
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"Finding Peace" by Haylie D

My name is Serenity.  I am seventeen years old and I am insane. Telling people my story is rather hard for me but here goes nothing. When did I become insane? I’m not too sure on where it all began.  I remember when I had hardly one concern at all and knew absolutely nothing about what it’s like to be genuinely scared and alone.  My life was this great for as long as I could remember.  People think that what they have is so secure and nothing or nobody could take it away from you….and it’s that exact idea that screws us all.  And when it is taken away from you (because it’s bound to happen) you’ll begin to feel pain.  When I say pain I mean feeling pain in a way you never thought you were capable of feeling.  But is pain truly temporary like everyone says? Yes.  Can temporary mean 9 months? Yes.  The scary part is not knowing.  Not knowing when it’ll stop, let alone get better.  And you can’t help but feel so much anger towards to person who caused this.  Most likely the anger will turn into sadness, then back to anger again, etc.  I would say that the absolute hardest part for me was the worrying.  Worrying myself sick. Literally. I would lie in bed at night forcing myself to get some rest.  Then would wake up around 4 AM because I couldn’t stop shaking.  I wasn’t in a good place then but I think that’s about where I realized I’m insane.  But if I’ve learned one thing in the past 2 months it’s that nothing lasts forever, not even the pain.  I will tell you that it’s all a mental game, nothing more. A positive mindset will go a long way.  Do you think it’s bad to fight for something you want?  No.  But it’s even more important to know what you believe in and what’s worth fighting for before anything permanent is done.  So here’s some advice you’ll need; hold onto what you believe, know when to fight but know when to let go, and most importantly forgive.  Don’t forgive because you think you have to; it won’t make you any less insane, do it because it’ll give you peace of mind.  I’ve accepted things far beyond what I viewed as capable. After all, my name is Serenity isn’t it?


  1. I enjoyed the play on the name thing. I thought this really good. I personally don't think the character is insane and is more of a physiological wretch. I thought this was a cleverly written piece.

  2. Haylie I really enjoyed how this is so relatable to many people, hiding the pain and hurt inside and eventually becoming insane because of it .However, you gave great advice by saying someone should forgive when they are completely ready to.

  3. This story was easy to relate to, you can find good advices in here. I believe she isn't insane but everyone has there own problems. Well written.
    -Vymian San

  4. I really enjoyed this piece. I like the way you said that the character was going to tell her story, after admitting being insane, and to show that she really was insane , you had her ramble like a mad woman and she never really got around to telling her story. You did a great job!
    Nehemiah Barnett
    Period 4

  5. I like this piece because it offers great advice to many people who can relate. Great diction and way to connect the title into the overall meaning of the story.

  6. I thoroughly enjoyed your story Haylie. It was full of wisdom and a life lesson that is almost vital to learn within ones life in order to not go “insane.” Your use of irony by naming the character serenity was also a great literary technique I liked within your story.
    -nate shepard p.1

  7. It was your title that made me want to read this blog entry and I was quite impressed by how you explained your idea of "finding peace" I liked the fact that you made the girl's name Serenity. It totally contradicts the idea of being insane, but it worked well and it made the story more interesting. Most importantly I loved the message and advice you gave to the readers. What you wrote could relate to almost everybody and I liked how you connected it to life and the truth behind it. Overall, great story!:)

  8. I really enjoyed this piece because it was deep and meaningful. I want to read so much more on why she feels this way but this is just as great not knowing and reacting to her words about pain. Overall I thought this was an amazing story that I really enjoyed reading.

    Sarah Skibby
    Period 6

  9. I can relate to this quote, " People think that what they have is so secure and nothing or nobody could take it away from you….and it’s that exact idea that screws us all. And when it is taken away from you (because it’s bound to happen) you’ll begin to feel pain." you absolutely describe how an object being taken away is like a family member dying. Very excellent story.
    Isaac Garcia
    per 6

  10. I must confess, I have a real soft spot for this. Even with how short it is, the storyline was so different from everything else I've read on this blog, that it caught me a little off guard. Your play on imagery was so exceedingly vivid, and that really allowed me feel for Serenity. You did a truly unremarkable job at capturing your audience right off the bat, as I really couldn't take my eyes off the screen! (I also don't think I can tell you enough how much I love that last line!)
    Congratulations on a truly inspiring piece! :)
    but seriously. Can this be a movie?

  11. your writing is so smooth ! loved your story ! good job !

    imalla ramirez
    period 6

  12. Haylie, I commend you on this story. I love how the name "Serenity" connects to the title, and I really liked Serenity almost uses her name to contradict the idea of being insane. Your usage of imagery and vivid description genuinely made me feel for Serenity. Overall, great job.

  13. Your story was so different than anything anybody has written on the blog but in a good way. I thin anyone can relate to it on some level.

  14. I loved it! You showed us through the speaker is serene and or insane which is extremely ironic but puts a little comic relief. Through out the story you show us that just being ourselves in our natural born lives is considered as being insane. Because if the speaker is insane than i must surely be Psychotic! But on a serious note, you really wrote a moving piece that showed us life lessons that are EXTREMELY hard to accept,and accomplish as gracefully as we can. :)

  15. Haylie this story honestly was one of the best story's I have read on the blog. I love her name it's so pretty! I love how you said that she was insane. But in my opinion all 17 year old girls are a little insane. I like how you said make sure you know what you believe in because if you fight for it like make sure it's worth it. And I love how you said forgive because it just make things better. Also that pain is temporAry. I also am curious on why she said she was insane? But great job! I loved it

  16. Haylie, your story is a complete contradiction and I love it! She considers herself "insane" yet her name is Serenity and she is fully aware of the reality she is currently living. This gives the story an interesting twist. Once again great job!

  17. I like how she calls herself insane yet can still give her audience some valuable advice. Very well written! Great job!
    Per. 2 Altierre Paris

  18. This story brings in your personal life and makes this story more meaningful seeing how it has actually happened to you. I personally belief everyone is a little insane, its whats creates individuality. Everyone goes through hard times, and as you said, the hardest part is not knowing when it will end.

  19. Haylie, I enjoyed reading your piece and I love the fact that you started out with a title that is so relevant to your story and also her name. The questions you asked along the way and the emotion that was put into the writing offered a great aspect of learning from the girl's situation and for some, relating to her story. The way it ended with a twist of redemption and ultimately 'serenity' gave a hope and inspiration. Great job!
    Madison Pierce period 4

  20. Haylie, well done on this piece! I really enjoyed how it is something everyone can relate to in some point in their lives. Everyone goes through that one period of time when they completely break down and think they are insane, but with time they make it through it. Also enjoyed how the speaker straight out stated that she was insane which caught my attention and wanted me to read this entry even more to find out why she thought she was insane. Little did I know, she is just like everyone else in this world with their own insane lives. The way you described finding peace was some great advice as well. The use of irony with the name and the girl saying she is "insane" was genius, it added the perfect little touch to the story.
    Idalys Martinez
    Period 1

  21. Nice play on the name Serenity, great way to end the piece. I loved your story, at one point I was feeling sympathy but also connecting with her. Especially at the end where she gives some very important life lessons. Loved your story, I hope to see more of your works!
    -Daniel Alaniz p.4

  22. Haylie, I liked how you used the name to tie in with the title. It was ironic because you would not expect someone who is named Serenity to be insane. I like how you had a real message and lesson in this piece. It is relatable to so many people and I feel that is what is strong about your piece of writing.

  23. Initially I thought there was a great use of irony throughout the piece due to the name and the contrast of the personality. But the resolve at the end was good, I didn't see it coming because you made the reader completely focused on anger and insanity, I enjoyed that.

  24. Wow, I really understood your writing. Besides the obvious irony in the girl's name, it is a horrible feeling to have a pain that you feel you can share with the world or those around you. Life is something that you have to make hard decisions in and letting oneself go. Great Job!

  25. I love how this is a story that almost anybody can relate to, considering we all go through something similar in one point of our lives. The use of irony between the insanity and the name "Serenity" is truly clever! It's a good feeling to know that there are more people out there that go through the same things, I believe it is what brings us together as a society. Great work.

  26. The title "Finding Peace" brought me straight here. I knew this was going to be a story that was going to inspire others to be confident in themselves and that I exactly what I've found. From the ironic name to the syntax it made this story inspiring.

  27. Haylie, your piece was very thoughtful and helpful. I like your use of rhetorical question because it enables the audience to self - reflect, which I believe was the entire purpose of this piece. I like that you wrote with authority because it gives you credibility and makes the audiences believe that you know what you are talking about. There is worth behind your words. I really enjoyed this piece. Good job!

  28. As I was scrolling through blog entry's I was really drawn to your piece because of the title. I really loved your take in finding peace and allowing the readers to gain more insight on point of view. The character, Serenity, has a beautiful name and it's interesting because you mention insanity. You did an amazing job in giving the readers something they could relate to and also learn from. All in all, I loved reading this Haylie!

  29. First off this piece of work was just beautiful and it really just stood out. The way you introduce it is classic and I love how she's insane but her name is Serenity. I picture someone peaceful and calm but she's the opposite. Her character is very unique and I love how you explain how her insanity became to be the way it is. It's entertaining and also a very sophisticated piece. Great job!
    Katheryn Valle period 5.

  30. Wow this was great. I love the change in tone, there is a negative tone in the beginning, that slowly switches to a positive tone. I really enjoyed the end, it was a little motivational speech, that was a nice detail to add to your story. Great Job!
    Kaleha Spencer
    Period: 4

  31. Oh my gosh! I loved this story so much! I felt like I could totally relate to this especially as a 17 year old. I feel like every 17 year old feels this was, as if we're insane and I loved how you took the words right out of my mouth. This was something we could all relate to and I loved all the detail and tone you used to write this story. Great piece! I loved it!
    Period 5

  32. Haylie this is amazing! I love how relatable this is and I feel as though a lot of us can. The character development is amazing and I can easily grasp her skeptical mindset and sense of insanity. Well done!

  33. I loved how you were able to describe the speaker as a serene person who is extremely ironic which in the end puts in some comic relief.
    Period 4
    Gabriel Borrego

  34. This was an amazing piece. The shift in tone really set the mood for your work. The use of imagery also made it easy to picture what you trying to conjure up. You have a great thing going here and in all honesty you should continue writing. Great Job.

  35. This is a very uplifting story about how to deal with the struggles of life. It was straight forward and straight to the point. It states true feelings of what almost every teenager feels at one point or another. I love how it has the positive message to hold your head up and to think optimistically instead of being negative towards every bad situation heading your way. Very well written i enjoyed reading this article good job.

  36. Great Job! I really love how you described life and how life is to short and at any moment something can change and affect you life forever. I really love the amount of detail that you put into your piece to emphasis your point on life. I loved reading it!
    Alyssa Anastasi

  37. I really enjoyed reading this story and how it describes your life and whats going on it. I also like where you gave us advice in a real world situation. Great job.
    Kyle Baker
    p. 6

  38. this story is really inspiring for me. It tells me that i can be who i want even though that it doesn't really say that because you accept yourself and it is basically saying that i should accept myself as well.


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