6. This story was extremely interesting to read due to the fact that at least once in their life someone has embarrassed themselves in front of someone that they find attractive. Overall this was a smooth flowing and funny story. Good job.
    Dean Garcia period 6

  7. I really enjoyed your story! It was funny but cute at the same time. I enjoyed how you explained her troubles just to have a real conversation with him and ended with her ripping her shorts. In the end it was nice how he didn't judge her or ignore her he understood and they remained friends. This was a really good story!

  8. Hi Merosa! Your story was really funny. I think we've all had moments of embarrassment, especially in front of people we like, which made your story relatable. I think your approach on writing was very personable and overall, really fun to read. You really didn't need that much concrete detail for the reader to even know what was going on. My favorite part about your entire piece, though, was probably the end and how you concluded that despite being tremendously embarassed "T" was still really understanding and you learned just to never try to play "Fugitive" again. Good job.

  9. This was really interesting, funny, and cute...I loved it. Great job!
    -Sukhmeen G
    Per 2

  10. I found this piece very enjoyable. I liked the subject matter and how it was a simple story telling an embarrassing and innocent experience. I really liked the narration of the piece, telling of a memorable experience in light and funny way. Great job!

  11. Oh my gosh this story was so incredibly hilarious! I mean I'm sorry for the embarrassing moment for you but it was so funny! I loved how you used so much detail and it practically relates to every teenager who goes through an embarrassing moment in front of the person they want to impress! I loved how you described your emotions throughout the whole story and made it seem like us, the audience, was actually feeling what you were feeling. Great story!

  12. I really enjoyed your story since i feel like most everybody can relate with the characters and how it feels to have an embarrising moment in front of someone special anyways i also enjoy the humor great job
    Valerie Perez
    Period 6

  13. I really enjoyed your story and it was funny

  14. It was funny and i really enjoyed it
    Xavier Delgado

  15. This was an entertaining piece Merosa! I loved how you told the story from the beginning of your 4th of July to the end when T left. Your use of imagery and detail is what made it more fun for me to read and really get into. You made this story relatable and pleasing to many readers and it definitely made me laugh. Thank you for writing and sharing this unique story!

  16. Merosa, I can't stop smiling right now. This is the cutest, funniest personal piece on the blog that I have read. I love how much detail you included throughout the entire piece-- I could imagine your predicament perfectly. I love this piece, wholeheartedly. Great job.

  17. That story was a nice read and left me with a happy feeling. I really enjoyed reading your story Merosa

  18. This story was funny. I like the way you distracted him by telling him to find your phone instead of him looking at you. Good story.
    period 6
    Luis Toro

  19. This piece was very entertaining and filled with humorous moments. Your use of imagery made it feel as if I were in your story and it made it more entertaining. Great job on this piece!

  20. This story was actually super funny and cute, and I really enjoyed reading it. I liked how you explained all the tactics that you tried in order to get him alone, only to have you rip your shorts. Super ironic and hilarious, and good job!

    Anthony Hurd
    Period 4

  21. I really enjoyed this story it had me hooked the whole time! It kept reminding me of myself when I fell off a gate except I broke my arm and busted my chin open so she was in way better condition then I was haha. I love how you told us at the end how she was horrible with communicating with boys it was funny :) great job!

  22. hi merosa , I liked this even though we know whats up . but I feel like this was so relate able we all have some kind of story like this and Ive played the bad person before in the end it was fun and cool and it hooked me good job.

  23. Hey Merosa!
    Your story was absolutely adorable! I was hopping fences with my best friend once and she got caught by her jeans. She ended up literally dangling until I could stop laughing long enough to help her. Aren't I just the best, best friend ever? I loved your style throughout this piece. It felt super personalized, and it left my eyes searching the page for more. Your tone and voicing provided the perfect atmosphere for your work, and your use of irony was killer. Finally, your imagery was descriptive enough to make me feel as though I was third-wheeling. Thank you so much for sharing this experience!
    Congrats on a hilarious, well-written piece. :)

  24. This story was hilarious. It was very well detailed that it made it easy for me to follow along and picture what was going on.Very great ending with a sad but hilarious ending of the ripping of the shorts.

  25. This was a really funny story and I also like how T understood what happened


  27. Wow, I love the personal aspects of this story. With the humor, it merely added to the effect of the story. Great job -Thuy Cao

  28. Aawwww Merosa this piece was so cute! Lol i have a perfect image of your predicament. The detail that you included in your piece made it even more enjoyable i loved every piece of it. Overall great piece girl I loved it.
    -Leah Hernandez
    period 4

  29. I loved this piece!! Loved the detail !

    Imalla Ramirez

    Period 6

  30. Marian hollinquest
    Period 4
    I loved this story so much, it brought upon feelings or nostalgia
    Good Job!


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